
 2022-11-12 07:11

How Picture Books Work: A Semiotically Framed Theory of Text-Picture Relationships.

Abstract:Investigates the complexities of reading books that use more than one sign system. Presents a theory of text/picture relations based on 'transmediation.' Provides an overview of the various ways in which the relationship between the words and pictures in a picture book has been conceptualized. Draws on several theoretical traditions and disciplines to describe this. (PA)

Key words:Literary Criticism, Picture Books, Semiotics

In this article, I provide an overview of the various ways in which the relationship between the words and pictures in a picture book has been conceptualized; I draw on several theoretical traditions and disciplines to describe this relationship. Although theorists have advanced many different conceptualizations of the text-picture relationship, they have not adequately explained what goes on in our heads as we relate words and pictures. Therefore, in order to describe more precisely what happens internally as we relate verbal and visual signs, I present a theory of text-picture relations that is based on the semiotic concept of *transmediation.' By way of making the theory more clear, it is applied to the text-picture relationship in one double-page spread of Where the Wild Things Are.

Conceptualizing the Text-Picture Relationship

According to many writers, the essence of the picture book is the way the text and the illustrations relate to each other; this relationship between the two kinds of text _the verbal and the visual texts一is complicated and subtle. A variety of metaphors have been used to describe it. In several cases, the metaphor is drawn from music. Cech writes of the Mduet' between text and pictures. Pullman utilizes the term “counterpoint,” while Ward and Fox refer to the “contra- punctual' relationship. Ahlberg talks about the “antiphonai” effect of words and pictures. On the other hand, using scientific metaphor in writing about illustration, Miller uses the idea of uinterference' from wave theory, describing how two different wave patterns may com bine to form a complex new pattern. Moebius utilizes geological im- agery to speak of the uplate tectonics' of text and illustrations.

Various alternative words and concepts seem to be pivotal in other theorists description of the text-picture relationship. Lewis uses the idea of “polysystemy”: “the piecing together of text out of different kinds of signifying systems.' Perry Nodelman describes how the text and pictures each other, and uses literary terminology to be scribe the relationship of text and pictures as one of wironyn: The words and pictures comment ironically on each other, as it were. Nodelman also discusses Barthesrsquo;s metaphor of “relaying,' writing that, uBy limiting each other, words and pictures take on a meaning that neither possesses without the other—perform the completion of each other that Barthes calls relaying.' Schwarcz conceives of two general categories of relationships between text and pictures: what he calls bull;congruency1 and udeviation.' In the category of congruency, the text and pictures are in a harmonious relationship. Sometimes the illustrations complement the text by -running ahead of the text and pushing the action forward.' The text and the illustrations may also take turns in telling the stor)*; this is what Schwarcz calls -alternate progress.' In deviation, Schwarczs second category of relationships, the illustrations uveer away' from the text by opposing it in some way. Another example of deviation is what Schwarcz calls **counter- point'—the musical metaphor, again—when the illustrations tell a different story from the text. Part of the enjoyment of this story lies in the reader-viewers perception of both stories at once.

Golden describes five types of relationships between text and pictures: The categories seem to be differentiated by how much 'work' the illustrations or the text do in conveying meaning. One limitation of this scheme is that, since it depends mainly on the relative amounts of power the text and the illustrations have, there is less attention to the dynamic way in which, as Nodelman puts it, 'the words change the pictures and the pictures change the words.' ITie text-picture relationship is not so much a matter of a balance of power as it is the way in which the text and pictures transact with each other, and transform each other.

The Synergy of Words and Pictures

My own descriptive term is Ksynergy,B defined by the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary as uthe production of two or more agents, substances, etc., of a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.' In a picture book, both the text and the illustration sequence would be incomplete without the other. They have a synergistic relationship in which the total effect depends not only on the union of the text and illustrations but also on the perceived interactions or transactions between these two parts.

In adding to what these theorists have written about the relationship of words and pictures in picture books, I will focus on the phenomenological dynamics of the synergistic relationship itself. In other words, I want to try to explain more fully what happens in our heads: the process we engage in when we relate the verbal and visual texts of the picture book to each other. In order to do this, I will draw from literary theories of the type commonly referred to as “reader response' criticism (Wolfgang Iser), aesthetic criticism (G. E. Lessing and Wendy Steiner), linguistics and semiotics (Roman Jakobsen and Charles Peirce), and theories of literacy (Marjorie Siegel, Mark Sa- doski, and Alan Paivio).

What Wolfgang Iser sees as he examines the reader-text relationship is a reader participating in the production of textual meaning. Th























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