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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 186 ( 2015 ) 856 – 861

5th World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership, WCLTA 2014

Studentsrsquo; View of the Problems Faced with the Measurement and

Evaluation System in the Primary School Mathematics Education System

Murat Tezera*, Nurdan Ozrecberoglub

aAssist.Prof.Dr. Near East University, Education Faculty, Department of mathematics Education, 98010,North Cyprus, Mersin on Turkey

bResearch Assistant Near East University, Education Faculty, Department of mathematics Education, 98010,North Cyprus, Mersin on Turkey


The main purpose of this study is to determine the problems that have been encountered in assessment and evaluation system of mathematics examinations in primary school learnersrsquo; 6th, 7th and 8th grade students in the North Cyprus. Unstructured interviews were collected from 14 students who were studying in the 6th, 7th and 8th year of primary school. A qualitative research design was used to examine the student beliefs about evaluation and testing mathematics examinations. According to the findings, it showed that the lack of time devoted to mathematics examinations that teachers prepared for their students were insufficient. Students indicated that the scoring system and exam questions were inadequate. Exam questions were highly difficult with respect to the lecture given in the class and education program. Also, bonus points were not given in the examinations and exam papers not fairly scored by mathematics teacher, that because of the assessment and evaluation system.

copy;copy; 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Peer-review under responsibility of Academic World Education and Research Center. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Peer-review under responsibility of Academic World Education and Research Center Keywords: Mathematics exams, assessment, evaluation system, students view


Currently, mathematics has become a course that students study only to pass the exams of it rather than a course which develops studentsrsquo; understanding of mathematics enabling them to be able to find solutions of mathematical instructions or provides learning how to approach to facts or events by forming mathematical relationship. However,

* Murat Tezer. Tel.: 903922236464/110; fax: 903922236464/110. E-mail address: murat.tezer@neu.edu.tr

1877-0428 copy; 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Peer-review under responsibility of Academic World Education and Research Center doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.196

mathematics has been used in the past and today, as well. For example, as in the calculation formed in the process of cooking rice meal, our grandmothers added 4 glasses of water into 2 glasses of rice. Therefore, mathematics can also be defined as a factor which makes our life easier rather than only a course taught in schools. Usually, it is said that understanding mathematics is difficult. In this sense, what the teachers should do, in fact is to use soft words behaving as a guide not an authoritarian teacher. Then, as Picker and Berry (2000) claim, teachers shouldnrsquo;t only show the result which is the easy way of mathematics but they should also have them focus on the process of solving which requires making effort, as well. If needed, teachers can explain difficulties that they faced with mathematics in their education years to eliminate prejudice. Teaching profession doesnrsquo;t only involve transmission of information. Researches on behaviors science show that students are affected by attitudes and behaviors of teachers. Guuml;ven (2001) states that students generally focus on the way teachers approach to a topic and the way teachers comment on them rather than the topic itself. That various teachersrsquo; features from personality to attitudes and behaviors can have negative and positive effects on students makes it obligatory to behave more and more carefully. Tatar (2010) expresses that therefore, it is expected from the teachers to have positive effects on the students that go on all their life caused by good relationship between them and academic success.

Smith (2006), indicates that in general, teachers evaluate to activate their plans for the future, organize their teaching process and to observe studentrsquo;s learning and development by analyzing their needs in learning. According to NCTM (2000), in mathematics course, evaluation on the other hand, is the process of finding evidence about mathematical skills and abilities of students and determining their tendency to mathematics.

Pandey and Smith (2001), state that in this sense, aims of evaluation are; to direct students to investigating, to determine at what levels students understand mathematics, to determine their levels of ability of using the processes, to find out development of the students in the process of learning, to improve abilities of the students in considering all possibilities providing meaningful answers in answering questions and to provide them the opportunity of using mathematics at so high levels that they can organize complex events.

Algan and Ccedil;elikkaya (2008) express that measurement and evaluation service is a necessity in education to determine readiness level of students, to find out difficulties they face in learning, to observe whether programs have met their goals or not, to determine efficiency of teaching and materials, to observe studentsrsquo; development and providing feedback


附录A 译文


目前, 数学已经成为一个课程, 学生学习只是通过考试, 而不是一个课程, 培养学生的数学理解, 使他们能够找到数学指导的解决方案或提供学习如何通过形成数学关系来处理事实或事件。然而数学在过去和今天也被使用过。例如, 在煮饭过程中形成的计算中, 我们的祖母将4杯水加入2杯大米中。因此, 数学也可以被定义为一个因素, 使我们的生活更容易, 而不仅仅是在学校教的课程。通常, 据说理解数学是困难的。从这个意义上讲, 老师应该做的, 其实是用软语作为指导而不是专制的老师。然后, 作为采摘者和浆果 (2000) 声称, 教师不应该只显示的结果, 这是简单的数学方法, 但他们也应该有他们的重点是解决的过程中需要努力, 以及。如有需要, 教师可以解释他们在教育年代所面对的数学困难, 以消除偏见。教学专业不仅仅涉及信息的传递。行为学研究表明, 学生的态度和行为受到教师的影响。Guuml;ven (2001) 指出, 学生通常关注的是教师对待一个话题的方式, 以及老师对他们的评论, 而不是话题本身。从个性到态度和行为的不同教师的特征对学生产生消极和积极的影响, 使其行为变得越来越认真。鞑靼语 (2010) 表示, 因此, 人们期望老师对学生的生活产生积极的影响, 因为他们之间的良好关系和学业成功。

史密斯 (2006) 表示, 总体而言, 教师通过分析学生在学习中的需要, 对未来的计划进行评估, 组织他们的教学过程, 观察他们的学习和发展。根据 NCTM (2000), 在数学课程中, 评价的另一方面, 是发现学生的数学技能和能力的证据的过程, 并确定他们的数学倾向。

潘迪和史密斯 (2001) 说, 在这个意义上, 评价的目的是;引导学生进行调查, 确定学生在什么层次上理解数学, 确定他们的使用过程的能力水平, 找出学生在学习过程中的发展, 提高学生的能力考虑所有的可能性, 在回答问题时提供有意义的答案, 并为他们提供在如此高的水平上使用数学的机会, 他们可以组织复杂的事件。

沃甘和Ccedil;elikkaya (2008) 表示, 衡量和评价服务是教育中的一个必要, 以确定学生的准备水平, 找出他们在学习中遇到的困难, 观察节目是否达到了他们的目标, 以确定教学和材料的效率, 观察学生的发展, 并为他们的发展提供反馈。Turgut (1986), 指出在我们的教育手段的测量;'观察一个特征并在 Tekin (2004) 的同时使用数字和符号呈现它的结果, 定义测量为;'要观察质量是否有任何特征, 如果是, 则调查该特征具有何种程度, 并以符号 (特别是数字) 显示观察结果, 因为这两种定义都是最广泛使用和采用的。定义在教育系统。Baykul (2000) 和 Yıldırım (1999) 表示, 评估, 另一方面, 意味着作出决定通过比较的结果, 衡量标准或一套标准。谭和埃尔多安 (2004) 指出, 从这个意义上说, 衡量和评价决定了教学程序的不足和不足, 改善了教育和教学过程, 提供了程序开发过程中的信息, 并提供了指导。在测量和评估过程结束时, 学生被认为是 '成功的' 或 '不成功的'。Semerci (2007) 表示, 通过测量和评估获得的信息被保存并记录为数据。如果考虑到教育部执行的北塞浦路斯小学的数学考试, 就会发现他们是每学期2次的考试, 符合确定的课程。第一次考试的分数乘以 2, 第二次考试的分数乘以3。分配和家庭作业评分加在这些, 总和除以 6, 这是最后一年级, 将显示在成绩单或学校报告。本文主要从数学教师的角度对新的数学教学程序、教师对小学数学课程中的替代性测量和评价方法的看法、人的能力数学教师的候选者在学生获得数学思维技能、小学生数学思想和数学教育测量与评价过程中遇到的问题, 包括和调查。

这项研究有很大的重要性, 因为它显示了学生的经验, 当测量评价系统的应用, 以衡量他们的态度和倾向数学在北塞浦路斯小学的指导下, 教育部, 并提供有关系统在所需方式下工作的证据和信息。进行这项研究的一个原因是, 在数学考试方面, 特别是在测量和评价方面, 很少进行研究。

本研究旨在通过对小学生的意见进行调查, 找出学生在数学考试测评系统中面临的问题, 找到解决问题的办法。正如在其他研究中所定义的那样, 教师对学生的态度受到负面影响, 同时学生由于测量和评价系统面临的问题而降低了动机, 这也会对成功产生负面影响。在评论研究结果时, 必须注意到这项研究是在北塞浦路斯教育部2所学校中仅有14名学生进行的。因此, 建议在全国各地进行类似的研究。

经过访谈, 学生们大多说他们有问题是因为不公平的评价试卷的方法, 而不是把重点放在解决问题的方法上, 而是在答案和困难的问题上。一些学生强调, 必须有一种相互得分的方式。一般情况下, 学生希望在数学考试中看到类似的问题, 就像他们在笔记本上一样, 而老师往往会问更难的问题来发展学生的思维方式, 但有些老师提出一些困难的问题, 目的是脱离显示的。这会使学生讨厌数学, 失去动力。在这个意义上, 老师也应该向学生展示花在解决问题和努力上的时间, 而不仅仅是结果。因此, 学生将理解为什么需要这么长时间来回答一些长时间计算的问题。同时, 教师应该用不同的方法来解释使数学有趣的话题, 除了简单的表达方式。所以, 每个人都会感觉到, 而不感到无聊和增加的成就将得到。只有几个困难的问题, 将有助于衡量的水平, 学生将永远不会造成任何问题时, 他们被问及在教学课程。事实上, 老师从来不希望强迫他们的学生得到低分, 但他们宁愿让他们尝试去做困难, 以培养他们的思维能力, 看看他们将使用什么方式来了解他们的水平。

然而, 从研究结果来看, 有些教师只会获得正确的答案, 而不是把注意力集中在任何学生创造的结果上。这种情况导致学生技能有限。参加的学生还说, 数学考试所允许的时间是不够的。从这个意义上讲, 老师准备的问题起着重要的作用。有各种各样的方法来解决数学问题, 每一位老师都必须考虑到最长的法花了多少时间, 然后再安排一次。一般来说, 数学中允许的时间是其他课程考试的90分钟。允许更多的时间会对可靠性产生负面影响, 并防止学生的思维能力。因此, 有必要准备适当的问题, 可以在允许的时间内解决。此外, 准备一些有短的解决方案的问题将使学生有时间控制和检查他们的答案。从学生的观点来看, 在今天的数学考试中没有多少奖金问题。这是降低学生积极性的原因之一。应该问奖金问题会增加学生的动机, 在这种情况下可能有一些不明确的问题, 导致缺乏动力。

附录B 外文原文

Studentsrsquo; View of the Problems Faced with the Measurement and

Evaluation System in the Primary School Mathematics Education System

Currently, mathematics has become a course that students study only to pass the exams of it rather than a course which develops studentsrsquo; understanding of mathematics enabling them to be able to find solutions of mathematical instructions or provides learning how to approach to facts or events by forming mathematical relationship. However, mathematics has been used in the past and today, as well. For example, as in the calculation formed in the process of cooking rice meal, our grandmothers added 4 glasses of water into 2 glasses of rice. Therefore, mathematics can also be defined as a factor which makes our life easier rather than only a course taught in schools. Usually, it is said that understanding mathematics is difficult. In this sense, what the teachers should do, in fact is to use soft words behaving as a guide not an authoritarian teacher. Then, as Picker and Berry (2000) claim, teachers shouldnrsquo;t only show the result which is the easy way of mathematics but they should also have them focus on the process of solving which requires making effort, as well. If needed, teachers can explain difficulties that they faced with mathematics in their education years to eliminate prejudice. Teaching profession doesnrsquo;t only involve transmission of information. Researches on behaviors science show that students are affected by attitudes and behaviors of teachers. Guuml;ven (2001) states that students generally focus on the way teachers approach to a topic and the way teachers comment on them rather than the topic itself. That various teachersrsquo; features from personality to attitudes and behaviors can have negative and positive effects on students makes it obligatory to behave more and more carefully. Tatar (2010) expresses that therefore, it is expected from the teachers to have positive effects on the students that go on all their life caused by good relationship between them and academic success.

Smith (2006), indicates that in general, teachers evaluate to activate their plans for the future, organize their teaching process and to observe studentrsquo;s learning and development by analyzing their needs in learning. According to NCTM (2000), in mathematics course, evaluation on the other hand, is the process of finding evidence about mathematical skills and abilities of students and determining their tendency to mathematics.

Pandey and Smith (2001), state that in this sense, aims of evaluation are; to direct students to investigating, to determine at what levels students understand mathematics, to determine their levels of ability of using the processes, to find out development of the students in the process of learning, to improve abilities of the students in considering all possibilities providing meaningful answers in answering questions and to provide them the opportunity of using mathematics at so high levels that they can organize complex events.




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