
 2022-09-27 11:09

Contribution of air conditioning adoption to future energy use under global warming

Lucas W. Davisa,b,1 and Paul J. Gertlera,b,1

aHaas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720; and bNational Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA 02138 Edited by B. L. Turner, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, and approved March 27, 2015 (received for review December 9, 2014)

As household incomes rise around the world and global temperatures go up, the use of air conditioning is poised to increase dramatically. Air conditioning growth is expected to be particularly strong in middle-income countries, but direct empirical evidence is scarce. In this paper we use high-quality microdata from Mexico to describe the relationship between temperature, income, and air conditioning. We describe both how electricity consumption increases with temperature given cur-rent levels of air conditioning, and how climate and income drive air conditioning adoption decisions. We then combine these estimates with predicted end-of-century temperature changes to forecast future energy consumption. Under conservative assumptions about house-hold income, our model predicts near-universal saturation of air conditioning in all warm areas within just a few decades. Temperature increases contribute to this surge in adoption, but income growth by itself explains most of the increase. What this will mean for electricity consumption and carbon dioxide emissions depends on the pace of technological change. Continued advances in energy efficiency or the development of new cooling technologies could reduce the energy consumption impacts. Similarly, growth in low-carbon electricity generation could mitigate the increases in carbon dioxide emissions. However, the paper illustrates the enormous potential impacts in this sector, highlighting the importance of future research on adaptation and underscoring the urgent need for global action on climate change.

air conditioning | energy demand | climate change | adaptation | energy efficiency

Sales of air conditioners have exploded worldwide over the last few years. The growth is not driven by high-income countries like the United States, where almost 90% of homes already have air conditioning (1). The growth is driven by middle-income coun-tries where households and businesses are buying air conditioners at alarming rates. The prime example is China, where sales of air conditioners have nearly doubled over the last 5 y. In 2013 alone there were 64 million units sold, more than eight times as many as

were sold in the United States (2).

The scope for increased demand for air conditioning is stag-gering. Take India, for example. Compared with the United States, India has four times the population, but also more than three times as many cooling degree days (CDDs) per person (3). Thus, Indiarsquo;s total potential demand for cooling is 12 times that of the United States. Air conditioning is still relatively uncommon in India and other low-income countries, but this is poised to change dramati-cally as incomes rise around the world.

Air conditioning will bring relief to the more than three billion people who live in the tropics and subtropics. However, meeting the increased demand for electricity will be an enormous challenge. Trillions of dollars of investments will be required in electricity generation and transmission infrastructure, and even the most robust markets will be threatened by shortages and price spikes. In addition, most electricity worldwide continues to be generated using fossil fuels, so this growth in air conditioning means billions of tons of increased carbon dioxide emissions.

In this paper we use high-quality microdata from Mexico between 2009 and 2012 to characterize empirically the relationship between temperature, income, and residential air conditioning. Our data and modeling approach allow us to carefully distinguish between the

intensive margin (i.e., how electricity consumption increases with temperature given todayrsquo;s equipment stock) and the extensive margin (i.e., how income and climate drive air conditioning adoption decisions).*

Focusing first on the intensive margin, we use electric billing data to estimate semiparametrically the relationship between tempera-ture and residential electricity consumption. The estimates show large increases in electricity consumption on hot days. For example we find that, relative to a 65–70 °F day, each additional day with a mean temperature exceeding 90 °F increases monthly electricity consumption by 3.2%. Moreover, the results show that the temperature–response function is significantly steeper for households living in states where air conditioning is more prevalent.

For the extensive margin, we use detailed microdata to measure the empirical relationship between climate, income, and air conditioner adoption. We find that what matters most is the interaction between climate and income. In cool areas, air conditioner saturation is near zero for all income levels. In warm areas, however, we find a close relationship between household income and air conditioner adoption, with ownership increasing 2.7 percentage points per $1,000 of annual household income. The relationship is precisely estimated and similar across alternative specifications.

Finally, we combine both sets of estimates with predicted end-of-century temperature changes from a set of state-of-the-art climate models. Considering the intensive margin alone, our estimates imply that temperature increases as predicted under the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 emissions scenario would lead to a 15.4% increase in residential electricity consumption by end of century. This is similar to existing estimates for the United States (6), despite much higher levels of air conditioning saturation in



卢卡斯.W.戴维斯 保罗.J.格特勒

哈斯商学院,加州大学,贝克利,CA 94720;国家经济研究院,剑桥,MA 02138




全球的空调销售在过去的几年里爆炸了。这种增长并不是由像美国那样几乎90%的家庭已经有空调的高收入国家驱动的。增长是由中等收入国家驱动的,在这些国家家庭和企业以一种惊人的速度购买空调。最具代表性的例子就是中国, 在过去的5年空调的销量几乎翻了一倍。仅在2013年有6400万销量,超过8倍在美国销售的(2)。


空调能给超过三十亿生活在热带和亚热带的人带来轻松。然而,直面增加的电力需求将是一个巨大的挑战。发电和输电基础设施需要数万亿美元的投资,甚至最强劲的市场也会受到电力短缺和价格上涨的威胁。此外, 全球大多数电能持续使用化石燃料,这空调的增长意味着数十亿吨二氧化碳排放的增加。


首先关注集约边际,我们使用电账单数据来半参数化估计温度和居民用电消费之间的关系。估计显示在炎热的天用电量大幅增加。例如,我们发现,相对于65 - 70°F的一天,平均气温超过90°F每多一天每月用电量将增加3.2%。此外,结果表明,对于在空调普遍使用的州的家庭中温度响应函数更加陡峭。

对于广义边际,我们使用详细的微观数据来衡量气候,收入,和空调采用之间的经验关系。我们发现,最重要的是气候和收入之间的交互。在凉爽的地区, 空调饱和度是所有收入水平接近于零。在温暖地区,然而,我们发现家庭收入和空调采用之间的密切关系,家庭年收入每增加1000美元,所有权增加2.7%。这种关系是精确估计和选择规范上类似的。




作者贡献:L.W.D.和 P.J.G.设计研究,进行研究,分析数据和写论文。



通信地址 电子邮件:ldavis@haas.berkeley.edu或者gertler@ haas.berkeley.edu。

本文包含的支持信息所在网站www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073 / pnas.1423558112 /——/ DCSupplemental。

*能源需求长期以来的研究的区别了集约边际和广义边际之间的关系 (4,5)。


我们的论文不同于大多数以前的研究气候变化对能源消费的影响。首先,大多数以前的工作只集中在集约边际(6 - 8),或者只集中在广义边际(9),但我们的分析两者都进行了考虑。第二,我们的论文不一样是因为大多数先前的研究使用的数据来自美国。未来几十年大多数能源消耗的增长预计将来自低收入和中等收入国家(10、11),所以证据来自美国以外的国家是至关重要的。

对于这个分析我们编译了一个组装最全面的空调的数据集。而大多数之前空调分析使用聚合数据 (6、7、9、11 - 15号),我们的研究使用家庭层面的微观数据,包括电力消耗和空调的所有权。这些异常丰富的数据使我们即使在高度灵活的规范上也能准确地估计效果,并且可以利用家庭横断面变化进行识别。




ln(yit) =sum;alpha;jTEMPitj beta;RAINit gamma;i omega;t eit. [1]


Fig. 1. Mean temperature (°F).

我们包括在计费周期内总降水(RAINit) 一个二阶多项式的回归分析,用来控制家庭基线差异的家庭固定效应gamma;i,和用来控制全民趋势的计费周期固定效应omega;t,未建模的季节性模式,和其他时间的影响。误差项eit反映了没有被不同的固定效果,温度和降水解释的消费差异。考虑到自治州内家庭的任意序列相关性和关联,我们聚集了市内的社会企业。

确定温度的变化。模型是用每天温度的变化来确定的。 图1描述了在墨西哥的年平均气温的地理图案。这些数据来自我们市政府建立的日常天气数据库,这个数据库使用了美国国家气候数据中心存档的来自数百个监测站的数据。图显示在温度变化更丰富,从平均温度低于60°F中央高原地区,到超过80°F的沿海地区和尤卡坦半岛。

Fig. 2.Daily mean temperature, weighted by population.









Electricity Consumption (in

0 .01 .02 .03










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