
 2022-03-12 03:03

Optimum Building Shape in View of Energy Saving

Andrzej Skowronski

Wroclaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture,

ul. B. Prusa 53/55, 50-317 Wroclaw, Poland


Abstract. In most highly developed countries there are standards applied to de- fine the requirements for the insulation coefficient of outer partitions, as well as adequate computer programs to both measure the heat loss in the buildings de- signed and calculate the amount of electrical and thermal energy needed for heating and ventilating the building. Although these programs are able to calcu- late the heat loss in the designed buildings, they cannot define their optimum shape. Apart from other numerous factors which influence the ecological and ergonomic value of the architectural project the building shape itself may sig- nificantly reduce the construction and maintenance costs of the object. An op- timum shape of the building is very important for energy effectiveness, as well as keeping ecological and ergonomic standards applied to solve the space of the building. These factors should be analyzed by the architect as early as in the initial design stage, i.e. while the visual concept of the object is being devel- oped. For different shapes of the object, with the same area of the plan and the same insulation quality of outer partitions, the area of these partitions can be very different, so the amount of the building materials necessary for the con- structing, as well as the heat loss resulting from its maintenance can also differ significantly.

Keywords: architecture, ecology, ergonomics, economy.

1 Introduction

For several years now, the political demand for limiting carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere has changed the attitude to the shape of buildings designed. The need to reduce the consumption of energy obtained from non-renewable sources, such as gas, crude oil or coal, and rather use the renewables, such as solar, wind and water power or geothermal energy, is becoming more and more important for contemporary economy and indirectly affects the architecture of buildings.

The systems for using alternative sources of energy have now appeared on the market as a mass product and gradually become cheaper. It is said that due to the extensive designer#39;s explorations, whose effectiveness have been examined for a few years now, some stable principles concerning the shape of building - in view of en- ergy saving and the renewables used - have been formulated in contemporary archi- tecture. The aim of this paper is to collect those basic rules so that the optimum shape of the building could be developed as early as at the design phase of the whole build- ing process.

C. Stephanidis and M. Antona (Eds.): UAHCI/HCII 2013, Part I, LNCS 8009, pp. 339–347, 2013.

copy; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

2 Design Principles of Energy- Saving Buildings

When it comes to a typical building in which solar energy is used, one can formulate a few basic principles concerning the designing process. Some of them do not signifi- cantly influence the shape of the building and refer to the situation when:

·The object is built from eco-friendly materials that can be easily bio-degraded or recycled;

·The object is built from the materials available in the neighbouring area, which reduces the cost of transport;

·The object is built from materials consuming only little energy, which helps reduce the cost of manufacturing;

·The insulation coefficient of the outer partitions is very high, which reduces the heat loss to a minimum.

The other principles define the shape of the building, such as:

·Geometry of the building;

·Functions of the building distributed according to the exposition to the sunlight;

·Glazed spaces, such as winter gardens, directed to the south;

·Appropriate size of windows in the elevations– according to the amount of sunlight;

·Protection of elevations and rooms from excessive sunlight;

·Appropriate selection of solar systems.

3 Geometry of the Building Shape

It is obvious that for the same building area it is observed that: the smaller the periph- ery of the building and the area of the external partitions are, the cheaper the construc- tion and the maintenance of the building. If a one-level building is to be built, the possibly smallest periphery would be achieved if the building is based on a circular plan. Every time when the circle has been extended into the ellipsis of the same area, we will end up with the periphery of the ellipsis bigger as compared to the periphery of the circle.

When it comes to a regular octagon of the same area, its periphery would grow by merely 2.5%- as compared with the periphery of the circle. The fewer sides of the polygon, the bigger its periphery, whereas more sides, which make the polygon look more like a circle, result in its smaller external periphery. The building of the same area which has been based on a square plan will have the total length of external walls bigger by 12.5% than the circle. If this building is to be more and more transformed into a rectangle, the length of external walls will grow bigger and bigger.

When it comes to a building designed on a regular triangular plan, the periphery of its external walls will be longer by 28% in relation to the circle periphery. If one of angles grows, the periphery of the walls grows as well. When we reach the form of the right-angled, isosceles triangle, the length of the external walls will be bigger by 36% than the periphery of the circle.

Theoretically,the circle is an ideal figure as it has the smallest periphery of the ex-ternal walls compared with other geometrical figures of the same area.The advan-tages of t



Andrzej Skowronski




摘要。在大多数高度发达的国家,都有一些标准用于消除对外隔板绝缘系数的要求,同时也有适当的计算机程序对两者都适用。 测量设计建筑物的热损失,计算建筑供暖和通风所需的电能和热能。虽然这些程序可以计算但在设计建筑的后期,它们无法确定建筑的最佳形状。除了影响建筑工程生态和人体工程学价值的其他因素外,建筑物的形状本身可以显著地降低建筑的建造和维护费用。建筑物的形状对能源效率是非常重要的。采用平生态和人机工程学标准解决建筑空间问题。这些因素应早在设计初期,即视觉上的设计阶段就开始考虑。这个物体的概念正在发展。对于不同形状的物体,具有相同的平面面积和相同的外隔板的绝缘质量,这些分区的面积可以是可变的。不同的是,建筑所需的建筑材料的数量,以及其维护所造成的热量损失也会有很大的不同。


1 介绍



  1. Stephanidis和M.Antona(Eds.):UAHCI/HCII 2013,第一部分,LNCS 8009,第339-347页,2013年



















从理论上讲,圆形是一个理想的图形,因为它的外部墙的边缘最小。与同一区域的其他几何图形相比, 并在多年的建筑活动中,在许多不同的文化和不同的大陆上,圆形建筑的优势得到证明。如因纽特人的住宅---冰屋, 亚洲的蒙古包等。


在当代文明中,房屋通常是用长方形的平面图建造的,这主要是工业化制造的结果,因为它很容易使简单、重复和平等的建筑元素以及内部毛皮制品的大量生产变得容易。制造一个矩形承重梁,以及一个矩形床或衣柜比制作一个不典型的圆形床,一个模制衣橱要便宜得多。此外, 钢梁或弯曲钢结构梁,更容易将矩形构件组合在一起,从而构成更复杂的功能结构。此外,也不可能设计出每一个构件。 由于建筑用地的尺寸和形状,以及住宅建筑的功能和可用性,不可能设计出圆形计划中的每一栋建筑。




  1. Skowronski


总而言之,应该承认,为了减少建造建筑物所需的能源成本,并在其后数年进行维修,直至循环再造阶段为止。 即使已经磨损,建筑的最佳形状应该被理解为一种简单而紧凑的形状,它可能看起来像半球(圆顶)或矩形盒子,其比例类似于立方体。 很明显,上面的反射只涉及这样的问题,如建造时的能耗和维护时的节能。 然而,那些建筑方面,如功能和审美价值,以及居住在一个独特而美丽的地方的用户的满意,还没有被讨论过。吴的灵感来自于“简单就是美丽”的理念,我们不需要复杂的建筑形状,也不需要让它看起来很奇怪,因为这可能会导致成本的增长,矛盾的是,这也是一种审美上的损失。

4 建筑中的功能分布




为Mostostal Warszawa S.A.[2]公司编写一份研究报告的专家组根据其地理方向确定了住宅的最佳尺寸:



5 南侧的琉璃立方空间







温室的概念非常接近“房子中的房子”的概念,这个有趣的解决方案可以用立陶宛的一个例子来描述,这里是一座中世纪的建筑,还有周围的土地。 它由一位银行持有人拥有,离维尔纽斯不远。该公司的建筑师G.Naktevictusamp;Parts-ner修复了这座旧建筑,并用玻璃立方体覆盖了它[3]。


波兰气候温和,夏季和冬季的温差可高达60摄氏度,日照量约为4500小时,夏季约8周气温高达32摄氏度,而在冬季,夜间气温降至零下30摄氏度。在白天约6周的时间里,可以观测到广泛的云层,这实际上使其不可能出现。 在分析了前面提到的华沙一家建筑公司的专家小组所做的研究结果后,我们可以得出结论: 像这样的最佳窗口大小如下[2]:







7 防晒

除了在冬天获得太阳能外,建筑物在夏季还应受到阳光的保护。为了减少太阳光的含量,应考虑生物磷。 艺术是一种自然和生态的解决方案。它通常会在南侧种植一棵树和一只爬行者在墙上长大,他们会在夏天给建筑物投下阴影 秋天落叶落下来,阳光就很容易到达,保护海拔高度不受过度加热的影响,可以通过各种百叶窗实现更多或更少的自动化。 安装在建筑物上的永久外部百叶窗,直至复杂的智能可移动百叶窗或滚筒双压头。这些自动校准的可移动系统用于遮蔽吊臂。 但这只是对整个建筑形式的技术补充,本身并没有提供这样的保障。

为了防止建筑自然过热,建筑师可以从南、东、西设计突出的屋顶、拱廊或阳台,作为一种被动的解决方案。 冬季太阳光线的角度与夏季不同,因此,在设计建筑物时,应该预测出暴露在阳光下的弧形。屋檐或深阳台设计提供一种被动式的保护,以抵御过度的阳光,在这里的冬天。使太阳的光线有可能穿过。


在上釉的建筑物中观察到过多的能量可能会导致更多的能量用于夏天的建筑物的冷却而不是冬天的加热。在这种情况下,一种温室效应可以通过使用坚硬的玻璃表面来限制,也可以通过使用低排放玻璃来限制,但是,这是有负效应的,即热风加速产生的噪音。非常高的建筑物有一些特殊的系统用来降低空气的速度,这主要是通过将气流分成几个部分来实现的。理论上,热风之间的自然流动。 双层外墙的玻璃可以用来驱动风力涡轮机,从而产生电能。








至于地热能收集系统,这些系统不会影响建筑物的形状。地源热泵需要的是足够大的面积来安装管道系统。 在地上。至于那些对建筑外观空气源热泵的影响有限,外界空气通过百叶窗的标高。


9 结论

当代对节能方法的认识使得合理设计建筑成为可能,考虑到建筑的成本效益和能源需求,不幸的是,在设计过程的最后阶段,当构建器几乎完全被设计出来时,这个因素往往没有被检查。 维修费用,特别是冬季取暖和夏季冷却的费用,必须采用一些非常昂贵的技术解决办法。然而,为了降低这些成本,人们往往应该在设计过程开始时,应分析以下几个问题:






考虑到能源危机和普遍的经济衰退,以及社会的成长意识,建筑的投资者和使用者越来越重视建筑工程的人体工程学、化学等方面。建筑的质量不仅仅是建筑的外部形式,更幸运的是,没有人能做到这一点。 定义了各个因素对建筑质量的影响,并确定给出的解决方案中哪一个是最重要的:形式、功能、经济生态。然而,要做到这一点,是要向建筑师提供支持,并阻止他们将建筑的空间模型变得过于复杂,除非它是强有力的、合理的。




2。Podpora,E.,萨辛,T. Szymariska Rzeznik,K.,它Ach、J:城市建筑标准设计mbj2030明天-形状的假设,标准后高度和外部partitionsof建筑 莫斯托尔·华泽,沃索(2010)




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