
 2022-08-17 04:08

The Effects of Exhibition Service Quality

on Exhibitor Satisfaction and Behavioral



This empirical study explored the determinants of exhibition service quality that affect exhibitor satisfaction and behavioral intentions.Four dimensions of exhibition service quality were delineated from the literature. Those exhibition service factors were then included in a structural equation framework to explicate causal relationships between exhibition service quality and exhibitor satisfaction and behavioral intentions.A total of 350 usable responses were collected from exhibitors attending various exhibitions in Hong Kong. The collected data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling.The findings indicate that three of the four exhibition service quality factors significantly affect exhibitor satisfaction, and exhibitor satisfaction then leads to exhibitorsrsquo; behavioral intentions. Detailed findings and implications are discussed.

Keywords:exhibition service quality; exhibitor satisfaction; exhibitorsrsquo; behavioral intentions

1 Introduction

Exhibitors are main target customers for exhibition organizers, venue operators,and destination marketers.The success of events depends on the number of exhibitors at the show (M. Lee et al., 2012; Whitfield amp; Webber, 2011). Thus, finding new ways to entice exhibitors to return to the future exhibitions has been challenge for exhibition operators(Gofman et al.,2011).The fate of future events relies on both exhibitor satisfaction with exhibition service attributes and exhibitor intentions to return to future events(George,2012; Jung, 2005). Increasing exhibitor retention rate is one goal of exhibition operators;defecting exhibitors represent lost revenue and replacing an existing exhibitor with a new exhibitor has substantial costs (Kim, 2008;M.Lee et al.,2012). Therefore, understanding exhibitor perceptions of exhibition service attributes and their influence on exhibitor satisfaction and behavioral intentions can help both exhibition organizers and destination marketers organize events focusing on the needs of exhibitors(M.Leeetal.,2012).

With only sporadic efforts to identify important exhibition service attributes, little theoretical and systematic research has attempted clustering those exhibition service attributes important to exhibitors. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to identify the underlying dimensions of exhibition service quality that affect exhibitor satisfaction and examine the causal relationships between exhibition service quality, exhibitor satisfaction, and behavioral intentions. To that end, this empirical study first identified the underlying dimensions of exhibition service quality from the perspectiveof exhibitors through an extensive literature review. Then, the identified exhibition service factors were incorporated into a structural equation framework that examines causal relationships between exhibition service quality, exhibitor satisfaction, and behavioral intentions. The results of structural equation model test not only prove the overall relationship of those latent variables in question, but also identify how exhibition service quality factors contribute to exhibitor satisfaction.Even though the structural equation framework used in this research has been empirically tested and supported in many other areas, using this framework in the context of exhibition is new exhibition research and thus provides a solid foundation for future research in exhibition marketing.

2 Literature review

Research in service marketing reveals that service quality, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions are closely related constructs. Although the literature has explored the causal relationships among those constructs,empirical support for these relationships in the exhibition industry, particularly from the perspective of exhibitors, is extremely limited. Thus, we must review existing exhibition research on exhibitors and apply findings to the proven service quality–satisfaction–behavioral intentions framework.

2.1 Exhibition service quality

Service quality is the consumerrsquo;s evaluation of a productrsquo;s overall excellence or superiority (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, amp; Berry, 1985). In spite of debate about how to internationalize service quality, most researchers agree that perceived quality is the cognitive response to a service experience and that the approach to develop the measurements of service quality (i.e.,the perception-minus-expectation approach and the perceptions-only approach) depends on the studyrsquo;s purpose (Patrick, 2004). For instance, if the studyrsquo;s purpose is to explain variance in dependent constructs, the perceptions-only approach is appropriate (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, amp; Berry, 1994). Customer satisfaction and post purchase behaviors are inflfenced by the quality of customer service, so provided quality service has become a major concern in all hospitality businesses.

Breiter and Milman (2007) explored convention center features that exhibitors deem important to the exhibition venue. Through several focus groups with exhibitors, they identified 17 service attributes important to exhibition and examined the importance of each service attribute through a survey of exhibitors at two exhibitions. Their empirical study discovered that the four exhibition facility services exhibitors perceive as most important were a well-maintained facility,overall cleanliness of the convention center, affordability of center services,and assistance of exhibitor services representatives.In an additional attempt to examine the relationship between service factor and exhibitor satisfaction, they discovered that the performance of exhibition services representatives is a key predictor of overall exhibitor satisfaction with the convention center. Lee and Yeung (2009) revealed that the ava



摘 要


关键词 展览服务质量; 参展商满意度; 参展商的行为意图

1 介绍

参展商是展会组织者、场地运营商和目的地营销人员的主要目标客户。(M. Lee et al., 2012;惠特菲尔德和韦伯,2011)。因此,寻找吸引参展商重返未来展会的新方法一直是展览运营商面临的挑战(Gofman et al.,2011)。未来事件的命运既取决于参展商对会展服务属性的满意度,也取决于参展商重返未来事件的意愿(George,2012;荣格,2005)。提高参展商的保留率是展览经营者的目标之一;倒卖参展商会造成收入损失,用新的参展商取代现有的参展商会产生巨大的成本(Kim,2008; M.Lee等,2012)。因此,了解参展商对会展服务属性的感知及其对参展商满意度和行为意向的影响,可以帮助会展组织者和目的地营销者组织关注参展商需求的活动(m.l eetal.,2012)。


2 文献评论


2.1 展览服务质量

服务质量是消费者对产品整体卓越性或优越性的评价(Parasuraman, Zeithaml, amp; Berry, 1985)。尽管关于如何将服务质量国际化存在争议,但大多数研究人员都认为,感知质量是对服务体验的认知反应,而开发服务质量度量(即,感知-负期望方法和感知-唯一方法)取决于研究的目的(Patrick, 2004)。例如,如果研究的目的是解释依赖结构中的差异,那么只考虑感知的方法是合适的(Parasuraman, Zeithaml, amp; Berry, 1994)。顾客满意和购后行为受到顾客服务质量的影响,因此提供高质量的服务已成为所有酒店业关注的主要问题。

Breiter和Milman(2007)探索了参展商认为对展览场地重要的会展中心特征。通过与参展商的几个焦点小组,他们确定了17个对展会重要的服务属性,并通过对两个展会参展商的调查,检验了每个服务属性的重要性。他们的实证研究发现,参展商认为最重要的四项展览设施服务分别是设施的良好维护、会议中心的整体清洁、中心服务的负担能力以及参展商服务代表的协助。为了进一步研究服务因素与参展商满意度之间的关系,他们发现会展服务代表的表现是参展商对会展中心整体满意度的一个重要预测因素。Lee and Yeung(2009)揭示了场馆服务的可用性,如视听设备、标识、公告、存储空间和商业中心,对参展商来说是很重要的。此外,展览设施如参展商休息室和饮食设施对展览服务质量有很大的贡献(Herbigetal.,1994)。Lu和Cai(2009)证明了专业的场馆设计服务可以极大地影响参展商的满意度和他们重返其他展会的意愿。

2.2 参展商满意度


许多研究试图确定服务质量与客户满意度之间的关系,表明服务质量是客户满意度的前提(Ruyter&Wetzels,2000; Brady&Robertson,2001; Rajendran,&Amaranth,2002; Wang&Shied, 2006)。然而,尽管展览业竞争日益激烈,但几乎没有任何关于展览服务质量与参展商满意度之间因果关系的实证研究(M. Lee,Nguyen,&Waldemar,2010; Rattlebrain,2012; P.Wan&Siu2012)。值得注意的是,Altman(2001)确定了展览经验的27个特征,并测量了参展商对这些特征的满意度。然而,这项研究是以重要性 - 绩效分析的形式进行的,未能对会展服务质量与参展商满意度之间的因果关系有清晰的认识。但是,Jung(2005)在对会展参与者和参观者的实证研究中发现,会展服务质量与总体满意度之间存在正因果关系。客户满意度研究方法的理论含义:首先做出顾客期望值和感知值一致的假设,若顾客的期望值大于他的真实体验值,则表现为不满意;若顾客的期望值低于感知值,则表现为满意。满意度则表现为顾客在比较过体验的真实感受与期望的感知后心里所产生的高兴或失望的状态。而企业要想在市场提高竞争力,就必须提高顾客的满意度,即增强顾客实际所体验的感知程度。因此,为了企业的可持续发展,研究如何提高客户满意度就显得尤为重要。

2.2 文献综述

2.3 行为意图

Re-exhibit意图表示让现有客户重新光顾一家公司对成功至关重要,因为获得新客户的成本大大超过留住现有客户的成本(Spreng et al.,1995)。在展览语境中,未来活动的命运是由参展商和他们的整体满意度决定的(Tanager.,2001)。参展商做出重新展览的决定,不仅基于参与展览的有形结果,而且还基于他们对展览前后各种服务接触的总体满意度(M. Lee eta AL., 2010)。当展会组织者无法管理和控制参展商的满意度时,他们就无法吸引他们参加未来的活动(Hoffman eta.,2011)。

3 方法

3.1 测量的发展

通过对现有展览研究的全面回顾,共确定了20个展览服务属性(Hultsman, 2001;Jung, 2005;Kijewski, Yoon, amp; Young, 1993;李杨,2009;M. Lee等,2012)。然后,由展览专业人员组成的委员会对这些确定的属性进行了审查和确认,其中包括三名展览组织者和两名教授展览相关主题的大学讲师。然后,在香港会议展览中心对参加各类展览的50家参展商进行了初步研究来完善问卷,以此检查测量项目的可靠性。在试点研究的基础上,剔除了一些模糊和不明确的服务属性,在四个主要的会展服务领域共14个会展服务属性(见附录)。

3.2 样本和数据收集


3.3 数据分析

通过验证性因子分析(CFA)和结构方程模型(SEM),利用AMOS17.0对提出的会展服务质量框架进行了检验。在Sempstress之前,采用描述性统计方法,使用不同的人口统计学变量来分析受访者。在扫描电镜(SEM)过程中,利用最大似然估计的协方差矩阵对提出的结构框架进行了测试。按照J.C. Anderson和Garbing(1988)推荐的两步方法,首先执行CFA,以确定所测量的变量是否可靠地反映了假设的潜在构造。第二步,对结构模型进行估计,考察潜在构念之间的因果关系。采用整体模型拟合方法对结构模型拟合进行评价,然后使用标准化路径系数来报告各构念之间的因果关系,以及外生变量(服务质量变量)对内生构念(参展商满意度和行为意向)的相对重要性。在提出的框架中,将领域特定的会展服务质量构念视为独立的外生变量或可预测变量,以便更深入地了解服务质量因素对参展商满意度和行为意图的相对重要性。

4 讨论和含义








5 结论




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