
 2022-11-28 02:11

Virtual reality technology development process and research status of

Virtual reality technology in recent years, one of the fastest growing technology,and multimedia technology, network technology and known as the three best prospect of computer technology. And other high-tech, external demand is the motive force of the development of virtual reality technology. In recent years, in simulation modeling, computer design, visualization in scientific computing, remote control robot fields, presents a common demand, namely the establishment of a more intuitive than the existing computer system input output system, can be connected with various ship sense, more friendly interface, one can immerse, beyond the inlet from, such as, interaction of multi-dimensional information environment. VR technology in artificial intelligence, computer graphics, interface technology, multimedia technology, network technology, parallel computation technology integration. It is a kind of effective human analogue in the natural environment, listen, dynamic behaviors such as advanced man-machine interaction technique.

Virtual reality ( Virtual Reality VR ), is one of the most effective human analogue in the natural environment, in listening, dynamic behaviors such as advanced human-computer interaction technology, is an integrated computer graphics technology, multimedia technology, real-time parallel computing technology, artificial intelligence, simulation technology and other subjects developed in twentieth Century 90years generation computing machine in the field of new technology. VR to simulate the way for the user to create a real-time reflect the entity object and interaction of three-dimensional image world, in the optic, listen, touch, smell and other perceived behavioral realistic experience, so that participants can direct exploration of virtual objects in the environment and the role of change, as if place oneself in the virtual reality world, are immersed in (immersive), imagination(imaginative and Realization of interactive I nteractive ).

VR technology every step is around the three characteristics and the. These three characteristics for immersion, interaction characteristics and conception characteristics characteristics. The three important characteristics used to distinguish adjacent technology, such as multimedia technology, computer visualization technology immersion feature, whereby the VR provides a virtual world, so that the user can feel it is true in an objective world; interactive features, requires that the user can use human familiar way, the entity in virtual environment observation and manipulation of concept; concept characteristic, namely' from qualitative and quantitative integrated environment for the perceptual and rational knowledge, thus the concept of novelty and germination'.

1.Three stages in the development of VR Technology

The development of VR technology can be divided into three stages: nineteen fifties to 70 time, VR is the preparatory stage; at the beginning of the 80s to mid 80s, is a VR technology systematic, began to move out of the laboratory into practical application stage; at the end of the 80s to early 90s, is the rapid development of VR technology stage.

The first phase,50to 70 years, as the virtual reality the exploration stage of the United States in 1965 by Morton Heileg developed a motorcycle simulator called Sensorama, not only has a three-dimensional video and stereo effect, can have a feeling of wind and streets smell1968, American computer scientist I1E1Sutherland at the Harvard University developed the first computing machine graphics driver helmet mounted display HMD and head position tracking system, become the VR technology history an important milepost, virtual reality development laid the foundation.

The second stage, the early 80s to 80time metaphase, begin to form the basic concept of VR, started by the experiment into the practical stage, an important sign of which is that: in 1985 Michael Mc Greevy finished under the VIEW virtual reality system, equipped with a data glove and head tracker, provides gestures, language and other means of interaction, make VIEW be be worthy of the name of the virtual reality system, later to become the development of virtual reality system structure of other companies such as VPL have been developed for the generation of virtual reality RB2 software and Data Glove data glove, for virtual reality provides development tools.

The third stage, the late 80s to early 90s, as the virtual reality development virtual reality technology from laboratory experimental stage to market a practical stage, on the virtual reality technology research from the basic theory and system structure of steering application encountered specific problems. In the virtual reality system only a variety of interactive device is not enough, must also provide basic software support environment, user can facilitate the construction of virtual environment and virtual environment into the line of advanced interactive. In order to make the VR technology has been widely used, so it is necessary to analyze the system of virtual reality software support environment, system structure, such as a Dialogue system, puts forward a kind of based on event driven drive users export management system ( UMIS ), can be in the range of communication software system structure, solves the problem of the dynamic flexibility of virtual reality, advanced software support ring

Environmental development. In order to meet the needs of virtual reality on the computational complexity of the few is infinite, the virtual reality system must provide sufficient flexibility and scalability. To do this, can from hardware and software two aspects to consider, in the hardware system structure, DIVISON in SuperVision system presents a basic model, the development of the relevant parallel processing de



近年来,虚拟现实技术成为发展最快的技术之一,与多媒体技术、网络技术一起被誉为当今前景最好的三大计算机技术。虚拟现实技术与其他高新技术一样,其发展动力是客观需求。最近几年中,人们在仿真建模、计算机设计、可视化计算、遥控机器人等领域里提出了一个共同的需求,即建立一个比现有计算机系统更为直观的输入输出系统,成为能与各种传感器相联、能更为友好的人机界面、使人能沉浸其中、超越其上、进出自如、具有交互作用的多维化信息环境。虚拟现实 (Virtual Reality )技术是人工智能、计算机图形学、人机接口技术、多媒体技术、网络技术、并行计算技术等多种技术的集成,它是一种有效的模拟人在自然环境中视听、动等行为的高级人机交互技术。

虚拟现实技术是20世纪90年代在计算机领域发展起来的,是一种最有效的模拟人在自然环境中视、听、动等行为的高级人机交互技术,虚拟现实技术是综合计算机图形技术、多媒体技术、并行实时计算技术、人工智能、仿真技术等多种学科于一体的最新技术。虚拟现实技术通过模拟的方式为用户创造一个实时反映实体对象变化与相互作用的三维图像世界,在视、听、触、嗅等感知行为的逼真体验中,使参与者可直接探索虚拟对象在所处环境中的作用和变化;仿佛置身于虚拟的现实世界中,产生沉浸感 (immersive)、想象(imaginative和实现交互性 interactive) 。




第一阶段:50 至70年代,为虚拟现实的探索阶段。1965年由美国Morton Heileg发明了一个叫做Sensorama的摩托车仿真器,它不仅有三维视频及立体声效果,还能产生风力。1968年,美国计算机科学家Sutherland在哈佛大学研发了第一款计算机图形驱动的头盔显示器HMD以及头部定位系统,成为虚拟现实技术发展史上的一个重要节点,为虚拟现实的发展奠定了基础。

第二阶段:80年代初至80年代中期, 虚拟现实技术的基本概念开始形成,开始由实验进入实用阶段,其重要标志是:1985年在Michael McGreevy领导下完成VIEW虚拟现实系统,配备了数据手套和头部跟踪器,提供了手势、语言等交互方式,使VIEW成为真正的虚拟现实系统,成为了之后开发虚拟现实的体系结构。在其他方面,例如VPL公司开发了用于生成虚拟现实RB2软件和Data Glove数据手套,为虚拟现实提供了开发工具。

第三阶段:80年代末至90年代初,正是虚拟现实全面发展的阶段。虚拟现实技术已经从实验室的理论试验阶段迈向了市场的实用阶段:对虚拟现实技术的研究也从和基本理论系统构成的研究转向应用过程中所遇到的具体问题的探讨。在虚拟现实系统中各种交互设备还发展不足,还必须提供基本的软件支持环境,以使用户能够简便地构造虚拟环境并且与虚拟环境进行高级交互。为了使虚拟现实技术得到充分的应用,很有必要分析虚拟现实系统软件支持环境体系结构,例如Dialogue系统,提出了通过基于事件驱动的中驱用户接口管理系统(UMIS) ,能进行多进程通讯的软件体系结构,解决了虚拟现实的动态灵活性问题,推进了软件支撑环境的发展。

为了满足虚拟现实对计算复杂性的无限制的要求,虚拟现实系统必须提供足够强的灵活性及可扩充性。要做到这一点,可以从软件与硬件两方面来考虑,在硬件体系结构方面,DIVISO公司在SuperVision系统中提出了一种基本的并行模型,开发了相关的并行处理器件和DVS 操作系统,使虚拟现实得以全面发展。


20世纪40年代初,美国出现了虚拟现实的前身——飞行仿真器。1966年,美国MIT林肯实验室通过海军科研办公室的资助,研制出了第一个头盔式显示器 (HMD) ,随后又将模拟力和触觉的反馈装置融入进系统里。1970年,研制出了第一个功能比较完美的HMD系统。自80年代后期起,美国VPL公司不断地研制出较为实用的头盔式3D显示器、具有六个自由度的数据手套、立体声耳机及相应的计算机软硬件系统。80年代初,美国的DARPA(Defensen Advanced Research Projects Agency) 为坦克战斗训练开发了一个实用的虚拟现实系统SIMNET。SIMNET系统中的每一个单独的模拟器都能单独模拟M1坦克的全部属性,包括导航、武器、传感和显示等功能,坦克装上的武器、传感器和发动机等的模拟是在特定的作战环境下进行的。DPRPA计划进一步扩大仿真数据库,从目前的1000个对象扩大100000个(2000年前完成)。北大西洋公约组织(NATO)准备把各个不同国家的部队逐渐的放入到SIMNET系统中形成一个虚拟战场,然后把空战仿真系统AWSIMS -(Air Warfare Simulation System ) 和海战仿真系统( NWSIMS - Naval Warfare Simulation System )与SIMNET相关联。除此之外,美国NASA积极地将虚拟现实技术应用于对航天运输器外的空间活动研究、空间站自由操纵研究和对哈勃空间站维修研究等项目中。图形图像处理技术和传感器技术是这些虚拟现实项目的主要技术。按现在的情况来看,这项技术的最主要焦点在于空间的动态性和时间的实时性。



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