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2nd International Symposium on Resource Exploration and Environmental Science IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science170 (2018)lsquo;rsquo;“” 032110 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/170/3/032110

Research on Face Recognition Based on CNN

Jie Wang and Zihao Li

School of Electrical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China

Abstract. With the development of deep learning, face recognition technology based on CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) has become the main method adopted in the field of face recognition. In this paper, the basic principles of CNN are studied, and the convolutional and downsampled layers of CNN are constructed by using the convolution function and downsampling function in opencv to process the pictures. At the same time, the basic principle of MLP Grasp the full connection layer and classification layer, and use Pythons theano library to achieve. The construction and training of CNN model based on face recognition are studied. To simplify the CNN model, the convolution and sampling layers are combined into a single layer. Based on the already trained network, greatly improve the image recognition rate.

1. Introduction

Intelligent systems appear more and more in peoples lives, and often need to be identified when using intelligent systems. Traditional methods of identification mainly identify individuals with some personal characteristics, such as identity documents, such as documents and keys, which have obvious shortcomings. They are easily forgotten, lost or faked. If you use some of the personal characteristics to identify the effect will be quite good, such as: face recognition, fingerprinting and so on.

In terms of algorithms, there are sharing parameters between the convolution layer and the convolution layer of CNN. The advantage of this is that the memory requirements are reduced, and the number of parameters to be trained is correspondingly reduced. The performance of the algorithm is therefore improved. At the same time, in other machine learning algorithms, the pictures need us to perform preprocessing or feature extraction. However, we rarely need to do these operations when using CNN for image processing. This is something other machine learning algorithms cannot do. There are also some shortcomings in depth learning. One of them is that it requires a lot of samples to construct a depth model, which limits the application of this algorithm. Today, very good results have been achieved in the field of face recognition and license plate character recognition, so this topic will do some simple research on CNN-based face recognition technology.

2. Convolution neural network

2.1. Convolutional neural network introduction

With the development of convolutional neural networks, the achievements made in various competitions are getting better and better, making it the focus of research. In order to improve the training performance of the forward BP algorithm, an effective method is to reduce the number of learning parameters. This can be done by convolution of the spatial relationship of the neural network. Convolutional neural network, the network structure is proposed, it minimizes the input data pretreatment. In the structure of convolution neural network, the input data is input from the initial

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2nd International Symposium on Resource Exploration and Environmental Science IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science170 (2018)lsquo;rsquo;“” 032110 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/170/3/032110

input layer, through each layer processing, and then into the other hierarchy, each layer has a convolution kernel to obtain the most significant data characteristics. The previously mentioned obvious features such as translation, rotation and the like can be obtained by this method.

2.2. Convolution neural network basic structure

Neural network can be divided into two kinds, biological neural network is one of them, and artificial neural network is another kind. Here mainly introduces artificial neural network. An artificial neural network is a data model that processes information and is similar in structure to the synaptic connections in the brain. Neural network is composed of many neurons; the output of the previous neuron can be used as the input of the latter neuron. The corresponding formula is as follows:


This unit is also called Logistic regression model. When many neurons are linked together, and when they were layered, the structure can now be called a neural network model. Figure 1 shows a neural network with hidden layers.

Figure 1. Neural Networks.

In this neural network, X1, X2, X3 are the input of the neural network. 1 is the offset node, also known as the intercept term. The leftmost column of this neural network model is the input layer of the neural network, the rightmost column of which is the output layer of the neural network. The middle layer of the network model is a hidden layer, which is fully connected between the input layer and the output layer. The values of all the nodes in the network model cannot be seen in the training sample set. By observing this neural network model, we can see that the model contains a total of 3 input units, 3 hidden units and 1 output unit.

Now, use nl to represent the number of layers in the neural network, and the number of layers in this neural network is 3. Now mark each layer, the first layer can be expressed by Ll, then the output layer of the neura




Jie Wang and Zihao Li

School of Electrical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China

摘要:随着深度学习的发展,基于CNN (Convolutional Neural Network,卷积神经网络)的人脸识别技术已经成为人脸识别领域采用的主要方法。本文研究了CNN的基本原理,利用OpenCV中的卷积函数和下采样函数对图像进行处理,构造了CNN的卷积和下采样层。同时,MLP的基本原理掌握了全连接层和分类层,并利用Python的Theano库来实现。研究了基于人脸识别的CNN模型的构建与训练。为了简化CNN模型,将卷积层和采样层合并为单层。在已有训练网络的基础上,大大提高了图像的识别率。






随着卷积神经 网络的发展,在各种竞争中取得的成绩越来越好,成为研究的重点。为了提高前向BP算法的训练性能,一种有效的方法是减少学习参数的数量。这可以通过卷积神经网络的空间关系来实现。提出了卷积神经网络的网络结构,它最小化了输入数据的预处理。在卷积神经网络的结构中,输入的数据是从初始值开始输入的






图1 神经网络。

在这个神经网络中,X1,X2,X3是神经网络的输入。 1是偏移节点,也称为截距项。该神经网络模型最左边的一列是神经网络的输入层,最右边的一列是神经网络的输出层。网络模型的中间层是一个隐含层,它完全连接在输入层和输出层之间。网络模型中所有节点的值在训练样本集中是看不到的。通过观察这个神经网络模型,我们可以看出,该模型总共包含3个输入单元、3个隐藏单元和1个输出单元。



Wij(l)是第1层第j个细胞与第l 1层第i个细胞之间的连接参数,bil是第1 1层第i个细胞的偏移量。在该神经网络模型中,设ai(l)为该层前几个细胞的输出值。设l表示这一层,i表示这一层的前几个细胞。

第二届资源勘查与环境科学国际研讨会IOP出版IOP Conf系列:地球与环境科学170 (2018)doi:10.1088/1755-1315/170/3/032110



前向传播的计算如式(3)所示。神经网络训练方法与逻辑回归模型相似,但由于神经网络是多层的,还需要梯度下降 链式求导规则。


3.1 CNN模型

目前,典型的神经网络架构分为以下几类:LeNet5、AlexNet、ZF Net、GooLeNet、VGGNet,下面将对LeNet5架构进行详细分析。LeNet5是很久以前就存在的CNN经典结构,主要用于手写字体的识别。它一共包含7层结构,除了输入层,其他每一层都有训练参数,每一层都包含多个特征映射,我们可以通过卷积核提取输入特征。每个特征包含多个神经元。如下图所示为LeNet5的架构:

图2 LeNet5结构图

如图2所示,大小为32*32的图像通过输入层进入网络结构。输入层为卷积层,用C1表示。卷积核的数量是6,大小是5*5。经过这一层处理,神经元数量为28*28*6,可训练参数为(5*5 1)*6。C1层的下一层是一个下采样层,如图所示,其输入是卷积层的输出,28*28大小,2*2的空间邻域样本,采样的方法是添加4个数字相乘可训练的参数,然后添加一个可训练的补偿通过s形的函数输出结果。S2层神经元数目为14*14*6。经过s2采样层后,得到的每个特征图的大小是之前卷积层输出的四分之一。下采样层S2层后仍然是卷积层,共有16个卷积核,每个卷积核的大小与C1相同。这一层在上图中称为C3层。该层的输出特征层的大小为10*10。S2层的6个特征与C3层的所有特征相连接。图中这一层得到的特征是前一层输出特征的不同组合。S4层与S2层相同,




3.2 人脸图像采集与处理

基于卷积神经网络的图像处理需要收集大量的图像供计算机学习。这个主题会采用很多人很多 的照片,在收集了很多照片之后剪去不相关的脸部部位。本文使用的人脸检测和切割保存在创建的文件夹。



3.3 卷积神经网络模型构建



图4 CNN结构图


输入层之后的第一层为第一个卷积下采样层,该层输入的图像数据为57*47,卷积核的大小为5*5,因此卷积后得到的图像大小为(57-5 1)*(47-5 1)=(53,43)。卷积运算后,将图像下采样到最大,得到的图像大小为26*21。


4 结论


5 参考文献

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Zhiming Xie1, 2, 3, Junjie Li1, 2, 3 and Hui Shi1, 2, 3

1 Department of Information Engineering, Shanwei Polytechnic, Shanwei 516600, Guangdong, China

2 The Research Institute of Cloud Computing and Data Center Project Design, Shanwei Innovation Industrial Design amp; Research Institute, Shanwei 516600, Guangdong, China

3 The Professional Committee Cloud Computing and Big Data in Higher Vocational College, Higher Education Institute in Guangdong Province, Shanwei 516600, Guangdong, China

摘要:传统的人脸识别技术对人脸图像特征的提取和分类器的选择较为复杂,识别率不高。随着卷积神经网络从手写数字识别到人脸识别的不断成熟,本文提出一种使用Python Keras框架测试CNN的人脸识别算法。方法主要涉及两个方面。一是通过改变隐含层神经元的数量来观察对网络的影响;另一种是通过改变卷积层1和卷积层 2的功能图的数量观察对网络的影响。最好的CNN模型是36-76-1024,经过多组实验测试,该模型能够自动提取人脸图像特征并进行分类。使用adam优化器和softmax分类器进行人脸识别,可以使训练更快收敛。有效提高精度,使用Dropout方法避免过拟合。实验结果表明,该模型在olivettifaces人脸数据库上的识别率为97.5%。当使用最优CNN模型时,平均识别率接近100%,验证了算法和模型的有效性和准确性。






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