
 2023-03-27 04:03




1 .引言


供应链金融自20世纪出现以来,为缓解中小企业融资约束提供了新的解决方案,给金融机构带来了新的竞争优势;因此,它迅速成为国内外学术界关注的焦点。供应链金融通过核心企业在供应链中的信息处理,实现资金流通的可行性和融资成本的最优化。费伦茨等.等( 2009 ) 发现供应链金融提高了供应链金融中财务管理的有效性,提高了供应链金融的整体效率。Pfohl和Gomm ( 2009 ) 发现供应链金融在加强双方合作、提高企业效率、降低资本成本、扩大企业竞争优势等方面发挥着积极作用。塞弗特 ( 2011 ) 也得出供应链金融可以提高竞争力的结论。内部控制的出现规范了公司治理,增强了企业的信息披露质量。因此,研究内部控制对企业的发展具有重要意义。布什曼和Smith ( 2001 ) 发现,提高会计信息披露质量对改善企业与投资者之间的信息不对称、降低代理成本、增强企业融资能力具有积极作用。此外,加强内部控制不仅有助于提高企业会计信息披露质量( Ashbaugh-Skaife , 2007 ) ,而且有助于完善公司治理机制( Goh和 Li , 2011 ) 。


2 .理论分析与研究假设

2.1 Smes融资约束分析

法扎里等. ( 1988 ) 认为融资约束是公司内外部融资成本表现出显著差异的现象。无论在发达国家还是发展中国家,小企业在业务增长中利用外部资本都十分困难,融资受到诸多制约。研究表明,小企业增速放缓是由于其面临的融资障碍较高,而其面临的融资障碍导致小企业增速放缓大约是大企业的两倍( 伯杰和乌德尔 , 1988年 ) 。与大企业相比,中小企业规模小、风险高、盈利能力差,造成投资者不愿为中小企业融资,在外部融资时往往受到不公平待遇,因此,中小企业在融资方面处于劣势( Beck等人 , 2005年 )。面对激烈的外部竞争,中小企业面临着融资约束问题。基于以上分析,提出以下假设:









本文选择Cash-现金流敏感性模型,阿尔梅达等。( 2004 ) 在现金-现金流敏感性模型中采用TobinQ值作为衡量未来投资机会的指标,但考虑到我国上市公司存在非流通股,其值无法准确计量,这将对研究结果产生一定影响。因此,本文将GRO和Tagr作为衡量未来投资机会的指标。





模型中各变量的描述性统计分析见表2。企业现金及现金等价物△CASH的最大值为0.5089,最小值为- 0.7037,最大值与最小值的差异相当明显,说明企业现金持有行为存在较大差异。现金流量( CF )均值为0.0325,标准差为0.068,标准差约为均值的1.82倍,说明我国创业板上市公司现金流波动相对较小。内部控制质量的最大值与最小值之间差异明显;说明各公司内部控制质量存在较大差异。



Stata用来计算变量的相关系数矩阵;各变量的相关系数见表3。现金和现金等价物的变动和现金流量系数为正,且在1 %的水平上显著;这与预期的假设相符。解释变量的相关性较低,基本不存在多重共线性。


注:*、* *、* * *分别在10 %、5 %、1 %水平上显著,下同。

4 .实证分析




根据表4中的回归结果可以看出,假设1的现金流系数为0.096,且在10 %的水平上显著,说明创业板上市公司存在现金—现金流敏感性,即我国创业板上市公司存在融资约束,假设1得到验证。模型2中的核心项即现金流与供应链金融的交互项系数为- 0.290,在1 %的水平上显著,说明利用供应链金融可以缓解创业板上市公司的融资约束,并验证了假设2。

通过对内部控制指标进行分类,可以发现内部控制质量较高的企业现金-现金流敏感性系数为0.131,供应链金融发展的融资约束缓解程度为-0.200。与内部控制质量高的企业相比,内部控制质量低的企业面临更严重的融资约束,其现金-现金流敏感性系数为0.511且在1 %显著,而供应链金融的发展对缓解融资约束更为有效,为-0.493。这说明内部控制质量与企业供应链金融融资约束程度成反比。


现实经济现象和结果不太可能随着变量的变化而发生显著变化。为了保证结果的稳定性和可信度,需要进行稳健性分析。因此,本文将对供应链金融缓解融资约束进行稳健性检验,以总资产增长率代替交易总收入增长率来衡量未来投资机会,并对模型( 2 )进行回归。回归结果发现与上文所述的实证分析没有显著差异;结果表明,本文的实证分析是稳健可信的。





主要得出以下结论:( 1 )我国创业板上市公司确实存在融资约束,即存在明显的现金-现金流敏感性,( 2 )供应链金融能够有效缓解创业板上市公司面临的融资约束,因此可以作为创业板上市公司缓解融资约束的新渠道,( 3 )供应链金融缓解创业板上市公司融资约束,这与创业板上市公司的内部控制质量有关,与内部控制质量高的企业相比,供应链金融对内部控制质量低的企业融资约束的缓解效果更加明显。而且,这些结论在稳健性检验之后仍然成立。




基金项目:中国国家自然科学基金项目“信贷资源配置中会计信息质量的识别意愿、识别技术和经济后果研究”,(项目编号。71462004 ) `。

广西高校人文社会科学重点研究基地基金( 广西教育标准4号 )。


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Study on Supply Chain Finance, Internal Control and SMEs

Financing Constraints

Qiuhua Zhu 1, Yi Yang 2

1 School of Economics and Management, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Liuzhou 545006, China

2 Research Center for Industrial and Urban Development of Western Region, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Liuzhou 545006, China

Abstract. Financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises have always been a hot issue concerned by the government and academia, and supply chain finance is an effective way to relieve the financing constraints of SMEs. This paper uses the data of GEM listed companies from 2013 to 2015; uses the cash-cash flow sensitivity model to study the relationship between supply chain finance and financing constraints, and deeply explores the regulating action of internal control for relieving financing constraints of supply chain finance. The research found that supply chain finance can alleviate the financing constraints faced by GEM listed companies, and this relief effect is also affected by internal control of enterprises. Compared with enterprises with high internal control quality, supply chain finance has more obvious relief for enterprises financing constraints with low internal control quality.

Keywords: supply chain finance; small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); financing constraints; internal control.


In 1931, Macmillan [1] proposed the famous 'Macmillan Defect', since then the financing problem of SMEs has attracted much attention. As an important force of Chinas economic development, SMEs have made great contributions in promoting national economic development, solving national employment, alleviating social pressure and maintaining social stability, moreover, countries that regard SMEs as the main body of economic structure can better cope with economic fluctuations. However, due to the small scale, high degree of information asymmetry, high business risk, non-standard management and weak competitiveness of SMEs, their financing support is far from matching their position in the economy. Although SMEs are facing many problems, such as shortage of funds, irrational capital structure, unscientific development strategy, and objective economic environment is not conducive to self-development, the shortage of funds is the most critical factor that hinders their development.

Since the emergence of supply chain finance in the 20th century, it provides new solutions to alleviate the financing constraints of SMEs, and bring new competitive advantages to financial institutions; therefore, it has quickly become the focus of concern by academic circles at home and abroad. Supply chain finance realizes the feasibility of capital circulation and the optimization of financing cost through the core enterprises information processing in the supply chain. Fellenz et al. (2009) [2] found that supply chain finance improved the effectiveness of financial management in supply chain finance and increased the overall efficiency of supply chain finance. Pfohl and Gomm (2009) [3] found that supply chain finance plays an active role in strengthening cooperation between the two parties, improving enterprise efficiency, reducing capital costs, and expanding competitive advantage of enterprise. Seifert (2011) [4] also concluded that supply chain finance can improve the competitive advantage of enterprises. The emergence of internal control regulates corporate governance and enhances the information disclosure quality of enterprises. Therefore, the study of internal control is of great significance to the development of enterprises. Bushman and Smith (2001) [5] found that improving the disclosure quality of accounting information has a positive effect on improving the information asymmetry between enterprises and investors, reducing agency costs and enhancing the financing ability of enterprises. Moreover, the strengthening of internal control not only helps to improve the disclosure quality of enterprise accounting information (Ashbaugh-Skaife, 2007) [6], but also improves the corporate governance mechanism (Goh and Li, 2011) [7].

Many scholars have actively explored the supply chain finance and internal control, but they have not combined the two to conduct in-depth research. Therefore, this paper creatively combines supply chain finance with internal control to study the impact of supply chain finance on financing constraints and the regulating effect of internal control on supply chain finance to alleviate financing constraints. On the one hand, this paper enriches the relevant research on supply chain finance; on the other hand, it strengthens the academic research on internal control, thus providing effective data support and empirical evidence for supply chain finance to break the financing constraints of SMEs.

2.Theoretical Analysis and Research Hypothesis

2.1 Analysis of Financing Constraints of SMEs

Fazzari et al. (1988) [8] believed that financing constraints are a phenomenon in which the internal and external financing costs of a company show significant differences. Whether in developed or developing countries, it is very difficult for small enterprises to use external capital in their business growth, and financing is subject to many constraints. The research shows that the slow growth rate of small enterprises is due to the high financing barriers they face, and the financing barriers they face lead to the slow growth of small enterprises is about twice that of large enterprises (Berger and Udell, 1988) [9]. Compared with large enterprises, SMEs are small in scale, high in risk and poor in profitability, which causes investors unwilling to finance for SMEs and often suffer unfair treatment in external financing, therefore, SMEs are at a disadvantage in financing



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