
 2022-09-29 10:09


Optimal PID controller design through swarm intelligence algorithms for sun tracking system

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Due to depletion of fossil fuel many developing countries like Pakistan are facing energy crisis. Over the last decade Pakistan has suffered greatly economically due to energy crisis and at government level and in private sector a great effort is being made to overcome this energy crisis. In abundantly available energy sources solar energy is one of the cleanest and omnipresent energy source. Solar tracker systems are gaining popularity due to wide spread of solar energy use as an alternative energy source compared to fossil fuel. To obtain optimum energy from solar system accurate tracking of sun is required with respect to azimuth and tilt angle. Usually there are two types of solar trackers one is single axis and other is dual axis. For both types of solar trackers DC motor based servo systems are used for precise movement control. We consider in the present work designing of an optimum proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller for DC motors of dual axis solar tracker system. The problem is formulated as optimization problem and three swarm intelligence based metaheuristic algorithms namely particle swarm optimization (PSO), firefly algorithm (FFA) and Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA) are employed for optimum tuning of PID controller. The study shows that CSA is superior as compared to FFA and PSO due to its faster convergence rate, small variance and standard deviation of design parameters obtained. Also pertaining to performance domain FFA and CSA show better performance as compared to PSO for the problem domain under study.


  • PID tuning;
  • Swarm intelligence;
  • DC motor control

1. Introduction

The PID controller is equipped with many salient features such as it is use for feedback loops, it could eliminate steady state error efficiently and it anticipates future samples through derivative action. PID controllers provide solution to many control problems specially when process dynamics are not completely known or contains uncertainties. Almost in all industrial applications and processes PID controller is the main work horse. According to an estimate approximately 95% control loops in process industry are of PID type. This wide application in process industry is due to the fact that its structure is simple and could be understood by processes operators very easily. Above all PID controllers are highly stable and reliable [2].

A typical structure for a general PID controller comprise of three elements namely: proportional gain kp, integral gain ki and derivative gain kd. The proportional gain is used for anticipation of current error, the integral gain determines the reactive action to sum of all errors and derivative gain determines the action based on the rate of change of error. Usually PID controller tuning is a hit and trial method or depends upon users expertise and most of the times initially it is tuned poorly due to changing system dynamics. The conventional PID tuning methods such as Ziegler–Nichols, Cohen–Coon are widely used but these approaches do not provide the efficient tuning parameters due to changing system dynamics and sometimes incomplete system model [7].

Over the past few decades a lot of research is being carried out in swarm intelligence based optimization techniques to solve diverse types of problems [8] and [12]. Swarm intelligence is based on the social behaviour of insects and animals and it has been efficiently applied in intelligent control problems [14], [16] and [20]. Some of swarm intelligence algorithms are particle swarm optimization (PSO), firefly algorithm (FFA), Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFA).

In [10] a multi-objective ACO is applied for optimal tuning of a PID controller for speed control of a DC motor. A comparison is made between classical approach of Ziegler–Nichols, Genetic Algorithm (GA) and simple ACO. It is shown that multi-objective ACO outperforms the other techniques and also the rate of convergence of multi-objective ACO is faster than the other approaches presented in the study.

In 通过群智能算法


关键词PID控制, 群体智能, 直流电机控制

  1. PID控制器有一些显著特征例如用于反馈循环,它可以有效地消除稳态误差并且通过微分作用预计未来样品。PID控制器控制问题提供解决方案特别当工艺动态不完全已知或包含不确定性。几乎在所有的工业应用和过程PID控制器是核心。据估计在流程工业控制回路约有95%使用PID型。它能在过程工业中广泛应用是因为其结构简单,操作员容易理解。基本上所有的PID控制器都是高度稳定可靠的 [2]

    一个结构一般的典型PID控制器构成的三个要素即: 比例增益kp、积分增益ki、微分增益kd。比例增益用于预测当前误差,积分增益确定反应误差总和,微分增益确定反应误差变化率。通常PID控制器调整使用打击和试验方法或依靠用户的经验并且大多数时候最初它调差是由于系统动力学的变化。传统PID调优方法如Ziegler-Nichols,Cohen-Coon被广泛使用,但这些方法不提供有效的调优参数因为系统是变化的和有时不完整的系统模型 [7]





    上述应用领域的是一些通过基于群体智能PID控制器的优化设计技术。多年来,许多研究人员有极大的兴趣在太阳跟踪系统的最优轨迹控制。这样的系统跟踪太阳位置的变化,试图弥补跟踪器对太阳位置误差。有效地跟踪太阳可以大大提高太阳能系统的输出功率。世界能源需求的不断增加,为了满足日益增长的能源需求的研究人员正在寻找可再生能源因为化石燃料是温室气体的重要来源。可用的可再生能源中太阳能是一个丰富的和无所不在的来自太阳能光伏(PV)细胞或通过太阳能收集器的能源。根据粗略的计算,0.16%的全球可用土地以10%的效率使用太阳能,将会提供20TW的能量,相当于现如今全世界化石燃料消耗的两倍[1]。大多数可用的太阳能系统是没有有效的利用,通过使用使太阳光保持垂直的太阳追踪系统可以使能源输出最大化。据估计,通过使用太阳能跟踪系统太阳能的输出效率可以比固定系统增长40-50% [5]。




    1. 群体智能




    = a ( - ) k=1,2,. . . n (1)

    = [ ] k=1,2,. . . n (2)




    = △t k=1,2,. . . n (3)

    第四步:根据 Eq.(4)更新每个agent速度 :

    = alpha; k=1,2,. . . n (4)

    和是随机数, 是当前最佳位置,是全局最佳位置,alpha;是惯性因子。


    2.2. 萤火虫算法

    萤火虫算法由[24]提出,其建立在萤火虫的闪光的行为吸引猎物和潜在的合作伙伴进行交配. 萤火虫算法的基本设想: 所有的萤火虫相互吸引; 吸引力是直接与光强成正比; 萤火虫的亮度取决于周围的环境。


    gamma;(r)= (ngt;=1) (5)


    = ||di-dj|| = (6)


    di=di (7)



    第一步: 生成随机萤火虫数量n代表候选的问题解决方案。

    第二步: 根据Eq.(5)计算每个萤火虫的光强度 。

    第三步: 根据Eq.(7) 将每一个萤火虫朝着光明的萤火虫移动。

    第四步: 计算每个萤火虫的适合程度并排序。


    2.3. 布谷鸟搜索算法

    布谷鸟搜索算法(CSA) 由[23]发明. 它是基于杜鹃的产鸟蛋和繁殖行为.。布谷鸟所产卵与其他鸟的卵在形状和颜色上差别不大,这样其他鸟的不能分辨布谷鸟的卵。总有一个概率,鸟识别出了布谷鸟的卵并扔掉。在《自然》杂志的这启发算法杜鹃蛋是一个潜在的解决问题。该算法是基于假设: 每个杜鹃在随机选择的巢在特定时间和地点只产一只蛋; 与高品质蛋巢将活到下一代; 可用巢的数量是固定的。CSA的主要步骤如下[18]:

    第一步: 初始化参数。

    第二步: 生成初始种群的巢穴{zi},(i=1,2,hellip;n) ;随机的潜在解决方案与适应度函数问题f(zi) 和决策变量{z}=T{z1



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