
 2023-01-03 11:01


原文作者:Youn-Jung Son, PhD;Senator Jeong, PhD

单位:Soo-Kyoung Lee, PhD, RN College of Nursing Keimyung University 1095 Dalgubeol-daero Daegu 704-701 Republic of Korea

摘要:背景 电子健康一直在迅速发展着,对医疗保健的安全和质量具有重要影响作用。然而,假设与实证证明在电子健康技术的益处和其概念领域上的清晰映射方面有着较大的分歧。因此,本研究旨在通过社会网络分析法批判性地回顾国际电子健康发展中的主要研究课题和趋势。材料和方法 利用医学类主题标目项检索从1979年到2014年为止,在PUBMED数据库中发表的3023篇文献。我们使用文本分析程序从语料库中提取n项,形成共生网络,然后利用PAJEK软件分析并使网络可视化。具有中心性和权威性的措施确定了电子健康领域内最重要的研究课题。4年为期的新兴课题被确认为研究的发展趋势。结果 电子健康最重要的研究主题是个人健康档案(PHR)、健康信息技术、初级保健、移动医疗、临床决策支持系统(CDS)等等。通过自我网络分析分成的8个组,可以分成四个不同的领域,如下:信息技术、基础设施、服务和对象。此外,电子健康研究的4个历史趋势:第一,电子保健和远程医疗,第二,PHR和监测,第三,CDSS和警报,第四,移动医疗和健康素养。结论 本研究通过确定主题网络促进对电子健康系统的了解,从而有助于指导电子健康研究和教育的未来发展方向。






本研究的目的是通过对研究主题的社会网络分析法来揭示电子健康的一些结构问题。社会网络分析(Social Network Analysis, SNA)分析了主体之间的关系,并帮助我们揭示了主体之间的关系模式。在我们的案例中,主体是电子健康领域中的研究主题。研究人员利用SNA来检查社区的结构,用来描述他们的网络,通过社区之间可视化的关系建立模型关系。网络分析有助于扩大和超越频率和描述性统计的限制,从而通过几个统计指标来减少复杂关系。






2014年5月20日,我们在PUBMED搜索医学主标题下文章的主题“信息科学”,它的标题或摘要包括了术语“e-health”。E-health包含了许多有着类似概念的术语。因此,我们的查询条件包括了“e-health”,“m-health”,“tele-medicine”,“tele-nursing”,“tele-health”, 和“ubiquitous health”(u-health)。过滤掉没有搜索到的文章,在1979年到2014年35年间共发表有3023篇文章。搜索查询的详细信息,请参阅补充数据。(补充数据可在www.liebertpub.com/tmj在线获得)




使用我们的内部程序生成一个共词频率矩阵,然后转换矩阵为余弦相关矩阵。矩阵由2390个词条组成,不包括那些出现不到10次的词条。term-term相似矩阵转化为一个网络,显示了二进制中任何两项之间的关系。Pajek 软件被用于网络可视化分析和研究。节点的大小等于TF的对数,线段的厚度表示两个词条之间的余弦值(亲密度)

为了标识电子健康中的重要研究课题,我们计算了每个主题的权威和中心分数。在权威和中心分数中,如果一个顶点指向许多好的权威,那么这是一个好的中心。如果一个顶点被许多好的中心指向,那么就是一个很好的权威。我们提取了过去的35年(1979-2014年)中关于电子健康的重要的500个主题。为了辨别出电子健康的主题,对Louvain 集群进行了多级粗化和多层次的细化选项。






在第一组中,在126个节点中,最大组的主题是“e-health”、“移动健康”(m-health), 和“信息和通信技术”(ICT)。第2组的14个节点中“电子病历”(EMR)起着核心作用。第3组包含专业电子健康记录(EHR)和与其相关的主题,像“模型”“标准”“医疗记录”和“卫生保健质量”。第4组的主题都围绕着卫生信息技术(HIT)和个人健康记录(PHR)。在第5组,决策支持系统和临床决策支持系统(CDSS)占据了主要网络。第6组主要处理“计算机化的医嘱录入”(COPE)和“药品不良事件”(ADE)。在第7组的网络中,主要的主题“医生”包括了“实践”“成本”和“质量”。第8组包括的主题例如“血压”“慢性疾病”“糖尿病”“慢性阻塞性肺疾病”和“初级保健”等。















Visualization of e-Health Research Topics

and Current Trends Using Social Network Analysis

Youn-Jung Son, PhD, RN,1 Senator Jeong, PhD,2

Byeong-Gwon Kang, PhD,3 Sun-Hyung Kim, PhD,3 and Soo-Kyoung Lee, PhD, RN

Departments of 1Nursing and 3Information amp; Communication

Engineering, Soonchunhyang University, Cheonan, Republic of Korea. 2 National Center for Medical Information and Knowledge, Korea National Institute of Health, Cheongju, Republic of Korea. 4College of Nursing, Keimyung University, Daegu, Republic of Korea.


Background: E-health has been grown rapidly with significant impact on quality and safety of healthcare. However, there is a large gap between the postulated and empirically demonstrated benefits of e-health technologies and a need for a clearer mapping of its conceptual domains. Therefore, this study aimed to critically review the main research topics and trends of international e-health through social network analysis. Materials and Methods: Medical subject heading terms were used to retrieve 3,023 research articles published from 1979 through 2014 in the PubMed database. We extracted n-grams from the corpus using a text analysis program, generated co-occurrence networks, and then analyzed and visualized the networks using Pajek software. The hub and authority measures identified the most important research topics in e-health. Newly emerging topics by 4-year period units were identified as research trends. Results: The most important research topics in e-health are personal health records (PHR), health information technology, primary care, mobile health, clinical decision support systems (CDSS), and so on. The eight groups obtained through ego network analysis can be divided into four semantically different areas, as follows: information technology, infrastructure, services, and subjects. Also, four historical trends in e-health research are identified: the first focusing on e-health and telemedicine; the second, PHR and monitoring; the third, CDSS and alert; and the fourth, mobile health and health literacy. Conclusions: This study promotes a systematic understanding of e-health by identifying topic networks, thereby contributing to the future direction of e-health research and education.

Key words: e-health, telemedicine, mobile health, telenursing, telehealth


As the population grows older, an increase in medical costs to manage chronic diseases is expected. Increased costs may leads to serious social problems that must be resolved in the near future. E-health services have been proposed as a promising solution to improve the health of people with chronic disease such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer.1

The e-health domain is a hybrid industry encompassing both medicine and information technology; as such, dissimilar terms and definitions are sometimes used interchangeably, with little consensus. Efforts are needed to achieve a consensus of meanings with explicit definitions to reduce misunderstanding. Therefore, a guide is needed for the development of ehealth definitions, to examine research topics and trends. This would make possible constructive improvements via direct cost saving and reinvestments, promoting efficient development of the e-health industry and providing criteria to inform new industries developed from e-health.

There have been some previous efforts to define and characterize ehealth. E-health can be defined as an intersectional field of medical informatics, public health, and business. It includes health services and information delivered or enhanced through the Internet and other related technologies.2,3 E-health improves operational efficiency and provides higher quality of care and positive return on investments.4–6 However, these definitions may reflect expertsrsquo; knowledge, experience, and intuition, rather than an objective and systematic understanding of the field. Moreover, the definitions tend to be outdated as new knowledge and technologies are introduced to the field. Thus, defining the nature and scope of e-health presupposes an understanding of its building blocks.

The purpose of this study is to reveal some structural aspects of ehealth through social network analysis (SNA) on the research topics. SNA analyzes the relationships among entities and helps us uncovers patterns of relationships between entities. In our case, the entities are research topics in the e-health domain. Researchers use SNA to examine the structure of communities, to describe them in terms of networks, and to model existing connections by visualizing the relationships between communities.7 Network analysis helps to expand and move beyond the limitations of frequency and descriptive statistics, which reduce complex relations to a few statistical indicators.

SNA provides an objective view of research in an institution and is a baseline for efforts to facilitate transdisciplinary collaboration. Our aim here is to present an SNA study of e-health for detecting and visualizing conceptual domains. SNA studies in clinical settings have analyzed interaction among physicians, dissemination of medical knowledge, or interpersonal relationships and knowledge transfer patterns.11 Some studies have examined networks in healthcare and medicine,12 medical information,13 and nursing.

The current study uses SNA to analyze the network of research topics in the e-health domain. We aimed to answer the following questions: (1) What are the building blocks of e-health? (2) What are the important topics in e-health? (3) What are the newly emerging research topics in e-health? Our pursuit of these questions will (a) portray the overall shape of e-health, (b) determine the central research topics, and (c) draw a developm



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