
 2022-08-17 03:08

Transfer of Rural Surplus Labor Force in Liaocheng City,China

CHEN Yong-jin* ,ZHANG Er-xun,LIU Jia-zhen,PAN Rui-zheng,ZHOU Chang-hui,KOU Wen-juan

School of Environment and Planning,Liaocheng University,Liaocheng 252059,China

Abstract Based on the introduction of research theories about rural labor force transfer at home and abroad,taking Liaocheng City as the representative of medium and small cities,transfer situation of rural labor force in Liaocheng City is discussed from several aspects, including the transfer of total labor force,structure of labor force,flow of regional labor force, industry selection of labor force,and income of labor force. Combining with the situation of labor force transfer in Liaocheng City,social benefits,including both negative and positive benefits,of labor force transfer are analyzed.From the aspect of positive benefit,foreign labor is one of premier builders for in-flow area ( city) ,fills in the structural lack of labor force,and has made huge contributions to urban construction.Meanwhile,for out-flow area ( village) ,transfer of surplus labor force can reduce the employment pressure in rural areas,increase the income of peasant households,and promote the development of rural economy. From the aspect of negative benefit,a large number of labor forces pouring into cities will bring pressure on the transportation and infrastructure , increas the instability factor of city,and cause difficulties in the management of city. At the same time,a large number of young labor forces work in cities,leaving only the old and sick in rural areas.This might become a hidden danger to the development of agriculture. Push - Pull Theory is used to analyze the socioeconomic factors affecting labor force transfer.Suggestions are put forward to reform the household registration system,to improve the cultural quality of rural labor force,to develop rural secondary and tertiary industries,to promote the rapid and harmonious development of economic society in underdeveloped regions,and to provide scientific reference for the sustainable development of regional economy and the construction of new socialist countryside in Liaocheng City.

Key words Labor force transfer; Push - Pull Theory; Liaocheng City,China

Marxism holds that the transfer of rural surplus labor is the redistribution and reconfiguration of total social labor in agriculture,industry and tertiary industry.And improvement of social productivity,especially agricultural labor productivity,is the

foundation of this change. According to the national condition of China,transfer of labor force refers to the professional,interindustrial and inter-regional movements of surplus labor force compared with the change of labor market [1].Mobility of rural

surplus labor force is a temporary migration of population,having the following main features. Firstly,mobility of labor force,separating labor forces from their families,does not mean to cut off the relationship with land.And family is the main force to

call for the return of labor force. Secondly,mobility of labor force is determined by the whole family and has nothing to do with the government.Thirdly,educational degree of rural labor force is generally low and their status and occupation are unstable,usually in the traditional industry of a city.Fourthly,labor reflow has the characteristics of both periodicity and uncertainty.Important traditional festivals are the main time of their return.Besides,when economic condition changes or situation

becomes unfavorable,rural labor force may return home as they want[2].Flow of agricultural labor force from rural agriculture to urban non-agriculture is not only an inevitable result of the development of social productive forces,but also is a historical trend of great progressive significance during Chinas modernization process.There are a lot of researches with relatively complete theoretical systems on transfer of rural labor force both at home and abroad.Western scholars have achieved fruitful results in exploring the flow of agricultural labor force.For instance,D.J.Bagne et al.propose the Push -Pull Theory of population flow; M.P.Todaro puts forward the Expected Income Theory; and W.A.Lewis brings forward the Lewis Model[3].At the same time,scholars in China has concluded several theories through studying on the rural labor force transfer,including Internal and External Transfer Theory,Labor

Export Theory,Urbanization Theory,and Directional Transfer Theory[4].Based on the investigation on rural labor force transfer in Liaocheng City,transfer factors are analyzed by combining with the Push - Pull Theory and the improved Push - Pull Theory,so as to provide scientific references for the sustainable development of regional economy and the construction of new socialist countryside in Liaocheng City.

1 Situation of rural labor force transfer

1.1 Total population of labor force transfer Fig.1 illustrates that total population of Liaocheng City is 5 335.8 thousand people in the year 2000,among which,agricultural populationis 4 592.7 thousand people. In the year 2006,total population

of this city reaches 5 728.2 thousand,an increase of 392.4 thousand people.And agricultural population at the same year is 4 110.6 thousand people,a decrease of 482. 1 thousand people.Total population increases steadily but the number of people engaged in agricultural activities is reducing.Thus,more than 900 thousand rural labor forces have transferred to secondary and tertiary industries.At the end of 2008,migrant labors from Liaocheng City reach more than 1 100 thousand.

Fig.1 Variation of total population and agricultural population in Liaocheng City from the year 2000 to 2006

1.2 Composition of labor force According to statistics,number of rural labor force at working age ( 18 -60) is 3 035.8 thousand in Liaoch



陈永金,张二勋,刘加珍,潘瑞政,周长辉 (聊城大学环境与规划学院,山东聊城252059)

摘要 在介绍国内外关于农村劳动力转移研究理论的基础上,以聊城市为中小城市的代表,从劳动力转移总量、劳动力构成状况、劳动力区域流向、劳动力行业选择、用工报酬和务工收益5个方面探讨了聊城市劳动力转移情况。结合聊城市劳动地转移状况,分析了劳动力转移的社会效益— — 正效益和负效益。从正效益方面分析,对流入地(城市)而言,外来劳动力是城市重要的建设者之一,填补了城市的结构性劳动力缺失,为城镇建设做出了巨大的贡献;对流出地(农村)而言,剩余劳动力的流出减轻了农村的就业压力。增加了农户收入,促进了农村经济社会的发展。从负效益方面分析,对流入地(城市)而言,大量的劳动力涌进城市给城市的交通运输、基础设施带来了压力,使城市的不稳定因素增加,给城市的管理带来了压力;对流出地(农村)而言,大量的青壮年劳动力流出,留守人员大多数是老弱病残或者缺乏一技之长,给农业的发展留下了隐患。运用推拉理论分析了影响劳动力转移的社会经济因素,提出了改革户籍管理制度、提高农村劳动力文化素质、大力发展农村二、三产业等方面的对策建议,以期促进经济欠发达地区经济社会的快速和谐发展,为聊城市区域经济的可持续发展和社会主义新农村建设提供科学参考。

关键词 劳动力转移;推拉理论;聊城市

中图分类号 F304.6 文献标识码 A 文章编号0517—6611(2010)01—00503—04

Transfer of Rural Surplus Labor Force in Liaocheng City

CHEN Yong-jin et al (School of Environment and Planning,Liaocheng University,Liaocheng,Shandong 252059)

Abstract Based on the introduction of research theories about rural labor force transfer at home and abroad, taking Liaocheng City as the representative of medium and small cities,transfer situation of rural labor force in Liaocheng City is discussed from aspects, including the transfer of total1abor force,structure of labor force,flows of regional labor force,industry selection of labor force,and salary of 1abor force.Combining with the situation of 1abor force transfer in Liaocheng City.socia1 benefits(negative and positive benefits)of labor force transfer are ana1yzed.From the aspect of positive benefit,foreign labor is one of premier builders for in—flow area(city),fills in the structural1ack of labor force,and has made huge contributions to urban construction.Meanwhile,for out—flow area(village),transfer of surplus labor force can reduce the employment pressure in rural areas.increase the income of peasant households.and promote the development of rural economy.From the aspect of negative benefit,a large number of labor forces poured into cities will bring pressure on the transportation and infrastructure,increase the instability factor of city,and bring pressure on the management of the city.At the same time,a large number of young labor forces work in cities,leaving only the old and sick in rural areas,which might be a hidden danger to the development of

agriculture.Push—pull theory is used to analyze the socio—economic factors affecting labor force transfer.Suggestions are put forward to refoITI1 the household registration system,to improve the cultural quality of rural labor force,to develop rural secondary and tertiary industries,to promote the rapid and harmonious development of economic society in underdeveloped regions,and to provide scientific reference for the sustainable development of regional economy and the construction of new socialist countryside in Liaocheng City.

Key words Labor force transfer:Push—pull theory:Liaocheng City

马克思主义认为,农村剩余劳动力的转移是社会总劳动 在农业、工业和第三产业之间的重新分配和配置。发生这种 变化的基础是社会生产力水平的提高,特别是农业劳动生产 率的提高。依照我国国情来看,劳动力转移是指超过农业需 要的劳动力相对于劳动力市场条件的变化在职业间、产业间 和地区间的运动[1]。农业劳动力从农村农业向城镇非农行 业流动既是社会生产力发展的必然结果,又是我国现代化进 程中具有巨大进步意义的历史趋势。国内外关于农村劳动 力转移的论述颇多,其理论体系也较为完备。西方学者探究 农业劳动力的流动原因取得了丰硕的成果,例如,巴格内(D.J.Bagne)等人提出的解释人口流动原因的推拉理论,托达罗 (M.P.Todaro)提出期望收人理论和刘易斯(W.A.Lewis)提 出的刘易斯模型等[2];同时,国内对农村劳动力转移的研究, 形成了亦工亦农论、内外部转移论、劳务输出论、农田集中经 营论、就地转移论、城市化论、深分工论、定向转移论、复合转 移论、私营经济论等十几种理论[3]。笔者通过对聊城市劳动 力转移情况的针对性调查,结合推拉理论以及改进推拉模 型,对聊城市劳动力的转移因素进行分析,为聊城市区域经济的可持续发展和社会主义新农村建设提供科学参考。

1 劳动力转移情况

1.1 劳动力转移总量 由图1可见,2000年聊城市总人口为533.58万人,其中农业人口为459.27万人;2006年聊城市总人口为572.82万人,比2000年增加了39.24万,农业人口为411.06万人,比2000年减少了48.21万人。同时,据资料统计,总人口在稳步增加,而专门从事农业活动的人口在减少,其中有90多万从农村转移出去从事第二、三产业。2008年底,聊城市外出劳动力达110多万。

图1 2OO0~20O6年聊城市总人口与农业人口变化

Fig.1 Variation of total population and agricultural population in Liaocheng City from 2000 to 2006

1.2 劳动力构成状况 据资料统计,2008年底,聊城市农村人口中共有劳动年龄内劳动力(18~60周岁)303.58万人。其中,男性173万人,占53% ;女性130.58万人,占47%。按年龄段分类,20岁以下的34.91万人,占l1.50% ;21—30岁的94.1万人,占31% ;31~40岁的66.79万人,占22% ;40岁以上的107.78万人,占35.5% 。按文化程度分类,初中及初中以下的263.2万人,占86.7% ;高中文化程度36.43万人,占12%;大专及以上3.95万人,占1.3% 。由图2可见,聊城市各县市劳动力文化构成中,高中、大专及以上文化程度人数最少;小学、初中文化程度的人数占绝大数,还有一部分未上学的劳动力。这说明聊城市劳动力文化程度偏低,结构不合理。

青壮年劳动力是劳动力转移的主体,且男多女少,男性外出务工人员占61.8% ,女性为38.2% 。在外出务工人员中,年龄在18~40岁的人员约占94% ,平均年龄为24.3岁,主要是接受新事物较快、商品意识较强、具有一定文化的年轻人。从调查情况看,小学以下文化程度占5.3% ,初中文化程度占46.5% ,高中文化程度占24.7% ,中专、技校文化程度占18.6% ,大专及以上文化程度占5.9% 。青壮年劳动力的劳动技能一般不是很高,56.9% 的人没有技术等级证书,20.1% 的人只有初级技能等级证书,19.8% 的人有中级技术等级证书,3.2%的人有高级技能证书。

1.3 劳动力区域流向 我国大中城市和沿海发达地区的高额工资吸引了大批农村剩余劳动力。山东省市、长江三角洲地区、珠江三角洲地区是聊城市农村劳动力转移就业的主要地区[4]。2008年聊城市农村外出务工人员中有37% 在山东省内城市就业,其中青岛、炯台、淄博等省内城市是聊城市劳动力主要分布地,这主要是因为:① 由于山东省属沿海经济发达地区,具有吸收农村剩余劳动力的市场;②外出劳动力也考虑到离家较近,生活习惯相同因素。同时,省外占63% ,其中,苏、浙、沪、皖泛长三角地区和广州等珠三角地区吸收的聊城市劳动力数量比较接近,分别为14.3%和13.4% ,是省外劳动力主要集中地,展现了这2个地区经济在我国的龙头地位;分布在北京、天津、河北的聊城市劳动力依次占11.4% 、6.8% 、4.9% ;其他省市的总和占15%(图3)。

1.4 劳动力行业选择 受文化水平和技能的限制,外出务工劳动力主要集中于劳动密集型的行业。这些行业所需技术不高、投资少、风险少,比较适合文化程度不高、能吃苦耐劳的农村打工者。2007年聊城市外出务工人员中,从事第一产业的占9.1% ,第二产业为49.8% ,第三产业为41.1% [5]。2008年聊城市外出务工人员从业较为集中的前5大行业为制造业、信息传输和计算机服务业、建筑业、住宿和餐饮服务业、批发和零售业。制造业、建筑业、居民服务和其他服务业是男性劳动力转移就业的重要岗位;制造业、信息传输和计算机服务业、住宿和餐饮以及租赁和商务服务业为女性劳动力转移就业的重要领域。

1.5 用工报酬和务工收益 据调查,聊城市外出劳动力工资收入有所提高。2007年月平均收人为1390元,各项支出为530元。2008年月平均收入达到1 450元,但各项日常开支有所增加,平均支出为580元,其中每月食品支出258元,房屋支出85元,交通支出55元,通讯支出69元,其他支出113元。2008年聊城市农民在本地务农的经营收入是人均3 O00元/a左右,在外出务工的人均工资收入为17 400元/a。假设一个四口之家,3人务农,1人外出打工,打工者每月的工资为1 450元(相当于平均水平),年底返乡带回l万元,则此1人的年收入是其他3个家庭成员总和的1.11倍,极大地改善了农户的生活条件。

2 劳动力转移的社会效益分析


2.1 正效益分析 对流人地(城市)而言,外来劳动力是当地城市重要的建设者之一,填补了城市的结构性劳动力缺失,为城镇建设做出了巨大的贡献。农民工主要从事一些脏、累、苦、粗、廉、险等城市人口不愿从事的行业,从而使城市的行业构成和就业结构趋于合理和完善,为城市的全面发展和产业细化做出了巨大贡献[7]




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