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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 147 (2014) 418 – 423


Risk Reduction Strategies in Online Shopping: E-trust perspective

Angeliki Vosa,b, Catherine Marinagic, Panagiotis Trivellasc, Niclas Eberhagen b,

Christos Skourlasd*, Georgios Giannakopoulosa

a, Department of Librarianship and Information Systems, Department of Informatics, Technological Educational Institute of Athens,

Ag. Spyridonos, GR12210, Athens, GREECE

b, Department of Informatics, Linnaeus University, SE-35139, Vauml;xjouml;, SWEDEN

cDepartment of Logistics, Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece, GR32200, Thiva, GREECE

d, Department of Informatics, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Ag. Spyridonos, GR12210, Athens, GREECE


Several studies have shown that consumers perceive higher risks buying online than in conventional way. Perceived risks affect all purchase decisions and consumersrsquo; behavior, by deterring them to buy. These risks come from the lack of trust of shoppers toward online vendorsrsquo; credibility. The main field of research in this paper is to investigate how trust is affecting the consumers engagement to e-commerce, in order to conclude in which security measures should be taken in order to mitigate perceived risks. A framework for a field research is also given in order to identify the causal relationships between electronic service quality and e-loyalty, e-satisfaction and e-trust.

copy; 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the 3rd International Conference on Integrated Information.

copy; 2014 Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).

Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the 3rd International Conference on Integrated Information.

Keywords: online shopping; e-commerce; e-trust; risk reduction


The online shopping is a process of electronic commerce whereby customers directly contact with e-vendors and thereby they can buy goods or services from an online store (Chaffey, 2009, p. 88). There are four key elements of business-to-customer (B2C) electronic commerce (Doolin et al. 2005, p. 66) exchanges, according to Ranganathan and Ganapathy (2002, p. 457), which have impact on online purchase intent: information content, design, security,

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 30-2105910974; fax: 30-2105910975

E-mail address: cskourlas@teiath.gr

1877-0428 copy; 2014 Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).

Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the 3rd International Conference on Integrated Information. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.07.122

and privacy. These key elements are considered as barriers to buyerrsquo;s purchase intention. Therefore, the e- companies have to deal with them in order to gain confidence of the buyer. Before developing strategies for mitigating risks, an e-company should first evaluate and predict buyerrsquo;s behavior (Layton, 2005). However, an e- company should initially understand what psychology aspects influence consumerrsquo;s purchase intention in order to set proposals and develop strategies aiming to reduce risks effectively. The main purpose of this paper is to show what factors strengthen e-buyerrsquo;s trust and thereby to help in adoption of online shopping. In addition, this paper aims to shed some light upon the areas regarding the security strategies that have to be put in place in order to mitigate risks, which undermine buyerrsquo;s trust.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the factors and dimensions of online trust and the deterrent factors (“risks”) of online shopping. Section 3 proposes strategies to reduce risks of online shopping. Section 4 describes a framework for a field research and section 5 discusses major issues and concludes the paper.

Online Trust – Factors, Dimensions and Risks

In this section, firstly, the notion of trust is analyzed and secondly it is examined how trust can be built in order to boost buyerrsquo;s confidence. There are many definitions of the trust (Meyer and Ward, 2009, p.1). According to Luhmann (2000, p. 94) “trust is a solution for specific problems of risk”. The electronic commerce environment includes several distinct factors that influence buyerrsquo;s trust (Ha, 2004) and an effective approach to the establishment of trust is usually a multidisciplinary one (Cheung and Lee, 2006). Trust is an important factor regarding the adoption and development of e-commerce.

“The Internet has evolved into an important marketing medium and is now an integral part of a multichannel strategy for firms” is stated by Bart et al. (2005, p. 133). Following the traditional marketplaces, the strategic framework of online management should include several dimensions regarding the successful implementation of e- companyrsquo;s vision. According to Bart et al. (2005, p. 133) there are distinctions in relationship across internet sites and customer groups. Jiang et al. (2008) mention several surveys showing that online customers make their purchases from websites that they trust in and recognize the credibility of e-vendors. The key for an e-company to achieve long-term success against competitors and thereby to gain competitive advantage is to build consumer “trust” (Keeney, 1999; Suh and Han, 2003; Pavlou and Fygens



Angeliki Vosa,b, Catherine Marinagic, Panagiotis Trivellasc, Niclas Eberhagen b,

Christos Skourlasd*, Georgios Giannakopoulosa

a, Department of Librarianship and Information Systems, Department of Informatics, Technological Educational Institute of Athens,Ag. Spyridonos, GR12210, Athens, GREECE

b, Department of Informatics, Linnaeus University, SE-35139, Vauml;xjouml;, SWEDEN

cDepartment of Logistics, Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece, GR32200, Thiva, GREECE

d, Department of Informatics, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Ag. Spyridonos, GR12210, Athens, GREECE



  1. 介绍

网上购物是一个消费者可以通过电子商务直接与网上商户联系且因此可以从网上商店买到商品和服务的过程(Chaffey,2009, p. 88)。根据Ranganathan和Ganapathy的观点,商对客这种电子商务交流模式有四个关键的元素,分别是:信息含量、设计、安全性和隐私,它们对网上购物意图都有着巨大的影响力。这些关键元素被认为阻碍了消费者购买意图的发展。因此,网上公司为了增强买方对网上购物的信心,而必须去解决这些问题。在研究出降低风险的策略之前,网上公司应该评估和预测买方行为(Layton, 2005)。然而,为了有效地想出降低风险的建议和策略,网上公司应该首先了解是什么心理因素影响了消费者的购买意图。这篇论文的主要目的是展示到底是什么因素增强了网上消费者的信任并且对网上购物的发展起到了助推的作用。另外,这篇论文同时对有关需要被实施的降低破坏消费者信任的风险的安全策略这块领域有一定的指导作用。


  1. 网络信任——因素、范围和风险

在这个部分,首先分析信任的概念,然后分析如何建立信任去增强消费者的信心。信任有许多定义(Meyer和Ward,2009,p. 1)。根据Luhmann(2000,p. 94)所说:“信任是解决有关危机的特定问题的途径。”电子商务环境包括几个明显的影响消费者信任特征(Ha, 2004)并且一个可以有效地建立信任的途径通常是涉及到各种学术的(Cheung和Lee, 2006)。信任是一个关于电子商务应用和发展的重要因素。

“互联网已经进化成一个重要的购物媒体并且现在是企业多渠道战略的一个完整的部分。”这个观点被Bart等人(2005, p. 133)提出。在传统市场之后,网络管理的战略框架需要包括几个关于成功实施了网上公司设想的方面。根据Bart等人(2005, p. 133),互联网网站和客户群体之间的关系是有些特质的。Jiang等人(2008)提出了几个有关网上消费者从他们信任的网站上购物并且识别网上商户可信性的研究。网上公司想对抗竞争对手获得长期成功并且因此获得更有竞争力的优势的关键是建立消费者信任(Keeney, 1999; Suh和Han, 2003; Pavlou和Fygensen, 2006)。

根据Lewicki (1998)的观点,三个方面-能力、完整性、慈善-影响着信任的等级。能力和完整性可能在早期是最有影响力的因为一个人做慈善的信息需要更多的时间浮现出被人们知道。Lewicki和Tomlinson (2003)提出:“一个个体将会根据表现的值得信赖而获得的奖励和做出不值得信赖行为而被制止的的情况,仔细地计算另一个团体可能会在一个给定的环境下如何表现。”一个论证模型被(Ha, 2004, p. 329)提出,建议确认各种因素,比如说安全性、隐私、品牌名字、口碑传播、优秀的网上体验、信息的质量,这些都加强了效果,并且像这样一个拥有这些特点(“降低风险的因素”)的网上企业可以增强消费者的信心。上面所提到的各种因素和加强品牌信任是有关的。在第一张表格里,加强消费者在网上购物的广大领域里的信心被提出。而且,其他对消费者态度和行为有积极影响的方面是愉悦和感官的控制。通过了解消费者对网站有效性和使用的舒适度的看法,这些方面增强了公司的被信任程度 (Koufaris和Hampton-Sosa, 2002, p. 5)。


新的降低风险的因素 定义

教便宜的品牌 选择购买较便宜的品牌

特别优惠 从给予特别优惠的网上零售者那里购买包装上的信息 根据订单检查在包装上的一些信息

消费者杂志 在一些消费者杂志上寻找关于网上卖家信用的信息

风险(阻碍因素)使得消费者不愿意在网上消费,并且降低了网上公司的信用度。因此,网上公司应该意识到这些风险的重要性并且在扩充他们的消费者规模的时候要保护好自身资产。根据Greatorex 和Mitchell (1994, p.669),“感知”风险和消费者的观念与心理有关。 Marek等人(1987)定义感知风险为一种可以被设想到的风险,由可能的对不希望有的支出的评估值构成。感知风险很大程度上依赖于几个因素如个人知识水平和价值观。电子商务包括了不止是传统商务所拥有的不确定性和风险,因为消费者需要解决以前从未处理过的新的交易(Mitchell, 1999, p. 164)。Eggert (2006)认为有三个无形的方面-生理、心理和一般性-,“这三个因素对大多数感知风险都有着很大的影响。”因此,购买环境对风险的感知性起着重要的作用。

  1. 降低网上购物风险的策略

根据Wylder (2004, p.158)所说:“几个减缓风险的策略都包含着访问控制政策、物理安全性和外围安全性政策、远程访问控制政策和方法论。”一个成功的信息安全计划由技术和非技术的努力结合而来。根据Miyazaki和 Fernandez (2001, p. 40),网络市场想要增强消费者对在线交流的信任程度的关键策略是在网站上向其展示隐私和安全保护措施。若干主要与安全和隐私相关的技术性安全措施可以被采取去保卫网上公司财产等其他敏感信息、安全登录系统、第三方验证和网络密封性。网络隐私涉及到通过互联网抵御未授权的侵犯(Bart等人, 2005, p. 135; Bansal等人, 2009, p. 404)从而实现对信息的保护(Bart 等人, 2005, p. 135; Bansal等人, 2009, p. 404)。安全性由四个因素组成:认证、授权、加密和审计。安全登录系统是认证和授权模型的结合,也因此保证了授权人活动的进行,阻止了未经授权的行动。再进一步讲,消费者需要采取个人的安全保证措施,比如说使用杀毒软件、使用安全的浏览器、在被认证鉴定过的网上商店购物、使用复杂的密码。最后,消费者应该在网上商店寻求能核实付款标准的信用程度的要素:安全电子交易协议和安全套接层协议(Bhiogade, 2002, p. 85; Omariba等人,2012, p. 442)。

提供关于电子商务的服务的公司应该发展可以保证消费者隐私的机制,并且这种机制同样可以保证公司在第三方购买系统以及实施网络密封工具的协助下对电子货币进行安全的转移(Kerkhof和 Van Noort, 2010, p. 701), (Kimery和 McCord, 2002, p.2)。著名的例子有Verisign和Trustwave两家公司。根据Greatorex 和Mitchell (1994, p. 669):“降低风险的因素可以用来解释消费者行为,”并且可以用来提供安全性、可靠性和自信,还能加强消费者对网上零售者的信任。


  1. 一个关于解释性研究的框架

人们应该采取一个解释性研究方法去鉴别电子商务质量和消费者忠诚度、满意度以及信任度之间的原因-影响关系。通过基于结构化的调查问卷和利用E-S-QUAL模型的领域研究去落实这个方法(Parasuraman等人, 2005)。E-S-QUAL是一个用于估量网上服务质量的多项目的综合规模。E-S-QUAL之所以被提议选择是因为它关注于估量核心服务元素而不是其它模型估量的网站的技术质量。

Santouridis等人, 在他们的研究中(Santouridis等人, 2012),致力于考察四因素结构的E-S-QUAL在不同背景下的适用度并且证明它的因素结构。除此之外,他们的研究为对消费者的感知价值和忠诚度的影响提供了实用的观点(Santouridis和Trivellas, 2009, 2010)。Santouridis等人 (2012) 证明了E-S-QUAL的因素的结构,并且确认了这个规模对于测量网上商店服务质量的适用性。Santouridis (2009)对网上商店的希腊消费者做了个调查,去研究网络服务质量对于消费者满意度和信任度的影响。结果显示网络服务质量确实是影响消费者满意程度的一个主要因素。



  1. 探讨和结论



  • 我们主要关心什么?
  • 我们应该做什么在最少的可能的损失情况下去完成我们的愿望?
  • 什么样的隐私和安全问题应该被提出?
  • 我们应该致力于研究什么框架共同体(包括POSTtrade;框架)?




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