
 2022-08-09 03:08

The rationalization of brand management by marketing scholars (Aaker, 2012; Brochado, Vinhas da Silva, LaPlaca, Bruwer, amp; Bruwer, 2015; Kapferer, 2012; K. Keller, 2013; Vanauken, 2002) is important in order to diminish misunderstandings about brand construction. The need to have a common understanding of the term “brand” is critical in order to have a further understanding of brand, and also brand identity. A brand is expected to echo more with consumers if it has an identification mark, symbol, word(s) or mixture of those to distinguish its product or service from other companies, thereby creating a unique identity (Godin, 2009; Imber amp; Toffler, 2008; Jevons, 2005; Kotler, 1997)

The definition of branding can be defined as, “a brand will be understood as a unique identity, given specifically to a product or a service, which is communicated in the form of a term, symbol, design, sound, experience or a combination of these, to consumers. When a brand communicates to the customers it sends a promise of what will be delivered or experienced. Like a person, a brand must have an identity and it should be clearly revealed” (Rashid, 2012). This definition has provided a new height on the brand plethora with the addition on the importance of having its own creative identity.

Brands are substantial because they are able to easily outline the customersrsquo; perception and decision towards them. Moreover, there is a common absenteeism of a clearly defined approach taken by brands to penetrate emerging markets with their names and concept, and for this particular research context, it will be the coffee shops. This research focus on the brand identity building and itrsquo;s significant. The emerging market of coffee shops has stimulated noise in this sector. Coffee shops are experiencing a rising in attractiveness, developing new lifestyle and changing the way the world drinks (International, 2014). Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world, second only to crude oil. It is cultivated in over 70 countries by thousands of independent farmers. It is estimated that 1.6 billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide every day (Rogers Family Co, 2013). The cafeacute; and coffee shop industry includes all specialist unlicensed outlets that focus on the sale of coffee in addition to hot and cold drinks and light snacks (Luery, 2016). In the UK, the so-called lsquo;cafeacute; culturersquo; has developed rapidly over the past decade and there are now in excess of 24,000 coffee shops and cafeacute;s throughout the country with around 6,500 believed to be independent coffee shops. These independent coffee shops account for 30% of the UK market and face fierce competition from large chains such as Costa, Starbucks and Cafe Nero who account for 31% of the market and nearly 8000 non-specialist outlets (including pubs and supermarkets) which account for 39% of the market (Allegra World Coffee Portal, 2015) According to Companies House, outside London, which has 27.1% of outlets, the Northwest of England is third with 9.2% and Scotland fourth with 7.4% behind the Southeast of England with 13.1%. Liverpool is ranked third highest behind London and Glasgow in terms of the total number of independent coffee shops (Hospitality and Catering News, 2013). The total value of the coffee shop industry in the UK is pound;3.4 billion (Mintel, 2017) with the sector employing around 115,000 people with that number expected to rise by 31,000 in the 5 years to 2021-2022 (Luery, 2016). EU statistics show that the hotel, restaurant and cafe sector is dominated by micro enterprises with 94% employing less than 10 people. It is anticipated that the vast majority of independent coffee shops are micro sized enterprises (MSEs). This is an important industry in terms of employment and contribution to the UK economy. However, sustainability in terms of longevity is an issue. Despite the low barriers to entry into the industry, cafeacute;s are a very high risk business and most start-ups fail Thus, this call for the need to have a renewed concept in order to have a distinguish identity and be a competitive player in the industry.

The concept of brand identity has been researched in some depth (Christmann, Alexander, amp; Wood, 2015; De Chernatony, 1999; K. L. Keller, 2001; Lawrence amp; Kaufmann, 2015; Lory amp; McCalman, 2002; Nandan, 2005; Phillips, McQuarrie, amp; Griffin, 2014). Kapferer (2012) argues that having an identity indicates “being your true self, driven by a personal goal that is both different from othersrsquo; and resistant to change”. Harley Davidson, for example, has a powerful and well-established brand identity that creates its own community (Muniz Jr amp; Orsquo;guinn, 2001). The Harley Davidson brand represents “a unique light, with a great respect and distinction”, along with an image of “power, rebellion and classic style in any American that hears it as well as many people worldwide, witnessing to the strength of Harley Davidson brand”(Pugliese amp; Cagan, 2002). Konini and Go (2008) give new insights into the concept of brand identity. They assert that brand identity states what the brand aspires to be. A successful brand:

1.Constitutes a set of associations that the brand strategist seeks to create and maintain.

2.Represents a vision of how a particular brand should be perceived by its target audience.

3.Establishes a relationship between a particular brand and its clientele by generating a value proposition potentially either involving benefits or providing credibility, which endorses the brand in question.

In accepting Konini and Gorsquo;s insights, it appears likely that a better understanding of the brand identity concept will be communicated to potential customers. The brand of a product or service needs to have its own unique identity that makes it stand out and be recognizable by its customers. Kapferer (2012) believes that a brand with identity is more likely to survive in the fas


由市场营销学者(Aaker,2012; Brochado,Vinhas da Silva,LaPlaca,Bruwer,&Bruwer,2015; Kapferer,2012; K.Keller,2013; Vanauken,2002)提出的品牌管理合理化对于减少人们对品牌建设的误解很重要。品牌这一名词基本的认识对品牌和品牌识别展开深层次长远的理解是至关重要的。一个 品牌带有识别标记,符号,文字或其他文字的混合物,以使其产品或服务与其他公司区分开来,从而创造出独特的标识,则该品牌有望与消费者产生更多的回响(Godin,2009; Imber&Toffler, 2008; Jevons,2005; Kotler,1997)


品牌之所以重要,是因为它们能够轻松的概述客户对他们的看法和决定。此外,对于品牌采用其名称和概念进入新兴市场的清晰定位的方法普遍缺失。在这下列特殊的研究背景下,针对咖啡店的研究则弥补了这一缺失。这项研究的重点在于建立品牌形象,这一点意义重大。新兴的咖啡店市场引起了轩然大波从而说明了咖啡店的吸引力正在提高,为人们提供了新的生活方式并在世界范围内影响了人们对饮品的选择(International,2014年)。咖啡是全球第二大交易商品,仅次于原油。它在70多个国家/地区由成千上万的独立农民种植。据估计,全球每天消耗16亿杯咖啡(Rogers Family Co,2013)。咖啡馆和咖啡店行业包括除冷热饮料和便餐之外的所有专门从事咖啡销售的无牌专业商店(Luery,2016年)。在英国,所谓的“咖啡馆文化”在过去十年中发展迅速,目前在全国有超过24,000家咖啡店和咖啡馆,其中约有6,500家是独立的咖啡店。这些独立的咖啡店占英国咖啡市场的30%,并且面临来自大型连锁店(例如,Costa,星巴克和Cafe Nero)的激烈竞争,大型连锁店占咖啡市场的31%,并且有近8000家非专业商店(包括酒吧和超市)占据39%的市场份额(Allegra世界咖啡门户网站,2015年),根据在伦敦以外拥有27.1%营业网点的伦敦公司公司的数据,英格兰西北地区以9.2%位居第三,苏格兰第四位,仅次于英格兰东南部,为7.4%和 13.1%。就独立咖啡店的总数而言,利物浦在伦敦和格拉斯哥之后排名第三高(Hospitality and Catering News,2013)。英国咖啡店行业的总价值为34亿英镑(Mintel,2017年),该行业雇用约115,000名员工,预计该数字在5年内将增加31,000名,至2021-2022年(Luery,2016年)。欧盟统计数据显示,旅馆,饭店和咖啡馆行业由微型企业所主导,其中94%的雇员不到10人。可以这样说,绝大多数独立咖啡店都是微型企业(MSE)。就就业和对英国经济的贡献而言,这是一个重要的行业。然而,就寿命而言,咖啡馆的可持续性是一个问题。尽管进入该行业的门槛较低,但是咖啡馆是一个非常高风险的企业,并且大多数初创企业都失败了。因此,这要求有一个全新的概念,以便拥有独特的身份并在行业中成为竞争力强大的从业者。

品牌识别的概念已得到深入研究(Christmann,Alexander,&Wood,2015; De Chernatony,1999; KL Keller,2001; Lawrence&Kaufmann,2015; Lory&McCalman,2002; Nandan,2005; Phillips,McQuarrie ,&Griffin,2014)。卡普弗勒(Kapferer,2012)则反驳道,品牌的识别性意味着“成为真实的自我,做的与他人不同且持续保持不变”。例如,哈雷·戴维森(Harley Davidson)就拥有一个强大且运行良好的品牌形象,在此基础上建立了自己的社区(Muniz Jr&Orsquo;guinn,2001)。哈雷·戴维森(Harley Davidson)品牌代表着“独特的光芒,具有崇高的敬意和与众不同”,于此描绘出一副由力量反叛和经典的风格组成的品牌形象,不仅是美国人在全世界范围内,人们见证了Harley Davidson所建立的品牌力量(Pugliese&Cagan,2002年)。 Konini和Go(2008)对品牌标识的概念提供了新见解。他们主张品牌标识说明了品牌追求的目标。成功的品牌应是:




在接受Koneke and Go的见解后,似乎可以将对品牌标识概念的更好理解传达给潜在客户。产品或服务的品牌必须具有自己的独特识别性,以使其脱颖而出并为客户所认可。 Kapferer(2012)认为,具有识别性的品牌在快速发展的营销行业中更有可能生存,因为它可以更好地与客户建立联系。可以看出,咖啡店行业目前是一个新兴市场,因此,拥有独特的可识别性非常重要。品牌的创建和维持过程需要系统地计划。品牌标识是使用两个元素构建的:特有性和权威(Kitchen&Schultz,2003年)。特有性是指是品牌的秩序性一流从而使这一品牌不同于其他品牌。




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