
 2023-01-03 11:01


Miaomiao Tian, Da Feng, Xi Chen, Yingchun Chen, Xi Sun,

Yuanxi Xiang, Fang YuanZhanchun Feng

摘要:背景:在过去的三年里,中国政府发起了为实现农村居民的公共卫生服务均等化有关农村公共卫生体系建设的医疗改革。这项研究评估从2008年到2010年中国农村公共卫生服务可获得性趋势,以及关于中国农村公共卫生系统绩效的当前情况。在过去三年中,中国政府启动了农村公共卫生体系建设的卫生改革,实现农村居民公共卫生服务均等化。 该研究评估了2008年至2010年中国农村公共卫生服务无障碍的趋势,以及中国农村公共卫生系统绩效的现状。方法:2011年进行的横断面调查采用多级分层随机抽样方法选取中国12个县和118个村庄。 选择了三组指标来衡量农村公共卫生服务覆盖面,平等和有效性的趋势。 我们将数据按省和参与者分类:高血压患者,儿童,老年人和妇女,并且研究了区域内和区域间的卫生服务公平性变化。结果:中国农村公共卫生系统在安全饮用水,儿童疫苗接种和妇女保健分娩方面取得了。 但是,相较于中高收入的高血压患者,低收入高血压患者往往不能得到初级医疗卫生机构的定期卫生保健,。 2010年,中国西部青海地区高血压治疗率仅为53.22%,远低于浙江东部(97.27%)。 同时,农村公共卫生服务的有效性表现较差,将血压控制在正常范围内的有效治疗率仅为39.7%。结论:自2009年医疗卫生改革实施以来,公共卫生朝着走向正确的方向发展。 从2008年到2010年,人民获得公共卫生服务的机会有所增加。但是,公共卫生系统覆盖范围内和区域内的不平等现象仍然存在。中国农村公共卫生服务需要展开提高卫生服务的质量和公平性的战略研究。


20世纪80年代的市场化改革以来,中国卫生系统在过去几十年里的发生了显著变化,这导致中国经历了一个伴随着剧烈的社会动荡和政治转型的快速经济增长期。明显的社会经济转型对健康有着重大影响:总体上,中国人的寿命更长,更健康,其平均预期寿命从1981年的67.9岁增长到2010年的73.5岁。从1990年到2010年,婴儿死亡率 (每千出生人口)从50.2下降到13.1,产妇死亡率(每10万活产)从88.9下降到30.0。然而,城市卫生系统和农村卫生系统的效率没有以同样的速度改善,城市地区安定、繁荣远远超过农村地区。 2008年,城市地区的婴儿死亡率为6.6(每千活产),而农村地区的婴儿死亡率高达18.4。 此外,有此外,城市地区每1 000人中有6.68名卫生专业人员,但农村地区的每千人中只有不到3名(2008年为2.8)。农村和城市地区公共卫生服务和卫生结果的可及性不平等,中国政府必须面临的关键问题和公共卫生最薄弱的环节仍然在农村地区。

公共卫生是持续的全民健康改善的集体行动,强调可持续性的做法(即需要在支持系统中嵌入政策)和降低卫生不公平性。 2009年4月,中国实施了全面的医疗体制改革方案,并在接下来的3年中资助了850亿元人民币(130亿-770亿美元,每1美元6.5元人民币)。 两项强制改革措施是为了改善初级卫生保健系统,以便使所有人享有平等的基本保健和公共卫生服务。2009年7月,这项改革为所有中国居民提供了九项基本的公共卫生服务。同时,基本公共卫生服务的资金标准从2009年的人均15元(人均公共卫生基金的平均)增加到2011年的人均25元。2009年,近60% 的基本公共卫生服务资金(104亿元)用于农村居民。农村公共卫生已成为中国卫生系统最优先考虑的领域之一,越来越重视改善农村居民健康,实现公共卫生服务均等化。 然而,随着在农村地区实施的政策行为,可以发现一些关键问题:中国农村公共卫生系统的绩效如何? 中国的卫生改革会改善农村公共卫生系统的绩效吗? 如何评估农村公共卫生系统的绩效?





在过去12年中公共卫生系统的绩效测量一直是美国疾病控制和预防中心、世界银行、加拿大研究人员和其他研究人员和组织的一个流行的研究课题。2001年,美国研究人员开发了一个概念框架来衡量公共卫生系统的绩效,该框架基于由国家疾病控制和预防中心局制定的用于评估地方和州公共卫生部门绩效的工具——公共卫生绩效标准计划。在该概念框架中,资源,基本公共卫生服务有效性,效率和公共卫生服务的公平性是评估公共卫生系统绩效的五个关键组成部分,这也是公共卫生系统的目标。在考虑了农村公共卫生系统的目标和美国概念框架之后,绩效评估方法中涉及了三项基本措施,即:1)农村公共卫生系统覆盖;2)农村公共卫生服务的公平性; 3)农村公共卫生服务的有效性。 在本研究中,农村公共卫生系统被称为中国县、乡和村行政区域内的三级公共卫生系统,其目标是提高农村居民的卫生服务可持续性,实现基本公共卫生服务的均等化。



第三是衡量农村公共卫生服务的有效性。中国公共卫生系统的主要目标是提高农村居民的健康可持续性。这取决于公共卫生服务的质量、对健康知识的了解和公共卫生系统的发展。选择三个敏感指标进行测量,即:1)高血压控制有效性; 2)对农村公共卫生服务的满意程度;3)健康知识的了解。


数据来自于2011年7月至11月进行的横断面调查。在本研究中使用多级分层随机抽样方法。 根据人类发展指数(HDI)将中国省级行政区划分为四组,从每组中随机抽取一个省作为样本,最终选择浙江(区域I),河南(区域II),重庆(区域III)和青海(区域IV)4个省。中国农村人均纯收入分别为11,302.5元,5,523.73元,5,276.66元和3,862.68元。按区域 - 住宅区的顺序选取每个省的3个县,每个县的3个镇和每个镇的3个村(1个郊区村和2个一般村)。

最后共选择4个省,12个县,36个乡,118个村的农村地区作为研究区。 在每个村庄中,从健康档案中列出的合格候选人中随机选择8名高血压患者,8名6岁以下的儿童,8名大于65岁的老年人和3名在过去6个月内分娩的妇女。 最后,922名高血压患者,878名儿童,848名老年人和271名妇女对研究作出回应,回应率分别为97.67%,93.01%,89.83%和76.55%。 除了儿童的问卷由他们的监护人完成之外,所有参与者都亲自面谈。同济医学院医学与健康管理学院和当地保健机构工作人员被招聘和培训为访问员。


采用重复数据输入的方法将所有数据输入到EpiData Info版本3.1数据库和统计程序(Atlanta,Georgia,USA)中。数据输入屏幕用于修改不正确的条目(例如,逻辑错误,输入错误)。统计学分析在SPSS统计12.0中进行。

使用卡方和Fisher精确检验(当适当时)来研究变量的区域差异。 采用比值比(OR)衡量不同目标群体中农村公共卫生服务的公平性。 OR范围从0.9到1.1表示两组中的公共卫生服务是平等的。 值1表示完全相等。 OR为0.7至0.8或1.2至1.4表示相对相等。 OR为0.4至0.6或1.5至2.9表示相对不等。 超过0.3或3.0的OR表示完全不等。 所有报告的p值都是双侧的,统计学显着性水平(a)设定为0.05。




高血压患者主要为中年或老年人,平均年龄为64.31岁(SD = 11.40岁,范围= 28-92岁),大多数为女性(54.6%)。50.98%的高血压患者被归类为低收入,其中80%以上是低于或在小学教育水平。过去一年的271名新生儿母亲主要是21-30岁(71.96%),平均年龄为27.54岁(SD = 6.95岁,范围= 20-55岁)。其中大部分(81.92%)接受中学或以下教育。 878名儿童中有29.27%是留守儿童,其中大多数是由他们的祖父母抚养的。 65岁以上的老年人的平均年龄为72.50岁(SD = 6.14岁,范围= 65-97岁),其中49.17%与他们的后代住在一起。



另一方面,农村公共卫生系统覆盖面存在显着的区域间差异。除了安全饮水和儿童接种疫苗的指标外,在建立健康档案,孕产妇医院分娩,高血压治疗和传染病发病率方面存在显著的区域差异。一般来说,第一区域的农村公共卫生系统的覆盖率比其他地区的覆盖率高出近10%。 2008年,I区的健康档案建立率平均为64.08%,而II区和IV区没有建立健康档案。虽然这两个地区的年增长率分别为31.67%和37.96%,相应的健康档案建立率在2010年增加到63.33%和75.91%,但仍然低于I区。关于孕产妇系统管理方面,最高的增长率发生在第三区(91.16%),年增长率为7.68%,但是该比率仍略低于2010年的I区(95.52%)。此外,高血压治疗每年增加45.34%,这是慢性病系统性管理的快速发展。我们注意到,IV区在高血压和糖尿病系统性管理方面进展最慢,2010年系统管理率分别为53.22%和58.38%,该地区每年的传染病发病率增加了19.18%。

获得公共卫生服务的公平性。 一般来说,为高血压人群提供医疗卫生保健和为孕产妇提供产后保健在农村地区相对平等(OR在1.2到1.4之间)。 与中高收入高血压患者相比,低收入高血压患者不太可能接受常规的医疗随访(OR = 1.2825)。 此外,生活在郊区村庄的妇女更接近乡镇医院,比生活在普通村庄的妇女(OR = 1.2491)更有可能获得定期保健服务。对于留守儿童,虽然他们可能从父母那里得到的照顾较少,但他们获得的卫生服务比与父母生活儿童组(OR = 0.6242)更好。



Chinarsquo;s Rural Public Health System Performance: ACross-Sectional Study

Miaomiao Tian, Da Feng, Xi Chen, Yingchun Chen, Xi Sun,

Yuanxi Xiang, Fang YuanZhanchun Feng


Background: In the past three years, the Government of China initiated health reform with rural public health system construction to achieve equal access to public health services for rural residents. The study assessed trends of public health services accessibility in rural China from 2008 to 2010, as well as the current situation about the Chinarsquo;s rural public health system performance.

Methods: The data were collected from a cross-sectional survey conducted in 2011, which used a multistage stratified random sampling method to select 12 counties and 118 villages from China. Three sets of indicators were chosen to measure the trends in access to coverage, equality and effectiveness of rural public health services. Data were disaggregated by provinces and by participants: hypertension patients, children, elderly and women. We examined the changes in equality across and within region.

Results: Chinarsquo;s rural public health system did well in safe drinking water, children vaccinations and women hospital delivery. But more hypertension patients with low income could not receive regular healthcare from primary health institutions than those with middle and high income. In 2010,hypertension treatment rate of Qinghai in Western China was just 53.22% which was much lower than that of Zhejiang in Eastern China (97.27%). Meanwhile, low performance was showed in effectiveness of rural public health services. The rate of effective treatment for controlling their blood pressure within normal range was just 39.7%.

Conclusions: The implementation of health reform since 2009 has led the public health development towards the right direction. Physical access to public health services had increased from 2008 to 2010. But, inter- and intra-regional inequalities in public health system coverage still exist. Strategies to improve the quality and equality of public health services in rural China need to be considered.


Chinarsquo;s health system has experienced remarkable changes over the past few decades since the market-oriented reforms launched in 1980s, which led China into a rapid economic growth period with dramatic social and political transitions. [1] The dramatic socioeconomic transitions have had significant impacts on health: overall, people in China live longer and healthier, their average life expectancy increased from 67.9 years in 1981 to 73.5 years in 2010. [2] From 1990 to 2010, the infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) decreased from 50.2 to 13.1, and the maternal mortality rate (per 100,000 live births) fell from 88.9 to 30.0. [3,4] However, the performance of urban health system and rural health system did not improve at the same pace, with urban areas on balance prospering far more than rural ones. In 2008, the infant mortality rate in urban areas was 6.6 (per 1,000 live births), whereas it was up to 18.4 in rural areas. Moreover, there were 6.68 health professionals per 1,000 population in urban areas, but the rate in rural areas was only less than 3 (2.8 in 2008) . Growing inequalities in the accessibility of public health services and health outcomes between rural and urban areas are the key problems that the China Government has to face, and the weakest link of public health is still in rural areas.

Public health is the collective action for sustained population wide health improvement which emphasizes sustainability of the practice (i.e., the need to embed policies within supportive systems) and reducing health inequalities. In April 2009, China implemented her ambitious healthcare reform plan and funded RMB 850 billion (US$130=77 billion, RMB 6.5 per 1 US$) in the ensuing 3 years. Two of the forced reforms are for improving the primary care delivery system so as to provide essential health care and making public health services available and equal for all. In July 2009, nine essential public health services were carried out for all residents in China. Meanwhile, the funding standard for essential public health services was increased from RMB 15 per capita (the average per capita public health funding) in 2009 to RMB 25 per capita in 2011. In 2009, nearly 60% of the total funding for essential public health services (RMB 10.4 billion) was used for rural residents. [15] Rural public health has become one of the highest priority areas of Chinarsquo;s health system, more and more attention has been paid on improving rural residentsrsquo; health and equalized the public health services. However, along with the policy actions implemented in rural areas, crucial questions can be raised: how has the Chinarsquo;s rural public health system performance been? Will the Chinarsquo;s health reform improve the rural public health system performance? How to assess the rural public health system performance?

In China, rural public health system consists two parts: on the one hand is the institutions of providing public health services, including county hospitals, centers for disease control and prevention, county emergency center, township hospitals and village clinics; on the other hand is the management and cooperation institutions, including health bureau, education bureau, bureau of quality and technical supervision, food and drug administration, blood banks, water companies, schools as well as local governments. The performance of public health system depends on the combined effects of the two components. Therefore, the assessment of public health system in this study focuses on the direct and indirect effects on performance from the whole rural public health system.

Although each province in China has its own performance evaluation plan on the essential p



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