
 2022-08-25 09:08

Pixel Perfect: Fingerprinting Canvas in HTML5

Browsers are becoming increasingly sophisticated application platforms, taking on more of the functionality tradition- ally provided by an operating system. Much of this increasing sophistication is driven by the HTML5 suite of specifications, which make provisions for a programmatic drawing surface (lt;canvasgt;), three-dimensional graphics (WebGL), a structured client-side datastore, geolocation services, the ability to manipulate browser history and the browser cache, audio and video playback, and more.


The natural way for browsers to implement such features is to draw on the host operating system and hardware. Using the GPU for 3D graphics (and even for 2D graphics com- positing1) provides substantial performance improvements, as well as battery savings on mobile devices. And using the operating systemrsquo;s font-rendering code for text means that browsers automatically display text in a way that is optimized for the display and consistent with the userrsquo;s ex- pectations.

This paper proceeds from the following simple observation: Tying the browser more closely to operating system functionality and system hardware means that websites have more access to these resources, and that browser behavior varies depending on the behavior of these resources. The first part of this observation has security implications: code- bases not designed to handle adversarial input can now be exposed to it. The second part of the observation, which we focus on, has privacy implications: different behavior can be used to distinguish systems, and thereby fingerprint the people using them.

We exhibit a new system fingerprint based on browser font and WebGL rendering. To obtain this fingerprint, a website renders text and WebGL scenes to a lt;canvasgt; element, then examines the pixels produced. Different systems produce different output, and therefore different fingerprints. Even very simple tests — such as rendering a single sentence in a widely distributed system font—produce surprising variation. The new fingerprint has several desirable properties:

It is consistent. In our experiments, we obtain pixel- identical results in independent trials from the same user. 

It is high-entropy. In 294 experiments on Amazonrsquo;s Mechanical Turk, we observed 116 unique fingerprint values, for a sample entropy of 5.73 bits. This is so even though the user population in our experiments exhibits little variation in browser and OS. 

It is orthogonal to other fingerprints. Our fingerprint measures graphics driver and GPU model, which is in- dependent of other possible fingerprints discussed be- low. 

It is transparent to the user. Our tests can be per- formed, offscreen, in a fraction of a second. There is no indication, visual or otherwise, that the userrsquo;s sys- tem is being fingerprinted. 

It is readily obtainable. Any website that runs Java- Script on the userrsquo;s browser can fingerprint its rendering behavior; no access is needed besides what is provided by the usual web attacker model. 
Our fingerprint can be used as a black box or as a white box. A website could render tests to a lt;canvasgt;, extract the resulting pixmap, then use a cryptographic hash to obtain a short, convenient fingerprint. Because the fingerprint is consistent, the pixmap (and therefore its hash) will be identical in multiple runs on one machine, but take on different values depending on hardware and software configuration. This is a black-box use of the fingerprint, since it extracts distinguishing entropy without being concerned with the implementation details.

Alternatively, a website could use a particular test pixmap as evidence that a user is running some particular configuration of browser, operating system, graphics driver, GPU, and, perhaps, display. To identify a user system, the site can compare the pixmap it produces against a labeled corpus, such as the corpus we obtained using Mechanical Turk. An intriguing possibility is that GPU quirks could be used to identify a pixmap without comparing against a corpus. However it is performed, such a white-box use of our fingerprint in this way reveals private information about usersrsquo; systems.4 It could also be used to target an attack more precisely, by identifying specific vulnerable system configurations. Trying to exploit only those systems that appear likely to be vulnerable could reduce the number of crashes caused by the attack, and therefore the likelihood that it is detected by the operating system vendor.

Fingerprints on the web have constructive and destructive uses [14]. A use is constructive if users benefit from being fingerprinted. For example, a bank could fingerprint a userrsquo;s machine, then require additional authentication for login at- tempts from systems whose fingerprint does not match. A use is destructive if users do not benefit from being tracked, or do not wish to be tracked. Users can attempt to avoid tracking by using their browsersrsquo;“private browsing”modes or the Tor anonymity service .

Users of Tor may be willing to endure a slower, less at- tractive browsing experience to avoid being tracked. (Note that, although Torbutton disables WebGL, it allows text rendering to a lt;canvasgt;, and is thus at present partly vulnerable to our fingerprint.) For mainstream browser users, however, the possibility of fingerprinting might be an un- avoidable consequence of browsersrsquo; closer ties to operating system functionality and system hardware.

The earliest mentions known to us of using differences in GPU rendering to fingerprint users are in 2010 discussions on the WebGL mailing list about whether the WebGL renderer information available to JavaScript should provide information about the GPU and driver. Steve Baker argued [4] that it is possible to identify a GPU without this information: “I bet


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浏览器实现这些功能的自然方法是利用主机操作系统和硬件。 将GPU用于3D图形(甚至2D图形复合1)可提供显着的性能改进,以及移动设备上的电池节省。并且使用操作系统的文本字体显示代码意味着浏览器会自动以对显示进行优化的方式显示文本,并与用户的期望保持一致。



我们展示了基于浏览器字体和WebGL渲染的新系统指纹。要获取此指纹,网站会将文本和WebGL场景呈现到lt;canvasgt;元素,然后检查生成的像素。不同的系统产生不同的输出,因此产生不同的指纹。即使非常简单的测试 - 例如在广泛分布的系统字体中渲染单个句子,会产生令人惊讶的变化。新指纹具有几个理想的特性:


bull;高熵。在亚马逊的Mechanical Turk的294个实验中,我们观察到116个独特的指纹值,样本熵为5.73位。 即使浏览器和操作系统中的用户数量差异不大,这一点也是如此。



很容易获得。任何在用户浏览器上运行Java Script的网站都可以对其进行指纹识别;除了通常的网络攻击者模型提供的内容之外,不需要访问。我们的指纹可以用作黑盒子或白盒子。网站可以对lt;canvasgt;进行测试,提取生成的pixmap,然后使用加密哈希来获取一个简短的便捷指纹。因为指纹是一致的,所以在一台机器上的多个运行中,pixmap(因此它的散列)将是标识的,但是取决于硬件和软件配置的不同值。这是指纹的黑箱使用,因为它提取了区分熵,而不涉及实现细节。

或者,网站可以使用特定的测试像素图作为用户运行某些特定配置的浏览器,操作系统,图形驱动程序,GPU以及可能显示的证据。为了识别用户系统,该站点可以将其生成的像素图与标记的文件进行比较,例如使用Mechanical Turk获得的语料库。一个有趣的可能性是,GPU怪癖可以用于识别像素图,而不与语料库进行比较。然而,这样做的白盒子使用这种方式可以显示关于用户系统的私人信息。它还可以通过识别特定的易受攻击的系统配置来更准确地针对攻击。试图仅利用似乎可能易受攻击的系统可能会减少由于攻击造成的崩溃次数,因此可能会降低操作系统供应商发现的可能性。




在我们对于GPU渲染使用差异的指纹用户最早提到的是2010年关于WebGL邮件列表的讨论,讨论WebGL渲染器对JavaScript可用的信息是否应该提供关于GPU和驱动程序的信息。史蒂夫·贝克(Steve Baker)认为可以识别出没有这个信息的GPU:“我敢打赌,如果我写了代码读回每一个glGet结果,并建立了一个结果的数据库,并写了代码,表现 - 然后我敢打赌,我可以准确地识别大多数硬件。“Benoit Jacob后来观察到

我们还没有开始计算GPU渲染分析(不仅仅是WebGL:在升级的浏览器中,大多数渲染都会通过GPU,并且受到基于GPU /驱动/配置的渲染差异的影响。


许多其他研究人员提出了一些技术来优化网络用户。这些技术依赖于许多浏览器功能,包括历史和文件缓存,HTTP标头和可用插件中的信息,JavaScript和DOM API支持,JavaScript性能,可用字体,以及与JavaScript标准一致性的偏差。




HTML5中最有趣的新元素之一,lt;canvasgt;提供了可以以编程方式绘制的屏幕区域。它得到了最新版本的Chrome,Firefox,Internet Explorer,Opera和Safari以及Mobile Safari和Android Browser的广泛支持。


我们选择专注于2d文本中的文本支持。给定一个字体大小,系列和基线,2d上下文可以将任意文本字符串绘制到画布上。不执行包装; 2d的上下文将很快地直接从画布的边缘绘制文本。 最后,lt;canvasgt;支持CSS样的文本样式,允许任何字体和大小的组合。 有关如何呈现文本的示例,请参见图1。


lt;script type =“text / javascript”gt;

var canvas = document.getElementById(“drawing”);

var context = canvas.getContext(“2d”);

context.font =“18pt Arial”;

context.textBaseline =“top”;






CSS3中指定的WebFonts允许Web设计人员按需加载字体,而不是仅依赖每台客户机上安装的字体。 要包含一个字体,Web设计器将一个带有src属性的@font-face CSS规则插入到一个适当格式的字体中。然后,浏览器下载该字体并使其可在页面上使用。幸运的是,我们也可以在写入lt;canvasgt;时使用网络字体。

要包括WebFonts,我们依赖于由Google和Typekit共同开发的WebFont Loader8。使用此库,WebFonts只能通过使用Java脚本进行加载,并且可以为某些事件(例如字体变为可用或相反地,无法加载)建立回调。通过将渲染附加到成功的加载,我们保证在写入画布时使用正确的字体。

WebGL提供了一个JavaScript API,用于在lt;canvasgt;元素中渲染3D图形。在OpenGL ES 2.0之后,WebGL目前是草案规范,并在Chrome,Firefox和Opera中实现并启用,并且在Safari中实现但禁用。这些浏览器中的每一个都提供硬件加速实现,使用安装的图形硬件来渲染每个帧。为了减轻严重的不当行为和崩溃,所有这些浏览器使WebGL只能用于许可列表的一组显卡和驱动程序。

当前的WebGL实现通过单独的画布上下文来暴露它们的功能(这将直接命名为“webgl”)。WebGL API太复杂,无法在此详细描述,但在风格上类似于桌面OpenGL API。它提供了用OpenGL着色语言(GLSL)编写的Vertex和片段着色器,编译后直接在显卡上运行。WebGL还提供了OpenGL风格的图案,以及不同的照明原图。通过定制GLSL着色器可以实现更先进的技术,如镜面高光,凹凸贴图和透明度。

直接从网页编译并在图形卡上运行,允许任意数据在JavaScript执行引擎和内核级图形驱动程序之间传递。其他攻击表面是可能的:恶意或误导的GLSL着色器可能会在OSX和Windows XP上崩溃或挂起整个操作系统,或导致Windows 7上的GPU复位。

WebFonts虽然看起来更无辜,但也可能是一个安全问题。 解析TrueType字体时的远程代码执行漏洞已经在Windows,OSX,Debian,Red Hat和iOS中发现。


3. 测试


对于我们的指纹,我们使用六个测试:text_arial,text- _arial_px,text_webfont,text_webfont_px,text_nonsense和webgl。每个测试遵循相同的基本概要:将测试数据渲染到画布,并将其内容解压缩为编码的PNG。


对于text_arial,文本将在18pt Arial中呈现给画布。在text_arial_px中,我们将字体规格改为20px Arial。这两个测试的实际代码与图1中的代码片段几乎相同,复杂的测试不需要指纹识别!


在我们的例子中,我们使用WebFont Loader从Google Web Fonts server9加载“Sirin Stencil”。一旦加载,我们将提供与我们的Arial测试中相同的全集。对于text_webfont,文本设置在12pt Sirin Stencil中


此外,请注意,这种行为也是当浏览器呈现不可用字体的有效字体规范时的后备字体处理机制。 使用这种技术,可以将测试写入探测目标机器上特定字体的存在。 如果运



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