
 2022-08-08 11:08


Employees are one of the most important factors in business. Therefore, enterprises should account for the expectations of employees, particularly their perception of the enterprise, and their behavior. This study investigates the importance of employeesrsquo; perceived corporate social responsibility (CSR) and also examines the potential role of predicting employer brand, brand image, and corporate reputation. The studyrsquo;s participants comprise employees working in different departments of various corporations. A total of 559 surveys were collected from randomly sampled company employees working in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Turkey, and the responses were analyzed using component-based least squares modeling. The model was analyzed and validated by Smart partial least squares software. Employee-oriented CSR activities have a positive effect on employer brand and brand image perceptions among employees in SMEs. Perceived corporate reputation mediates this relationship.

Data Collection and Measurement Instruments

A survey was used to collect data from the study population of employees from various enterprises. Survey items were measured on a 5-point Likert-type scale (from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree), and the survey contained two sections. The first section contained demographic questions, such as participant gender, age, education, and department; the second section contains items known to measure all constructs examined in the study. Twenty different SMEs, which have 50 to 250 numbers of employees and located in the Marmara region from Turkey, are selected. Evaluation is done among employees who have worked in the company for more than a year, at least 10 people from each company. The reason for this is that employees who stay in their companies for more than a year have more information about their CSR activities. During the data collection process, 20 SMEs, which agreed to participate in our survey, were determined as a result of the interview from SMEs operating in the production area in the Marmara region using the random sampling method. The total number of employees of these SMEs is 3,000. Questionnaires were sent online to SMEs. Return was received from 725 employees; 559 of these employees worked more than 1 year. According to the random sampling method, approximately 3,000 employees in total need 341 in the 5% error and 95% confidence intervals, and 543 employees in the 5% error and 99% confidence intervals;559 employees responded to the survey. Demographic characteristics are as follows: 75.5% of the respondents are men and 24.5% are women. In terms of the departments of respondents, 25.6% were from production, 22.5% from engineering/design, 14.8% from research and development, 12.3% from a department not listed elsewhere, 8.9% from marketing, 7.5% from management, 5.7% from accounting/finance, and 2.5% from human resources. The distribution of highest educational attainment among respondents was as follows: undergraduate degree, 64.8%; graduate degree (except doctoral degree), 12.7%; 2-year college degree, 9.3%; high school, 8.8%; and doctoral degree, 4.5%. The items in the second part of the study were taken from scales with proven validity and reliability. As seen as in Appendix, the scale to measure employee-focused CSR was adapted from Turker (2009). The employee-focused CSR was measured by means of an 11-item scale. The scale to measure EB was adapted from Knox and Freeman (2006) and Lievens et al. (2007). The EB was measured by means of a four-item scale. The scale to measure BI was adapted from Bravo et al. (2010). The BI was measured by means of a seven-item scale. The scale to measure CR was adapted from Ponzi et al. (2011). The CR was measured by means of a four-item scale.

Data Analysis

The partial least squares (PLS) method, a variance-based method used to estimate composite-based path models, was used for data analysis. It is a multivariate statistical technique that can infer causal relations (Henseler et al., 2016). PLS data analysis is separated into two phases (outer and inner) and uses a structural analysis model wherein hypotheses are tested by examining the relations among latent variables and path coefficients with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) used to test the reliability and validity analyses of the measurement model.


The measurements and structural models were tested using a second-generation multivariate data analysis method called structural equation modeling (SEM), focusing on the PLS method. To test our model, we conducted CFA, followed by evaluating convergence and discriminant validity. As seen in Table 1, convergent validity was supported by all factors, and, as seen in Table 2, discriminant validity was also supported by the findings. As seen in Table 3, we calculated the effect size between the variables. In our model, the global fit index was .68, indicating that the empirical data fit the model very well. As seen in Table 4, all relations were positive and significant. H1, concerning the relationship between CSR and EB, was accepted, with beta; = .557, t = 6.702, p lt; .01, and f 2 = .409. Thus, CSR had a positive impact on EB. H2, concerning the relationship between CSR and BI, was accepted, with beta; = .508, t = 4.875, p lt; .01, and f 2 = .195. Thus, CSR had a positive impact on BI.

Mediation Analysis

Mediation analysis can be done with multiple regression and SEM analyses. Although both methods have the same logic, it is the most preferred SEM method in terms of controlling measurement errors, providing information about the entire model and being more flexible than regression (Frazier et al., 2004; MacKinnon et al., 2002). According to Baron and Kenny (1986), the following steps were used to test the CR mediation effect.

Step 1: To test the rel



来源:Employeesrsquo; Perception of CSR Affecting Employer Brand, Brand Image, and

Corporate Reputation.SAGE Open. 2020.11.




一项调查用于收集来自不同企业的员工研究人群的数据。调查项目以5点李克特型量表(从1=完全不同意到5=完全同意)来衡量,并且该调查包含两个部分。第一部分包含人口统计学问题,例如参与者的性别,年龄,教育程度和部门,第二部分包含已知可测量研究中所有检查过的结构的项目。调查项目选择了20家不同的SME,它们在土耳其的马尔马拉地区拥有50至250名员工。评估是在已经在公司工作了一年以上的员工中进行的,每个公司至少有10个人。原因是,在公司呆了一年以上的员工对自己的企业社会责任活动有更多的了解。在数据收集过程中,根据马尔马拉地区生产地区的中小型企业的采访,使用随机抽样方法确定了同意参加我们调查的20家中小型企业。这些中小型企业的雇员总数为3,000。问卷在线发送给中小型企业,然后收到了725名员工的回报,这些员工中有559名工作超过1年。根据随机抽样方法,在5%的误差和95%的置信区间中,总共约3,000名员工中需要341名员工,在5%的误差和99%的置信区间中需要543名员工。559名员工回应了调查。人口统计学特征如下:75.5%的受访者是男性,24.5%是女性。从受访者的部门来看,生产部门占25.6%,工程/设计部门占22.5%,研发部门占14.8%,其他部门未列出部门占12.3%,市场营销部门占8.9%,管理部门占7.5%,管理部门占5.7%。 会计/财务,人力资源占2.5%。 最高的受教育程度在受访者中的分布如下:本科学位为64.8%;研究生学位(博士学位除外),12.7%;两年制大学学历,9.3%;高中,8.8%;博士学位:4.5%。 研究的第二部分中的项目均来自具有公认有效性和可靠性的量表。如附录所示,衡量以员工为中心的企业社会责任的量表改编自Turker(2009)。以员工为中心的企业社会责任通过11项量表进行衡量。EB的量表改编自Knox和Freeman(2006)和Lievens(2007)等人。EB通过四项量表进行测量。用于测量BI的量表改编自Bravo(2010)等人。BI通过七项量表进行测量。测量CR的量表改编自Ponzi(2011)等人。CR通过四项量表进行测量。




使用称为结构方程模型(SEM)的第二代多元数据分析方法对测量和结构模型进行了测试,重点是PLS方法。为了测试我们的模型,我们进行了CFA,然后评估了收敛性和判别有效性。如表1所示,收敛效度得到所有因素的支持,如表2所示,判别效度也得到调查结果的支持。如表3所示,我们计算了变量之间的效应大小。在我们的模型中,整体拟合指数为0.68,表明经验数据非常适合该模型。如表4所示,所有关系都是积极的和重要的。关于CSR和EB之间关系的H1被接受,beta;=0.557,t=6.702,plt;.01,f 2=0.409。因此,企业社会责任对EB产生了积极影响。关于CSR和BI之间关系的H2被接受,beta;=.508,t=4.875,p lt;.01,f 2 =0.195。 因此,企业社会责任对商业智能产生了积极的影响。











表5显示了CSR对EB和BI性能之间CR的介导作用。可见,CR的介导作用显着,所有路径系数均显着(p lt;0.01)。步骤1和步骤2的结果显示在表4中。关于CSR和CR之间关系的步骤3被接受,其中beta;= 0.758,t = 14.881,p lt;0.01,f 2 = 0.409。因此,企业社会责任对企业责任产生了积极影响。接受了关于CR和EB之间关系的第4步,其中beta;= 0.312,t = 3.367,p lt;0.01,f 2 = 0.175。因此,CR对EB具有积极影响。接受了关于CR和BI之间关系的第5步,其中beta;= 0.375,t = 3.413,p lt;0.01,f 2 = 0.124。因此,CR对BI具有积极影响。根据表5中所示的数据,步骤6中,CR在CSR和EB之间的关系中起中介作用(beta;= 0.841,t = 21.2411,p lt;.01)。此外,在步骤7中,CR在CSR与BI之间的关系中起着中介作用(beta;= 0.735,t = 18.873,p lt;0.01)。进行了步骤7(Sobel检验),以确认介体(CR)在解释CSR与EB和BI之间的关系时的重要性。根据表6中显示的数据,当通过Sobel检验检查CR的介导作用时,可以看出中介变量很显着(p lt;0.05;Hayes,2012)。











Employees are one of the most important factors in business. Therefore, enterprises should account for the expectations of employees, particularly their perception of the enterprise, and their behavior. This study investigates the importance of employeesrsquo; perceived corporate social responsibility (CSR) and also examines the potential role of predicting employer brand, brand image, and corporate reputation. The studyrsquo;s participants comprise employees working in different departments of various corporations. A total of 559 surveys were collected from randomly sampled company employees working in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Turkey, and the responses were analyzed using component-based least squares modeling. The model was analyzed and validated by Smart partial least squares software. Employee-oriented CSR activities have a positive effect on employer brand and brand image perceptions among employees in SMEs. Perceived corporate reputation mediates this relationship.

Data Collection and Measurement Instruments

A survey was used to collect data from the study population of employees from various enterprises. Survey items were measured on a 5-point Likert-type scale (from 1



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