
 2022-07-22 12:07

CHAPTER 1 Android Overview

In this chapter, you will learn how Android came about. Wersquo;ll take a look at its history to help us understand its future. As this mobile environment enters a make-or-break year, we look at the key players in this ecosystem, what motivates them, and what strengths and weaknesses they bring to the table.

By the end of this chapter, you will better understand the ecosystem from a business point of view, which should help clarify the technology choices and how they relate to long-term advantages for various platforms.

Android Overview

Android is a comprehensive open source platform designed for mobile devices. It is championed by Google and owned by Open Handset Alliance. The goal of the alliance is to “accelerate innovation in mobile and offer consumers a richer, less expensive, and better mobile experience.” Android is the vehicle to do so.

As such, Android is revolutionizing the mobile space. For the first time, it is a truly open platform that separates the hardware from the software that runs on it. This allows for a much larger number of devices to run the same applications and creates a much richer ecosystem for developers and consumers.

Letrsquo;s break down some of these buzz words and see whatrsquo;s behind them.


Android is a comprehensive platform, which means it is a complete software stack for a mobile device.

For developers, Android provides all the tools and frameworks for developing mobile apps quickly and easily. The Android SDK is all you need to start developing for Android; you donrsquo;t even need a physical phone.

For users, Android just works right out of the box. Additionally, users can customize their phone experience substantially.

For manufacturers, it is the complete solution for running their devices. Other than some hardware-specific drivers, Android provides everything else to make their devices work.

Open Source Platform

Android is an open source platform. The entire stack, from low-level Linux modules all the way to native libraries, and from the application framework to complete applications, is totally open.

More so, Android is licensed under business-friendly licenses (Apache/MIT) so that others can freely extend it and use it for variety of purposes. Even some third-party open source libraries that were brought into the Android stack were rewritten under new license terms.

So, as a developer, you have access to the entire platform source code. This allows you to see how the guts of the Android operating system work. As manufacturer, you can easily port Android OS to your specific hardware. You can also add your own proprietary secret sauce, and you do not have to push it back to the development community if you donrsquo;t want to.

Therersquo;s no need to license Android. You can start using it and modifying it today, and there are no strings attached. More so, Android has many hooks at various levels of the platform, allowing anyone to extend it in unforeseen ways.

Designed for Mobile Devices

Android is a purpose-built platform for mobile devices. When designing Android, the team looked at which mobile device constraints likely were not going to change for the foreseeable future. For one, mobile devices are battery powered, and battery performance likely is not going to get much better any time soon. Second, the small size of mobile devices means that they will always be limited in terms of memory and speed.

These constraints were taken into consideration from the get-go and were addressed throughout the platform. The result is an overall better user experience.

Android was designed to run on all sorts of physical devices. Android doesnrsquo;t make any assumptions about a devicersquo;s screen size, resolution, chipset, and so on. Its core is designed to be portable.


The history of Android is interesting and offers some perspective on what the future might hold.

These are the key events of the past few years:

  • In 2005, Google buys Android, Inc. The world thinks a “gPhone” is about to come out.
  • Everything goes quiet for a while.
  • In 2007, the Open Handset Alliance is announced. Android is officially open sourced.
  • In 2008, the Android SDK 1.0 is released. The G1 phone, manufactured by HTC and sold by the wireless carrier T-Mobile USA, follows shortly afterward.
  • 2009 sees a proliferation of Android-based devices. New versions of the operating system are released: Cupcake (1.5), Donut (1.6), and Eclair (2.0 and 2.1). More than 20 devices run Android.
  • In 2010, Android is second only to Blackberry as the best-selling smart phone platform. Froyo (Android 2.2) is released and so are more than 60 devices that run it.

In 2005, when Google purchased Android, Inc., the world thought Google was about to enter the smart phone market, and there were widespread speculations about a device called the gPhone.

Googlersquo;s CEO, Eric Schmidt, made it clear right away that Androidrsquo;s ambitions were much larger than a single phone. Instead, they envisioned a platform that would enable many phones and other devices.

Googlersquo;s Motivation

Googlersquo;s motivation for supporting the Android project seems to be having Android everywhere and by doing that, creating a level playing field for mobile devices. Ultimately, Google is a media company, and its business model is based on selling advertising. If everyone is using Android, then Google can provide additional services on top of it and compete fairly. This is unlike the business models of other software vendors who depend on licensing fees.

Although Google does license some proprietary apps, such as Gmail and Maps, and makes some money off the Android market, its primary motivation is still the advertising revenue that those apps bring in.

Open Handset Alliance



1. Android概述



1.1. 概述

Android是一个为移动设备设计的开源系统。它由Google主导的开放手持设备联盟(Open Handset Alliance)维护,该组织的口号是:“助力移动设备的变革,以更低廉的价格,为用户提供更强大的功能和更好的体验”,而Android正是其理念的核心。



1.1.1. 完整性


面向开发者,Android提供了一套完整的工具和框架,以简化开发过程、提高开发效率。想要开发Android应用的话,Android SDK就是你所需的一切——甚至不需要一台真正的手机。



1.1.2. 开源平台



因此作为开发者,你有权访问整个平台的所有代码,其运行原理不是秘密;作为生产厂商,你可以轻松把Android OS移植到自己专有的硬件平台之上,也可以保留自己的私传秘方,而不必强制贡献给开发社区。


1.1.3. 为移动设备而设计




1.2. 历史


  • 2005年 Google收购Android, Inc.,全世界都以为'gPhone'就快来了... 风平浪静了一段时间。
  • 2007年 开放手持设备联盟(Open Handset Alliance)宣布成立,Android正式踏入开源阵营。
  • 2008年 Android SDK 1.0发布。G1手机随之而来,它由HTC出产,并由无线运营商T-Mobile USA发售。
  • 2009年 基于Android的设备如雨后春笋般出现。Android系统发布了几个新版本:Cupcake(1.5),Donut(1.6),Eclair(2.0及2.1)。 已有超过20款设备运行Android。
  • 2010年 Android成为仅次于黑莓的第二大智能手机平台。Froyo(Android 2.2)发布,已有超过60款设备运行它。

在2005年Google买下Android, Inc.时,这被认为是Google进军智能手机市场的信号,一时间人们纷纷猜测着一款叫做gPhone的设备。

然而Google的首席执行官Eric Schmidt很快就让人们醒悟过来,仅仅一款智能手机是远远不能满足Android野心的:他们要把它做成一个通用的平台,为各种手机和其它设备都提供支持。

1.2.1. Google的动机


虽说Google也保留一些专有应用的许可(比如Gmail和Maps),在Android Market之上也有一定营收,但是Google最看重的还是应用程序带来的广告收益。

1.2.2. 开放手持设备联盟

Android的背后不只是Google,更有开放手持设备联盟(Open Handset Alliance)。它是一个由电信运营商、手机制造商、软件开发商和芯片制造商等等组成的非盈利组织,致力于保持开放以及改进移动设备的用户体验。


1.3. Android的版本


表格 1.1. 截至Android 3.0的Android各版本

Android版本号差不多就是标志了它大版本和小版本发布的轨迹,其间以API Level最为重要。版本号的更新有时是为API的改动,有时是为修补bug或者性能优化。

身为应用程序的开发者,你需要明确知道目标平台的API Level,这决定了你的应用能否兼容。

一般来说,你会希望自己的应用能够兼容尽可能多设备,因此应留意Android的版本在诸多现存设备上的分野,选择较低的API Level。图1.1截至2011年1月Android现存版本的分布展示了来自Android Device Dashboard的一段统计信息:

图1.1 截至2011年1月Android现存版本的分布

你可以注意到,使用Android 1.5和1.6的用户已经不是很多,最新版本2.3也还未成气候,不过2.x版本的用户数增长势头良好。1.0和1.1的用户几乎都通过OTA自动升级到了1.5,不过1.5和1.6的用户却因为缺少固件难以升级。很多手机生产商甚至并无推出新固件的计划,因为他们更专注于新机的开发。


1.4. 总结



2. Android的架构



2.1. 概述

Android 系统就像一个多层的蛋糕。每一层都有自己的特性和用途,不过这些层之间并没有一个明确的界限,而通常是相互渗透的。

在你阅读本章时,要注意本章仅仅是整个系统的概览,至于各部分的细节,我们将在后面讨论。图2.1Android架构展示了Android 系统架构的各部分。

图 2.1. Android架构

2.2. Linux 系统

Android 是基于Linux 系统构建的。Linux 是一个伟大的操作系统,也是一个经典的开源项目。选择 Linux 作为Android系统基础的原因有很多,而最主要的因素,在于它的可移植性、安全性以及丰富的特性。

2.2.1. 可移植性

Linux可以轻松地移植到各种不同的硬件平台上。有了Linux做硬件抽象层,Android就不必为不同硬件的兼容性而劳心。Linux 的绝大多数底层代码都是用可移植的C代码编写,因此第三方开发者可以将 Android 移植到很多不同的设备上。

2.2.2. 安全性

Linux 已经在一些苛刻的环境下使用和测试了数十年,被证明是一个非常安全的系统。Android 依赖 Linux 实现其安全特性。 所有的 Android 应用都在独立的 Linux 进程中执行,可以直接应用Linux进程的权限机制。由此,Android得以将大部分安全措施交由底层的Linux实现。

2.2.3. 丰富的特性

Linux 系统本身就具有很多实用的特性。Android 从中受益良多,例如内存管理、电源管理和网络部分。

2.3. 本地库

来自开源社区的 C/C 本地库为 Android 应用层提供了很多必需的服务。它们包括:

  • Web Kit: 一个高速的Web渲染引擎,这个引擎已经被Safari,Chrome 和很多其他的浏览器所使用。
  • SQLite: 一个全功能的 SQL 数据库
  • Apache Harmony: 开源的Java实现
  • OpenGL: 3D 图像渲染库
  • OpenSSL: 安全套接字层

这些库中的大部分都是被原封不动地拿过来的,但是 Bionic 是一个例外。 Bionic 基本上是 C 标准库的重写版。 使用 Bionic 的原因有如下两条:

  • 技术方面: 专为电量有限的设备进行优化。
  • 许可证方面: 对他人的使用和修改是许可证友好的。

2.4. Dalvik 虚拟机

Dalvik 是一个专为 Android 设计的虚拟机。它由 Dan Bornstein 和他在 Google 的团队开发。


使用Dalvik VM代替传统Java VM的另一个好处在于许可证。Java语言、Java开发工具以及Java类库都是自由的,但当时的Java VM不是。现在已经有了许多开源的 JVM 替代品,比如Open JDK和Apache Harmony等等。


2.5. Android和Java


图 2.2.Java与Dalvik的对比





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