
 2022-11-27 02:11

Analysis on accounting information disclosure of listing Corporation

I. The contents of the accounting information disclosure of the listing Corporation

Listing Corporation accounting information disclosure is the stock distribution firm in accordance with the provisions of the state and the stock exchange, open the important information of the enterprise, in order to benefit investors to judge a behavior. Where the impact of shareholders, creditors or potential investors and other information users of the companys current and future to make rational judgments, and then affect their decision-making behavior of the information should be published in accordance with the norms of the public. According to the regulations, the Limited by Share Ltd must disclose the information including financial statements, the prospectus, the listing announcement, periodic reports and temporary reports.

1 financial statement financial accounting data and other economic information disclosure mainly through the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement three financial statements and notes, other statements and explanatory materials. The contents of the financial statements include quantitative data, non quantitative information, after the issue of the company and the companys business in four areas.

First, the disclosure of quantitative data. The main purpose of the financial statements is to provide the amount of data needed by investors and creditors to make decisions. But because the company disclosed is a robust, comprehensive, only reflecting economic activities, only in the form of money to reflect the historical information, so that the accounting information has limitations. Is generally believed that the disclosure of accounting information in addition to should focus on the history and the present situation of information, so that investors can be according to the information of the Corporation of the future make their prediction outside, should also provide predictive information as much as possible.

Second, the disclosure of non quantitative information. The importance and relevance of non quantitative information to investors and creditors depends mainly on the degree to which they are needed. Therefore, the non quantitative information is only useful to the decision maker, and it should be disclosed in the disclosure of accounting information. Such as accounting policy disclosure should be included in the preparation and presentation of financial statements, management authorities the principles, basis, practices, rules and procedures; changes in accounting disclosure, should maintain the consistency of accounting principles and accounting procedures, for the evaluation of the companys business activities and pre measuring future business activities, has been viewed as very important.

Third, after the issue of the disclosure. Before the end of the accounting period after the closing date to the report has not been officially announced, there will be many enough to affect the results of the report, as well as to make decisions on matters, should be disclosed in the report. These include: (1) the amount of the direct impact on the amount of the late financial statements. This item usually refers to the accounting period does not understand, and after the closing date to understand, and thus found that the asset valuation should be a change in some of the matters. If this type of information is late, it is impossible to make a comprehensive correction of the report, it should be revealed by other means. (2) the serious changes in the balance sheet valuation of the continuity of the relationship between assets or equity or a serious impact on the previous years report on the issue of the current forecast activities. These matters obviously do not have direct impact on the financial statements of the previous accounting period, but it is likely to have an important impact on the decisions made on the basis of these statements, and even affect the future of the companys financial situation. These items do not need to adjust the report, but need to be disclosed in the report. (3) the impact on future earnings and valuation of unknown or uncertain matters. In order to better make investment decisions, to provide more adequate information, such matters are also required to be disclosed in the financial statements.

Fourth, the disclosure of the companys segment business. Along with the companys many kinds of management and the development of foreign business, leading to the aggregation of financial information. Only by a kind of aggregation of information, it is difficult to accurately estimate the company and its future business activities, accurate prediction of operating results. Therefore, in this case, the listing Corporation in addition to the preparation of the company and the subsidiary of the financial statements, but also need to prepare the financial statements of the segment, and to be disclosed. In addition, the disclosure of the listing Corporation in the external statements of the data, but also to prevent the company executives deliberately conceal the situation do not want to open. The content, quantity and way of the information disclosure, mainly depends on the requirements of the generally accepted accounting principles, the requirements of the information users and the needs of the management department.

2 other information related to the prospectus as a joint stock company to issue shares of the first notice, the content should be comprehensive, detailed, realistic. In addition to the company before the production and operation management, but also the financing, equity structure, the issue of object, time, place and manner subscription, earnings forecasts and securities will be asked to specify other matters.

Listing announcement that the company is allowed to be listed on the disclosure of



一、 上市公司会计信息披露的内容

上市公司会计信息披露是指股票发行公司按照国家和证券交易所规定,公开企业重要信息,以有益于投资者进行判断的一种行为。凡影响股东、债权人或潜在投资者等信息使用者对公司的目前和将来做出理性判断的,进而影响其决策行为的信息,都应按着规范的标准公布于众。按照规定,股份有限公司必须公开披露的信息包括财务报表、招股说明书、 上市公告书、定期报告和临时报告。


第一, 数量性数据的披露。财务报表的主要目的是提供投资者和债权人做出决策所需用的数量性数据。但因为公司披露的是具有稳健意义的、综合性的、只反映经济活动、仅以货币形式反映的历史信息,使会计信息具有局限性。一般认为,公司披露的会计信息除应重点提供历史和现有情况的信息,让投资者可以根据这些信息对公司的未来做出自己的预测之外,还应提供尽可能多的预测信息。

第二,非数量性信息的披露。非数量性信 息对于投资者和债权人的重要性和相关性主要取决于决策上对它们的需要程度。因此,非数量性信息仅对决策者有用才是相关的,也应在会计信息披露中予以揭示。比如会计政策的披露,应包括在编报财务报表时,说明管理当局所采用的原则、基础、惯例、规则和程序;会计变更的披露,应保持会计原则和会计程序的一致性,对于评价公司的经营活动和预测未来的经营活动,一直被看作是相当重要的。


第四,公司分部业务的披露。随着公司的多种经营和国外业务的发展,导致了财务信息 的聚合。仅凭一种聚合的信息,很难对公司进行准确估价以及对它未来的经营活动、经营成果准确预测。因此,在这种情况下,上市公司除了编制总公司及各子公司的财务报表外,还需要编制分部财务报表,并予以披露。此外,在上市公司对外报表中披露分部数据,还可以防止公司主管人员故意隐瞒某些不愿公开的情况。分部信息披露的内容、数量、途径等,主要取决于公认会计原则的要求、信息使用者的要求及影响和管理部门的需要。

2.其它有关信息招股说明书作为股份公司发行股票的第一则启事,内容要全面、详尽、实事求是。除了介绍公司以往的生产经营管理情况之外,同时还要介绍筹资的目的、股本结构、发行的对象、时间、地点以及认购方式、盈利预测, 还有证监会要求载明的其它事项。

上市公告书,即对于获准上市的公司还应向公众披露具体的相关信息。上市公告书的内容应包括:①公司概况;②公司组织状况;③ 股东持股情况;④公司三年以来的经营业绩;⑤公司财务状况;⑥财务指标分析;⑦公司内部审计监督制度;⑧重要事项揭示;⑨公司发展规划及资金投向;⑩公司后三年盈利预测等。

定期报告,包括中期报告和年度报告。上市公司要定期(每个会计年度前六个月)公布中期报告,其披露的信息应包括:财务报告、经营情况的回顾与展望、重大事项的揭示、发行在外股票的变动和股权结构的变化等内容。上市公司应在每个会计年度结束后120日内编制完成年度报告。证监会颁布的《公开发行股票公司信息披露的内容与格式准则第2号———年度报告的内容与格式》对年度报告的报告时间与方式、报告正文的内容、会计数据和业务数据摘要、董事长或总经理的业务报告、董事 会报告、财务报告、公司在报告年度内发生的重大事件及其披露情况简介、关联企业等内容均做出了明确的规定。当发生可能对上市公司股票市价产生较大影响,而投资人尚未得知的 重大事件时,上市公司应该立即将有关该重大事件的报告提交证交所和证监会,并向社会公布,说明事件的实质。在上市公司之间发生收购的事件,也应及时公开披露。还应披露注册会计师对上市公司披露信息所作的各种审查、鉴定、评估、验资、查账、审计的报告和意见。


  1. 上市公司会计信息披露的目的和原则



三、 上市公司会计信息披露的定位分析


投资者的会计信息需求最为广泛。债权人所关注的企业长期和短期偿债能力,是投资者评价企业财务状况及其未来发展的一个重要内容。政府部门运用会计信息以实行宏观经济调控,对某些特定行业进行管制,它是以真实公允反映企业财务状况、 经营成果以及现金流动情况的单个企业的会计信息为基础的,而这些 会计信息也正是投资者所需要的。同样,职工、顾客及供应商的会计信息需求,如了解公司总体业绩、管理质量、长期盈利能力、供应能力等,也都是投资者所需要的。社会公众和财务分析与咨询机构的会计信息需求,因其运用目的不同,往往难以确定,但其所需要的重要信息,如公司业绩、面临的机遇与风险等,也是投资者所需要的。由此可见, 除政府部门因向公司征纳税收和社会公众与财务分析咨询机构因特殊目的而产生的会计信息需求与投资者的会计信息需求存在差异以外,其余使用者的会计信息需求与投资者的会计信息需求几乎一致。也就是说,能够满足投资者需要的会计信息,基本上能够满足其他使用者的会计信息需求。


  1. 上市公司会计信息披露未来的趋势


2.兼容财务与非财务信息。使用者对上市公司投资价值的分析,往往既涉及财务信息(收入、成本等), 又涉及非财务信息(如职工人数及结构等),当然前者是使用者进行决策所需的关键信息。绝大部分的分析结果都是借助财务指标进行表达的,如每股收益、现金流量等,但这并不影响非财务信息的重要性。如会计报告中若披露有关公司经营活动方面的统计数据和关键指标,将有助于使用者对于公司的经营活动的性质及其财务影响的理解,从而更为准确地把握公司的发展趋势。

  1. 兼容综合信息与分部信息 。随着现代经济的发展,上市公司经营规模和范围不断扩大,组织结构日益复杂,并不断趋向集团化、国际化。综合信息是集团公司反映其实力的恰当信息。以综合信息代替各子公司和分支机构的会计信息既能节约上市公司会计信息的披露成本,又有利于使用者对会计信息的使用权。 但是,我们看到,这些公司往往涉及不同行业并且在不同地理区域进行生产经营,不同子公司和分支机构的获利能力、经营风险、发展速度和发展前景方面存在较大差异。在公司分别披露每个子公司和分支机构会计信息不可行的情况下,会计报告应披露反映不同风险和机构的分部信息,这一点是相当重要的。具有不同风险和机会的分部信息对公司过去和未来业绩的影响,是使用者衡量公司风险与报酬的重要依据。


针对上述一系列对上市公司会计信息披露的现状及成因分析, 对于如何解决上市公司会计信息披露问题提供了以下几方面的建议和对策:

1.健全公司内部治理结构。针对上市公司缺乏完善的会计信息披露制度,我们必须提高公司内部审计的质量,通过各种培训提高上市公司董事等公司高管层的素质。另一方面还要不断的完善改进现有的 会计信息披露制度,充分遵循会计法律法规在会计信息披露方面做出的相关规定,还要在硬件上加以升级,全面推行会计信息披露的信息化和自动化。

2.提高外部审计质量,增强社会信任度。首先,应严格规范注册 会计师行业的发展,加强职业道德培训和监管,提高注册会计师的职业道德水准和执业能力水平。其次,政府应着力研究与规范注册会计师的执业违规惩罚制度,提高违规处罚力度,对律师不规范执业的行为做出了通报批评处分,以提高信息披露的质量。

3.构建一套完整的信息披露评级制度。作为我国证券市场上两大证券交易所——深圳证券交易所和上海证券交易所,也应该注重对其上市公司进行信息披露质量的考评。正如深交所在自律监管报告中指 出要以资本市场诚信档案数据库升级为契机,建立诚信档案数据库建 设与自律监管执法的衔接机制。

总之,会计信息披露有着其重要意义,通过上市公司披露的会计信息,资本市场上的外部投资者可以对公司经营业绩发展能力进行准确的分析,判断是否对其进行投资,制定合理的投资决策。提高上 市公司信息的披露质量,既要从公司内部治理出发,又要加强政府的监管力度,同时加强外部审计的监督。只有这样,会计信息披露问题才能得到解决,证券市场才能得到健康发展。



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