
 2022-08-17 03:08


Intangible Cultural Heritage Involved In Tangible Cultural Heritage

The relationship between intangible culture and tangible cultural heritage, including monuments and sites which constitute the target of the ICOMOS activity, is so close that it is impossible to separate. Intangible culture produces tangible cultural objects which require intangible culture. This relationship may be compared with the twisted rope, but is not so simple. It should be our common task to study this relationship. In order to do so, there may be many subjects to be discussed, but, since we are at the early stage of discussion, I would like to raise some basic topics first.

What is Culture?

One the one hand we feel proud of our specialty that we are professional experts on monuments and sites, but on the other hand, we have to confess that we are neither specialists nor scholars of culture. That is the reason why we are starting from this point based on my personal idea. Culture is commonly recognized as the way of individual or family life such as food, clothing and dwelling, social activity, including politics and economics, humanities and science, creative activity for arts and crafts, and for performing arts, manners and customs, and various kinds of beliefs and religions.

Nowadays, the discipline that deals most basely with culture is cultural anthropology. Some time ago, an anthropologist taught me about an interesting anecdote: In Japan, a group of monkeys was living on a small island surrounded by the sea. Once, a child monkey washed its food, a potato, with sea water, and, maybe, found it clean and tasty. That was the moment a new culture was born. This child monkey continued the same action and got its own custom. This custom soon spread out to other children and female monkeys. Male monkeys did not join this custom first. However, afterwards, when the children grew up, all members washed their potatoes. So, a new culture became common among the group.

Intangible culture is the mother of all cultures.

As etymology shows, culture is the human product molded and matured in an inspired or cultivated brain. In this sense, all kinds of culture is, in the earliest stage, intangible, and, therefore, extremely private in nature. So, many intangible cultures are apt to disappear or change to another one. However, in some cases, as in the above-mentioned monkey anecdote, intangible culture can be spread and handed down. Anthropologists say the keywords of this phenomenon are 'sharing and learning'.

Does intangible cultural heritage exist?

As anthropologists say, since intangible culture is destined to be lost or changed, it is meaningless to try to fix and preserve intangible culture. In this sense, there exists no intangible cultural heritage. I think it is theoretically true, but, as a matter of fact, human beings have been tried to fix, spread and preserve their intangible cultures by handing them down to younger generations or recording them in various ways, for example, oral and gesture teachings, material expressions such as manuscripts, books, art objects or monuments and sites, or physical expressions, such as music, dance, drama and other performing arts. All these ways should be understood as the manifestation of efforts to hand intangible culture down to the posterity. Nevertheless, it should be noted that these ways are not intangible culture itself but merely the means taken by the persons who hold intangible culture. Among them, material expressions which can be recognized only with visual sensation are classified into tangible or physical cultural objects, both movable and immovable. When these objects belong to the past, they are called physical cultural heritage, or simply cultural property.

Can we recognize and protect intangible cultural heritage?

In Japan we believe that cultural heritage can be recognized and protected. Here, let me briefly explain about the policy of protecting intangible culture in Japan. In the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties, which is the only and comprehensive law for all kinds of cultural heritages in Japan, intangible cultural heritage is divided into two categories. The first category, simply called Intangible Cultural Property. (In my view this naming is rather strange, and should be called intangible cultural heritage). It is composed of two sub-categories. The first sub-category is sophisticated performing arts, including music, dance, drama etc. of high artistic and/or historic value, and the second sub-category is craft skills, including those for ceramic, textile, lacquering, metal work, etc, of high artistic and/or historic value. However, the second category, called Intangible Folk Cultural Property, is defined as customs and manners related to food, clothing and shelter, occupation, belief, yearly events, etc and folk performing arts.

In short, our intangible cultural property includes both highly sophisticated and rather basic, folk categories. However, the concept and measures for the protection are almost the same. The first point is how to identify the value of intangible cultural property. Fortunately, Japan has a lot of historical documents and evidences. Therefore, we can recognize the value by the help of historians, anthropologists, ethnologists; those specialized in folklores, performing art scholars, and other academic researchers. However, intangible cultural heritage has been changing in the course of history. Therefore, we must carefully check if the said intangible cultural property can be authorized as having enough essence to be handed down from original days.

Next, what are the steps for protecting intangible cultural property? The Japanese government designates the most prominent person o


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It goes without saying that intangible culture makes the background of tangible cultural property, such as monuments and sites. For example, it is obvious that no religious architecture has been constructed without the existence of religion. But the relationship between religion and architecture is not clear in the state of one-toone correspondence. The real correspondence was hidden inside the brain of those involved in designing that architecture.


There may be many other difficulties. Many disciplines are dealing with intangible culture, but no comprehensive science. Some humanity disciplines, for example, history, archaeology, etc. already have universally recognized concepts and a methodology. However, in Japan, ethnologists specialized in folklore research domestic traditional manners customs through old tales, folk crafts etc. It is presumed that the folklore is a unique humanity developed in the special conditions of Japan. Therefore, Japanese studies of folklore do not have a global scape



I would like to say that we should not be hasty to connect any intangible culture and tangible monuments and sites without careful consideration. Especially, any trial to boost the value of tangible property by the help of intangible culture may be unsuccessful. We should make close connection with specialists in social science disciplines and wait for their establishment of universally recognized understanding of intangible culture through a scientific approach.


无形的文化和文化遗产的古迹和遗址有保护的必要吗?It goes without saying that intangible culture makes the background of tangible cultural property, such as monuments and sites. For example, it is obvious that no religious architecture has been constructed without the existence of religion. But the relationship between religion and architecture is not clear in the state of one-tone correspondence. The real correspondence was hidden inside the brain of those involved in designing that architecture.


1. 基本规划:建筑和场所必须有序排列。长度,宽度和高度是必不可少的先决条件,应当在实际设计前确定。建筑与场所的形状也是一个非常重要的因素。几何形状的建筑物,如正方形,矩形,或圆形,代表一定的哲学。然而,他们是不规则的土地使用和建设规划实例。这种不规则的规划概念应仔细研究并隐藏。

2 .测量单位:测量单位的统治者有一个非常复杂的历史。一般来说,在世界的每一个部分,测量单位是基于对人体或自然产品和现象的一些部分的长度。武器,长脚,两只手指或手臂之间的宽度跨单位的典型例子。一个军帽(约一英尺),测量单元的古代中国,盛行于朝鲜半岛和日本,起源于(小米种子或音乐管起一个标准尺长度1大小。


3 .在右角决定的:它是一个悠久的传统日本木匠确定,直角作为规划的基础,通过比例制作一个大的矩形3:4:5。帽子:帽子:这是普通军帽。小直角用于广场。

4. Long measuring rods and L-shape squares: In Ancient Japan, the government distributed a certain number of one-shako rulers all over Japan. Therefore, not all carpenters had those authorized rulers. It must have been possessed by only high-ranking master carpenters. At the construction site, hand-made measuring rods, as long as 10 shako, were used by supervisors of each construction site. Next, I would like to introduce the unique L-shape square. This is a rectangular 2-side ruler, in the shape of an alphabetic L. The long side is as long as approximately 50 cm and the short side measures about 30 cm. Today, the ruler is made of steel, but formerly it was made of bronze. On the front side of both, long and short sides, ordinary scales are inscribed; while on the rear side a longer (1.4



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