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Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 2061–2066

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Renewable Energy

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s ev i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / r e n e n e

Embedding sustainability in the design of water supply and drainage systems for buildings

L.B. Jack*, J.A. Swaffield

School of the Built Environment, Heriot–Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland EH14 4AS, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:

Available online 3 April 2009





Numerical modelling


a b s t r a c t

In addressing sustainability issues for the built environment, focus is often directed towards minimising energy consumption and material use. Often forgotten however, is the potential for the integration of sustainable solutions when designing water and waste management systems for buildings. The funda-mental functions of such systems are clearly recognised, but traditional design principles often constrain opportunities for performance enhancement and for water and pipework economies. To an extent, this is unsurprising, given the basic premise that steady-state analysis of flows underpins many of the codes and guidelines used worldwide. However, advances in simulation methods mean that system perfor-mance resulting from the use of new techniques and from the integration of innovative and more sustainable design approaches can now be fully assessed.

This paper provides an overview of the water supply and drainage systems for buildings whose performance has been assessed through the development, at Heriot–Watt University, of a suite of numerical simulation models. These models accurately predict, using appropriate forms of the St. Venant equations, the pressure and flow regime within such systems by applying the Method of Characteristics finite difference technique. The paper provides three different examples of application, where the focus of each is on embedding sustainability in design.

2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction

In providing water supply and waste management systems for buildings, it is essential that performance is assured. Key functions encompass: the provision of potable water and that required for basic hygiene; the removal of water that has been contaminated with waste products; and the provision of a physical barrier between the potentially harmful miasma present in drain pipes and sewers and the habitable space. It is also important that the building uses to best benefit, any impinging rainwater as well as any resultant wastewater, thus reducing unnecessary wastage and limiting the loading on sewer and drainage networks and/or collection systems. Sustainability should underpin design theory in each of these aspects through limiting water supply and consumption, and through reducing material use, cost and envi-ronmental impact. Water supply and drainage systems for build-ings therefore provide a number of opportunities for the integration of sustainable solutions, however, these must be ach-ieved without compromising performance, and thus, the response of systems during use must be fully understood.

  • Corresponding author. Tel.: thorn;44 (0)131 451 4646; fax thorn;44 (0)131 451 4617.

E-mail address: l.b.jack@hw.ac.uk (L.B. Jack).

0960-1481/$ – see front matter 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Often the approach adopted for the design of water and wastewater systems is based upon the application of steady-state principles in order to determine, for example, flow loading or pressure response. Although such methods facilitate system spec-ification in a somewhat deterministic fashion, they seldom provide the opportunity to assess the time-dependent response of systems

– information that can readily inform key design decisions. The following text will therefore illustrate how an understanding of the dynamic response of systems coupled with the development, at Heriot–Watt, of a suite of numerical simulation models has facili-tated the effective and efficient design and analysis of water supply and drainage for buildings, thereby enabling a comprehensive assessment of the potential for integration of innovative and sustainable design solutions. It is worth noting at this point that, throughout this paper, the term lsquo;water supplyrsquo; will be presented within the context of water use within the building that, indirectly, dictates supply from large scale networks.

Each component model contributing to the suite developed at Heriot–Watt utilises the Method of Characteristics technique. This technique was first used by Massau in 1900 to analyse open channel flow, and then by Lamoen in 1947 to analyse water hammer, and transforms the appropriate forms of the St. Venant equations of continuity and momentum into a pair of total differ-ential equations solvable by finite difference methods. These

2062 L.B. Jack, J.A. Swaffield / Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 2061–2066

equations are termed the Cthorn; and C characteristics, and define the conditions at a node one time step in the future in terms of current conditions at adjacent upstream and downstream nodes. The finite difference grid is defined using the independent variables distance, x and time, t, linked with dependent variables, either u and c – fluid velocity and propagation wave speed for air or u and h

– fluid velocity and depth for free surface water. It will be appre-ciated that at system boundaries, an additional equation is required to complete the finite difference solution. Equations are therefore defined at these locations, and provide i





  1. 介绍


– information that can readily inform key design decisions. The following text will therefore illustrate how an understanding of the dynamic response of systems coupled with the development, at Heriot–Watt, of a suite of numerical simulation models has facili-tated the effective and efficient design and analysis of water supply and drainage for buildings, thereby enabling a comprehensive assessment of the potential for integration of innovative and sustainable design solutions. It is worth noting at this point that, throughout this paper, the term lsquo;water supplyrsquo; will be presented within the context of water use within the building that, indirectly, dictates supply from large scale networks.






可持续性的定义可能经常会因设定可持续性的背景而有所不同。对许多发达国家来说,可持续发展的重点是减少或优化混合使用。例如,能源或材料,而在其他区域,可持续性更多的是基本需求的稳定供给。在后一种背景下,与联合国千年法人发展目标背道而驰---在联合国水和卫生问题工作队中表达的目标之一是在2015年底前将无法持续获得安全饮用水和基本卫生设施的人口比例减少一半[ 1 ]。因此,在许多国家,建筑物中的重要的饮用水以一个显著的供应比例用于厕所冲洗似乎有悖常理。任何通过减少厕所用水量带来的成本减少都是非常重要的,同时由于减少管道的供应和缩小管道的尺寸而带来的间接节省在排水系统中也是很明显的,未来还会进一步增加。



2 。 yǐn饮 yograve;ng用 shuǐ水 de的 shǐ使 yograve;ng用 heacute;和 jiǎn减 shǎo少 cegrave;厕 suǒ所 chōng冲 xǐ洗 tǐ体 jī积 de的 yǐng影 xiǎng响

The definition of sustainability may, and often does, differ depending upon the context within which it is set. For many developed countries, sustainability focuses on reducing or opti-mising the use of, for example, energy or materials, whereas in other regions, sustainability is more about the stable provision of basic needs. Within the latter context, and set against the UNrsquo;s Millennium Development Goals, one key aim (conveyed in the UNrsquo;s Task Force on Water and Sanitation) is to lsquo;halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitationrsquo; [1]. It therefore seems counterintuitive that in many countries, a significant proportion of the potable water supply to buildings is used for w.c. flushing. The direct cost savings associated with any reduction in w.c. flush volume that arise from treatment processes alone are clearly significant, and when coupled with indirect savings facilitated by a reduction in pipe size for both supply and drainage systems, increase yet further.


在该模拟中,第二厕所产生3升的冲洗水量连接到下游5米处,但最初没有操作。所有下游管道的直径均为100mm,坡度为1 /100。





排放耗水量的变化分别表明,在这两种情况下,固体在管道3中沉积。但是,这种情况常常被认为是一个失败的系统,需要通过增加冲洗量来弥补,但是,通过调整管径至75毫米,如图2所示,排水管可延伸至9米及7.8米以上(分别为4.5升及3升)。我们要注意,对于从设备处到9米处的下游连接点,3 L冲水的流量流量在输送方面仍然不足。然而,通过从管道1后续的3L冲水模拟(例如,从邻近的地点或房间排放)在30秒的模拟时间,流动条件可以延长这种固体的旅行距离,超过所需的最低限度。









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