
 2022-07-23 04:07

Promoting sales of online games through customer engagement


Customer engagement has been conceptually reviewed and empirically examined.

This study probed the different dimensions of customer engagement in online games.

Both psychological and behavioral engagement were positively associated with online sales.

Three factors together explained 65% of the variance in psychological engagement.


With keen competition in the online game industry, game developers and publishers are finding new ways to induce playersrsquo; to spend money on subscriptions and virtual items. As the online game itself provides a highly engaging environment, this study examines online sales from the perspective of customer engagement. We propose a research model that examines why game players actively engage in playing online games, and how such engagement can contribute to sales of online games, empirically testing the model using 377 online game players. The results support our research hypotheses and illustrate the effect of customer psychological engagement on stimulating game playersrsquo; spending in online games. In particular, both psychological and behavioral engagement exerted a positive influence on online sales, and the dimensions and antecedents of psychological engagement were also identified. The findings of this study are expected to provide some suggestions for game developers and publishers on promoting the sales of digital items/goods. This study also adds to the current understanding of customer psychological engagement by identifying its antecedents and consequences in the context of online games.


  • Customer engagement;
  • Online sales;
  • Virtual world;
  • Online games;
  • Customer satisfaction

1. Introduction

The advent of high-speed broadband services, personal computers, and mobile technology has cultivated a fertile ground in which online games have flourished. The online game business is a compelling domain that attracts a huge level of investment. A recent global games market report predicted a growing upward trajectory of the online game market, with the number of gamers worldwide set to rise from 1.21 billion to 1.55 billion, and global games market will grow to $86.1 billion in 2016, using a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.7% (de Heij et al. 2013).

Although the online game industry has a huge market potential, competition within the industry is fierce due to the many product substitutes. With the global popularity of and growing demand for online games, there are hundreds of companies competing with each other, offering a wide variety of games ranging from text-based to massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs). There are many options in almost every online gaming domain. To dominate the competition in the online game industry, online game developers and publishers are seeking new ways to offer the best gaming experience for players, and to induce players to spend money on subscriptions and virtual items.

Previous studies have explored possible strategies to deal with the increasing competition in the online game industry by focusing on the operation and marketing of online games (Chan et al., 2014; Guo and Barnes, 2012; Hamari and Jauml;rvinen, 2011 ; Paavilainen et al., 2013). However, a long-term competitive advantage is inseparable from a firmrsquo;s ability to sustain and expand its customer base and develops a solid customer relationship with the game players. It is also necessary to note that the online game itself provides a highly engaging environment for many game players, who can lose track of the amount of time and money they spend while playing. In this regard, the operation and marketing strategies are built around an understanding of how to improve game playersrsquo; engagement in the game-specific activities, which until recently was rarely examined in online game-related research. Although customer engagement has not been systematically explored in this area, the concept has recently attracted increasing attention from some marketing scholars (Brodie et al., 2013; Hollebeek et al., 2014 ;


Tommy K.H. Chan








关键词 客户参与; 在线销售;虚拟世界;在线游戏;客户满意度

1。介绍 高速宽带服务、个人电脑和移动技术的出现,造就了网络游戏蓬勃发展的沃土。网络游戏业务是一个引人注目的领域,吸引了巨大的投资。最近的全球游戏市场报告预测在线游戏市场呈现日益上升的轨迹,世界各地的玩家将从12亿1000万上升到15亿5000万,全球游戏市场将增长到861亿美元,2016,年复合增长率(CAGR)达到了6.7%(de Heij等人。2013)。 虽然网络游戏产业有着巨大的市场潜力,但由于产品种类众多,行业内的竞争激烈。随着全球普及和网络游戏的需求越来越大,有互相竞争的数百家企业,提供各种各样的游戏,基于文本的大型多人在线游戏(MMOG)。在几乎每一个在线游戏领域都有很多选择。为了主宰网络游戏行业的竞争,网络游戏开发商和出版商正在寻求新的方法,为玩家提供最好的游戏体验,并诱使玩家花钱订阅和虚拟物品。 以前的研究已经探讨相关网络语系营销的策略,专注于网络游戏的运营和营销应对网络游戏产业竞争加剧(Chan et al.,2014;郭 巴尼斯,2012;迈克尔,2011 ; 帕维莱宁et al.,2013)。然而,一个企业或者网络游戏的长期的竞争优势是不可分割来看待,必然是一个整体。需要一个公司不断维持和扩大客户群体。还需要注意的是,网络游戏本身提供了一个高度引人入胜的环境,许多游戏玩家在玩游戏时花费大量时间与金钱。在这方面,运营和营销策略是建立在了解如何提高游戏玩家的参与在游戏特定的活动,很少有对客户参与的研究。虽然没有客户参与这方面的系统研究,但是其概念已经吸引了一些营销学者越来越多的关注(布罗迪et al.,2013;hollebeek et al.,2014 ; kabadayi,2014),并被视为一种有效的建立和保持竞争优势的关键策略,和未来网络游戏成功的重要因素。 最近,研究表明,客户参与的性质和范围不断增加。然而,大多数的研究是描述性的定性分析(布罗迪et al.,2011;hollebeek,2011;莫兰和Wilson,2010 ; Van Doorn et al.,2010),而不是实证和定量的一些研究,包括实证研究,研究的重点主要放在品牌客户参与(hollebeek et al.,2014 ; 拉罗什et al.,2012)和品牌社区(布罗迪et al.,2013 ; 古梅鲁斯et al.,2012)。客户参与产品(如网络游戏)的实证研究很少。考虑到客户参与帮助游戏开发商和发行商达成战略目标的重要性,如在市场份额的增长和游戏的销量增加方面,这项研究是一个初步尝试(1)构思和实施客户参与网络游戏的语境,(2)确定网络游戏客户参与的影响因素,(3)研究心理参与和行为参与之间的关系,和(4)了解客户参与在促进网络游戏玩家的消费作用。





网络游戏的可持续性和成功总是取决于游戏玩家,他们愿意在游戏中不断地投入时间和金钱。因此,关注如何和为什么游戏玩家购买虚拟物品/商品成为一个更根本和具有挑战性的问题。研究从不同的角度研究了这个问题。Ho and Wu (2012) and Park and Lee, 2011a ; Park and Lee, 2011b用消费价值理论来考察网络游戏虚拟物品的购买决策。 Guo and Barnes (2012)研究了感知价值、游戏定制和感知享受对魔兽世界购买意愿和实际购买行为的影响。同样,基姆(2012)在社会虚拟世界的用户满意度和购买行为之间的关系进行了探讨。近年来,研究表明,顾客参与可以被视为在网络环境改善客户关系的有效策略(Brodie et al., 2013; Cheung et al., 2011 ; Chan et al., 2014)。消费者心理参与在网络游戏购买决策中的作用尚不清楚。 2.2。客户参与的前期研究

“参与”是由多的学者从不同的学科,包括管理、社会心理学、营销广泛探讨的概念和信息系统(Bowden, 2009; Hollebeek, 2011; Mollen and Wilson, 2010 ; Vivek et al., 2012). 。特别是,客户参与,作为一个亚概念的伞项下的“接触”,在营销文献中进行了研究。品牌(Sprott等人。2009)产品和组织(帕特森等)。2006)、与品牌社区(Algesheimer等人。2005)在文献中引用的客户参与的主要对象。目前的共识是,客户是营销活动成功的关键((Calder et al., 2009; Hollebeek et al., 2014 ; Solis, 2010),这一概念所缺乏的定义表达,可操作化等等,如表1所示

表1。 文献中顾客参与的概念化

作者 (年份)


Algesheimer et al. (2005)


Baldus et al. (2014)


Bowden (2009)


Brodie et al. (2011)


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