
 2021-12-22 10:12

英语原文共 94 页


At 0033 on 19 March 2013, the container vessel CMA CGM Florida and the bulk carrier Chou Shan collided in the East China Sea resulting in both vessels sustaining serious damage, and approximately 610tonnes of heavy fuel oil being spilled from CMA CGM Florida. There were no injuries. CMA CGM Florida had left Yang Shan, China, on 18 March and was heading towards Pusan, Korea. Chou Shan was heading from Qinhuangdao, China, towards the east coast of Australia.

2013年3月19日0033时,集装箱船CMA CGM Florida与散货船Chou Shan在东海相撞,造成两艘船严重损坏,约610吨重油从CMA CGM Florida泄漏。没有人员受伤。CMA CGM Florida于3月18日离开中国阳山,前往韩国釜山。Chou Shan正从中国秦皇岛向澳大利亚东海岸进发。

CMA CGM Florida Filipino second officer, who was the officer of the watch, altered course to starboard to pass between a group of fishing vessel on the port bow and a vessel on a reciprocal course to starboard. This resulted in a risk of collision with Chou Shan, which was crossing CMA CGM Florida from port to starboard. Chou Shan officer of the watch then used the Very High Frequency(VHF) radio to request that CMA CGM Florida pass around Chou Shanrsquo;s stern. The VHF radio conversation was conducted in Mandarin by CMA CGM Floridarsquo;s Chinese second officer, who had joined the vessel in Yang Shan and was on the bridge for familiarisation.

CMA CGM Florida的菲律宾籍二副,是值班驾驶员,他改变航向右舷,在左舷船头的一组渔船和右舷的一条反向航线上的一艘船之间通过。这导致了与Chou Shan发生碰撞的危险,Chou Shan正从左舷到右舷穿过CMA CGM Florida。Chou Shan的值班官随后用甚高频无线电要求CMA CGM Florida号绕过Chou Shan的船尾。甚高频无线电通话是由CMA CGM Florida的中国二副用普通话进行的,他已在洋山上船,正在驾驶台上熟悉情况。

CMA CGM Florida Filipino officer of the watch did not understand Mandarin and was unaware that the Chinese second officer had, tacitly, agreed to Chou Shanrsquo;s request. Both vessels altered course to port, which resulted in a continued risk of collision with each other. CMA CGM Florida Chinese second officer then called Chou Shan on the VHF radio to request that both vessels pass port-to-port. This was agreed to by Chou Shan officer of the watch. Both vessels then altered course to starboard, resulting in a collision.

CMA CGM Florida的菲律宾值班驾驶员不懂中文,也不知道中国籍二副已经默许了Chou Shan的要求。两艘船只都左转向,这导致了继续相互碰撞的危险。CMA CGM Florida的中国二副在甚高频无线电上打电话给Chou Shan,要求两艘船只左舷对左舷通过。这是Chou Shan值班官同意的。两艘船只随后转向右舷,导致了碰撞。

CMA CGM Florida Second officer and Chou Shan officer of the watch considered that it was appropriate to use VHF radio for collision avoidance, contrary to industry advice. Furthermore, Chou Shanrsquo;s officer of the watch considered that it was appropriate to use VHF radio for negotiating a passing protocol that was contrary to Rule 15 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.

CMA CGM Florida二副和Chou Shan值班驾驶员认为,使用甚高频无线电避免碰撞是适当的,这与行业建议相反。此外,Chou Shan值班驾驶员认为,使用甚高频无线电谈判违反《国际海上避碰规则》第15条的通过议定书是适当的。

CMA CGM Florida Filipino officer of the watch lacked situational awareness. Contributing to this was the Chinese second officerrsquo;s incomplete translation of the VHF radio communications with Chou Shan and the Filipino officer of the watchrsquo;s disproportionate reliance on Automatic Identification System(AIS) target Closest Point of Approach and Time to Closest Point of Approach information.

CMA CGM Florida的菲律宾籍值班驾驶员缺乏态势感知。促成这一点的是中国二副对Chou Shan的甚高频无线电通信的不完全翻译,以及菲律宾籍值班驾驶员对船舶自动识别系统(AIS)目标最近接近点和最接近接近点信息的时间的过度依赖。

CMA CGM International Shipping Company PTE Ltd (CMA CGM) and Sincere Navigation Corporation have each taken action aimed at preventing a recurrence. A recommendation has been made to CMA CGM for it to take appropriate measures to ensure its company shipboard policies and procedures are adhered to and that its masters recognise the importance of engaging with and motivating crew in the safe and efficient management of its vessels. Sincere Navigation Corporation has been recommended to review and amend its safety management system to ensure that VHF radio is not normally used for collision avoidance and that its masters are empowered to provide specific metric in their standing orders as to when they should be called by the officer of the watch. The International Chamber of Shipping and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency have been recommended to update their respective guidance on the use of AIS data for collision avoidance.

CMA CGM国际航运公司PTE Ltd (CMA CGM)和新兴航运股份有限公司都采取了旨在防止此类事件再次发生的行动。已向CMA CGM提出建议,要求其采取适当措施,确保其公司的船舶政策和程序得到遵守,并确保其船长认识到与船员接触和激励船员参与其船舶安全有效管理的重要性。新兴航运股份有限公司一直推荐评审和修改其安全管理体系,以确保甚高频无线电一般不用于避碰和并且它的使用者被授权在长期命令中提供特定关于他们什么时候应该被值班人员使用的度量标准。建议国际航运协会和海事和海岸警卫队机构更新各自关于使用AIS数据避免碰撞的指南。


2.1 AIM 2.1目的

The purpose of the analysis is to determine the contributory causes and circumstances of the accident as a basis for making recommendations to prevent similar accidents occurring in the future.


2.2 FATIGUE 2.2 疲劳

There is no evidence that any of the crew involved in the accident were suffering from fatigue. Therefore, fatigue is not considered to be a contributing factor to this accident.


2.3 OVERVIEW 2.3概述

CMA CGM Florida#39;s OOW, the Filipino 2/0, initially altered course to pass between the fishing vessels and Monte Pascoal, which resulted in a risk of collision with Chou Shan. Chou Shan#39;s OOW used the VHF radio to call CMA CGM Florida to request it to pass around the stern of Chou Shan. The Chinese 2/O on CMA CGM Florida, who was undergoing familiarisation, had tacitly agreed to this course of action.

CMA CGM Florida的值班驾驶员,菲律宾籍二副,最初改变了航道,在渔船和Monte Pascoal之间通过,导致了与Chou Shan碰撞的风险。Chou Shan的值班驾驶员用甚高频无线电呼叫CMA CGM Florida,要求它绕过Chou Shan的船尾。正在熟悉CMA CGM Florida的中国籍二副已经默许了这一行动方针。

Both CMA CGM Florida and Chou Shan altered course to port following the VHF radio agreement, which resulted in a continued risk of collision with each other.

CMA CGM Florida和Chou Shan都在VHF无线电协议之后左转向改变了航线,这导致了持续的碰撞风险。

CMA CGM Florida#39;s Chinese 2/0 then called Chou Shan on the VHF radio to. re


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