
 2022-05-27 10:05

Linear Algebra and Its Applications

(Fourth Edition Gilbert Strang)

Chapter4 Determinants

4.1 Introduction

Determinants are much further from the center of linear algebra than they were a hundred years ago. Mathematics keeps changing direction! After all, a single number can tell only so much about a matrix. Still, it is amazing how much this number can do.

One viewpoint is this: The determinant provides an explicit “formula” for each entry of A-1 and A-1b. This formula will not change the way we compute; even the determinant itself is found by elimination. In fact, elimination can be regarded as the most efficient way to substitute the entries of an n by n matrix into the formula. What the formula does is to show how A-1 depends on the n2 entries of A, and how it varies when those entries vary.

We can list four of the main uses of determinants:

1. They test for invertibility. If the determinant of A is zero, then A is singular. If

detAne;0, then A is invertible (and A-1 involves 1/detA).

The most important application, and the reason this chapter is essential to the book,is to the family of matrices A-I. The parameter is subtracted all along the main diagonal, and the problem is to find the eigenvalues for which A-I is singular. The test is det(A-I)=0. This polynomial of degree n inhas exactly n roots. The matrix has n eigenvalues, This is a fact that follows from the determinant formula, and not from a computer.

  1. The determinant of A equals the volume of a box in n-dimensional space. The edges of the box come from the rows of A (Figure 4.1). The columns of A would give an entirely different box with the same volume.

The simplest box is a little cube dV = dxdydz, as in. Suppose we

change to cylindrical coordinates by x = r cos , y = r sin, z = z. Just as a small interval dx is stretched to (dx/du)du—when u replaces x in a single integral—so the volume element becomes J dr d dz. The Jacobian determinant is the three-dimensional analogue of the stretching factor dx/du:

Jacobian J =.

The value of this determinant is J = r. It is the r in the cylindrical volume element

r dr ddz; this element is our little box. (It looks curved if we try to draw it, but probably it gets straighter as the edges become infinitesimal.)

Figure 4.1: The box formed from the rows of A: volume =determinant.

  1. The determinant gives a formula for each pivot. Theoretically, we could predict

when a pivot entry will be zero, requiring a row exchange. From the formula determinant= plusmn;(product of the pivots), it follows that regardless of the order of elimination, the product of the pivots remains the same apart from sign.

Years ago, this led to the belief that it was useless to escape a very small pivot by exchanging rows, since eventually the small pivot would catch up with us. But what usually happens in practice, if an abnormally small pivot is not avoided, is that it is very soon followed by an abnormally large one. This brings the product back to normal but it leaves the numerical solution in ruins.

4. The determinant measures the dependence of A-1b on each element of b. If oneparameter is changed in an experiment, or one observation is corrected, the “influence coefficient” in A-1 is a ratio of determinants.

There is one more problem about the determinant. It is difficult not only to decide on its importance, and its proper place in the theory of linear algebra, but also to choose the best definition. Obviously, detA will not be some extremely simple function of n2 variables; otherwise A-1 would be much easier to find than it actually is.

The simple things about the determinant are not the explicit formulas, but the properties it possesses. This suggests the natural place to begin. The determinant can be (and will be) defined by its three most basic properties: det I = 1, the sign is reversed by a row exchange, the determinant is linear in each row separately. The problem is then to show, by systematically using these properties, how the determinant can be computed. This will bring us back to the product of the pivots.

Section 4.2 explains these three defining properties of the determinant, and their most important consequences. Section 4.3 gives two more formulas for the determinant—the “big formula” with n! terms, and a formula “by induction”. In Section 4.4 the determinant is applied to find A-1. Then we compute x=A-1b by Cramerrsquo;s rule. And finally, in an optional remark on permutations, we show that whatever the order in which the properties are used, the result is always the same—the defining properties are self-consistent.

4.2 Properties of the Determinant

This will be a pretty long list. Fortunately each rule is easy to understand, and even easier to illustrate, for a 2 by 2 example. Therefore we shall verify that the familiar definition in the 2 by 2 case,

possesses every property in the list. (Notice the two accepted notations for the determinant, detA and ǀAǀ.) Properties 4–10 will be deduced from the previous ones.



(第四版 吉尔伯特·斯特朗)

  1. 行列式





  1. 行列式可以用来判断可逆性。如果矩阵A的行列式为0,那么矩阵A不可逆,如果detAne;0,那么矩阵A可逆(其中det(A-1)=1/detA)。


  1. 矩阵A的行列式的值等于n维空间中盒子的体积。盒子的边对应矩阵A的每一行(如图4.1)。矩阵A的列则会给出一个体积相同却完全不同的盒子。

最简单的一个盒子是一个小正方体dV=dxdydz,就像。假设我们令x=rcostheta;,y=rsintheta;,z=z为柱面坐标,就像一个很小的小区间dx被拉伸成(dx/du)du,当u代替x在一个积分中时,体积元变成J dr dtheta; dz。雅克比行列式是类似的dx/du,只不过是扩展到三维空间了:

雅克比行列式 J =.

这个行列式的值为J=r,其中的r就是圆柱形体积元r dr dtheta; dz中的r,这个体积元就是我们的小盒子。(如果我们尝试画它时,它看起来好像是弯曲的,但当它的边缘变得无穷小时,它可能看上去会变得更直一点。)


  1. 行列式对每个主元给出了一个公式。理论上,我们可以推断当主元为0时,需要进行行交换。根据公式行列式=plusmn;(主元的乘积),不管是否进行交换,主元乘积的绝对值是一样的。


  1. 行列式测量b中每一个元素对A-1b的依赖性。如果在一次实验中一个参数被改变,或者一个观测量是正确的,那么A-1的“影响系数”就是行列式的一个比值。




4.2 行列式的性质



  1. 单位矩阵的行列式为1.

detI=1 and and...

  1. 当两行交换时,行列式的符号发生改变。

行交换 .


  1. 行列式以第一行线性相关。假设ABC从第二行向下是相同的,A的第1行是BC的第一行的线性组合,那么根据规则是:detA是detB和detC的相同的线性组合。




注意第一部分不能写成det(B C)=detB detC,你不可以将所有行进行相加:只有当第一行是可以变化。两边给出的答案都是ad arsquo;d -bc-brsquo;c.



  1. 如果A中有两行是相同的,那么detA=0。

相同的行 .


  1. 一行减去另一行的倍数后行列式不变。

行运算 .


  1. 如果矩阵A有一行为0,那么detA=0。



  1. 如果矩阵A是三角矩阵,那么detA是对角元素a11,a22,···,ann的乘积。如果三角矩阵A对角线上的元素是1,那么detA=1。

三角矩阵 .


得出 detD = a11a22 ···ann det I = a11a22···ann。




  1. 如果矩阵A是奇异的,那么detA=0。如果矩阵A可逆,那么detAne;0。

奇异矩阵 是不可逆的当且仅当ad-bc = 0.


主元乘积 detA = plusmn;detU =plusmn;d1d2 ···dn. (1)


  1. 矩阵AB的行列式是detA与detB的乘积。

乘法法则 ǀAǀǀBǀ= ǀABǀ .


detA-1= 因为 (detA)(detA-1) = detAA-1= det I = 1. (2)


(ad-bc)(eh-fg) = (ae bg)(cf <em



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