
 2022-07-20 03:07

Consumer attitudes toward and intentions to accept mobile advertising


The objective of this study was to examine the drivers of consumersrsquo; attitudes towards mobile advertisement. It also sought the relationship between consumersrsquo; attitudes towards mobile advertisement and their willingness to accept mobile advertising. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess the measurement model while structural equation was conducted to assess the goodness-fit of the overall model. The findings indicate that entertainment, credibility and personalization had positive effects on consumersrsquo; attitudes toward mobile advertising. Furthermore, the results show that, consumersrsquo; attitude determines their willingness to accept mobile advertising.

1. Introduction

Innovation comes along with its own marketing opportunities and challenges. One of the emerging innovations is the use of the mobile phone and its associated media which support one-one, many-one and many-many mass communication (Hoffman amp; Novak, 1996).Thus technology associated with communication continues to evolve and provides marketers with opportunities to uncover (Hoffman amp; Novak, 1996). Most popularly among them is the Short Message Service (SMS) or text messaging which according to researchers has attracted millions of users worldwide (Mobile Data Association 2004; Yuan amp; Tsao, 2003). According to the researchers, text messaging remained top on the list as a function of the mobile phone in Europe. In the United Kingdom, for instance, 2.13 billion person-to-person text messages were sent in September 2004 (Scharl et al., 2005). This has accounted for a second look into the SMS-mobile communication and the opportunities that come with it (Sultan, 2005). However, mobile advertising can be disturbing and irritating to mobile phone users and this can affect their attitude towards mobile advertising (Yonus et al., 2003). Chowdhury et al. (2006) noted that consumersrsquo; attitude towards mobile advertising is influenced by factors such as content of the mobile advertising, time of transmission, personalization and consumer control, permission, and privacy. Barwise et al. (2002) noted that some of the challenges for mobile advertisers is to create and deliver mobile advertising that could be entertaining, eye catching, relevant to the needs and preferences of the target consumer. The attitudes of consumers toward mobile advertising affect their willingness to accept it or otherwise (Chowdhury et al., 2006). However, there is still dearth of empirical studies on consumersrsquo; attitude toward mobile advertising and their willingness to accept it (Merisavo et al., 2007; Amberg et al., 2004). Most of the studies have focused on drivers of consumersrsquo; attitude towards mobile advertising instead (Yonus et al., 2003; Saadeghvaziri amp; Hosseini, 2011; El-Garhi, 2014). Therefore, this current study tries to ascertain the factors affecting consumersrsquo; attitude towards mobile advertising and the relationship between consumersrsquo; attitude toward mobile advertising and their willingness to accept mobile advertising. The rest of the paper is divided into four parts. Part one provides literature review while part two focuses on the methodology employed. Part three presents the findings whilst conclusions and recommendations are made in the last part.

2. Attitude towards advertisement

Analyzing consumers attitude towards advertising in general, the review seeks to investigate how advertisement can affect the attitudes of consumers and induce repurchase. According to Zanot (1984), after the 1970s, consumerrsquo;s general attitudes towards adverts started becoming negative, with many critiquing the adverts and the media with which they were presented. Thus as consumers were exposed to new forms of technology and the introduction of a two-tier form of communication, the response of adverts had to go through critiques . But research conducted by the Gallup organization, (1959) suggests differently, postulating that consumer attitudes towards advertising in general is positive.

Lutz (1985) defines attitude toward advertising as “a learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner to advertising in general”. Further, Mehta (2000) posited that, how a consumer predisposes an advert, will affect their reaction towards the advert. Thus from his studies (Mehta, 1998), found that consumers who had a favorable attitude towards advertisement, were mostly influenced by the adverts they see and affected their attitude of repurchase. Schlosser et al. (1999) also postulated that consumerrsquo;s attitudes are affected by the relation they have developed with an advertisement. Also James and Kover (1992) found that attitude toward advertising directly affects the degree of involvement in specific advertisements. Therefore how involved a consumer is to a specific advert, affects the attention and level of attention devoted to certain advertising messages (Greenwald amp; Leavitt, 1984).

Also a study conducted by Mehta (1995) suggests how the consumerrsquo;s attitudes toward advertising in general affect the success of the advertising. The study revealed that the respondents, who qualified for the study, showed that with a favorable attitude towards advertising. They also showed a high tendency to recall advertisements and be influenced to repurchase. It was found that the extent to which an individual likes to look at advertising influences how much attention they pay to advertising. Again, Mehta (1995) and James and Kover (1992) suggested that attitude toward advertising is dependent on the, media through which the message is being sent. Thus a consumer may like print, others my prefer television adverts and others through interactive platforms such as mobile or the internet. Further Taezoon et al. (2008) posited th



摘要:这项研究的目的是研究消费者对移动广告态度的影响因素,同时研究消费者对移动广告的态度与他们接受移动广告的意愿之间的关系。 使用验证性因子分析来评估测量模型,同时进行结构方程以评估整体模型的良好拟合度。调查结果表明,娱乐性,信誉和个性化对消费者对移动广告的态度有正面影响。 此外,结果表明消费者的态度决定了他们接受移动广告的意愿。

  1. 研究简介

创新自身伴随着市场的机遇和挑战。新兴创新之一是手机的使用,和支持一对多,多对多模式的大众传播媒介(Hoffman&Novak,1996)。因此,与通信相关的技术不断发展并为营销人员提供发掘市场的机会(Hoffman&Novak,1996)。其中最受欢迎的是短信服务(SMS),根据研究人员的调查,短信已经吸引了全球百万计的用户(移动数据协会2004;袁和曹,2003)。据研究人员称,在欧洲短信仍然排在手机功能的前列。例如,在英国,2004年9月发送了21.3亿条个人短信(Scharl等,2005)。这再次解释了短信移动通信和随之而来的机会(Sultan,2005)。然而,移动广告可能令手机用户感到不安和恼火,这可能会影响他们对移动广告的态度(Yonus et al。,2003)。 Chowdhury等人指出,消费者对移动广告的态度受移动广告内容,传播时间,个性化和消费者行为控制,许可以及隐私等因素的影响。 Barwise等人(2002)指出,移动广告商面临的一些挑战是创造和提供具有娱乐性、引人注目、与目标消费者的需求和偏好相关移动广告,。消费者对移动广告的态度会影响他们接受移动广告的意愿(Chowdhury et al。,2006)。然而,对于消费者对移动广告的态度及其接受意愿的实证研究仍然缺乏(Merisavo等,2007; Amberg等,2004)。大多数研究都集中在消费者对移动广告态度的影响因素上(Yonus et al。,2003; Saadeghvaziri&Hosseini,2011; El-Garhi,2014)。因此,本研究试图确定影响消费者对移动广告态度的因素以及消费者对移动广告的态度与其接受移动广告的意愿之间的关系。本文的其余部分分为四个部分。第一部分提供文献回顾,第二部分着重介绍所采用的方法。第三部分介绍了研究结果,同时在最后一部分提出了结论和建议。

  1. 对广告的态度

通过分析消费者对广告的态度,这篇文章旨在调查广告如何影响消费者的态度并诱导回购。根据Zanot(1984)的观点,在20世纪70年代以后,消费者对广告的态度开始变得消极,许多人对广告和媒体进行批评。因此,随着消费者接触到新的技术形式,人们不得不对广告进行批判。但Gallup organization(1959)进行的研究表明,消费者对广告的态度总体上是积极的。

Lutz(1985)将广告态度定义为“一种可习得的持续喜欢或厌恶的回应广告的倾向”。此外,Mehta(2000)认为,消费者如何倾向于广告,会影响他们对广告的反应。因此,从他的研究中(Mehta,1998)发现,对广告态度良好的消费者主要受到他们看到的广告的影响,并影响他们的回购态度。 Schlosser等人(1999)也假定消 费者的态度受到他们与广告形成的关系的影响。 James和Kover(1992)也发现,对广告的态度直接影响到参与特定广告的程度。因此,消费者对特定广告的参与程度如何,会影响对某些广告信息的注意力和关注程度(Greenwald&Leavitt,1984)。

Mehta(1995)进行的一项研究说明了消费者对广告的态度将如何影响广告的成功。该研究显示,有资格参与研究的受访者表示对广告态度良好。他们还表现出很高的召回广告倾向并受到回购的影响。人们发现,个人喜欢看广告的程度会影响他们对广告的关注程度。 Mehta(1995)和James和Kover(1992)再次提出,对广告的态度取决于消息传送的媒介。因此,消费者可能喜欢印刷,其他人更喜欢电视广告,而其他人则喜欢通过移动或互联网等互动平台。Taezoon (2008)等人进一步认为,即使向同一群众展示相同的广告,其效果可能因所选频道而异。根据Mehta(2000)的观点,印刷广告的控制权在于消费者,因为在阅读杂志时,很容易规范广告的投放时间。正如James和Kover(1992)所说,而电视广告或其他互动平台的情况则不同。

  1. 影响消费者对移动广告态度的因素


Ducoffe(1996)将娱乐性定义为向观众或个人提供审美享受或精神乐趣的能力,其可以表述为好几个程度的满难度。 Grant和O#39;Donohoe(2007)的一项研究表明,影响手机使用的主要因素是娱乐性。 Wilska(2003)认为,由于使用手机设备(如发短信)进行通信的性质,移动网络突然成为获得乐趣的一种方式。根据Haghirian和Madlberger(2005)的说法,娱乐性的有趣部分引起了企图吸引消费者注意力的营销人员们的关注。Haghirian和Dickinger(2004)假定通过移动设备提供游戏和其他形式的娱乐是吸引顾客的一种方式。通过移动平台发送娱乐消息和广告已被认为对消费者有积极影响(Bauer 等人,2005)。Tsang等人2004)的实证研究表明,娱乐性是影响消费者对移动广告态度的重要因素。同样,El-Garhi(2014)发现,娱乐性是影响消费者对移动广告态度的决定因素。因此,本研究提出娱乐性会影响消费者对移动广告的态度。


McKenzie和Lutz(1989)将广告的可信度定义为:顾客对广告的认知是真实的,所提供的信息是可信的。广告信息的可信度受各种因素的影响,并根据Goldsmith等人(2000)所说,公司和广告信息的可信度是一个关键因素。 Daugherty等人(2007)认为,如果客户感觉到公平和真实,那么广告就是可信的。 Dahleacute;n和Nordfauml;lt(2004)发现可信度与广告效能之间存在正相关关系。根据Haghirian和Madlberger(2004)、Tsang(2004)和Waldt等人(2009)的研究,顾客对移动广告可信度的看法影响了他们对移动广告的态度。因此,Al Khasawneh和Shuhaiber(2013)假设移动广告的可信度对消费者对移动广告的态度有积极影响。 Chowdhury(2010)发现可信度对消费者对移动广告的态度有着直接的积极和显着的影响。因此我们可以总结一下,信誉影响消费者对移动广告的态度。


广告商用来吸引消费者注意力的策略有时会对消费者产生干扰,这会影响他们对广告的态度(Saadeghvaziri&Hosseini,2011),特别是在没有征得许可的情况下,消息频繁推送的时候Ducoffe,1996; Tsang,2004)。 Tsang(2004)表述了了干扰性与消费者对移动广告的态度之间的负面关系。 同样,Zabadi等人(2012)发现消费者对刺激性的看法与他们对移动广告的态度呈负相关。 El-Garhi(2014)再次报告了类似的发现。 但是,当移动广告获得许可并且消费者可以控制它时,这可能会发生变化(Maneesoonthorn&Fortin,2006)。 因此可以得出结论,刺激与消费者对移动广告的态度之间存在关联。



根据Saadeghvaziri和Seyedjavadain(2011)的报告,通过移动平台发送个性化文本消息和信息与消费者相比非个性化消息更具相关性,因为它能够为消费者提供确切的信息并满足他们的个性化需求。广告信息的个性化是消费者愿意接受和接收这些信息的主要先决条件,因为他们认为信息的一部分(徐,2006)。 Siau和Shen(2003)提供给消费者的假设信息必须表现出对消费者及时,相关和有用的某些特征。如果完全个性化,移动广告可以被用作重要媒体,通过这些媒体消费者可以更好地与广告相关联而不会感到烦恼(Barnes&Scornavacca,2004)。这种定制有助于减少负面反应的可能性(Bauer et al。,2005)。 Scharl等人(2005)描述了移动广告与个性化之间存在的积极关系。在此基础上,本研究提出个性化影响消费者对移动广告的态度。

  1. 消费者接收移动广告的意向

了解消费者对使用移动广告和设备的看法与向他们投放广告是一样重要的。消费者使用移动设备和服务的意向影响了这些工具的使用率(Nysveen et al。,2005)。根据David等人(1989),消费者感知的有用性可以影响产品或服务的购买意向。因此,服务的实用性可能会增加消费者使用服务的意向。另外Venkatesh(2000)假定移动设备上的服务的用户友好性可能增加消费者使用这种服务的意向。实际上,研究人员发现,当消费者在他们的移动设备上发现相关广告时,他们购买或推荐广告的意向很高。 Nysveen等人(2005)的一项研究表明,使用自助服务技术或交互技术的意向受到态度影响。 Bauer等人(2005)发现娱乐价值和信息价值是影响消费者接受移动广告的关键因素。同样,Thorbjornsen(2005)指出,感知享受,感知有用性和感知表达对于消费者接受移动广告的意向至关重要,信任和​​控制是消费者对移动广告的态度和接受程度的关键决定因素相反,Merisavo等人(2007)发现,这些不是消费者接受移动广告的重要因素。同时,上述所有因素都是消费者对移动广告态度的关键影响印尼苏(Lee和Benbasat,2003; Haghirian&Dickinger,2004),因此可以得出结论,消费者对移动广告的态度与他们接受移动广告的意愿存在一定关系。在文献综述的基础上,我们提出了一个初始模型,如图4.1所示。

图4.1 研究模型


受访者是随机选择的。 最终分析中共使用了476次有用的回答(男性274人,女性202人)。 研究人员对调查对象进行了问卷调查。 参与者的人口统计数据如图4.2所示。所提供的数据包括年龄,性别,教育水平和工作经验。 大部分(65.1%)受访者的年龄在18-27岁之间。 同样,61.3%的受访者是学位持有者,其中多数(57.6%)是男性。 再次,58.4%有1-3年的工作经验。

图4.2 被统计人口的年龄、学历、工作经验分布


这项研究调整了现有文献中的所有测量方法。 所有测量结构的项目都在表4.1中提供。这些项目的方法和标准偏差也在该表中提供。 项目使用五点李克特量表测量; 1=非常不同意,2=不同意,3=中立,4=同意,5=非常同意。

表4.1 量表及载荷

娱乐性 (来源: Tsang et al. ,2004), CR =0.90; AVE = 0.7


我觉得接收移动广告是愉快的(mean= 2.882 ), (SD= 1.276)


我觉得接收移动广告是有趣的(mean=2.903 ), (SD=1.177)


我相信移动广告(mean=2.733 ), (SD= 1.085)


我使用移动广告作为购买的参考(mean= 2.943 ), (SD= 1.203)


我相信移动广告是可信的(mean= 2.903), (SD= 1.110)


干扰性 (来源: Xu ,2007) , CR =0.83 ; AVE = 0.6


我觉得移动广告很烦mean=2.798 ), (SD= 1.260)


移动广告令我感到不安(mean=2.861 ), (SD= 1.234)

个性化(来源: Gao and Zang ,2014) , CR =0.84 ; AVE = 0.6






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