
 2022-10-10 11:10

The Analysis of the Issue Related to the Feasibility of

Study the Real Estate Project on the Basis of the

Implicit Cost

Bilin Shao, Bin Ding

Abstract: It is known that the feasibility study of real estate project plays an important role in real estate development.Feasibility study, feasibility study, it is defined in the investigation foundation, through the market analysis, technical analysis, financial analysis and economic analysis, the various investment projects, technical feasibility and economic rationality of comprehensive evaluation. The basic task of the feasibility study is to build or rebuild project of main problems, from the point of view of technique and economy of comprehensive analysis and research, and economic effect on the production forecast demonstration project within the fixed range, so that the most reasonable use resource, to achieve a predetermined social benefit and economic benefit.

The feasibility study must be from the system of and on multiple aspects of technical, economic, financial, business and environmental protection, and legal analysis and demonstration, to determine whether it is feasible to construction projects, and to provide the scientific basis for the right investment decisions. The feasibility study of the project is a process of continuous analysis, evaluation and decision of multi factors and multi objective system. It requires the expertise of professionals to work together to complete. Feasibility study is not only used in construction projects, but also in various stages and aspects of science and technology and industrial development.Nevertheless, there still remains many problems in the feasibility study. In this paper, the concept of implicit cost will be introduced, which will be used to analyse these problems.Meanwhile, some useful strategies will be raised for these problems,which intends to further improve the feasibility study of the real estate projects.

Keywords: real estate project; feasibility study;;stratege;implicit cost; problems;authenticity.

1. Introduction

The feasibility study is the decision science has been used in project area, and the basic target is on the basis of the comprehensive investigating and researching to identify a construction object whether have the characteristics of progressive, reality and reliable in the whole prosess from previously project construction to line operation. We also need to know those whether can pay off from the finance and the credibility in the economy to give a big help for the investating decisions. It is real role that a framework to investing project , and is the key factors that can decide the project can be invested or not to give some supports on the project decisions. The real estate is characteristic of accounting for huge financing, a long period relative to the investing and easily influenced by the instable factors. Therefore, the the feasibility study is very important for the real estate. However, currently we are more and more focusing on the explicit cost in the feasibility study and ignoring the intangible cost. The intangible cost is , as opposed to explicit cost and hided among the total cost of enterprise, caused by the decision maker characterized by lower diathesis, wrong concept, and the deficiency of informations, coupled with the non-market factors to lead to the total cost increaseing directly or indirectly . The amount of economic benefits of the project largely depend on getting full knowledge of the intangible cost in the real estate.

2. The Existence of the Questions Lied in the Feasibility Study on the Basis of the Intangible Cost

Recently, the real estate have got a big improvement in the feasibility study. As the main contents and methods, it have been normed and stabilized gradually to use in the project decisions. But that is fact that the feasibility study cannot play the role above mentioned in the real case. The worst case is that there is no the feasibility study before starting the work. And another events is that the feasibility study had been done, but the result was not fit to the requestions. The main problems are following:

2.1. The Investor with Low Diathesis Did Not Pay More Attentions on it

Until now, a number of the investors did not get a clear clue and realize the importantance related to the feasibility study. They had made a decision whether building the real estate relied on their own wish, and reckoned the feasibility study was just a “payable paper” to submit to lending institution, investor and government. There is no meaning in the feasibility study because of carrying on is not thorough, focusing on the format. Therefore, the “feasibility study” is the aim that how to get a permission from the related department and a loan from the bank, so the data cannot be used to reflect the real conditions. The economic benefits of the whole real estate project have decreased, even failed that was mainly ascribed to the invetorrsquo;s attitude, ignoring the importance of feasibility study. Those are called the intangible cost. The other factors is linked closely with calibre that a excellent decision maker should be characterized by determination, confidence, far-sighted.ect. When a favorite investing project lie in front of a investor, he must be confidence and determination to make a decision as soon as possible, or the problems relative to the economic benefits′ lost would be happened to create the intangible cost. Moreover, the investor should have the characters of far-sighted to consider the investing process, and not care the “gain and loss” in a small events to make a wrong decision. It is obviously that the high-calibre is an very important factor to the investor to avoid the intangible cost.

2.2. The Feas



作者:邵毕林, 丁斌








2.1 低素质的投资者并没有对它进行更多的关注


2.2 建设项目可行性研究主要完成顾问机构和设计者水准过低。


2.3 分析和预测的市场不够完整


2.4 没有在每一个项目中进行比较


2.5 忽视环境评估的价值



2.6 没有注意灵敏度分析和风险因素




质量风险:包括资产质量风险和产品质量风险。如果企业经营不佳,效益滑坡,不良资产不断增加,必然会对资产的保值增值造成损害,损失股东的利益;企业产品的实现是一个动态的过程,如果监督控制不到位出现失误,首先会在市场上产生不良的影响,动摇顾客对企业的信任,减少定单,其次是 产品质量问题可能导致需方的质量索赔,非但合同款不能结算,还要承担经济赔偿或是诉讼的风险。这些不确定性在投资项目中存在风险,因此整个项目的不确定性分析是至关重要的。如果可行性研究不能对这些风险因素进行准确分析,将导致项目的额外成本。在实际工作的可行性研究,分析风险的投入是不足够的或只停留在定性分析。尽管他们进行了一些量化,但是要么是量化方法不合适,要么就是对定量结果不重视,没有很好地了解到项目的风险因素,从而使一些项目在具体实施之前出现风险,或风险因素变化导致成本增加,经济效益大幅下降,导致隐性成本的产生。

3 可行性研究的对策

3.1 加强决策者的思想教育和素质教育












3.2 提高设计者的能力




3.4 比较和选择全面的投资项目


3.5 更多的关注环境评价


3.6 深化敏感性投资项目和风险分析




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