费曼图计算与FeynArts, FormCalc和LoopTools外文翻译资料

 2023-03-14 05:03



费曼图计算与FeynArts, FormCalc和LoopTools

作者:Thomas Hahn


出处:[1] Hahn T . Feynman Diagram Calculations with FeynArts, FormCalc, and LoopTools. 2010.






top = CreateTopologies[1, 1 → 2]



ins = InsertFields[top, F[4,{3}] → {F[4,{2}], V[1]}]


amp = CreateFeynAmp[ins]


bull;一般能级决定了一个场的时空属性,例如费米子f。它还确定了耦合的运动学属性。例如,FFS耦合的形式为G omega; G-omega;-,其中omega;plusmn;=(1plusmn;gamma;5)/2,系数Gplusmn;仅依赖于模型参数。

bull;class Level指定粒子到“简单”索引替换,例如,下型夸克F[4](这里还没有给出生成索引)



Createtopologies和insertfieldfields返回的图表可以用Paint绘制,输出为Mathematica Graphics对象、PostScript或LATEX。Paint生产的LATEX代码可以通过FeynEdit编辑器[4]进行后期处理(例如“修改”以供发布)。

输出中的图表编码为FeynAmp[id, loopmom, genamp, ins]。为了说明问题,请考虑下图

bull;id是一个用于记账的标识符,例如:GraphID[Topology== 1,Generic == 1],





(p1minus;2q1)[Lor1] (minus;p1 2q1)[Lor2]③

ep[V[1],p1,Lor1] eplowast;[V[1],k1,Lor2] ④



{ Mass[S[Gen3]]} ,Mass[S[Gen4]],


[(Mom[1]-Mom[2])[KI1[3]]],RelativeCF }

Insertions[Classes][{MW.MW,I EL,-I EL,2}]




InsertFields[...,Model {“MSSMQCD”,”FV”}]


Feynarts的模型文件目前可以由Feynrules [5]和Lanhep [6]生成。 Sarah Package[7]对于SUSY模型的高级推导是有用的。 Feynarts本身包括ModelMaker工具,它将一个适当定义的拉格朗日转变为模型文件。有关模型施工的进一步细节,读者将参考各个手册。



M$ClassesDescription = { ...,

F[11] == {...,

Indices {Index[Netralion]},

Mixture ZNeu[Index[Neutralion],1] F[111]

ZNeu[Index[Neutralion],2] F[112]

ZNeu[Index[Neutralion],3] F[113]

ZNeu[Index[Neutralion],4] F[114] } }

M$CouplingMatrices现在可以给出规范特征态F[111]. .F[114],这使得表达式更短。F[111]. .F[114]在模型初始化后完全退出,但因为它们本身没有在M$ClassesDescription中列出。


M$ClassesDescription = { ..., S[1] == {...},

S[2] == {...},

S[10] == {...,

Indices → {Index[Higgs]},

Mixture → UHiggs[Index[Higgs],1] S[1]

UHiggs[Index[Higgs],2] S[2],

InsertOnly → {External, Internal}} }

此时,S[10]和S[1],S[2]出现在M$ClassesDescription中,因此耦合列表包含混合和解密状态,以所有可能的组合。由于Insertonly,S [10]仅在图中的树级部分上插入,而不是在循环中。




CreateTopologies[..., ExcludeTopologies → WFCorrections[1|3]]


DiagramSelect[..., UnsameQ@@ WFCorrectionFields[##] amp;]


DiagramSelect[..., FermionRouting[##] === {1,3, 2,4} amp;]






C0i[cc0, MW2, MW2, S, MW2, MZ2, MW2] *

( -4 Alfa2 CW2 MW2/SW2 S AbbSum16

32 Alfa2 CW2/SW2 S2 AbbSum28

4 Alfa2 CW2/SW2 S2 AbbSum30 -

8 Alfa2 CW2/SW2 S2 AbbSum7

Alfa2 CW2/SW2 S(T-U) Abb1

8 Alfa2 CW2/SW2 S(T-U) AbbSum29 )

第一条线表示单圈积分(、、s、、、),乘以缩写(如ABB1或ABSUM 29)与包含运动不变量(如曼德尔斯塔姆变量S、T和U)以及模型参数(如Alfa2=)的系数的线性组合。



AbbSum29 = Abb2 Abb22 Abb23 Abb3

Abb22 = Pair1 Pair3 Pair6

Pair3 = Pair[e[3],k[1]]


Pair[e[1], e[2]] Pair[e[3], k[1]] Pair[e[4], k[1]]

Pair[e[1], e[2]] Pair[e[3], k[2]] Pair[e[4], k[1]]

Pair[e[1], e[2]] Pair[e[3], k[1]] Pair[e[4], k[2]]

Pair[e[1], e[2]] Pair[e[3], k[2]] Pair[e[4], k[2]]




FeynArts [1], FormCalc, and LoopTools [2] are programs for the generation and calculation of Feynman diagrams. The lsquo;canonicalrsquo; problem they solve is the computation of the cross-section up to one-loop order for a given scattering reaction, in a highly automated way. Mathematica as the basic programming language makes it straightforward to use in particular intermediate results in a variety of ways, for example checks of Ward identities or the extraction of Wilson coefficients. This note gives an overview of the system with emphasis on recently added features.


FeynArts is a Mathematica package for the generation and visualization of Feynman diagrams and amplitudes. Launched in 1991 [3], the current version 3.5 still uses almost the same syntax, though with many extensions. The generation of amplitudes is a three-step process. In the first step, the distinct topologies for a given number of loops and external legs are produced, e.g.

top = CreateTopologies[1, 1 → 2]

This is a purely geometrical/topological task and requires no physics input. The internal algorithm starts from given zero-leg topologies of the requested loop order and successively adds legs.

In the second step, the modelrsquo;s particle content is read from a Model File and the fields are distributed over the topologies in all admissible ways, e.g.

ins = InsertFields[top, F[4,{3}] → {F[4,{2}], V[1]}]

Finally, the Feynman rules are applied with

amp = CreateFeynAmp[ins]

The field labelling above is the one of the default model, SM.mod, and corresponds to the decay b s, where b and s are the third and second members of the down-type quark class F[4], and V[1] is the photon. This notation is part of the more general concept of field levels:

bull;The Generic Level determines the space–time properties of a field, e.g. a fermion F. It also fixes the kinematic properties of the couplings. For example, the FFS coupling is of the form G omega; G-omega;- where omega;plusmn;=(1plusmn;gamma;5)/2,with coefficients Gplusmn; that depend on model parameters only.

bull;The Classes Level specifies the particle up to lsquo;simplersquo; index substitutions, e.g. the down-type quark class F[4] (where the generation index is not yet given).

bull;The Particles Level spells out any indices left unspecified, e.g. the bottom quark F[4,{3}].

The reason for this splitting is mainly economy: kinematic simplifications can be performed at Generic Level, where there are typically much fewer diagrams than at lower levels. Likewise, lsquo;trivialrsquo; sums e.g. over fermion generations need not be written out explicitly in terms of Particles- Level Feynman diagrams.

The diagrams returned by CreateTopologies and InsertFields can be drawn with Paint, with output as Mathematica Graphics object, PostScript, or LATEX. LATEX code produced by Paint can be post-processed (e.g. lsquo;touched uprsquo; for publication) with the FeynEdit editor [4].

A diagram in the output is encoded as FeynAmp[id, loopmom, genamp, ins]. For illustration, consider the diagram

bull; id is an identifier for bookkeeping, e.g. GraphID[Topology == 1, Generic == 1],

bull; loopmom identifies the loop momenta in the form Integral[q1],

bull; genamp is the generic amplitude,


(p1 minus; 2 q1)[Lor1] (minus;p1 2 q1)[Lor2] ➂

ep[V[1], p1, Lor1] eplowast;[V[1], k1, Lor2] ➃

where individual items can easily be identified: prefactor ➀, loop denominators ➁, coupling structure ➂, polarization vectors ➃, coupling constants ➄.

    • ins is a list of rules substituting the unspecified items in the generic amplitude,

    1. Model Files

The Model Files are ordinary Mathematica text files loaded by FeynArts during model initialization. They supply certain objects, e.g. M$ClassesDescription, the list of particles, and M$CouplingMatrices, the list of couplings. Generic (.gen) and Classes (.mod) Model Files store the kinematic and constant part of the coupling, respectively.

FeynArts further distinguishes Basic and Partial (Add-On) Model Files. Basic Model Files, such as SM.mod, MSSM.mod, can be modified by Add-On Model Files, as in

InsertFields[..., Model → {'MSSMQCD', 'FV'}]

This loads the Basic Model File MSSMQCD.mod and modifies it through the Add-On Model File FV.mod (non-minimal flavour violation). The brace notation works similarly for Generic Model files. The Add-On Model File typically modifies (rather than overwrites) its objects.

Model Files for FeynArts can currently be generated by FeynRules [5] and LanHEP [6]. The SARAH package [7] is useful for the high-level derivation of SUSY models. FeynArts itself in- cludes the ModelMaker tool which turns a suitably defined Lagrangian into a Model File. For further details of model construction the reader is referred to the respective manuals.

    1. Linear Combination of Fields

Starting from Version 3.5, FeynArts can automatically linear-combine fields, i.e. one can spec- ify the couplings in terms of gauge rather than mass eigenstates. For example:

M$CouplingMatrices may now be given in terms of the gauge eigenstates F[111]. . . F[114], which makes the expressions much shorter. F[111]. . . F[114] drop out completely after model initialization, however, as they are not themselves listed in M$ClassesDescription.

Higher-order mixings can be added, too:

This time, S[10] and S[1], S[2] appear in M$ClassesDescription and hence the coupling list contains both mixed and unmixed states, in all possible



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