
 2022-12-31 12:12


Giuseppe Nuti



K近邻·非参数分类·贝叶斯分类 数学学科分类(2010)62F15贝叶斯推理·60G25预测理论




在贝叶斯统计的一个有点不同的分支中,许多研究都集中在估计数据的变化点概率上,假设生成过程随时间而变化。最初的工作集中在整个数据集的分区分析上,通常使用MCMC模拟:Smith(1975),Stephens(1994),Green(1995)(有趣的是,这与使用基于模拟的方法估计k的后验概率的计算复杂性有松散的联系)。然而,直到Prescott Adams和MacKay(2007)的作者提出了贝叶斯变化点估计的在线版本(具有O(n)计算复杂性),变化点问题才变得容易估计。 正如Manocha和Girolami(2007)详细讨论的那样,最近邻算法中k的概率视图优于标准交叉验证方法,尽管实践者通常由于依赖MCMC估计方法而避免使用概率方法。利用Prescott-Adams和MacKay(2007)提出的算法,对目标坐标距离排序的数据,我们可以计算特定于目标点的k的精确概率分布。





该公式相当于Prescott Adams和MacKay(2007)中的变化点分析:我们可以递归地跟踪历史变化点概率,直到我们达到目标点。在距离目标的k个点处发生变化点的概率,实际上是k是正确邻域数的概率。





在这种情况下,目标点(I)的适当邻居数为5。查看k的选择的另一种本地方法是按数据点到目标点的距离(图2,x轴下方)对数据点进行排序。我们注意到每个k(在看到任何数据之前)作为虚线的先验概率,这只是一个pgamma;=0.05的几何分布。为了计算k的后验概率(图2中的蓝色实线),我们可以从最右边的点开始,向目标移动:即数据生成过程发生变化的概率(假设参数B为数据生成的beta;先验概率(alpha;=10,beta;=10))。在pgamma;=0.05的任意两个邻域之间发生变化点的概率,也就是说,我们关于相邻波数的先验值是k=20)。相反,我们并不确信目标(II)的合适k值,因为我们可以从后面看到分布,这给出了一个相当复杂的观点。 注意,beta;分布的选择是二元随机变量参数的标准共轭先验。选择pgamma;=0.05是该方法的关键部分。具体到这个例子,我们隐式地假设,当我们以0.05的概率离开目标点时,数据将发生变化。换句话说,危险函数是无记忆的.



第一步是将数据表示成一个有序列表,该列表由与目标点1的距离驱动。如果我们将目标点定义为xtau;,我们将所有可用的训练数据排序为x0,hellip;,xtau;-1(定义为x0:tau;-1),其中x0是距目标最远的点。我们假设数据xt是某个概率分布P(xt |eta;rho;)的分区rho;上的i.i.d.,其中eta;rho;表示数据生成分布的参数。最后,我们假设对于所有分区,eta;rho;也是已知先验分布的i.i.d(其中,rho;=1,hellip;,n和nle;tau;)。现在我们准备使用Prescott Adams和MacKay(2007)中提出的算法,应用于预测数据2。

我们的目标是计算到达目标点后每个邻居的概率:p(ktau;=i | x0,hellip;,tau;-1)i=0,hellip;,tau;-1和tau;-1的总数据点。注意,ktau;中的下标tau;表示从xtau;(即目标点)的角度,我们表示适当数量的邻域。从最远的点开始,初始化在初始点之前发生变化点的概率为1.0,我们设置初始条件3:

p(k0 = 0) = 1.0


eta;0 = eta;pr ior




if kt = 0

p(kt |kt minus;1) =1

minus; pgamma;

if kt = kt minus;1 1




Prescott Adams和MacKay(2007)中算法的一个关键优势是,我们可以通过跟踪每个k和数据的联合概率p(kt1,x0,hellip;,xt1),递归地计算相邻数p(kt)上的概率,因为我们观察到一个新的数据xt,它与给定数量的邻居,pi;t = p(xt |kt minus;1, eta;t minus;1).

p(kt = kt minus;1 1, x0, ..., xt ) = p(kt minus;1, x0, ..., xt minus;1) pi;t pgamma;


p(kt = 0, x0, ..., xt ) =

p(kt minus;1, x0, ..., xt minus;1) pi;0 (1 minus; pgamma; )


kt minus;1



(a) 危险函数不必是常数;pgamma;=f()。有趣的是,可以取决于点之间的距离,或者当前的运行长度(即,不是内存不足).

(b) 初始化更改点概率:我们不必在第一个数据点之前将其设置为1.0。为了加快分析速度,我们可以在距离目标点m点的地方启动算法(其中m可以设置为使改变点的先验概率

在m低于预先设定的阈值之前发生,并且m n)。在这种情况下,作为替代,我们可以用pgamma;的先验分布来初始化m之前的变化点的概率。

(c) 对于指数族中的分布,通常可以有效地计算定义为“”的贝叶斯更新。其他可能更复杂的分布可能需要求积或模拟方法。

(d) 对于大数据集,为了保持数值稳定性,我们采用对数变换联合概率。

图3 Ripley的训练数据(左)和测试数据(右)







本文提出了一种不依赖MCMC仿真的k-NN算法中邻域数贝叶斯分析的有效算法,适用于分类和回归。这就产生了更好的预测和对k的全概率观点。然而,k-NN算法面临的最大挑战可能是距离度量和差异化输入尺度的选择(如Weinberger和Saul 2009所强调的)。当然,对于多维问题,挑战在于如


Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability (2019) 21:1251–1258 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11009-018-9670-z

An Efficient Algorithm for Bayesian Nearest Neighbours

Giuseppe Nuti1

Received: 21 August 2017 /

Accepted: 3 September 2018 / Published online: 27 September 2018 copy; The Author(s) 2018


K-Nearest Neighbours (k-NN) is a popular classification and regression algorithm, yet one of its main limitations is the difficulty in choosing the number of neighbours. We present a Bayesian algorithm to compute the posterior probability distribution for k given a tar-get point within a data-set, efficiently and without the use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods or simulation—alongside an exact solution for distributions within the exponential family. The central idea is that data points around our target are generated by the same probability distribution, extending outwards over the appropriate, though unknown, number of neighbours. Once the data is projected onto a distance metric of choice, we can transform the choice of k into a change-point detection problem, for which there is an effi-cient solution: we recursively compute the probability of the last change-point as we move towards our target, and thus de facto compute the posterior probability distribution over k. Applying this approach to both a classification and a regression UCI data-sets, we compare favourably and, most importantly, by removing the need for simulation, we are able to com-pute the posterior probability of k exactly and rapidly. As an example, the computational time for the Ripley data-set is a few milliseconds compared to a few hours when using a MCMC approach.

Keywords K-nearest neighbour · Non-parametric classification · Bayesian classification

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) 62F15 Bayesian Inference · 60G25 Prediction Theory

1 Introduction amp; Related Work

Various authors have explored the idea of Bayesian k-NN algorithms, e.g. Cucala et al. (2008), Guo and Chakraborty (2010), and originally (Holmes and Adams 2002). The simplicity and elegance of k-NN lends itself, at least intuitively, to a Bayesian setting where the aim is to allow the number of neighbours to vary depending on the data (as highlighted in Ghosh (2006)).

Primarily at UBS Securities LLC, 1285 Ave. of the Americas, New York, NY 10019

Giuseppe Nuti ucacnut@ucl.ac.uk

  1. Department of Computer Science, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, UK

1252 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability (2019) 21:1251–1258

Practically all of the work has relied on Markov Chain Monte-Carlo methods in some form or other; the use of simulation circumvents the need to model the full joint probability distribution of the data and the number of neighbours for any target. In an attempt to avoid the use of simulation, the authors in Ji and Friel (2013) have approximated the likelihood function, albeit at the expense of accuracy and portability to regression problems. More recently, as an alternative approach, the idea of hubness is explored in Tomasev et al. (2011).

In a somewhat distinct branch of Bayesian statistics, numerous studies have focused on estimating change-point probabilities for data where the generating process is presumed to vary over time. Initial works were focused on partition analysis for the entire data-set, often using MCMC simulation: Smith (1975), Stephens (1994), Green (1995) (which, interest-ingly, is loosely connected with the computational complexity of estimating the posterior probability of k using approaches based on simulation). Yet it was not until the authors in Prescott Adams and MacKay (2007) presented an on-line version of Bayesian change-point estimation (with an O (n) computational complexity), that change-point problems become easily estimated.

As discussed in detail by Manocha and Girolami (2007), a probabilistic view of k in nearest neighbour algorithms outperforms standard cross-validation approaches, though practitioners often avoid the probabilistic approach due to its reliance on MCMC methods of estimation. By using the algorithm presented in Prescott Adams and MacKay (2007) applied to the data ordered by distance to our target coordinates, we can compute the exact probability distribution for k specific to our target point.

2 Efficient Bayesian Nearest Neighbour

The idea of calibrating the number of neighbours to the data is centered around the notion that, within the appropriate neighbourhood, data points are similar, or, in other words, they are generated by the same process. It is indeed our goal to determine how many k neighbours represent such appropriate neighbourhood.

2.1 Data Generating Process

If we order the data using a distance measure of choice with respect to a target point, we have transformed our assumption into the idea that the data-generating process is shared for the first k points closets to the target. As such, moving from the most distant point towards our target, the underlying process generating the data can vary with a known probability and, when a change occurs, such process is drawn



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