
 2023-01-08 10:01




作者:R.K.Pathria, Paul D.Beale



统计力学是一种理论体系,旨在根据其微观成分的动力学行为来解释大块物质的物理特性。 这一理论体系的范围几乎与自然现象的范围一样无限,因为原则上它适用于任何状态下的物质。 实际上,它已被成功地用于研究固态,液态或气态的物质,该物质由几种相或几种成分组成,在极端条件下均如此。密度和温度,与辐射保持平衡的物质(例如,在天体物理学中),生物样本形式的物质等。 此外,统计力学的这一理论体系使我们能够研究物质的非平衡态以及平衡态事实上,这些研究帮助我们理解,一个物理系统在给定时间t处于“不平衡”状态时,随着时间的推移,它是如何接近“平衡状态”的。

与它的发展现状,其应用的成功以及其范围的广度相比,统计力学的起步还比较缓慢。与它的发展现状,其应用的成功以及其范围的广度相比,统计力学的起步还比较缓慢。这些研究人员的开创性工作建立了这样一个事实,即气体的压力源自其分子的运动,因此可以通过考虑分子轰击对容器壁的动态影响来计算因此,Bernoulli和Herapath可以证明,如果温度保持恒定,则普通气体的压力P与容器的体积V成反比(鲍尔定律),并且基本上与容器的形状无关。当然,这涉及明确的假设,即在给定的温度T下,分子的(平均)速度与压力和体积无关。伯努利甚至试图确定由于分子的有限大小而引起的对该法则的(一阶)修正,并表明应将法则中出现的体积V替换为(V-b),其中b是分子的“实际”体积。焦耳最早显示出压力P与分子速度c的平方成正比,他最初假设所有分子均相同。克罗尼格(Kronig,1856年)研究更加深入。引入“准统计”假设,即在任何时候t都可以假设六分之一的分子在六个“独立”方向(即 x,-x, y,-y, z,-z)中的每个方向飞行,他推导出了方程。



在这个阶段,克劳修斯进入了领域。首先。1857年,他根据远不如克罗尼格(Kronig)严格的假设推导出理想气体定律。他抛弃了罗尼格(Kronig)的两个主要假设,并证明等式仍然成立;当然,c2 现在变成了分子的均方速度。在后来的论文(1859年)中,克劳修斯(Clausius)引入了平均自由程的概念,从而成为分析运输现象的第一人。正是在这些研究中,他介绍了著名的“ Stosszahlansatz”(关于分子间碰撞数的假设),后来在玻尔兹曼的单方面思想工作中发挥了重要作用。^与克劳修斯一起,将微观和统计观点引入物理理论是确定的,而不是推测性的。因此,麦克斯韦(Maxwell)在为《大不列颠百科全书》撰写的标题为“分子”的热门文章中,称克劳修斯为“气体动力学理论的主要奠基人”,而吉布斯在克劳修斯的讣告中称其为“气体之父”


1872年出现了著名的H定理,它为物理系统趋近并保持平衡的自然趋势提供了分子基础。这在微观方法(表征统计力学)和现象学方法(表征热力学)之间建立了联系,比以往任何时候都更加透明;它还提供了一种直接的计算方法(纯物理上给定物理系统的熵)作为H定理的推论,玻尔兹曼证明了麦克斯韦-玻尔兹曼分布是唯一在分子碰撞下保持不变的分布,并且在分子碰撞的影响下,任何其他分布最终都将延续到1876年,玻尔兹曼推导了他著名的输运方程,在查普曼和恩斯科格(Chapman and Enskog,1916-1917)的手中,它被证明是研究非平衡态系统宏观性质的极其有力的工具。





在系综理论中,最重要的量是相空间中G点的密度函数p(qi,pi; t)。固定分布(part;p/part;t= 0)表征了一个固定的集合体,该集合体又表示一个处于平衡状态的系统。Maxwell和Boltzmann将他们的研究仅限于集合,其功能完全取决于系统的能量E。这包括遍历系统的特殊情况,其定义如下:“如果对系统进行不受干扰的运动,并进行无限制的时间,则最终将遍历(固定)与E的固定值E相匹配的每个相点。因此,在任何给定时间t所获得的物理量f的集合平均lt;fgt;将与与该集合的任何给定成员有关的长期平均f相同。现在,f是在系统上进行适当测量时我们期望获得的有关量的值;因此,测量结果应与理论估计值lt;fgt;一致,因此我们获得了可以直接获得收益的方法理论与实验之间的联系;同时,我们为物质微观理论奠定了合理的基础,以替代热力学的经验方法。


Historical Introduction of the Statistical Mechanics

作者:R.K.Pathria and Paul D.Beale


出处:《Statistic Mechanics》

Statistical mechanics is a formalism that aims at explaining the physical properties of matter in bulk on the basis of the dynamical behavior of its microscopic constituents. The scope of the formalism is almost as unlimited as the very range of the natural phenomena, for in principle it is applicable to matter in any state whatsoever. It has, in fact, been applied, with considerable success, to the study of matter in the solid state, the liquid state, or the gaseous state, matter composed of several phases and/or several components, matter under extreme conditions of density and temperature, matter in equilibrium with radiation (as, for example, in astrophysics), matter in the form of a biological specimen, and so on. Furthermore, the formalism of statistical mechanics enables us to investigate the nonequilibrium states of matter as well as the equilibrium states: indeed, these investigations help us to understand the manner in which a physical system that happens to be “out of equilibrium” at a given time t approaches a 'state of equilibrium' as time passes.

In contrast with the present status of its development, the success of its applications, and the breadth of its scope, the beginnings of statistical mechanics were rather modest. Barring certain primitive references, such as those of Gassendi, Hooke, and so on, the real work on this subject started with the contemplations of Bernoulli (1738), Herapath (1821), and Joule (1851) who, in their own individual ways, attempted to lay a foundation for the so-called kinetic theory of gases — a discipline that finally turned out to be the forerunner of statistical mechanics. The pioneering work of these investigators established the fact that the pressure of a gas arose from the motion of its molecules


Historical Introduction of the Statistical Mechanics

作者:R.K.Pathria and Paul D.Beale


出处:《Statistic Mechanics》

Statistical mechanics is a formalism that aims at explaining the physical properties of matter in bulk on the basis of the dynamical behavior of its microscopic constituents. The scope of the formalism is almost as unlimited as the very range of the natural phenomena, for in principle it is applicable to matter in any state whatsoever. It has, in fact, been applied, with considerable success, to the study of matter in the solid state, the liquid state, or the gaseous state, matter composed of several phases and/or several components, matter under extreme conditions of density and temperature, matter in equilibrium with radiation (as, for example, in astrophysics), matter in the form of a biological specimen, and so on. Furthermore, the formalism of statistical mechanics enables us to investigate the nonequilibrium states of matter as well as the equilibrium states: indeed, these investigations help us to understand the manner in which a physical system that happens to be “out of equilibrium” at a given time t approaches a 'state of equilibrium' as time passes.

In contrast with the present status of its development, the success of its applications, and the breadth of its scope, the beginnings of statistical mechanics were rather modest. Barring certain primitive references, such as those of Gassendi, Hooke, and so on, the real work on this subject started with the contemplations of Bernoulli (1738), Herapath (1821), and Joule (1851) who, in their own individual ways, attempted to lay a foundation for the so-called kinetic theory of gases — a discipline that finally turned out to be the forerunner of statistical mechanics. The pioneering work of these investigators established the fact that the pressure of a gas arose from the motion of its molecules and could, therefore, be computed by considering the dynamical influence of the molecular bombardment on the walls of the container. Thus, Bernoulli and Herapath could show that, if temperature remained constant, the pressure P of an ordinary gas was inversely proportional to the volume V of the container (Boyles law), and that it was essentially independent of the shape of the container. This, of course, involved the explicit assumption that, at a given temperature T, the (mean) speed of the molecules was independent of both pressure and volume. Bernoulli even attempted to determine the (first-order) correction to this law, arising from the finite size of the molecules, and showed that the volume V appearing in the statement of the law should be replaced by (V — b), where b is the “actual” volume of the molecules.1

Joule was the first to show that the pressure P was directly proportional to the square of the molecular speed c, which he had initially assumed to be the same for all molecules. Kronig (1856) went a step further. Introducing the “quasistatistical' assumption that, at any time t one-sixth of the molecules could be assumed to be flying In each of the six “independent” directions, namely x, -x, y, -y, z, and -z, he derived the equation

where n is the number density of the molecules and m the molecular mass. Kronig, too, assumed the molecular speed c to be the same for all molecules; so from (1), he inferred that the kinetic energy of the molecules should be directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas.

Kronig justified his method in these words: 'The path of each molecule must be so irregular that it will defy all attempts at calculation. However, according to the laws of probability, one could assume a completely regular motion in place of a completely irregular one!' It must, however, be noted that it is only because of the special form of the summations appearing in the calculation of the pressure that Kronigs argument leads to the same result as the one following from more refined models. In other problems, such as the ones involving diffusion,viscosity, or heat conduction, this is no longer the case.

It was at this stage that Clausius entered the field. First of all. in 1857, he derived the ideal-gas law under assumptions far less stringent than Kronigs. He discarded both leading assumptions of Kronig and showed that equation (1) was still true; of course, c2 now became the mean square speed of the molecules. In a later paper (1859), Clausius ihentroduced t concept of the mean free path and thus became the first to analyze transport phenomena. It was in these studies that he introduced the famous 'Stosszahlansatz'—the hypothesis on the number of collisions (among the molecules) 一 which, later on, played a prominent role in the monumental work of Boltzmann.^ With Clausius, the introduction of the microscopic and statistical points of view into the physical theory was definitive, rather than speculative. Accordingly, Maxwell, in a popular article entitled “Molecules.” written for the Encyclopedia Britannica, referred to Clausius as the “principal founder of the kinetic theory of gases,' while Gibbs, in his Clausius obituary notice, called him the 'father of statistical mechanics.'3

The work of Clausius attracted Maxwell to the field. He made his first appearance with the memoir 'Illustrations in the dynamical theory of gases” (1860), in which he went much farther than his predecessors by deriving his famous law of the distribution of molecular speeds.' Maxwells derivation was based on elementary principles of probability and was clearly inspired by the Gaussian law of “distribution of random errors.' A derivation based on the requirement that “the equilibrium distribution of molecular speeds, once acquired, should remain invariant under molecular collisions' appeared in 1867. This led Maxwell to establish what is known as Maxwells transport equation which, if sk



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