译文标题 基于ZigBee的无线传感器网络的扩展快捷树路由外文翻译资料

 2022-12-10 03:12



原文标题 Extended shortcut tree routing for ZigBee based wireless sensor network

译文标题 基于ZigBee的无线传感器网络的扩展快捷树路由

Extended shortcut tree routing for ZigBee based wireless sensor network

L.K. Wadhwa, Rashmi S. Deshpande, Vishnu Priye

Abstract:Energy efficiency and network lifetime are main concerns in WSN. In order to improve these factors ZigBee plays an important role. Low cost, low data rate features of ZigBee results in low power consumption and makes it useful in wireless sensor networks, increasing life of small batteries of nodes in the network. Since tree routing in ZigBee does not require any routing tables to send the packet to the destination, it can be used in ZigBee end devices that have limited resources. Routing protocols such as AODV (Ad-hoc on demand distance vector routing), ZTR (ZigBee tree routing), and STR (Shortcut tree routing) are compared on the basis of different performance metrics (End to end delay, routing overload, throughput, packet delivery ratio). An extensive simulation in NS2 is carried out. The performance evaluation shows that STR achieves better performance as compared to other two routing protocols. But there are some limitations of the STR method. Performance of packet delivery ratio of STR is less as compared to AODV. Performance of end to end delay of STR is poor as compared to AODV. Hence ESTR is proposed. The main aim of proposed ESTR [Extended STR] is to present new ZigBee network routing protocol with goal of improving the performance of ESTR in terms of PDR and delay against STR and AODV.

1 Introduction

ZigBee is a specification that defines a set of high level protocols for low cost and low power [5] wireless personal area networks. ZigBee is based upon IEEE 802.15.4 standard [1,8,9]. ZigBee provides the low power wireless mesh net- working and supports up to 64,000 devices in a network with the multihop tree and mesh topologies as well as star topology [3,4,7]. It is different from the other personal area network standards such as Bluetooth [6], UWB, and Wire- less USB. Based on these characteristics, ZigBee Alliance has various applications like smart home, building automation, health care, smart energy, telecommunication,and retail services. The ZigBee network layer, which is the core of the standard, provides dynamic network formation, addressing, routing, and network management functions. Every node is assigned a unique 16-bit short address dynamically using ei- ther distributed addressing or stochastic addressing scheme. The routing protocols of ZigBee are diverse so that a system or users can choose the optimal routing strategy according to applications. ZigBee reactive routing protocol provides the optimal routing path for the arbitrary source and destination pair through the on-demand route discovery. It requires the route discovery process for each communication pair, so the route discovery overhead and the memory consumption pro- portionally increases with the number of traffic sessions.

In ZTR, since each node is assigned a hierarchical address [2], a source or an intermediate node only decides whether to forward a packet to the parent or one of the children by comparing its address with the destination address. ZigBee treerouting(ZTR) uses distributed block addressing scheme and prevents the route discovery overhead in both memory and bandwidth. The main advantage of ZTR is that any source node can transmit a packet to an arbitrary destination in a network without any route discovery overheads.

ZTR cannot provide the optimal routing path, as packets are forwarded only by using tree topology to the destination even if the destination is located nearby, though it does not require any route discovery overhead.

Shortcut tree routing (STR) significantly enhances the path efficiency of ZTR by only adding the 1-hop neighbor information. Whereas ZTR only uses tree links connecting the parent and child nodes, STR uses the neighbor nodes by shortcutting the tree routing path in the mesh topology. In STR [2], a source or an intermediate node selects the next hop node having the smallest remaining tree hops to the des- tination regardless of whether it is a parent, one of children, or neighboring node. The routing path selection in STR is decided by individual node in a distributed manner. STR has the limitation that the routing path is not always optimal in an aspect of the end-to-end hop distance, because the next hop node is selected based on the local information like 1-hop neighbor table.

Our objective is to provide the near optimal routing path like the reactive routing protocol as well as to maintain the advantages of ZTR such as no route discovery overhead and little memory consumption for the routing table.

Hence we propose ESTR, which is fully compatible with the ZigBee standard that applies the different routing strategies according to each nodersquo;s status. Also, it requires neither any additional cost nor change of the ZigBee standard including the creation and maintenance mechanism of 1- hop neighbor information. The Source Initiated Bulged Multi- Path Routing scheme provides multiple disjoint paths from source to destination. Hop count of all nodes is considered from sink. In this, only one path from each node is considered which is one hop away and is having hop count less than that of the source node. The current reporting rate is divided by number of upstream neighboring nodes of source and this new reporting rate is assigned




原文标题 Extended shortcut tree routing for ZigBee based wireless sensor network

译文标题 基于ZigBee的无线传感器网络的扩展快捷树路由

学生姓名 张超 学号 20131336021

专业年级 13自动化(1)班

指导教师 杨春霞

二O一七 年 三 月 一 日


L.K. Wadhwa, Rashmi S. Deshpande, Vishnu Priye

摘要:能量消耗和网络寿命是无线传感器网络的主要问题。为了改善这些因素,ZigBee起着重要的作用。ZigBee低成本、低数据速率特性导致功耗低,使其在无线传感器网络中有用,增加了网络中节点的电池寿命。由于ZigBee中的树路由不需要任何路由表将数据包发送到目的地,因此可以在资源有限的ZigBee终端设备中使用。在不同性能指标(端到端延迟、路由过量、吞吐量、数据包交付)的基础上,比较了AODV路由协议( AODV路由协议)、ZTR路由协议(ZigBee)和STR(快捷方式路由)等路由协议。在NS2中进行了广泛的仿真。性能评价表明,与其他两种路由协议相比,STR具有更好的性能。但STR方法存在一定的局限性。STR的分组投递率比AODV协议的性能更低。与AODV协议相比,STR的端到端延迟性能较差。因此,提出了ESTR。提出的ESTR[扩展STR]的主要目的是提出新的ZigBee网络路由协议,目标是提高PDR在PDR和延迟对STR和AODV的性能。

关键词:ZigBee; IEEE802.15.4; WSN; Tree routing; STR

1 介绍

ZigBee是一种低成本、低功耗[5]无线个人局域网的高层次协议。ZigBee是基于IEEE 802.15.4标准[1,8,9]。ZigBee提供低功耗无线mesh网络-工作和支持多达64,000个设备与多跳树和网状拓扑以及星型拓扑[3,4,7]。它不同于其他的个人领域网络标准,如蓝牙[6]、UWB和电线USB。基于这些特点,ZigBee联盟有各种应用如智能家居、楼宇自动化、医疗保健、智能能源、电信和零售等服务。ZigBee网络层是标准的核心,提供动态网络形成、寻址、路由和网络管理功能。每个节点都被动态地分配一个唯一的16位地址,使用它的分布式地址或随机编址方案动态。ZigBee的路由协议是多样化的,因此系统或用户可以根据应用选择最优路由策略。ZigBee反应式路由协议通过按需路由发现,为任意源和目标对提供最优路由路径。它需要对每个通信对的路由发现过程,因此路由发现开销和内存消耗随着会话的会话数量增加而增加。



快捷路径树路由(STR)价格仅添加1跳邻居信息增强了ZTR的路径e。虽然ZTR只使用连接父节点和子节点的树链接,STR通过简化在网状拓扑中的树路由路径使用邻居节点。在STR [2]中,源或中间节点选择具有最小剩余树跳的下一跳节点,而不论其是否是父节点、子节点或相邻节点。STR的路由路径选择是以分布式方式的单个节点进行路由选择.STR在端到端跳距离的一个方面有限制,因为根据本地信息(如单脚跳邻居表)选择下一跳节点。



本文的主要贡献如下:首先,提出了ESTR解决ZTR和STR总体净性能下降的主要原因,这是迂回路径问题和交易c浓度问题。其次,证明了ESTR使用的多路径路由改进了路由路径e ,减轻了ZTRc负载集中在ZTR树链路上的负载。第三,分析了ESTR、STR和AODV的性能。


2. ZigBee树路由协议


通过分层编址方案,我们可以东亚峰会确定目标是每个源还是中间节点的后代。在ZTR中,每个源或interme节点将数据发送给其中一个子节点,如果德斯蒂是后代;否则,它会发送给它的父。a和b,其中数据包经过几个跃点到达目的地,即使它位于发送者的2跳传输范围内。为了解决ZTR的这一迂回路径问题, ZigBee规范定义了直接传输规则,允许协调员或路由器直接将数据包传输到目的地,而无需路由协议的决定。



STR算法通过我们邻居信息解决了ZTR的这两个问题。它完全解决了迂回路径问题,但没有完全解决问题.STR基本遵循ZTR,但是当剩余的树跳到达目的地时,选择邻居节点作为下一跳节点。例如,在图中。1 c ,STR计算从下一跳节点到所有邻居节点的目标的剩余树跳,并选择n4作为下一跳节点将数据包传输到目标D2。STR的主要思想是,我们可以计算从任意源到目标的保持树跳跃,达到前一节讨论的ZigBee地址层次结构和树结构。换句话说,可以使用源节点的树级别和它们的共同祖先节点来计算剩余的树跳,因为来自源节点的数据包到达共同祖先,其中包含目标的地址,并在ZTR中向下到目标。

STR有限制,在端到端跳距离的一个方面,路由路径并不总是最优的,因为根据本地信息如1跳邻居表选择下一跳节点。例如,在图中。1 c ,s到D2的最优路径是年代,但它需要2跳邻居信息,使源s知道n5在thed2的1跳通信范围内。在具有高节点密度的网络中,维持2跳邻居信息会产生较高的协议开销;因此,我们选择在内存消耗和路由开销的角度提供一个资源e路由协议。

4.ESTR (扩展STR )


    1. Algorithm to find ancestor

4.2 Algorithm to find next hop 下一跳的算法










路由开销来自控制数据包数量和存储器消耗,如图所示。3d。由于网络密度增加, AODV路由开销呈指数级增加,因为rreq(路由请求)数据包被fl到整个网络。STR的路由开销被计算为链路状态维护机制的开销,即使它是的起源的ZigBee标准中的fi,而不考虑STR。提示链路状态维护机制是ZigBee中的必备功能,ZTR在ZigBee的实际部署中也具有相同的路由开销。




迂回路径问题和交易c浓度问题是ZTR和STR等通用树路由协议的基本问题,导致网络性能下降。为了克服这些问题,提出了使用邻居表的ESTR,原来是ZigBee标准中的fi。在ESTR中,每个节点可以根据剩余的树跳到达目的地的opti节点和opti下一跳节点。数学分析证明, ESTR中的1-跳邻居信息减少了树上的交易c负载条件,并提供了一个e路由路径。STR的分组投递率比AODV协议的性能更低。与AODV协议相比,STR的端到端延迟性能较差。提出的ESTR [前往往]改进了PDR和延迟对STR和AODV的性能.网络仿真表明,ESTR通过抑制附加路径发现过程,为AODV提供了可比较的路由性能,并通过对网络密度和网络传输的可扩展性的尊重。因此,希望在许多需要小容量和高路由性能的ZigBee应用中使用ESTR。

References 参考文献

[1] C. Li, Y. Wang, X. Guo, The application research of wireless sensor net- work based on ZigBee, in: Proceedings of the Second International Con- ference on Multimedia and Information Technology, 2010.

[2] T. Kim, J. Yang, Neighbor table based shortcut tree routing in ZigBee wireless networks, , Proc. IEEE Trans. Parallel DiSTRib. Syst. 25 (3)



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