
 2022-11-19 02:11

Impacts of the overheating economy on Chinarsquo;s manufacturing industry

Roy C. P. Chung amp; W. H. Ip amp; S. L. Chan

Abstract: This paper aims to investigate how the recent overheating economy and other economic factors influence the manufacturing industry in China. It makes use of Chinese historical data from 1950 to 2007 provided in the China Statistical Databases authorized by the National Bureau of Statistics of China for the development of econometric models. Regression analysis is used to investigate and verify the importance of and relationships among the variables, while exponential smoothing and autoregressive integrated moving average methods are applied for forecasting the important variables. This study provides empirical evidence to identify the main impact factors on

the growth of the manufacturing industry, thereby enabling firms to take them into account when planning their manufacturing strategy. It also enables firms to get an insight into the development of Chinarsquo;s manufacturing industry in this dynamic, competitive economy.

Keywords :China . Manufacturing industry .

1 Introduction

Recently, there have been concerns and debates about Chinarsquo;s overheating economy. In the first half of 2007, the gross domestic product (GDP) growth (11.5%) and consumer price index (CPI, 6.5%) in China even reached their highest point for a decade, while the Chinese currency has been appreciating strongly. These strongly suggest signs of overheating in Chinarsquo;s economy. The evidence concerning the symptoms of this problem in China has been described as follows:

Robust economic growth: Chinarsquo;s economy grew at an average rate of 10% per year since its economic reforms in 1978, representing the highest growth rate in the world. Recently, the economic growth of China has become vigorous. Chinarsquo;s GDP grew by 10% in 2003 and even faster, by 10.1% in 2004, 10.4% in 2005, and 11.1% in 2006 [1], despite government attempts to cool the economy.

Exceptionally high inflation level: An uncontrollable rise in inflation in China is causing concern. In particular, the CPI rose by 3.9% in the period from January–August 2007, exceeding the 3% target set by the central Bank for the year 2007. Worse, the inflation in August 2007 jumped to 6.5%, up from 1.3% in 2006[2, 3], the highest rate for more than a decade.Although some argue that the high inflation rate is mainly due to the rise in food prices caused by supply-

side problems [4], the exceptionally high rate still appears to be a symptom of the overheating economy in China. This is because it is difficult for China, with its over-rapid GDP growth, to lessen inflation through raising interest rates or the Chinese currency without leading to more general inflationary pressures.

Swift RMB appreciation: In this overheating economy in China, it is noticeable that RMB appreciation has recently accelerated strongly. Indeed, RMB appreciation is a response to rising pressure from the USA, which could culminate in extensive measures to restrict Chinese exports to the USA.According to statistics [5, 6], the appreciation against the US dollar is generally expected to continue at around 4.3–5% in 2007 and 2008, respectively, and will slow the pace of RMB appreciation at around 4% in subsequent years.

Suffering from the overheating economy, Chinarsquo;s government has been taking steps to cool it down;however, the GDP growth and inflation rate remain high while RMB appreciation seems to be uncontrollable.These problems are even anticipated to continue beyond the year 2008 through the following years, as firms around the region are probably restraining investment in China,injuring its business, manufacturing, and trade prospects.Since foreign direct investment (FDI) accounts for a large proportion of investment in the manufacturing industry,manufacturing prospects will probably be hit hard by the overheating economy. Regarding this recent problem, this study is thus designed to address the following two key research questions:

1. Does the overheating economy affect the Chinese manufacturing industry? If so, how?

2. How do the important factors examined in research question 1 tend to be in the subsequent 5 years?

Apart from the above section examining the symptoms of the overheating economy and describing the objectives of this paper, the next section will provide evidence of the links between Chinarsquo;s economic factors (including that of the overheating economy) and its industrial activities.

Section 3 will mainly review and discuss the economic and manufacturing determinants/variables for the econometric models in the existing literature. The last section will summarize the findings and limitation of this study, as well as point out the direction for future research.

2 Links between economic factors and manufacturing activities

In the previous section, the statistics clearly indicate that the overheating economy is likely to continue in the coming years. The impacts of this unhealthy economy could not therefore be overlooked, especially on the manufacturing growth. This is because economic growth, trade growth,and FDI in China are closely correlated, forming direct relationships with the manufacturing activities. As emphasized by Joseph [7], understanding the macro environment in terms of industrial background is essential and fundamental previous to formulating an appropriate manufacturing strategy. However, the existing literature on this economic relationship is limited. In this study, the links between economic factors and manufacturing activities are elaborated and analyzed with the statistics and our proposed model.

Due to Chinarsquo;s surprisingly robust expansion, many international investors adjusted their expectations upward for Chinarsquo;s growth. For instance, the National Bureau of Statistics



罗伊C.P.黄amp;W.H.Ip amp;S.L.陈






强劲的经济增长:中国的经济增长以平均每年10%的速度在1978经济改革以来,代表了世界上最高的增长率。近年来,中国的经济增长已经成为蓬勃。中国的国内生产总值增长10%,2003甚至更快,10.1%,2004,10.4%,2005,11.1%,2006 [ 1 ],尽管政府试图为经济降温。

通胀水平非常高:在中国通胀失控的崛起引起关注。特别是在一月至2007年8月期间,CPI上涨了3.9%,超过了中央银行设定的2007年度3%的目标。更糟糕的是,2007年8月的通货膨胀率从2006的2006上升到了6.5%,这是十年来的最高水平。尽管有人认为高通货膨胀率主要是由于供给引起的食品价格上涨。方面的问题[ 4 ],极高的速度似乎仍然在中国经济过热的症状。这是因为它是困难的为中国,其过快的GDP增长,减少通货膨胀,通过加息或人民币没有导致更大的通胀压力。

SWIFT人民币升值:在这个经济过热的中国,值得注意的是,人民币升值最近加速强烈。事实上,人民币升值是对来自美国的压力的回应,这可能会导致大量措施限制中国对美国的出口。据统计(5, 6),预计美元兑美元的升值幅度将在2007至2008左右,持续4.3—5%左右。这将使人民币升值步伐在随后的几年内放缓至4%左右。







由于中国的令人意外的强劲扩张,许多国际投资者调整他们的期望上升为中国的经济增长。例如,国家统计局上调了其对中国的2006的增长率预期从10.7%至11.1% [ 8 ]。同时,国家局统计数据还将其总产值估计为188亿美元至2兆7050亿美元,为2006(8)。在今年第二季度的2007,在中国的经济和工业活动仍然活跃,以惊人的增长率达到了11.9% [ 4 ]。这意味着,中国的经济增长和工业活动实际上是联系在一起的。

此外,支持贸易自由化和投资政策在发展中国家外商投资企业进行改革,鼓励投资于中国。2005,中国是外国直接投资在世界的领先者,接受了几乎800亿美元[ 6 ]。重要的是,中国的外国直接投资进入制造业重点指导了中国“世界工厂”。根据不同的经济模式,中国的低工资和劳动力素质是其生产和贸易发展[ 9, 10 ]外商直接投资的重要决定因素。这进一步证实了FDI的增长与中国的制造业活动有关的。这些决定因素也将在以后的实证研究中被检验。

此外,随着外商直接投资的大量流入,外商投资企业生产的产品出口从1990的12.5%增长到1995的31.5%,2000的增长了11。中国的总体贸易平衡甚至跳从2004的320亿美元在2006 [ 6 ] 1775亿。这不仅使中国这个世界第三大贸易国,在美国和德国也支持中国崛起的区域和全球经济一体化。这解释了为什么中国的经济,制造业产出和出口的增长,一般在一个类似的步伐,为什么中国作为全球制造业基地甚至命名为“世界工厂”与经济发展。



一个合适的模型可以反映所考虑的制造策略,并提供制造能力的预测,以支持战略评估过程中的判断[12 ]。为了更好地理解我们先前假设的经济因素之间的联系,因此使用计量经济模型进行调查。计量经济学通常考虑应用经济理论、数学和统计技术来检验假设、估计经济关系系数和预测经济现象〔13〕。计量经济学通常被认为是回归分析,然而时间序列方法在计量经济模型中是补充的。在现有文献中,许多研究者已经研究了时间序列模型的经济计量(14—17)的性能,并与各种时间序列模型〔18—21〕进行了比较。

事实上,经济计量方法的选择取决于模型中使用的特定目的、变量和数据。回归分析常用于研究变量之间的因果关系,而时间序列方法有利于时间序列数据的预测。此外,最简单的时间序列方法,指数平滑,经常执行复杂的时间序列方法,如BOX -詹金斯自回归积分移动平均(有马)的时间序列的趋势。因此,指数平滑法,而不是ARIMA,是适用于时间序列具有明显的趋势,在本研究中。另一方面,如IP等所讨论的。〔22〕ARIMA模型可提供



全球水平导致世界贸易的扩大以及制造业产出的增加加速[ 23, 24 ]。这大大支持部分的断言和2,过热和其他经济因素在中国的影响中国的制造业发展到一定程度的症状。关于中国经济和制造的计量经济学模型的其他文献也在图1中被回顾和总结。因此,出口增长、就业率、GDP增长、汇率、通货膨胀率等都被认为是构建经济计量模型在检验制造业和经济因素之间的联系的决定因素或变量。




(a)除人民币升值外,过热经济的表现与投资在制造业中的流入存在正相关关系。本研究进一步的证据表明,人民币升值不仅会在由兴[ 26 ]提到的FDI流入的减少也导致在中国的制造业投资增速下降了。





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