
 2021-12-30 09:12

Business Model: What It Is and What It Is Not

Carlos Marques DaSilva, Peter Trkman

Over the past two decades, the term “business model” has frequently been misused by both academics and practitioners. It is common to hear the term being used by managers, consultants or scholars from diverse fields and even in the popular media. The termrsquo;s pervasiveness and use suggest that business models are extremely important; however, no consensus regarding its meaning has been established. At times, it seems the termrsquo;s main purpose is to help consultants sell their services, and for scholars to write case studies attributing the failure of e-business companies to “improper business models”. The term “business model” often appears to encompass everything from, among others, strategy, economic model, and revenue model. Although several papers have critically examined certain aspects of business models (Casadesus-Masanell amp; Ricart, 2010; Morris, Schindehutte, amp; Allen, 2005; Zott amp; Amit, 2008; Zott, Amit, amp; Massa, 2011), the strategic management community has ultimately struggled to agree on a clear role for the business model in theory and practice.

Several important aspects require further investigation. First, the reasons that the term “business model” has gained prominence with regard to Internet companies are unclear; another closely connected question is the relevance of the business model terminology to brick-and-mortar companies. Second, the relationship between business model and other similar terms (e.g., strategy, economic model, revenue model) remains fuzzy at best. A clear distinction between business model and other terms is required in order to demonstrate whether the term is simply a management fad or has a firm place in the management literature and practice. Third, the connection of the term “business model” to the theories most often used in management (e.g., the resource-based view, or RBV) also seems unclear. Hence, the termrsquo;s validity and its role in the strategic management literature can only be vaguely explained.

Over time, the term “business model” has suffered in two main ways: first, it has evolved into an unclear idea with a cannibalizing tendency towards other management terms, such as 'strategy'; and, second, several companies in the 1990s were led to a poor performance and ultimately bankruptcy as a result of following what were presumably innovative business models. It is time to relearn what the term “business model” encompasses and prove its relevance and utility to both the academic and the business community.

Our paper thus examines the business model terminology through four main lenses. First, we focus on the termrsquo;s historical development ranging from its origins, developments and the hype that has distorted its meaning. Second, we provide a theoretical foundation for the business model using the resource-based view and transaction cost economics as its basis. Third, a consistent statement is made as to what a business model is and is not, as well as the conditions in which a business model is an attractive and meaningful managerial philosophy. Fourth, implications for further research are outlined based on our analysis and findings.

The term did not see widespread use for decades. The number of peer-reviewed journal papers on “business model” remained low until the 1990s, with only five papers containing the words “business model” in their title over the whole decade - as reviewed by Osterwalder, Pigneur, and Tucci (2005). With the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the emergence of Internet companies, the term quickly gained prominence among both practitioners and business scholars. Congruently, the use of the term 'business model' in academic papers closely followed the trend of the NASDAQ index from the early 1990s to the dot-com bubble burst. Ghaziani and Ventresca (2005) further acknowledge that, during this period, the business model terminology spread to various communities (such as marketing, management, banking and ICT) and has been used within various frameworks (such as business plan, business strategy, value creation, globalization and organization design).

Figure 1 shows the number of papers with “business model” in either the title or as a topic appearing in journals indexed in Web of Science. Web of Science was chosen because it offers a reliable coverage and historical overview at the journal, article and cited-reference level (Norris amp; Oppenheim, 2007).

FIGURE 1: Number of papers published on business models vs. the NASDAQ trend

In a nutshell, the widespread use of the business model terminology seems to be intrinsically connected with technology-based companies. Business models seemed to be the answer for explaining how innovative undertakings dealing with technology or any other form of unclear but potentially profitable concepts, foreign to the logic of traditional industries, were materialized in business terms. In fact, Internet companies could not be valued based on their past performance since there were no precedents. As a result, investors speculated about the compelling future promise based on innovative business models (Thornton amp; Marche, 2003). An emblematic example is Pets.com. While its huge spending on advertising brought enormous brand awareness, it became a company everyone knew about but nobody was interested in what it was selling. It overestimated the market trend and assumed its spending would be followed by astonishing revenues. Despite the lack of financial soundness, the company attracted investments amounting to USD 300 million in less than two years. Expenses rapidly overwhelmed the company and investors demanded a return. Stock prices went from USD 11 per share in February 2000 to USD 0.19 on the day of its liquidation a few month



卡洛斯·玛吉斯·达席尔瓦 彼得·特克曼

在过去20年里,“商业模式”一词经常被学术界和实务界误用。经常听到来自不同领域甚至流行媒体的管理者、顾问或学者使用这个词。这个术语的广泛使用表明,商业模式极其重要;然而,还没有就其含义达成共识。有时,这个术语的主要目的似乎是帮助顾问销售他们的服务,学者们撰写案例研究,将电子商务公司的失败归因于“不当的商业模式”。“商业模式”一词通常包括战略、经济模式和收入模式等方面的所有内容。尽管有几篇论文对商业模式的某些方面进行了批判性研究。( Casadesus-Masanell amp; Ricart, 2010; Morris, Schindehutte, amp; Allen, 2005; Zott amp; Amit, 2008; Zott, Amit, amp; Massa, 2011),战略管理界最终努力在理论和实践中就商业模式的明确作用达成一致。




这个词几十年来没有被广泛使用。直到20世纪90年代,同行评审的关于“商业模式”的期刊论文数量仍然很低,在整个十年中,只有五篇论文的标题中包含“商业模式”一词,这是Osterwalder, Pigneur和Tucci(2005)的评论。随着信息与通信技术(ICT)的发展和互联网公司的出现,该术语在从业者和商业学者中迅速得到了重视。与此一致的是,学术论文中“商业模式”一词的使用紧跟着纳斯达克指数从20世纪90年代初到互联网泡沫破灭的趋势。Ghaziani和Ventresca(2005)进一步承认,在此期间,商业模式术语传播到各个社区(如营销、管理、银行和ICT),并已在各种框架(如商业计划、商业战略、价值创造、全球化和组织设计)中使用。




另一个例子是Kozmo.com公司,该公司为其客户提供免费送货服务,从星巴克(Starbucks)咖啡、DVD到一包口香糖,所有商品都没有最低购买量。他们认为,由于没有向公众开放零售空间,节省下来的成本将抵消高昂的配送成本。1999年,公司成立一年后,收入350万美元,净亏损2630万美元。尽管存在明显的差异,但在最终破产前的两年半时间里,该公司从投资者那里筹集了2.8亿美元(Ackman, 2001)。


然而,术语“商业模式”在网络泡沫中幸存下来。2004年至2007年间,标题为“商业模式”的论文数量保持相对稳定,每年25-42篇。有趣的是,它在2008年、2009年和2010年分别以45篇、68篇和83篇论文开始重新增长。仔细观察这一趋势可以发现,2004-2007年的论文流的特点是重点从互联网公司的业务模式转变为“一般业务”中的业务模式分析。随着互联网和信息和通信技术彻底改变了公司在几乎所有行业的经营方式,商业模式一词很快就传到了对实体企业的分析中。航空公司(Lawtonamp;Solomko,2005年;Procter,2005;Tretheway,2004)和音乐(Manafy,2006;Procter,2004;Swatman、Krueger amp; van der Beek,2006)等行业的公司是一些最彻底分析的案例。

此外,近年来商业模式文献的增长也可以归因于商业领域之外的商业模式的论文。这个术语也被用作一个流行词,用来分析人类的各种努力,并进行广泛的解释(Ghaziani amp; Ventresca,2005)。作者们讨论了基地组织等恐怖组织的商业模式(Vardi,2009);英国工党等政党(Faucher King,2008);保护自然的可能性(Sovinc,2009);以及罕见疾病的发展(Ferry,2010)。这个术语甚至在宏观经济学中被用来讨论美国经济模式(Cappelli,2009)。



了解企业是如何运作的,以及如何为不同的利益相关者创造价值,已成为近年来管理学界的一个难题。在网络时代,数百万美元的资金被用来资助有缺陷的“商业模式”(Shafer et al.,2005)。然而,问题不在于术语本身,而在于它缺乏理解和误用。如果一个商业模式的核心站在对未来的未经测试或投机的假设上,那么公司注定会有一个不确定的结果。例如,宠物网认为其铺张浪费的营销费用以及由此产生的品牌知名度将被大量购买所抵消。这些努力达到了一定程度,公众对宠物网品牌有了了解,但只有一小部分人是宠物主人,其中只有少数人愿意在线订购宠物相关产品。此外,该公司销售的一些产品的零售价格低于收购成本。结果,宠物网几乎每笔订单都在赔钱。该公司认为,通过建立一个大型客户数据库,它可以在晚些时候提高价格,以抵消最初的损失。事实上,消费者对价格很敏感,他们可以很容易地开车到当地的杂货店购买宠物相关产品,而不是在网上订购,然后等上几天送货上门。这些假设使该公司在不到9个月的时间里从在纳斯达克(NASDAQ)上市变成了清算公司。非目标营销与糟糕的管理、高昂的交易成本和糟糕的战略决策相结合,导致公司负债累累,最终倒闭。CNET甚至认为这是历史上最大的网络失败之一(Wolverton, 2000)。

这一术语使用激增的一个里程碑是由新技术推动的颠覆性变化,如一般的信息和通信技术,特别是互联网。技术和组织网络的复杂性不仅使更广泛的业务网络和业务战略得以出现,而且使其能够更快地适应创新。因此,工业时代的商业方式变得非常不足以应对信息时代即将到来的挑战(Skerlavaj,2007;Venkatraman amp; Henderson,1998)。哈默尔(2002)甚至将20世纪90年代硅谷出现的高资本化水平归因于创新商业模式的出现,而不仅仅归功于他们杰出的远见卓识者的才华。此外,AFUAH(2004)认为商业模式是微软、沃尔玛、Ebay或西南航空等公司创建和成功的核心原因。

同样,许多咨询师和商业出版物在参考公司的经营方式时采用了商业模型术语(参见Gilbert, Henske, amp; Singh, 2003;约翰逊,2010;Kim amp; Mauborgne, 2005;Schwalm, Gottfredson amp; Rouse, 2009)。最后,越来越多的咨询公司提供商业模式创新和创造领域的服务,如麦肯锡公司、贝恩公司和波士顿咨询集团。与此一致的是,IBM在其2008年的“全球CEO研究”中披露,来自广泛领域和行业的公司都在积极寻求关于如何创新现有业务模型的建议(IBM Global business Services, 2008)。



“商业模式”一词在学术界和商界可能已经占据了主导地位,但这并不能证明它对研究和实践的附加价值。在过去的十年中,已经有几十种商业模型的定义和组件分解被提出(Amit amp; Zott, 2001;Casadesus-Masanell amp; Ricart, 2010;Chesbrough amp; Rosenbloom, 2002;Johnson, Christensen, amp; Kagermann, 2008;Magretta, 2002;Morris et al., 2005;Osterwalder amp; Pigneur, 2010; Teece,2010;Zott amp; Amit, 2010)。因此,我们的目标不是提供另一个业务模型描述,也不是对构成业务模型的组件进行更精确的标识。相反,我们提出了一个理论基础,重点是理解业务模型术语的实际性质以及业务模型术语适用的条件。

任何理论基础都应该能够解释所观察到的受到学术关注的趋势,并在文献中的现有术语之间建立明确的区别。由于目前在使用的概念和解释的现象方面方法的差异,商业模型研究的共同点是必要的(Zott et al.,2011年)。不明确的理论预期或缺乏理论知识,可能会导致研究人员重复已有的发现,对现有的理论知识增加很少,或产生大量的数据,而不清楚这些数据如何导致新的见解(Andersen amp; Kragh, 2010)。


虽然基于资源的观点(RBV)已经渗透到了对商业模式的研究中,但在RBV中围绕这个主题发表的大多数文章都没有描述商业模式术语与其他流行术语(如Strategy)的不同之处(George amp; Bock,2011)。任何类型的模型(包括商业模型)都含蓄地或明确地说明了企业竞争优势背后的内部能力(Morris et al.,2005)。这种思路与RBV是一致的,在RBV中,公司被视为一系列资源和能力(Barney,1991)。Hedman和Kalling(2003)提出了一个使用RBV来解释商业模式术语的典型例子,其中,宜家的商业模式通过设计技能、供应商关系、采购网络和文化因素(如强烈的承诺和领导能力)等资源暴露出来的。

尽管相关,但仅凭RBV无法解释商业模式的复杂性或近年来的突出地位。资源本身并不能为客户带来任何价值;价值是通过使用资源进行的事务生成的。例如,一项技术(资源)本身几乎没有价值(Chesbrough, 2007)。为了创造价值,公司必须通过交易来部署这种技术。因此,我们同意McIvor(2009)的观点,他强调了RBV和交易成本经济学(TCE)理论相结合的重要性。由于业务价值是由独特的资源组合创建的,所以TCE将事务效率视为价值的来源(Morris et al., 2005)。为了支持这些发现,我们认为业务模型代表了特定的资源组合,这些资源通过事务为客户和组织产生价值。因此,瑞安航空的商业模式可以被解释为资源(例如,非工会化的劳动力、标准飞机机队)和它们通过交易(例如,在线机票预订)部署的方式的组合。

我们选择这两种理论背后的逻辑遵循熊彼特(1934)的经济发展理论,该理论认为,价值是由独特的资源组合创造的,而TCE认为交易效率和边界决策是价值的来源(Morris et al., 2005)。同样,之前的研究也揭示了RBV和TCE的理论基础在从业者中是为了创建一个商业模型而共同存在的(Amit amp; Zott, 2001; George amp; Bock, 2011)。




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