
 2022-08-22 10:08

Advanced JDBC
Chapter 3, provides all the JDBC you absolutely need to know to build database applications. If you understand all of it and then put this book away, you will probably never feel like anything is missing. That is exactly how JDBCs creators intended the API to feel. They wanted to provide a few simple interfaces to support the majority of what database programmers want to do. Extended and complex functionality appears in extra interfaces designed specifically to support that functionality.Advanced JDBC programming supports advanced needs. These advanced needs break down into two categories: optimizations and extended functionality. This chapter dives into all of the extended functionality included in the JDBC Core API.

4.1 Prepared SQL
Each SQL statement you send to the database needs to be parsed by the database engine before it can actually be executed. When the database parses a SQL statement, it reads the SQL to determine what you want the database to do, and then it formulates a plan for carrying out your instructions. This processing is called building a query plan.

In Chapter 3, each SQL statement you sent to the database required the database to treat the statement as a brand-new query and thus build a new query plan for it. This processing is necessary only if each statement requires a distinct query plan. If you are executing statements over and over again that have the same query plan, you are wasting processing power. If, for example, your banking application uses the SQL UPDATE ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = XXX WHERE ACCOUNT_ID =YYY, you would force the database to rebuild the same query plan each time you changed the balance for the account. Databases enable you to optimize repeated calls through prepared SQL.

Databases provide two kinds of prepared SQL: prepared statements and stored procedures. Prepared SQL provides an advantage over the simple SQL statements you have covered so far; a database can get the SQL ahead of time and create a query plan while you are doing other application logic. This means that your SQL should execute faster and that you can have a generic reference to a statement for later reuse rather than repeatedly create new SQL statements for each new access to the database.

The optimization factor comes from the database knowing what you are about to do. When you create a Java instance of a prepared statement or stored procedure, you notify the database of what kind of SQL call that object represents. The database can then create a query plan for that SQL call before you ever actually execute it. When it comes time for you to execute the SQL, the database is ready for you. If you execute the same prepared SQL more than once, the database remains ready for your SQL without having to rebuild the query plan.

You could get more performance benefits by pooling your prepared SQL resources. For example, if your code makes only a single call to a specific SQL statement, but that call appears in different places throughout the application, you could implement a prepared statement pool that holds the JDBC representation of your prepared SQL open for repeated use. This functionality may end up as a feature of JDBC 3.0.

4.1.1 Prepared Statements
The PreparedStatement interface extends the Statement interface you used in Chapter 3. It
enables a SQL statement to contain parameters like a function definition, and you can execute a single statement repeatedly with different values for those parameters. The act of assigning values to parameters is called binding parameters. You might want to use a prepared statement when updating a group of objects stored on the same table. For example, if you were updating many bank accounts at once, you might have a loop calling:

Statement statement = c.createStatement( );
int i;
for(i=0; ilt;accounts.length; i )
statement.executeUpdate('UPDATE account '
'SET balance = ' accounts[i].getBalance( )
'WHERE id = ' accounts[i].getId( ));
c.commit( );
statement.close( );
This statement creates the same query plan each time through the loop. Instead of calling this same statement repeatedly with different inputs, you can instead use a PreparedStatement:

PreparedStatement statement = c.prepareStatement(
'UPDATE account '
'SET balance = ? '
'WHERE id = ?');
int i;
for(i=0; ilt;accounts.length; i ) {
statement.setFloat(1, accounts[i].getBalance( ));
statement.setInt(2, accounts[i].getId( ));
statement.execute( );
statement.clearParameters( )
c.commit( );
statement.close( );
With a prepared statement, you send the actual SQL to the database when you get the
PreparedStatement object through the prepareStatement( ) method in java.sql.Connection.
Keep in mind that you have not yet actually executed any SQL. You execute that prepared SQL statement multiple times inside the for() loop, but you build the query plan only a single time.

Before each execution of the prepared statement, you tell JDBC which values to use as input for that execution of the statement. In order to bind the input parameters, PreparedStatement provides setXXX() methods (such as setFloat() and setInt()) that mirror the getXXX() methods you saw in java.sql.ResultSet. Just as the getXXX( ) methods read results according to the order in which you constructed your SQL, the setXXX() methods bind parameters from left to right in the order you placed them in the prepared statement. In the previous example, I bound parameter 1 as a float to the account balance that I retrieved from the account object. The first ? was thus associated with parameter 1.
4.1.2 Stored Procedures
While prepared sta



第3章 提供了构建数据库应用程序绝对需要知道的所有JDBC。如果你理解了所有这些,然后把这本书收起来,你可能永远不会觉得有什么东西丢失了。这正是JDBC的创建者想要API(Application Programming Interface,应用程序接口)的感受。他们想提供一些简单的接口来支持大多数数据库程序员想做的事情。扩展和复杂的功能出现在专门为支持该功能而设计的额外接口中。高级JDBC编程支持高级需求。这些高级需求分为两类:优化功能和扩展功能。本章将深入讨论JDBC核心API中包含的所有扩展功能。

4.1 准备好SQL


在第3章中,发送到数据库的每个SQL语句都要求数据库将该语句视为一个全新的查询,从而为它构建一个新的查询计划。只有当每个语句都需要不同的查询计划时,才需要进行此处理。如果您一次又一次地执行具有相同查询计划的语句,则是在浪费处理能力。例如,如果您的银行应用程序使用SQL UPDATE ACCOUNT SET BALANCE=XXX,其中ACCOUNT_ID=YYY,则每次更改帐户的余额时,都会强制数据库重新生成相同的查询计划。数据库使您能够通过准备好的SQL优化重复调用。






Statement statement = c.createStatement( );
int i;
for(i=0; ilt;accounts.length; i )
statement.executeUpdate('UPDATE account '
'SET balance = ' accounts[i].getBalance( )
'WHERE id = ' accounts[i].getId( ));
c.commit( );
statement.close( );

PreparedStatement statement = c.prepareStatement(
'UPDATE account '
'SET balance = ? '
'WHERE id = ?');
int i;
for(i=0; ilt;accounts.length; i ) {
statement.setFloat(1, accounts[i].getBalance( ));
statement.setInt(2, accounts[i].getId( ));
statement.execute( );
statement.clearParameters( )
c.commit( );
statement.close( );








DROP PROCEDURE sp_select_min_bal
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_select_min_bal
SELECT account_id
FROM account
WHERE balance gt; @balance


SELECT balance
INTO bal
FROM account
WHERE account_id = id;
bal := bal bal * 0.03;
JDBC and Java 2nd edition

UPDATE account
SET balance = bal
WHERE account_id = id;


try {
CallableStatement statement;
int i;
statement = c.prepareCall('{call sp_interest[(?,?)]}');
statement.registerOutParameter(2, java.sql.Types.FLOAT);
for(i=1; ilt;accounts.length; i ) {
statement.setInt(1, accounts[i].getId( ));
statement.execute( );
System.out.println('New balance: ' statement.getFloat(2));
c.commit( );
statement.close( );
c.close( );
CallableStatement类与PreparedStatement类非常相似。使用prepareCall()而不是prepareStatement(),指示要调用的过程初始化CallableStatement对象时。不幸的是,这是ANSI SQL2不足以实现可移植性的一次。不同的数据库引擎对这些调用使用不同的语法。然而,JDBC确实提供了一种独立于数据库的存储过程转义语法,其格式是{call procedureu name[(?, ?)]}. 对于具有返回值的存储过程,转义语法为:{?=调用过程名称[(?,?)]}. 在这个转义语法中,每个?表示过程输入或返回值的占位符。然后,JDBC驱动程序将此转义语法转换为驱动程序自己的存储过程语法。










CallableStatement statement;
int i;
statement = c.prepareCall('{call sp_interest[(?,?)]}');
statement.registerOutParameter(2, java.sql.Types.FLOAT);


4.2 批处理




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