
 2022-12-03 11:12

Using Turbo-Code in Wireless LAN

WANGXiu-fang, WANGYang, WEIYu-heng

(DaqingPetroleum Institute, Daqing, Heilongjiang163318, China)

Abstract:Turbo-code used in wireless LAN(WLAN)is proposed by analyzing the data transmission through WLAN,and a new coding and decoding scheme is presented to improve the performance of WLAN.The performance of Turbo code with the changes of correlative parameters is studied through computer simulations.Performance comparison with convolutional code which is widely used in traditional WLAN is conducted.Simulation results show that Turbo-code can greatly enhance WLAN performance.

Keywords:wireless LAN;turbo-code;convolutional code


王秀芳, 王洋, 魏宇恒

(大庆石油学院, 黑龙江大庆163318)

摘要:通过分析无线局域网中数据传输的特点, 对Turbo码编码和译码方案进行适合于WLAN的改进,设计出无线局域网中Turbo码编译码器的实现方案。通过计算机仿真研究相关参数的变化对Turbo码性能的影响,并与传统WLAN中应用广泛的卷积码进行性能比较,仿真结果表明,利用Turbo码编码技术能够较大地提高无线局域网传输性能。


0 Introduction

WLAN technology, because of a series of advantages, is getting widely used in global communication systems.It becomes an more attractive solution and connects more and more equipments, such as the interconnecting Of notebook PC,cellphone, VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol), PDA(Personal Digital Assistant)and so on.In order to improve the reliability of wireless communications systems and reduce power consumption, people have adopted a lot of methods to optimize designs.Among the methods, channel coding and decoding technique is an important one.With the amendment of the protocols of WLAN, convolutional coding technique with different generator polynom ia ls cant meet the requirement of transmission speed.

In this paper, we present a new scheme for encoder and decoder of Turbo code in WLAN by analyzing the characteristics of data transmission in order to meet the requirements of communication qualities and transmission speed, and provide more high quality services with minimum complexity and lowest power consumption.Firstly,we overview turbo-code and select the best decoding algorithm from four kinds of decoding algorithms.Secondly,the principle and structure of turbo-code used in WLAN are described in detail.The simulations of bit error rate(BER)performances of turbo-code in an Additive White Gaussian Noise(AWGN) channel are performed in Section4.In Section5, we conclude this paper.

1 Turbo Code Overview

A new scheme was introduced by some French researchers, Berrou, Glavieux and Thitimajshima in 1993[1] .They used a parallel concatenated scheme which got the nick name Turbo-code after the resemblance with the turbo engine.It was one of the most important developments in channel coding theory for many years.A turbo code is known as a linear block code[2], which adopts a simple structure of concentral convolution code and Maximum a posteriori probability(MAP)decoding algorithm, has attracted the attention of many researchers for its remarkable coding gains close to Shannon theoretical limits in an AWGN channel.In the simulation, framesize is 65535, interation number is 18, the French researchers decoded a rater=1/3 Turbo-code with a so-called it erative decoding algorithm,they claimed that a bit error of could be achieved at a singal-to-noise rate(SNR) of 0.7dB.Turbo-code can obtain high performance, low consumption and low complexity, so it is very suitable for wireless communications systems.

2 DecodingAlgorithmSelection

It is well known that MAP[3] algorithm can calculate the a posteriori probability(APP) of the information sequence derictly,which is the best decoding algorithm for turbo-code.But it is hard to realize in practical application,because it needs a mass of calculations.Log-MAP algorithm[4] is the algorithm which uses MAP in logarithm field,its advantage is changing multiply operation to add operation, so it can reduce the calculation complexity greatly and be more practical,at the same, it is approximately equal to MAP algorithm on decoding performance.Max-log-MAP algorithm is a simplified version of the Log-MAP algorithm that uses only addition,comparison and selection functions, which is only an approximation of Log-MAP algorithm, so it certainly will lead to the decline on decoding performance.Althrough the complexity of Log-MAP algorithm is about twice that of Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm(SOVA)[ 5] , it is obviously superior to SOVA algorithm on BER performance.Through comparisons above, we select Log-MAP algorithm as decoding algorithm in this paper.

Fig.1 Structure of Turbo-Code Encoder and Decoder

Fig.2 Structure of Turbo-Code Encoder and Decoder

3 Principle and Structure of Turbo-Code in WLAN

Figure 1 shows the structure of turbo encoder and decoder[ 6] .The two parallel concatenated constituent encoders,interleaver, puncter and multiplexer form the turbo encoder, as shown in Figure3(a).The interleaver is employed to permute the input bits so that the two constituent encoders work on the same bits, but different sequences.In this paper, we adopt that constraint length K of each recursive systematic convolutional(RSC) component code is 4,two generator polynomials with octal form: and random interleaver.

With the delay of encoding and interleaving negligible, turbo encoder has three outputs corresponding to the source bit, one is the information bit, the others are the parity bits and from the recursive systematic convolutional(RSC) encoders respectively.The sequences of are punctured to improve the efficiency of the encoder,and multiplexed to constitue the output bits, from which the output sequences of the turbo encoder are constructed.Since is independent of and, the sequences are treated as discrete Markov source to the equivalent wireless channel with limited status.

Figure1(b) gives the detail of the turbo decoder.The decoder consists of two identical soft





摘要:通过分析无线局域网中数据传输的特点,对Turbo码编码和译码方案进行适合于WLAN 的改进,设计出无线局域网中Turbo码编译码器的实现方案。通过计算机仿真研究相关参数的变化对Turbo码性能的影响,并与传统WLAN 中应用广泛的卷积码进行性能比较,仿真结果表明,利用Turbo码编码技术能够较大地提高无线局域网传输性能。


Research on the Application of Turbo Code in WLAN

WANG Xiufang,WANG Yang ,WEI Yuheng

(Heilongjiang Daqing Petroleum Institute,Daqing 163318)

Abstract:By analyzing the data transmission through WLAN,points out how to use Turbo code in wire1ess LAN,gives a coding and decoding program which is suitable for WLAN improvement,and gives a flow chart of Turbo code in wireless LAN.Studies the performances of Turbo code with the changes of relative parameters through computer simulations,and makes a performance comparison with Convolutional code which has a widely use in traditional WLAN.The simulation shows that the Turbo code can obviously enhance the WLAN performance.

Keywords:Wireless LAN;Turbo Code;Convolutional Code;802.11

0 引言


1 Turbo码简介

Turho码,又称并行级联卷积码(Parallel Concentral Convolution Code,PCCC),是由C.Berrou等在1993年ICC会议上提出的,这是信道编码技术领域一次重要的突破。Turbo码采用一种简单的卷积码级联结构和最大后验概率(Maximum a posteriori probability—MAP)迭代译码算法,取得了接近香农(Shannon)极限的纠错码性能。当时的模拟结果表明,如果采用大小为65535的随机交织器,并且进行18次迭代,则在Eb/N0ge;0.7dB时,码率为1/2的Turbo码在AWGN信道上的误比特率BERle;,达到了逼近Shannon极限的性能。而与同类编码方案相比,在传输同样长信息位的数据块的前提下,Turbo码可以比里德一索洛蒙(RS)码与卷积码组成的串行级联码多1dB的编码增益,是目前各种纠错码方案中性能较好的。

2 Turbo码译码算法的选取


3 WLAN中Turbo码实现方案



图1 Turbo码编码器结构框图



Turbo码译码器的基本结构如图2所示。来自信道带噪声的系统比特序列(与 相对应)和校验序列(和相对应)以及先验信息一起输入到分量译码器1进行译码,得到逐比特的软信息。由该软信息得到分量译码器2的先验信息.


图2 Turb0码译码器结构图


4 WLAN中Turbo码的应用分析


图3所示的仿真结果显示了帧长(即交织器长度)对于1/2码率的Turbo码性能的影响。 仿真中所使用的Turbo码是15/13码,迭代次数为4次,仿真信道为AWGN信道。


图3 帧长对Turh0码性能的影响



图4 IEEE网络流量数据包大小模型




图5 码率对rrIJrho码性能的影响

从图5可以看出,当编码约束度相同的时候,1/3码率的Turbo码在BER性能上要优于1/2码率的Turbo码。当AWGN信道的Eb/No为1.5dB,对于(15/13)Turho码而言,码率为1/2 时传输的误比特率为,码率为l/3时传输的误比特率降低。


4.3 基于译码算法的考虑


图6 译码算法对Turbo码性能的影响


4.4 基于交织器的考虑

图7的仿真结果显示了不同交织器对Turbo码性能的影响,仿真信道为AWGN信道,仿真中所使用Turbo码的多项式 (八进制),码率为l/2,帧长(即交织器长度)为1024,采用Log-MAP算法,迭代次数为5次。


图7 交织器对Turho码性能的影响


设计了Turbo码编码和译码的仿真程序,对Turbo码在高斯白噪声(AWGN)信道中的纠错译码性能进行了仿真,并与卷积码的译码性能进行比较。仿真中使用了(15/13)的Turbo码和约束度为7的卷积码。码率同为1/2,译码长度同为1024比特,使用了随机交织器,迭代8次。仿真结果如图8所示,图中横坐标代表信道的信噪比(Eh/No),纵坐标代表误比特率(Bit Error Rate:BER)。

图8 Turbo码与卷积码的性能比较



5 结语




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