2D 解谜电脑游戏-ASCENDER视觉应用设计与实现环境外文翻译资料

 2022-11-27 02:11

Design and Implementation Visual Environment of 2D Puzzle Platformer Computer Game: ASCENDER Abstract ASCENDER is a single player 2D puzzle platformer PC game which has an explorative world called GOA set under the land of a realm. The game equipped with the basic of all game visual design assets such as characters, environment, properties, visual effects, and user interface. Environment visual design were created by game visual artist to provide a realistic and beautiful set of environmental assets, props and scenery element required for game character exploration and interaction. Designing visual game environment involved visual artist, story writer, game designer and curve level designer. The design process itself included brainstorming, creating concept art, coloring, layering (parallax), and compositing. Environment design build with consideration based on story, world logic, and gameplay, can be effective and immersive for the player to enjoy the game experience, exploring the world, interaction of the game, solving puzzle, and follow the storyline. Keywords: Environment Design, 2D platformer, PC Game. 1. Introduction ASCENDER is a single player 2D puzzle-platformer-PC game built with Unity game development engine [1] developed by Gamechanger Studio in Indonesia and planned to release at 2017 on Steam [2]. The environment set of Ascender game has an explorative set in a great cave under the land surface, which Indonesian called lsquo;Goarsquo;. The main playable character named Sky, a bipedal dog-sized robot assistance set on adventure helping its owner, the teen limbless girl named Ocean and Professor Toro Hudo in their mission to collect materials that will be useful to create an artificial arms and legs for Ocean. The game environment is located in an underground cave called Goa which is one of the multilayer civilization in Ascender world concept. The title Ascender itself means lsquo;going uprsquo;, and the journey begins from Goa. This paper describes how the environment in Goa was built and implemented into the game. 1.1. GOA DESCRIPTION Goa is an underground large cave where humans live in and build their civilization as a survivor from a toxic realm surface named Ataran. The civilization builds their own environmental system inside Goa and provide themselves with artificial light and rain, power and electricity, and also clean air and water system. Goa as the large structure cave system is divided into some smaller caves as districts that connect to the central capital city which is the largest cave called Dolopo. Every district has its own function to support the live of civilization inside Goa, such as providing power source, artificial farm and plantation, minerals, and IT center. Each district connected to Dolopo and are accessible by using the hanging stone ship as transportation system via district terminal that is available on each district. 73 Received HFHPEHU, 201; Accepted 0DUFK, 201 Every district at Goa has its own unique environmental characteristic as stated in table 1. below: Table 1.: Goa District and Characteristic 1.2. Goa Construction Goa construction in ASCENDER was build based on actual cave in its natural form. Figure 1 below shows that the location of real-life cave is usually located between the surface and the underground river. The Cave divided itself into small caves surrounding the main cave that are connected by the caves surfaces and by underground river. Goa construction was built following the actual cave shape and location. The difference is that in the concept story, the Goa cave location is placed between different zone of underground ice river and lava river. Figure 1.: Cross-Section of an Actual Cave Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.[3] The placement of Goarsquo;s district and location distributions were design with the condition of cave foundation zone between hot and cold area as the main consideration. The cold area emerges from underground ice river and the hot area emerges from underground lava river. Therefore, every district has its own unique environment base on which zone the district is located. The hierarchy of Goarsquo;s construction and district distribution is shown on table 2. Below: Table 2.: Goa Cave Hierarchy Surface (Ataran) Air system Forging district Dolopo (Central Capital Mining district District) Everest (Holy District) Mustang (Farm District) Helion (IT Center, Server room) Rajumla (Energy-Power Distric) Cold District Hot District Underground Ice river Underground Lava River Following table 2 above, on figure 2 below is the visualization planning map of Goarsquo;s district distribution: Underground Ice river Underground Lava River Figure 2.: Goarsquo;s District Distribution Plan 2. Design Process 2.1. Concept Art The role of visual design takes the first part to help builder translates the story into visualization, before any game designer and game mechanics got involved. The first step on that process is to make concept arts of each district correspond to Goarsquo;s district distribution plan on figure 2. Concept art [4] is a rough drawing on paper to visualize environment and any material and building ideas as much as possible to generate the most suitable environment for the game. After rough drawing, the chosen art was colored by the artist as a color guide for District Name Characteristic Dolopo Central capital district, oldest and largest cave. Mustang Second largest district, mainly soil surface for farm, frequent rain. Rajumla Power district, hottest cave with lava flowing for power. Helion IT Center, Server Room, Hi tech, the coldest district. Everest Holy district, main structure filled with great tree and root. Hymla Mining district for minerals, highly unstable and dark cave Ranesh Workshop district for metal and mineral forging. 74 game background and props. Concept art was colored digitally based on visual references of caves that is suitable to the visual concept of Goa. By doing the concept art, game builder could enrich visual artist exper


2D 解谜电脑游戏-ASCENDER视觉应用设计与实现环境




ASCENDER是一款由印度尼西亚Gamechanger Studio团队在统一游戏开发引擎[1]中打造的单人2D解谜电脑游戏,计划于2017年在Steam上发布[2]。 Ascender游戏的探险环境设定在印度尼西亚一个被称为GOA的地下巨大洞穴中。 主要可玩角色天空是一个双足犬类大小的人工智能机器人,用于帮助它的主人冒险,名叫海洋的青少年无名女子和Toro Hudo教授的任务是收集材料,这些材料将有助于为海洋创造人造手臂和腿部。 游戏环境位于Ascender世界概念中的多层文明之一,被称为Goa的地下洞穴。 Ascender这个名字意味着上升,旅程从GOA开始。 本文描述了GOA的环境如何构建并实现到游戏中。

  1. 1.1 GOA的描述

GOA是一个巨大的地下洞穴,从一个名为阿塔兰的有毒区域逃离幸存下来的人类居住在这里并建立了自己的文明。他们在GOA内部建立了自己的环境系统,为人们提供人造光和雨,能力和电力,以及清新的空气和水系统。 GOA巨大洞穴结构系统被划分为一些小洞穴,与中心首都相连,最大的洞穴叫做多洛波。每个区域都有自己的功能以支持 GOA的文明生活,如提供电源,人造农场和种植园,矿物和IT中心。每个区连接到了Dolopo,并且可以通过使用悬石船作为运输系统通过区域终端进入,区域终端可在每个区域使用。 73显示生命条,201接收0DUFK,GOA的每个区都有其独特的环境特征,如下表1所示:表1:GOA区域特征

1.2 Goa建筑

ASCENDER中Goa的建筑是以自然中实际洞穴为基础建造的。下图1显示了现实中洞穴的位置通常位于地表和地下河之间。洞穴分为主洞穴周围的小洞穴,洞穴表面和地下河相连。Goa建筑是根据实际的洞穴形状和位置建造的。不同的是,在概念故事中,GOA洞穴位置位于地下冰河和熔岩河之间的不同区域。图1:百科全书实际洞穴Britannica的横断面 [3]GOA位置和地点分布布局主要考虑以冷热地区之间的洞穴地带为条件。寒冷地区从地下冰河中涌现,炎热地区从地下熔岩河涌现。因此,每个地区都有自己独特的环境基础,表2列出了GOA的建筑和地区分布情况。下图表2:GOA洞穴分层表面(Ataran)空气系统锻造区Dolopo(中央矿区地区)珠穆朗玛峰(圣区)野马(农场)Helion (IT中心,服务器机房)Rajumla(能源动力区)寒冷地区 炎热地区 地下冰河 地下熔岩河 按照上表2,下图2是GOA地区分布的可视化规划图:地下冰河地下熔岩河流图

2 GOA的区域分配计划2.设计过程


在任何游戏设计师和游戏机制介入之前,角色的视觉设计首先帮助构建者将故事转化为可视化。这个过程的第一步是让每个地区的概念艺术与图2中GOA的地区分配计划对应。概念艺术[4]是纸上粗略的绘图,用以尽可能多的材料和建筑创意使环境形象化,以制造最适合游戏的环境。在粗略绘制之后,选定的概念艺术被设计师为游戏设计配色为名为Dolopo的特色中央首都区,最古老也是最大的洞穴。野马是第二大区,主要是土壤表面以作为农场,降雨频繁。 Rajumla为电力区,有熔岩流动发电故而为最热的洞穴。 Helion IT中心,服务器机房,Hi tech,最冷的地区。珠穆朗玛峰圣区,作为主要结构布满了高大的树木和深根。 Hymla为矿物采矿区,地质极不稳定。黑暗洞穴Ranesh为金属和矿物锻造车间区。 74游戏背景和道具。概念艺术是根据洞穴视觉参数而配色的适合GOA的视觉概念。通过概念艺术,游戏设计师可以丰富建筑设计,区域的物理特征地形,环境以及相应颜色的视觉艺术。图3:Dolopo区域概念艺术。概念艺术基本上是将您的想法转化为可视化概念的方法,与形状,价值,颜色,质地和构图组合在一起,从而为游戏环境呈现一个美观协调的视觉效果。上图3是Dolopo作为GOA主要首都中心的地区选定概念艺术案例。上图概念艺术展示了大洞穴区域以及Dolopo的人口密度。它还展示了洞穴地形和河流的细节,GOA运输系统的主石码头和洞穴天花板上的人造光源。


选择了每个地区的概念艺术后,下一步就是关注游戏艺术。首先是根据游戏策划提供的关卡设计曲线计划制定重点区域。游戏策划应尽可能地使用简单基本元素的绘图,以便设计师能够理解并建立相应的环境变量设置。图4:游戏策划的简单关卡设计在上图4中,以左图为例,主要的机器人角色是左边的那个小机器人人,而大型机器人作为不可玩角色(NPC)在右边。主角和NPC之间的互动可以触发任务。这个场景位于一个名为AIR的仓库的大工场内,人工智能机器人在此完成任务后可获得了运行许可。该仓库相当大,以生锈的高科技材料覆盖。为了想象这个场景,环境设计师创建了一个聚焦在主要区域(焦点地区)的故事板。故事板是任何项目可视化前期制作的最重要工具,包括游戏[5]。设计师艺术家组织和改进游戏道具,还可以让整个游戏制作团队组织和改进游戏设计的所有元素。游戏故事板是用铅笔在A4纸上逐场绘制的。A4尺寸表示游戏策划使用Microsoft Office Excel确定每个地区的长度总面积以及它们彼此连接的位置的一个地图区域。每个地区的长度因概念而异。在Excel格式的地图中,每个地区被不同的颜色分隔开来,如图5所示。然后视觉设计师根据Excel地图将这些故事板连接到A4纸上并贴在墙上,从而可以看到故事板中的视觉流并对其进行优化。故事板上还覆有独立的透明纸,用于绘制游戏策划设计的动作和任务计划。图5:Microsoft Excel地图版式75图6:使用单独A4透明纸的的故事板。上图6中的视觉故事板由设计总监指导,与游戏策划和故事作家直接深入探讨,以让视觉差距和错误可以最小化,特别是对于环境和互动。


当所有故事板在设计总监的批准后,下一个步骤就是以已在概念艺术中确定的颜色托盘为主要区域着色。主要区域(焦点地区)的着色是使用Adobe Photoshop以1600 x 900 dpi的分辨率完成数字化着色。在清理故事板之后,设计师在着色过程开始之前使灰度移动以确定哪个部分是黑暗和哪个部分光亮的。有了灰度图,设计师就可以开始着色。图7显示了主要区域珠穆朗玛峰地区的着色过程。珠穆朗玛峰是位于寒冷地带的圣地,那里的环境主要由巨大的树根主导。因此该区域对应的颜色主要是冷色调。此外,为了呼应上述地区的神秘和神圣感,所使用的主要颜色是淡色托盘,如紫色,红棕色和略带蓝色和绿色的互补色。在这个着色过程中使用的色彩张力关系[6]符合概念设计,环境让人感觉紧张并且区别于其他区域。一个完整的着色过程还提供了每种材料(如钢锈,草,种植园,冰,熔岩等)的环境条件和识别的详细信息。通过在每个区域应用不同的色调和对应于GOA的每个区域特征的不同方案可以赋予不同的个性并增强游戏视觉体验。例如,主要用于农业区的野马区,GOA最肥沃的地区最适合种植食物源用棕色和绿色的配色方案。一个完整的着色过程不仅要在主要场景上进行详细说明,而且在背景,前景以及游戏中每个分层具有不同深度的视差滚动。图7.主要地面珠峰上的着色过程




在程序员的帮助下合成所有的环境元素实现游戏中的可视化,其中所有资源都在每个图层中连在一起,以创建具有视差滚动的美丽环境。设计师需要进行一些细微的修正和调整,以修补视觉视差,或者仅仅为了让GOA的每个地区的视觉环境没有漏洞。示例结果是如下图8所示的Helion区的环境布局,。图10. Helion区最终布局。从上图10中我们可以看到在GOA最冷的地带,作为IT中心的Helion区的整个环境,凝固金属和水晶钟乳石中在主要地区中占主导地位。它也显示了凝固建筑物蓝色配色方案的应用显示在具有视差层的背景上。

  1. 动态道具和环境素材






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