
 2022-01-09 09:01


This chapter will outline the motivation for the research topic by briefly addressing the concept of additive manufacturing, quality control requirements and in-situ monitoring techniques. The state-of-the-art for in-situ monitoring for additive manufacturing process is discussed and the on-going work for acoustic-based process monitoring for additive manufacturing is introduced.

1.1 Research Motivation

Traditionally, quality is assessed on final products and the measurements constitute a significant cost. Furthermore, this procedure seldom allows for remedial treatment, so defective material must be downgraded or even scrapped with further economic loss. This can be even more challenging in Additive Manufacturing (AM) method due to complexity of the process and higher value components, which consequently have a more significant economical impact. For these reasons, a real-time process monitoring and control capability for in-process measurements with AM, is necessary to ensure quality of final parts. Several different techniques have been considered for use in on-line monitoring of the AM process, using information from characteristic signals of the process. Optical, thermal and acoustic measurements have the potential to provide characteristic signals that can be potentially be related to process and quality. However, the difficulty in using process monitoring and control systems is the accurate and reliable detection of process faults and components defects during the manufacturing. Current optical and thermal based methods are not considered to be sensitive enough to all types of process or part failures and are not found to be adequate for characterization of the condition of parts in situ. Acoustic based methods are being considered and are on focus in the current project. Among the various potential characteristic signatures, acoustic signals are considered to be the most promising signals for providing additional data for evaluation of AM process and parts. Preliminary data has shown that particular changes in acoustic signatures contain information that can potentially be related to part quality and process performance. These signatures require precise analysis using appropriate signal processing techniques to ensure the sensitivity and correlations, particularly with regard to effectiveness for providing feedback to the control system and enable real-time detection of defects.

1.1.1 Problem Statement

The present study investigates the capabilities of acoustic methods for in-situ monitoring of

AM processes. Two acoustic methods are investigated, laser ultrasound and acoustic emission. The primary goal is to assess the capability of these techniques to detect the occurrence of process faults and defects in manufactured parts in real-time. Furthermore, identification of the type of faults and defects is also necessary, and this can be achieved through the use of efficient simulation and signal processing tools. These tools will be used in this study to identify the features in manufacturing process as well as manufactured parts based on their acoustic signatures. The conceptual schematic drawing for the core problem is presented in Figure 1.1.

1.2 Research Goals and Contributions

1.2.1 Goals

Acoustic signatures of AM processes are closely related to physical effects (e.g. cracking acoustic emission) and noise that occurs due to the fabrication process (e.g. thermally induced acoustic waves due to expansion caused by laser heating) in forming parts. Such acoustic signatures are superimposed (convolved) and they can potentially provide a signature that combines process and system generated sources. It is believed that there is the potential for such a signature to contain detailed and important information regarding the process and possible defect occurrence. Previous studies show that acoustic in-situ monitoring of AM

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Schematic Drawing for the Problem

process is feasible; Rieder et al. (2014). Systems and methods are also under development for acoustic-based process monitoring; Gold and Spears (2017); Redding et al. (2017) . However, noise levels and spectral content for AM were unknown for extracting information regarding the components and process needs. Obtaining useful information requires additional investigation and more advanced signal processing to extract and characterize signatures in the time and frequency domains. Using capabilities applied to other processes and acoustic monitoring along with appropriate signal processing technique(s) can potentially identify and extract the features from the acoustic signals. The examination of various defect types in the component and the evaluation of the ultrasonic signals in view of part and system classification are further issues to be pursued. The presented approach consist of two main parts including laser ultrasound and acoustic monitoring. Laser ultrasound evaluation is based on modeling and simulation approach. Ultrasound wave generation based on laser source will be modeled with FEM method to study the wave propagation through the part during the manufacturing process. This will help to identify which possible information can be obtained by laser ultrasound during the manufacturing process and what are the potentials and limitation of the method. Signal processing of backscattered signals will allow for the detection of pores near the surface immediately following sintering laser without the need for Rayleigh wave. In acoustic monitoring approach, the acoustic signatures are obtained by monitoring signals during AM fabrication of non-complex geometries. In this respect, a proposed standardized test artifact for AM machines and processes is the most beneficial. Process will be monitored using a modified multi-channel inspection acoustic monitoring system and sensors, originally designed for


第一章 介绍

本章将简要地介绍增材制造,质量控制要求和现场监测技术的概念,概述研究课题的动机。 讨论了添加剂制造过程现场监测的最新技术,并介绍了添加剂制造的声学过程监测的持续工作。

1.1 研究动机


1.1.1 问题陈述

本研究探讨了声学方法在增材制造过程中的现场监测能力, 研究了两种声学方法:激光超声和声发射。 主要目标是评估这些技术实时检测制造零件中的加工故障和缺陷发生的能力。 此外,还需要识别故障和缺陷的类型,这可以通过使用有效的仿真模拟和信号处理工具来实现。 这些工具将用于本研究来确定制造过程中的特征以及基于其声学特征的零件制造。 核心问题的概念示意图如图1.1所示。

1.2 研究目标及贡献

1.2.1 研究目标



Rieder等人(2014)还在开发以声学为基础的过程监测的系统和方法;然而 Gold and Spears (2017);Redding等人(2017)AM的噪声级别和光谱内容对于提取有关部件和加工过程需求的信息来说是未知的。获取有用的信息需要更多的研究和更高级的信号处理来提取和表征信号在时域和频域内的特征。利用应用于其他过程和声学监测的功能以及适当的信号处理技术,可以潜在地识别和提取声学信号的特征。对零件中各种缺陷类型的检测以及从零件和系统分类的角度对超声波信号进行评价是有待进一步研究的问题。该方法由激光超声和声学监测这两大部分组成。激光超声评估是基于建模和仿真的方法,采用有限元方法对基于激光源的超声波产生过程进行建模来研究超声波在零件加工过程中的传播规律。这将有助于确定激光超声在制造过程中可以获得哪些可能的信息以及该方法的潜力和局限性。反散射信号的信号处理可以在激光烧熔后立即探测到表面附近的孔隙,而不需要瑞雷波。在声学监测方法中,声学信号是通过非复杂几何形状AM加工过程中的监测信号获得的。在这方面,为AM机器和加工流程提出的标准化测试工件是最有益的。加工过程将使用改进的多通道检查声学监测系统和传感器进行监测,这些系统最初是为监测声发射而设计的。小波变换和统计信号处理技术是为了对信号进行评估而提出的。

1.2.2 任务






1.2.3 贡献

本研究的主要贡献在于它为增材制造(AM)工艺的在线监测提供了新的方法,提高了AM工艺和零部件的故障检测能力。这一贡献是对已经实施的现场监测技术(如热像仪)的补充和改进;Krauss等人(2015)和光学方法; Fallis (2013)。它还可以作为满足最终用户需求的设计工具。本研究引入的具体仿真、有限元建模、实验工作、数据采集和信号处理技术为调幅现场监测带来了新的应用,包括以下几个方面:





1.3 论文内容


第二章. 背景


传统上,金属工业产品的生产使用各种形式的铸造成型与包括锻造、轧制和挤压等多种成型技术相结合。在许多情况下,这些方法与使用减法工艺的机械加工结合在一起,然后与其他零件结合起来生产部件或其他产品。随着传统方法和减法加工的发展,粉末加工方法已被广泛应用于复杂几何结构的零件生产中。几十年来的经验和分析相结合制定了规范和标准,以及成熟的各种特性,用于测试和评估已经被认定类别的缺陷,为具体的应用环境选择合金类型并评估其重要性并将其将其纳入形变模型中,其中应力是适用于部分或系统的。根据ISO 17296和ASTM F2792的定义,增材制造是将材料从三维模型数据(通常是一层一层地)连接到一起以制造零件或物体的过程,而不是减法的制造方法;ISO / ASTM(2015)。现在有越来越多种类的增材制造(AM)工艺技术,这些技术提供了从计算机生成的模型中生产零件的能力,几乎不需要额外的材料去除。

AM工艺制造的灵活性为开发新的设计提供了可能性(例如拓扑优化结构);Gaynor等人.(2014)针对铸造或减法工艺(如机加工)无法实现的产品。基于粉末的金属制造方法是通用的并已开发出了各种应用;Yap等人(2015); Thornton (2015);Sing等人(2015); Foster等人(2015);Yeong 等人(2014); Frazier (2014);Sames等人(2016)。尽管AM的前景很好,但它的广泛应用仍存在一些重大障碍,特别是在生产低产量和高价值部件的工业中(如航空航天)。质量控制和机械特性仍然是一个重大挑战;

Huang 和 Ming C. Leu (2014);NIST (2013);Urabe等人(2014);Criales等人(2016);Koester等人(2016)。制造零件的质量和力学性能受微观结构特征和潜在缺陷的产生和存在的影响;Song等人(2015);Olakanmi等人(2015);Collins 等人.(2014, 2016)。AM需要实现可靠的机械性能控制,以便充分利用这些方法的潜力,在新设计中得到更多的应用,特别是在高价值部件方面;Haden等人(2015)。因此,有必要开发新的和适合通用的计量工具来评估微观结构特征,并提供可靠的缺陷检测和特征。用制造过程中缺陷形成机制的良好理解将这些工具整合,应该能够使AM方法得到更广泛的采用。还需要了解在操作压力的影响下,不同类型的缺陷对部件功能和寿命的重要性。在考虑部件生命周期时,最好优化制造工艺,然后在部件失效之前计划并进行检测和更换。一些研究已经评估了AM工艺缺陷的发生和产生原因,以及它们对机械性能和零件寿命的影响;Gong等人(2014,2015);Bauereiszlig;等人。(2014)。传统的无损检测方法的缺陷和其他AM零件的淀积材料评估在几篇论文中被提到并分析,如;Everton等人(2015); Brien and James (1988);Slotwinski (2014)。Taheri 等人.(2017)研究了AM制造过程中可能出现的缺陷类型,并回顾了检测、分级和监控方法的能力;Taheri等(2017d)。

2.1 添加制造

AM工艺有很多种,可以根据工艺和材料的类型进行分类。最初的技术如立体石版印刷;Hull (1986),熔融沉积模型;Crump(1992)以及允许制造由塑料、聚合物、蜡和类似材料制成部件的层压板制造(LOM);Gausemeier 等人(2012);Kruth等人(1998)。随着选择性激光烧结(SLS)的发明;Deckard(1989)和1992年的商业化,以及后来的选择性激光熔炼(SLM);Meiners 等人 .(2001)实现了多种金属零部件的制造,并将其应用于汽车和航空航天工业中的多种零部件的制造。粉末床熔合(PBF)、片材分层和定向能沉积(DED)都是可用于金属零件生产的增材制造工艺。在多种增材制造技术中,粉末床熔合(PBF)和定向能沉积(DED)是两种以粉末为原料的AM工艺。在这两种方法中,工艺参数和原材料特性都会影响as沉积件的质量和机械性能。各种加工参数和粉末特性影响零件微观结构、缺陷数量和相关力学性能的物理机制是AM家族正在进行的多项研究的主题。这些按照基于工艺和材料的ASTM F42标准的工艺类型如图2.1所示。虽然各种工艺参数影响缺陷和微观结构的机理还不完全清楚,但与PBF和DED(以粉末为基础的AM技术)相关联的几个参数一直与缺陷和组织有关。


这些参数包括粉末原料的质量和热源提供的功率。虽然PBF和DED共有的参数多于不同的,但差异是重要的,会影响熔池和周围材料的热梯度。例如,DED创建了一个流动的熔池,它与不断向热源的预编程刀具轨迹中注入粉末密切相关。熔池尺寸、进粉速度、保护气体流量均为关键工艺参数;Yu等人(2010)。在PBF法中,粉床的预热影响了部分的凝固过程和热梯度; Savalani and Pizarro (2016);LeeFarson(2015)。



Process Parameters

Powder Parameters


Particle Size and Distribution

Heat Source (Laser/Electron Beam) Energy

Internal Porosity

Scanning Rate (Speed)

Particle Shape and Topography

Scanning Spot Size (Radius/Length)

Surface Tension/Wettability

Scanning Raster Spacing and Pattern


Sintering/melting Environmental Condition

Specific Heat

Shielding Gas Flow Rate

Melting Temperature

Laser Beam Type and Characteristics

Thermal Conductivity





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