
 2022-11-12 07:11

Three-dimensional book structure design

Abstract: stereoscopic books can interact with readers by rotating, pushing and pulling, turning and unfolding and other actions to help understand the content and enhance the pleasure of reading. Common three-dimensional books can be divided into five moving structure: rotating structure, page structure, tie structure, parallel polyline structure and intersecting polyline structure. Through the changes of these basic structures, combination, expansion can be designed a kaleidoscopic three-dimensional books.

In the early days, stereoscopic books were defined in anarrow sense as books that could automatically jump out of the three-dimensional shape on the page when the page was opened, but they did not include movable books that could change the effect on the plane graphics by turning the page, pulling and rotating. Now three-dimensional books basically refers to the design of the paper, paper technology and other parts, in addition to meeting the basic reading behavior of readers, but also with the books have further participation, interactive books. Stereoscopic books break through the limitations of traditional books, and can help to understand the content of books through various creative designs, so as to increase the pleasure of reading.
At present, the vast majority of stereoscopic books in the domestic book market are childrens picture books. Many children and even parents would like to try to imitate these creative designs in stereoscopic books after seeing them, and even take the books apart to study the production principle. But because the paper material itself is very easy to damage, many of the structure is made by paste, after disassembly is difficult to restore, so often cause damage to the book and do not understand the structure of the principle of the state.
In fact, although three-dimensional books in China just started, but in foreign countries with a mature reader market and professional design and publishing institutions, the structure of most of the design and creation by professional paper engineers. Quite a few paper art engineers, such as David carter of the United States and Robert sabda of the United Kingdom, have published special books to explain the motion structure and principle of three-dimensional books for those who are interested in understanding the design principles behind them. However, as this is a traditional and minority handicraft skill, each paper art engineers explanation is full of unique artistic temperament brought by personal experience, and there is no unified classification, clear norms and accepted terms, which makes people feel blind and blind.
By studying the books and works of several paper art engineers, and actually making three-dimensional structure, the author summarized the following five common three-dimensional structure of books: wheel structure, page turning structure, tension structure, parallel polyline structure and intersecting polyline structure. It can be said that the three-dimensional structure in most books is based on these basic structures, and then combined, expanded and changed. Master these basic three-dimensional structure, is equivalent to master the paper engineer design code.

First, common three-dimensional structure
(1) wheel structure
The wheel structure is an early book activity structure. The basic design method is a disk is placed on the back of the base of the page, in the center of the wheel with buttons or cut the cardboard, etc, and then based on the page in die cutting some can reveal patterns on the disk of the mouth of the cave, so that when the reader hand rotating disk, basic page with the pattern on the disk can form different combinations in order to change the scene (figure 1).
By adding pointer on the basic page, adding eccentric wheel and tappet on the wheel, increasing the number of layers of the wheel and other methods, the basic wheel structure can become more complex, so as to produce a rich and colorful book structure.
The wheel structure, perhaps the first moving element to appear in books, has endured ever since. In the 13th century, a priest named Matthew Paris used a wheel structure in his calendar. The monastery used a number of circles in its manuscripts to determine the different holy days. Paris created a wheel structure that connected these diagrams so that it was much easier to find them, just by turning the wheel, without having to go through all the trouble of moving the entire manuscript,
The wheel structure is also very suitable for interpreting dates, astrology, making codes, etc. In 1540, a German professor of mathematics and astronomy named Peter piappian published the Kaisers astronomy. This is a hand-printed book with nearly 40 pages of woodcut astronomical and astrological drawings of the wheel structure, some of which may be as many as five or six layers. These wheel structures are used to calculate the positions of planets, eclipses of the sun and moon, and even to predict when diseases will erupt.
(2) page turning structure
Page-turning structure is the most common three-dimensional book structure, there are two main production process, one is stick card, two is the page. Stick card is to point to a piece of card is pasted on foundation page, and jie page is to cut edge on foundation page, reveal the design below thereby. In both forms, the pattern on the inside text is hidden by the stick card or the pattern on the page, which is flipped by the reader to 'uncover the mystery' (figure 2).
Page turning structure is also three-dimensional book paper art in the classical techniques. As early as the 16th century, the page-turning structure was used to make academic books, such as medicine. In 1539, the historic book anatomy of the human body by professor andreas visaris was published.
Later, the page-turning structure was widely used in childr



  关键词:立体书籍 结构 设计
  后来翻页结构被普遍应用在幼儿立体书中。20世纪前叶,意大利立体书设计大师布鲁诺・缪拿力利用多种翻页结构灵巧地制作了许多幼儿立体书。他的设计是页面上原本是某种动物的头像,但翻动下张图时则会出现另外一种动物的头像,这样大象变成小马,小鸟 成鱼等等。这种设计可让读者猜想下一张页面上到底会出现什么样的动物,颇有发现与猜中的乐趣。
  这种结构的制作原理虽简单,但如果图画设计巧妙就可以出现许多有趣的图景,使读者看到这种能使图像变化的书页时深感惊异。比如书上先是一幅老师面对全班学生讲课时,学生们都静坐有序的画面,但只要拉动拉条,就会变成另外一幅老师背对学生在写黑板,全班学生乱成一团的画面,读者特别是儿童看到这种设计都会觉得新奇有趣。   二、平行折线结构
  20世纪中叶,美国人本.克莱恩发明了这种90°平行折线结构。之前的平行结构都是先将模切好的图画折好,再用胶水粘到平面的纸上。而克莱恩的乐乐跳系列的不同之处在于,插图就印在同一张纸上,然后模切并切成三维的立体景观。插图的平面部分用胶水粘到硬纸板上,这 樱 页面一打开,折纸就会立起来。
  以上简要介绍了最常见的五种立体书籍结构。除了这几种以外,隧道结构、旋转木马结构等也颇受欢迎。当然,在实际的立体书结构设计中,一般不会单纯使用某一种结构,而是综合使用多种结构,比如在大卫・卡特设计的《BLUE 2》一书中,就在其中一个页面上综合运用了多个拉条结构和多个平行折线结构,同时还嵌套附加了许多摇臂结构,可以说是丰富多彩,生动有趣。《爱丽丝梦游奇境》一书中,纸艺大师罗伯特.萨布达在不少页面中都综合使用了相交折线结构和平行折线结构的变化组合,有一个页面中甚至加入了隧道结构;丰富多彩的结构配合锡箔、绒毛等材质的全新应用,加上著名插画大师约翰.坦尼尔古典风格的精彩描绘,形成了惊艳的效果。



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