
 2022-08-22 10:08

附录B 原文

An approach to GIS-based multiple criteria decision analysis that integrates exploration and evaluation phases: Case study in a forest-dominated landscape


The increasing importance and complexity of land and natural resource management are creating a need for ecosystem-based management (EBM). Multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) combined with geographic information systems (GIS) can integrate factors related to the triple bottom line of ecological, economic, and social perspectives required by EBM. However, GIS-based MCDA is limited in this role because (i) it rarely integrates or encourages an exploration phase in preparation for structured evaluation and (ii) inexperienced users may find MCDA methods and GIS software difficult to use. This paper presents a novel approach for (i) supporting an exploration phase to help structure a problem and (ii) integrating the exploration and evaluation phases in an easy-to-use software system. The approach was validated through a land-management case study in a forest-dominated landscape with a variety of stakeholders. Case-study participants used the approach to rate areas within a timber harvest plan based on their potential for conflict with conservation values. The case-study decision analysis determined that between 1.3% and 6.6% of the harvest plan area had a conservation rating of 0.30 or higher on a scale of 0–1. The system was made available to the forest industry and other stakeholders to support harvest plan adjustments, demonstrating how such tools can be used to improve and integrate our knowledge of forest ecology and management. Assessment of participant feedback reveals that an exploration phase is effective in helping understand a problem and prepare for multiple criteria evaluation (MCE).

Research highlights

▶ Proposed new approach to GIS-based MCDA, combining exploration and evaluation.

▶ Developed custom software to demonstrate approach in the face of competing values.

▶ Tested approach with case study in a forest-dominated landscape.

▶ Determined exploration useful to understand problem and prepare for evaluation.


  • Conservation;
  • Integrated land management (ILM);
  • Forestry;
  • Geovisualization;
  • Multi-criteria;
  • Spatial decision-support system (SDSS)

1. Introduction

Land-management decisions are becoming increasingly important. Growing populations and consumerism are putting pressure on natural resources and biodiversity (FAO, 1999, Dearden and Mitchell, 2005 and Knight, 2009). Moreover, public awareness of land-management and sustainability issues is growing in many sectors, including forestry, and is placing greater expectations on managers to balance competing values (Rammel et al., 2007 and Pollard et al., 2008). Consequently, the responsibilities involved in land management are becoming more complex. For example, conflicting objectives, such as allocating land based on economic development or conservation interests, often have to be taken into consideration and there are diverse criteria available to gauge such objectives (Herath and Prato, 2006 and Brownsey and Rayner, 2009).

As land management increases in importance and complexity, and because the public requires more transparency from decision processes, there is a greater need to formalise and rationalise decisions with available scientific information. This requires approaches for integrating very heterogeneous data, making them available to the various stakeholders to allow them to make more informed decisions. Accordingly, there is a recent trend toward ecosystem-based management (EBM) of land resources. EBM integrates ecological, social, and economic objectives (Layzer, 2008), often referred to as a triple bottom line (Bennett et al., 2006). It recognises human dimensions as key functional components of the ecosystem, and is being applied across natural resource sectors including wildlife (Sage et al., 2003), water resources (Gregersen et al., 2007), and forestry (Luther et al., 2007, Hearn et al., 2008 and Hammond, 2009).

Multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) is a set of methods that offers structured and systematic decision support for EBM of land and natural resources (Mendoza and Martins, 2006, Prato and Herath, 2007 and lt;a data-cke-saved-href='http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378112710005232#bib0


附录A 译文



土地和自然资源管理的复杂性和日益增加的重要性正在创造一个以生态系统为基础的管理(EBM)的需要。多标准决策分析(MCDA)结合地理信息系统(GIS)可以整合到生态,经济的三重底线的相关因素,按医学与社会的视角。然而,基于GIS的资源是有限的这个角色,因为(一)它很少整合或鼓励结构化评价制备一种探索的阶段,(二)没有经验的用户可能会发现,MCDA方法和GIS软件很难使用。本文提出了一种新的方法(一)支持一个勘探阶段帮助结构问题,(二)在一个易于使用的软件系统和评价相结合的探索。该方法进行了验证,通过土地管理的案例研究,以森林为主的各种利益相关者的景观。案例研究的参与者使用方法率的地区基于他们对保护价值冲突的潜在的木材采伐计划内。案例研究决策分析确定的收获计划面积的1.3%和6.6%之间有一个规模0–1 0.30或更高的保护等级。该系统是提供给森林工业和其他利益相关者的支持收获计划调整,演示如何这样的工具可以用来改善和整合我们的森林生态和管理知识。参与者的反馈评价表明,勘探阶段有效地帮助理解问题并准备多准则评价(MCE)。














土地管理决策变得越来越重要。不断增长的人口和消费对自然资源和生物多样性的压力(FAO, 1999, Dearden and Mitchell, 2005 and Knight, 2009)。此外,公共土地管理与可持续发展问题的意识越来越强,在许多部门,包括林业,和更高的期望管理者平衡竞争价值(Rammel et al., 2007 and Pollard et al., 2008)。因此,参与土地管理责任越来越复杂。例如,相互冲突的目标,如土地分配基于经济发展和保护的利益,往往要考虑和有不同的标准来衡量这些目标(Herath and Prato, 2006 and Brownsey and Rayner, 2009)。

作为土地管理的重要性和复杂性的增加,因为公众需要从决策过程更加透明,有形式化和合理化的决策提供科学的信息更需要。这需要整合非常异构数据的方法,使他们的各种利益相关者,让他们做出更明智的决策。因此,对于基于生态系统的管理(EBM)最近的趋势,土地资源。循证医学整合的生态,社会,经济目标(Layzer, 2008),通常被称为一个三重底线(Bennett et al., 2006)。它认识到作为生态系统的关键功能部件的人体尺寸,被应用在自然资源领域包括野生动物(Sage et al., 2003),水资源(Gregersen et al., 2007),林业(Luther et al., 2007, Hearn et al., 2008 and Hammond, 2009)。

多标准决策分析(MCDA)是一组方法,提供结构化和循证医学的土地和自然资源系统的决策支持(Mendoza and Martins, 2006, Prato and Herath, 2007 and Diaz-Balteiro and Romero, 2008)。MCDA支持同时考虑到这些因素的相对重要性多因素及其价值判断决策者(Belton and Stewart, 2002 and Roy, 2005)。在林业生产中,例如,MCDA已经常应用到的收获基于标准如林龄,调度决策的高度上,物种组成,邻近的生产设施,无障碍,以及约束等保护区,河岸带,景观破碎化的限制。地理信息系统(GIS)相结合的各种方式MCDA,从帮助计算空间距离和坡度等标准,对复杂的空间决策支持系统(Malczewski, 1999a and Nyerges and Jankowski, 2010)。如果基于GIS的MCDA模型包括相关的标准,它们可以被用来支持土地和资源管理的做法,遵循循证医学的原则。

基于GIS的相关限制数量的资源是防止它被支持循证医学的应用越来越广泛(Greene et al., submitted))。第一,它往往是决策问题的理解,可以正式的结构化。非空间MCDA研究人员强调承担勘探阶段帮助结构在一个更正式的评估阶段的制备问题的重要性(Belton and Stewart, 2002 and Bouyssou et al., 2006)。此外,参与式GIS的研究已经确定,决策过程往往是由具有预定的选择和标准偏差(Ramsey, 2009)。然而,基于GIS的MCDA的文献不包括方法和工具的研究整合的初步探索,在决策过程中的结构问题。第二限制普通用户对这些方法的复杂性。例如,参与和协同GIS,提出挑战(Jankowski and Nyerges, 2001 and Balram and Dragićević, 2006)。下一代的工具需要简单易用的交互式界面,需要制定查询,不是GIS分析师生产图表,并产生代表用户的地图(McHugh et al., 2009)。MCDA方法也必须是很容易理解和使用,但许多可用的方法是被决策者作为一个黑盒子(Belton and Stewart, 2002, Kangas and Kangas, 2005 and Loslash;ken, 2007)。




在纽芬兰岛,加拿大土地管理的案例研究中,历史上由森林采伐和管理为主的地区,是用来测试的方法。近年来,决策过程对区域土地利用包括其他一些利益相关者如旅游和野生动物保护部门(CBCL Limited et al., 2010)。这导致了更复杂的土地管理的决定,并且需要SDSS已经确定(Kucera et al., 2010)。案例研究还表明了方法的适用性,协助土地和自然资源管理来整合不同的价值按照循证医学的广泛目标。


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