
 2022-03-22 09:03

MobileWars: A Mobile GPGPU Game

Abstract. Nowadays mobile phones, especially smartphones, are equipped with advanced computing capabilities. Most of these devices have multicore processors such as dual-core CPUs and many-core GPUs. These processors are designed for both low power consumption and high performance computation. Moreover, most devices still lack libraries for generic multicore computing usage, such as CUDA or OpenCL. However, computing certain kind of tasks in these mobile GPUs, and other available multicores processors, may be faster and much more efficient than their single threaded CPU counterparts. This advantage can be used in game development to optimize some aspects of a game loop and also include new features. This work presents an architecture designed to process most of the game loop inside a mobile GPU using the Android Renderscript API. As an illustrated test case for the proposed architecture, this work presents a game prototype called “MobileWars”, completely developed using the proposed architecture.

Keywords: Mobile, Mobile Multicore Computing, Game Architecture, GPGPU, Game Physics, Game AI, RenderScript API, Android.

1 Introduction

Digital games are defined as real-time multimedia applications that have a time constraints to run their tasks [1]. If the game is not able to execute its processing under some time threshold, it will fail [2], as its immersion will be lost. Mobile games are also real-time multimedia application that run on mobile phones, having the same time constraints. However, many others characteristics are different [3], when compared to PC or console games: hardware (processing power and screen size); user input, (buttons, voice, touch screen and accelerometers); and a big diversity of operating systems, such as Android, iOS, Symbian and Windows Mobile[4].

The market of mobile devices is growing [5]. Devices powered with Android have 60% of the sale market share in the first quarter of this year in the USA, according to [6]. Also the usage of the internet on such devices are gaining

importance, since its has been doubling every year [7]. These are important motivations for game developers and designer to create blockbusters and high end mobile games.

Google introduced in the Honeycomb version of Android the Renderscript API (application programming interface) [8]. Renderscript is an API for achieving better performance on Android phones and tablets. Using this API, developers can use the same code to process on different hardware architectures such as different CPUs (Central Processing Unity), ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) v5, ARM v7, and X86, GPUs (Graphic Processing Unit) and DSPs (Digital Signal Processors). The API decides which processor will run the code on the device at runtime, choosing the best processor for the available code. This work presents a novel game architecture suitable for this new architecture, which extends previous work that were applied in a desktop hardware [2]. As far as the authors knows, this is the first mobile game that uses this kind of architecture.

Summarizing, this work has following contributions: Modeling of a game architecture for mobile device; Adaptation of the architecture and data structures for Renderscript API; and Implementation of a state machine on the mobile GPU.

The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents related works on mobile multicore processing and the Renderscript API. Section 3 presents the related work on GPGPU on mobile devices while Section 4 the game design of MobileWars is presented. Section 5 presents the game architecture used in this work and Section 6 presents the results. Finally Section 7 presents the conclusion of this paper.

  1. Mobile Multicore Processing

Multicore architecture are, nowadays, found in home PCs and mobile phone, available as multicore CPUs and GPUs. GPUs are powerful processors originally dedicated to graphics computation [9]. GPUs for PCs are composed by hundreds of parallel processors, achieving much better performance then modern CPUs for several specific applications scenarios. The GPU can be used on the PC as a generic processor to process data and deal with computationally intensive tasks, through development of elaborate architectures such as CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture ) and OpenCL.

On mobile devices, the GPU is much less capable and powerful [10], and is typically integrated into the mobile processor system-on-a-chip (SoC), which also consists of one or several CPUs, DSP (digital system processor), and other available mobile-specific accelerators. This embedded GPU does not have a dedicated memory, having to share the system bus with others processors for accessing the memory. Consequently the memory bandwidth is also much lower when compared to desktops GPUs [11]. Currently, mobile GPUs emphasis more on lower power consumption [12] than performance. Some of these currently available GPUs devices are the Qualcommrsquo;s Adreno 200, the TIrsquo;s PowerVR SGX 530/535 and the nVidia Tegra3.

Normally, most works that uses mobile for parallel processing deals with the use of GPU for generic processing with the OpenGL ES programable shaders, the vertex and fragment shader, as the programming interface [13]. The disadvantage found in some approaches is the traditional shader languages limitations (such as scatter memory operations, i.e. out-of-order indexed write array operations), and features that are not even implemented on those languages (such as integer data operands like bit-wise logical operations AND, OR, XOR, NOT and bitshifts). Some of these disadvantages are also presented in the Rendersript API, as the limitation of scatter memory operations.

2.1 The Renderscript API

Renderscript is a new software development kit and API for Andro



摘要现在的手机,尤其是智能手机,都具备了先进的计算能力。其中大多数设备都有多核处理器,如双核cpu和多核处理器。这些处理器是为低功耗和高性能计算而设计的。此外,大多数设备仍然缺少用于通用多核计算使用的库,如CUDA或OpenCL。但是,在这些移动gpu和其他可用的多核处理器中计算某些任务可能比它们的单线程CPU处理器更快、更高效。这种优势可以用于游戏开发,以优化游戏循环的某些方面,还包括新特性。这个工作展示了一个架构,设计用来在移动GPU中使用Android Renderscript API处理大部分的游戏循环。作为所提议的架构的演示测试用例,该工作展示了一个名为“MobileWars”的游戏原型,它完全是使用所提议的架构开发的。

关键词:移动,移动多核计算,游戏架构,GPGPU,游戏物理,游戏AI, RenderScript API, Android。


数字游戏被定义为具有时间约束[1]的实时多媒体应用程序。如果游戏不能在某个时间阈值下执行它的处理,它将会失败[2],因为它的沉浸将会丢失。手机游戏也是在手机上运行的实时多媒体应用,具有相同的时间限制。然而,与PC或主机游戏相比,其他许多特性都不同[3]:硬件(处理能力和屏幕尺寸);用户输入,(按钮,声音,触摸屏和加速计);而安卓、iOS、Symbian和Windows Mobile等操作系统也有很大的多样性[4]。



谷歌在Android的Honeycomb版本中引入了Renderscript API[8]。Renderscript是在Android手机和平板电脑上实现更好性能的API。使用这个API,开发人员可以使用相同的代码来处理不同的硬件架构,例如不同的cpu(中央处理Unity)、ARM(高级RISC机器)v5、ARM v7和X86、gpu(图形处理单元)和dsp(数字信号处理器)。API决定哪个处理器在运行时在设备上运行代码,为可用的代码选择最好的处理器。这项工作展示了一种适合这种新架构的新颖的游戏架构,它扩展了以前在桌面硬件中应用的工作[2]。就作者所知,这是第一个使用这种架构的手机游戏。

总结,这项工作有以下贡献:为移动设备建模一个游戏架构;对Renderscript API的架构和数据结构的适应;并在移动GPU上实现状态机。

本文组织如下:第2节介绍了移动多核处理和Renderscript API的相关工作。第3节介绍了移动设备上GPGPU的相关工作,并介绍了mobilewar的游戏设计。第5节介绍了该工作中使用的游戏架构,第6节给出了结果。最后给出了本文的结论。



在移动设备上,GPU的能力和功能都要小得多[10],通常集成到移动处理器系统芯片(SoC)中,它也包括一个或多个cpu、DSP(数字系统处理器)和其他可用的移动专用加速器。这个嵌入式GPU没有专门的内存,必须与其他处理器共享系统总线以访问内存。因此,与桌面gpu相比,内存带宽也要低得多[11]。目前,移动gpu比性能更强调低功耗[12]。其中一些目前可用的gpu设备是高通的肾上腺200,TI的PowerVR SGX 530/535和nVidia Tegra3。

通常情况下,大多数使用移动设备进行并行处理的工作都是使用GPU进行通用处理,OpenGL ES可编程着色器、顶点和片段着色器[13]。在某些方法中发现的缺点是传统的着色语言限制(比如分散内存操作,即无序的索引写数组操作),以及那些在那些语言上甚至没有实现的特性(例如像位逻辑操作和,或者,XOR, not和bitshift)这样的整数数据操作数。其中一些缺点也在Rendersript API中提出,作为分散内存操作的限制。


Renderscript是一个新的软件开发工具包和API,首先由谷歌在Honeycomb版Android中引入。Renderscript是Android手机和平板电脑上高性能图形处理的API。它被用于快速3D渲染和计算处理,与GPU计算库和框架有相似的模式[14]。Renderscript API的主要目标是为Android开发人员带来更低层次、更高性能的API,以便更好地实现可视化动画和模拟[15]。


在Renderscript中实现的所有任务都可以自动移植到设备可用处理器上的并行处理,比如CPU、GPU甚至DSP。Renderscript特别适用于处理图像处理、数学建模或其他需要大量数学计算的应用程序,类似于GPU计算范例。Renderscript的主要用途是在关键代码中获得性能,而传统的Android框架和OpenGL ES api还不够快。


关于在多核处理器上使用移动设备的方法,很少有相关的文献,特别是关于游戏的。大部分的工作处理图像处理,使用GPU进行通用处理。在[16]中,利用OpenGL ES 2.0在手持设备上设计和实现了一些图像处理算法。在[17]中提出了本地二进制模式特征提取的移动GPU实现,在CPU与GPU一起使用时显示了更好的性能和功耗。

同时使用OpenGL 2.0进行图像处理[11]显示人脸识别算法,总能耗为4.25x,减少3.88x。[18]介绍了基于gpu的窗口系统在EGL和OpenVG上的实现。openCV[19]是一个用于计算机视觉的库,它包括一些用于移动设备的新特性和实验特性。这些工作尤其重要,因为它们表明移动GPU的使用速度更快,耗电量低。

Nah等[20]利用kd -树显示基于OpenGL的CPU-GPU混合射线追踪器。在[21]中,提出了一种利用GPU来加速其处理的移动电话中选定视频帧的文档拼接图像的系统。在[22]中提出了一种基于ARM-Linux和OpenGL ES的移动设备的图像变形实现。









mobilewar的执行工作如下。首先,该活动创建所有上下文,以使用RenderScript API。然后计算Renderscript初始化所有必要的变量并创建玩家和敌人。在此初始化之后,游戏循环将开始收集用户在整个活动中的输入,并将其发送到Compute Renderscript以进行进一步的处理。Compute Renderscript向Renderscript计算引擎发出调用,用于处理游戏中的所有实体的游戏物理和游戏AI。Compute Renderscript根据NGrid数据结构的规则执行一个进程。所有这些更新都存储在VBO(顶点缓存对象)中,并发送给着色器以供其呈现。GPU还与CPU共享变量,以判断它是否应该终止应用程序或播放声音效果。


图1 体系结构概述





图2 在自顶向下的摄像机中构建NGrid。








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