
 2023-03-11 10:03



在最近的一段时间里,对能力分组的研究已不可避免地停止了,这主要是因为珍妮·奥克斯和罗伯特·斯拉文在20世纪80年代对其中可能存在的公平问题和对种族主义的指控提出了担忧。研究结果指出,在这种教育模式下,有天赋和有才华的学生受教育机会减少了,需要额外帮助的学生得不到关注。教育公平是一个崇高的目标,但并不代表要牺牲那些特别优秀和特别差的学生的利益,尤其是如今,政治言论和教育问责制受到人们的高度关注。但能力分组并非我们的敌人,在过去,能力分组被等同于固定分班,这是一种永久性的、现在不被接受的方式,在这种方法中,根据对学生先前的成就或通过智力测验对其进行评估,然后将他们分入固定的组中,并且学生必须遵从这种组织形式,这种情况对教育公平和平等来说是有问题的。无论是在班内分组还是打破班级制分组,能力分组的当下和未来都应该注重灵活分组。然而,仅靠能力分组并不能显著提高学生的学习成绩。除非与基于学生学习风格、兴趣和能力的课程相结合。 如果以灵活和临时分组的方式运用能力分组,并根据课程进行适当的调整,则可使教育效果显著提高。






班级制教学的特点是采用传统的、以教科书为主的课程(Bagley, 1931; Goodlad, 1984; Reis et al., 1993),,采用同样的教学方法和教材 (Cuban, 1984; Goodlad, 1984),课程进度相同,以对全班学生同时进行教学 (Good amp; Brophy, 1994)。

根据Archambault(1993)等人的说法。课堂教学模式从上世纪初开始,并没有发生多大的变化。教师仍然遵循传统的年级制、以上课时间和课程资源划分主题,以及遵循一种固定的、惯用的教学模式,即教师介绍新课内容,然后依次背诵或小组练习,再另外布置一些课堂作业,最后是家庭作业,让学生自己练习技能 (Good amp; Brophy, 1994)。古德拉德(1984)观察到,“教室里发生的许多事情就像一幅数字画——填充页面上的数字所要求的颜色”。(p. 108)


以教师和学生为中心的课堂。Cuban 将课堂的显著特征描述为不是以教师为中心就是以学生为中心。以教师为中心的课堂的特点,就是在交流中教师说的话更重要;主要表现在班级授课环境中的教学,小组或个别指导时发生的频率较低;教师确定课时安排;课堂安排,通常包括课桌的排放,是随意排放的,还是面对黑板的,或者是排在讲台的周围。

在以教师为中心的课堂上,教师提出只有一个正确答案的问题,同时鼓励学生成为更独立的思考者和学习者。亚当斯和比德尔(1970)指出,在84%的课堂交流中,教师是主要参与者。古巴(1984年)指出,班级授课的特点是严重依赖教师提出的训练和背诵。即使学生被分成小组,他们也经常从事同样的活动和功课(Cuban; Good amp; Brophy, 1994; Goodlad, 1984; Kulik amp; Kulik, 1992)。以学生为中心的课堂的特点,是学生对与学习任务的发言权至少和老师相同;主要以小组或个别形式进行的教学;会考虑学生的学习需求,并在组织学习内容时会加入学生需要的东西;学生能够帮助决定行为法则和执行规定:采用可以供学生个人或小组学习时使用的多种教材;至少一半的时间内,学生要使用老师规定的或学生决定的教材;教室布置要允许学生在他们的学习区域内能够独立活动,包括课桌椅的移动,方便教学。

整体小组教学的主要优点是,更多的学生可以在分级的课堂内接受教育,在这种课堂中,教师仅根据学生的能力或准备水平来备课(Goodlad, 1984)。主要的缺点是不考虑学生先前的知识、兴趣或准备程度,学生分组可以任意调动(Good amp; Power, 1976)。自十八世纪末美国经济大规模工业化以来,这种方法一直是分组教学中的主要模式 (Grinder amp; Nelsen, 1985) ,并且在今天的教育领域仍旧占主导地位。(Archambault et al., 1993; Cuban, 1984; Gardner, 1999; Good amp; Brophy, 1994; Goodlad, 1984)


班级间分组制中最著名的是乔普林制,它是由密苏里州乔普林的学校助理总监塞西尔·弗洛伊德设计的 (Floyd, 1954)。这个计划的最早版本包括小学生阅读的跨年级分组。在一段时间内让孩子进行阅读,根据准备程度的不同,四年级、五年级和六年级的学生将去不同的教室接受适合他们教学,进行不同的学习。高等组的学生会使用6、7、8年级的课本。中间组的学生使用5年级、6年级和7年级的课本;低等组的学生使用的是4、5和6年级的课本(Kulik, 1992)。在一小时的课程结束后,学生们将回到他们原本的常规教室。这种分组安排方式后来扩大到算数学科。

乔普林制主要有三大优点:第一个优点是分组是临时的。大多数现代跨年级分组制都是以单一学科为主的,并与特定技能紧密联系在一起。这一安排使学生根据他们目前已证明的成绩,进入或离开小组(Kulik amp; Kulik, 1982; Slavin, 1987)。学生在一个或两个科目中先被预先评估,之后根据他们在这些领域的实际表现分组。学生通常在另一间教室接受阅读或数学方面的教学,然后在一天中余下的时间里回到他们的常规教室或固定上课的教室。据斯拉文说,能够重新分组的教学(乔普林制)允许纠正第一次分组时存在的分组误差,而不将学生转移到另一个班级,也不改变他们原有的固定上课的教室。


班级间分组的第三个主要优点是,它的目标是在不影响差生自尊的情况下减少课堂的异质性。 (Begle, 1975: Goodlad, 1966: Slavin, 1987)Goodlad认为,小学里班级的平均水平略高于其所在的年级水平(p. 6)。这意味着在传统的四年级课堂上,有二年级水平的学生,也有六年级水平的学生。如果一个教师说:“我教四年级,实际上她只在教班级里的两三个学生(因为班级里只有两三个真正是四年级水平的学生)。”Goodlad进一步指出,标准化考试很可能没有注意到两名平均水平都是四年级学生之间的区别:一个在算术计算中得分3.9分的学生在文章大意理解上得了7.4分,另一个在算数上得了6.7分的学生在词汇和阅读理解上只得了3.2分。通过在不同学科上采取不同的分组,教师更有可能减少班内学生的差异,同时确保满足每个学生的适当课程需求。


第三种类型的分组主要是在班级内或者灵活的分组。这种分组方式将同一班内的学生根据特定的教学活动和教学目标分成几小组(Kulik amp; Kulik, 1992, p. 75)。通常情况下,老师给全班学生上一堂课,然后根据表现、兴趣、先验知识水平等将学生分成几个小组(Renzulli, 1994)。Kulik明确了几个关于班内分组的计划。首先,为了使分组教学取得成功,教师必须先对学生进行区分。这不是一种便捷的办法,利用教学资源和时间对学生进行预先评估,将他们分成几个小组,并对两三个不同的小组先进行同样的教学。第二,学生依旧要全天都在同一个教室里上课。这一方案可以缓解所有教师同时教同一门课的问题。据Slavin(1987)说,灵活分组的主要优点是分组的临时性,对学生的学习发展情况经常进行评估,并在此基础上重新分组,调整组别。








Ability Grouping Is Not Just Tracking Anymore.


Tieso, Carol L.1 CTieso@bamaed.ua.edu


Roeper Review. Fall2003, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p29-36. 8p. 1 Black and White Photograph.




*ABILITY grouping (Education)


OAKES, Jeannie
SLAVIN, Robert


The No Child Left Behind legislation, with its emphasis on conducting scientifically based research, has reopened the door to a set of instructional and curricular practices left for dead in light of the scathing criticism of Oakes and Slavin in the 1980s, mainly ability grouping. This article represents a review of the literature of best practices, both instructional and curricular, that may lead to increased achievement among Americas gifted and talented youth, whether they reside in an enrichment or resource room or the regular classroom. The review suggests that flexible ability grouping, combined with appropriate curricular revision or differentiation, may result in substantial achievement gains both for average and high ability learners. It is imperative that researchers in the field of gifted education take the lead in this endeavor so that no child, including the gifted and talented, will be left behind. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Copyright of Roeper Review is the property of Routledge and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holders express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)


1Carol L. Tieso is an assistant professor in gifted education at the University of Alabama.









Ability Grouping Is Not Just Tracking Anymore

The No Child Left Behind legislation, with its emphasis on conducting scientifically based research, has reopened the door to a set of instructional and curricular practices left for dead in light of the scathing criticism of Oakes and Slavin in the 1980s, mainly ability grouping. This article represents a review of the literature of best practices, both instructional and curricular, that may lead to increased achievement among Americas gifted and talented youth, whether they reside in an enrichment or resource room or the regular classroom. The review suggests that flexible ability grouping, combined with appropriate curricular revision or differentiation, may result in substantial achievement gains both for average and high ability learners. It is imperative that researchers in the field of gifted education take the lead in this endeavor so that no child, including the gifted and talented, will be left behind.

In the backdrop of the No Child Left Behind legislation and its requisite need for scientifically based research to support educational practices, the time has come to revisit an old friend (or foe depending upon ones personal persuasion): ability grouping. In the recent past, research on ability grouping has ground to an inexorable halt, mainly due to concerns raised in the 1980s by Jeannie Oakes and Robert Slavin over issues of equity and accusations of racism. The result has been the degradation of educational opportunities for students identified as gifted and talented and the lack of concern for students identified as needing extra assistance. Equity is a noble goal, but not at the expense of students who lie on either end of the normal curve, especially in these days of political rhetoric and a heightened concern for educational accountability. But ability grouping is neither the fiend nor the foe that it has been labeled. In the past, ability grouping has been equated with tracking, a permanent and now unacceptable approach in which students are assessed based on prior achievement or measured intelligence and placed into streams or tracks from which they never escape, a situation that has created problems for advocates of equity and equality. The present and future of ability grouping lies in the flexible use of grouping, either between or within classrooms. However, ability grouping alone will not lead to significant improvement in students achievement unless it is combined with curricula that have been created based on students learning styles, interests, and abilities. When ability grouping is utilized in a flexible and temporary manner, with appropriate curricular adjustment, significant achievement gains can be realized.

Agreat deal of research indicates that moderate gains occur in students academic achievement when teachers adopt practices from gifted education pedagogy, such as ability grouping (Kulik, 2003; Slavin, 1987), curriculum modification (Wiggins amp; McTighe, 1998), differentiation (Renzulli, 1994; Tomlinson, 1995, 1999), strategies to enhance higher level thinking skills, concept-based instruction (Erickson, 1998), problem-based learning (Delisle, 1997), and constructivist pedagogy (Brooks amp; Brooks, 1995), to improve student achievement (Bechtol amp; Sorenson, 1993; Bloom, 1976; Feldhusen, 1989; Kaplan, 1986, 2001; Renzulli, 1988, 1994; VanTassel-Baska, 1986; Walberg, 1985). Because it is unlikely that one strategy operating in isolation is as effective as multiple interventions, it is recommended that school personnel investigate the combined effects of gr


Ability Grouping Is Not Just Tracking Anymore.


Tieso, Carol L.1 CTieso@bamaed.ua.edu


Roeper Review. Fall2003, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p29-36. 8p. 1 Black and White Photograph.




*ABILITY grouping (Education)


OAKES, Jeannie
SLAVIN, Robert


The No Child Left Behind legislation, with its emphasis on conducting scientifically based research, has reopened the door to a set of instructional and curricular practices left for dead in light of the scathing criticism of Oakes and Slavin in the 1980s, mainly ability grouping. This article represents a review of the literature of best practices, both instructional and curricular, that may lead to increased achievement among Americas gifted and talented youth, whether they reside in an enrichment or resource room or the regular classroom. The review suggests that flexible ability grouping, combined with appropriate curricular revision or differentiation, may result in substantial achievement gains both for average and high ability learners. It is imperative that researchers in the field of gifted education take the lead in this endeavor so that no child, including the gifted and talented, will be left behind. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Copyright of Roeper Review is the property of Routledge and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holders express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)


1Carol L. Tieso is an assistant professor in gifted education at the University of Alabama.









Ability Grouping Is Not Just Tracking Anymore

The No Child Left Behind legislation, with its emphasis on conducting scientifically based research, has reopened the door to a set of instructional and curricular practices left for dead in light of the scathing criticism of Oakes and Slavin in the 1980s, mainly ability grouping. This article represents a review of the literature of best practices, both instructional and curricular, that may lead to increased achievement among Americas gifted and talented youth, whether they reside in an enrichment or resource room or the regular classroom. The review suggests that flexible ability grouping, combined with appropriate curricular revision or differentiation, may result in substantial achievement gains both for average and high ability learners. It is imperative that researchers in the field of gifted education take the lead in this endeavor so that no child, including the gifted and talented, will be left behind.

In the backdrop of the No Child Left Behind legislation and its requisite need for scientifically based research to support educational practices, the time has come to revisit an old friend (or foe depending upon ones personal persuasion): ability grouping. In the recent past, research on ability grouping has ground to an inexorable halt, mainly due to concerns raised in the 1980s by Jeannie Oakes and Robert Slavin over issues of equity and accusations of racism. The result has been the degradation of educational opportunities for students identified as gifted and talented and the lack of concern for students identified as needing extra assistance. Equity is a noble goal, but not at the expense of students who lie on either end of the normal curve, especially in these days of political rhetoric and a heightened concern for educational accountability. But ability grouping is neither the fiend nor the foe that it has been labeled. In the past, ability grouping has been equated with tracking, a permanent and now unacceptable approach in which students are assessed based on prior achievement or measured intelligence and placed into streams or tracks from which they never escape, a situation that has created problems for advocates of equity and equality. The present and future of ability grouping lies in the flexible use of grouping, either between or within classrooms. However, ability grouping alone will not lead to significant improvement in students achievement unless it is combined with curricula that have been created based on students learning styles, interests, and abilities. When ability grouping is utilized in a flexible and temporary manner, with appropriate curricular adjustment, significant achievement gains can be realized.

Agreat deal of research indicates that moderate gains occur in students academic achievement when teachers adopt practices from gifted education pedagogy, such as ability grouping (Kulik, 2003; Slavin, 1987), curriculum modification (Wiggins amp; McTighe, 1998), differentiation (Renzulli, 1994; Tomlinson, 1995, 1999), strategies to enhance higher level thinking skills, concept-based instruction (Erickson, 1998), problem-based learning (Delisle, 1997), and constructivist pedagogy (Brooks amp; Brooks, 1995), to improve student achievement (Bechtol amp; Sorenson, 1993; Bloom, 1976; Feldhusen, 1989; Kaplan, 1986, 2001; Renzulli, 1988, 1994; VanTassel-Baska, 1986; Walberg, 1985). Because it is unlikely that one strategy operating in isolation is as effective as multiple interventions, it is recommended that school personnel investigate the combined effects of gr



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