
 2023-01-03 12:01


原文作者:Darl Hord

摘要 :在当前的移动互联网时代,人们的出行有了更多的选择,当共享出行领域被滴滴、Uber 横扫之后,近来又有两款以“智能共享”著称的自行车开始活跃在各大街头。橙色的轮毂,银色的 V 型车架,这款被不少人称为 “小橙车”正是近来广受欢迎的“摩拜单车”

关键词:移动互联网,手机 app,共享单车

1 引言

9 月 19 日傍晚至 20 日凌晨,摩拜单车经历了长达 7 小时的宕机,而这并不是它第一次“罢工”。这家带有“Uber”基因的公司开启了更加复杂、难以控制的社会市场的探索。智能开锁、无固定桩、向全社会开放的自由骑行成为摩拜单车的创新之处,同时更自由的存放与取用,重资本、用户黏性的未知性恰恰也让管理人员烦恼不断。据摩拜科技介绍,因为希望打造 4 年免修的智能自行车,摩拜走了一条自行设计、生产单车的路线。为了避免“掉链子”,该款自行车采用轴转动、单摆臂技术,实心车胎、5 辐轮毂、座椅高度固定的设计,单车重达 25 公斤。不少用户反映摩拜单车太重了,都不约而同地向重 达 25 公斤的车身、不可调节的座椅,无行车导航,这些为了“免维修”所做的独特设计,反而让摩拜单车的用户体验备受诟病。由此看来,短期而言,4 年免维修的愿景与上佳的骑行体验似乎不能两全。规模扩张快、灵活性大、资本效率高、进入门槛低是共享经济模式的特点,而用自行设计生产取代外购或回收的模式,虽然增加了摩拜单车的灵活性与自主性,提高了竞争门槛,但也造成了资产过重、拖累赢利的问题。尽管经过产品迭代,目前其成本已从最开始的 6000 元降到 3000 元左右,但 299 元的押金,每半小时收费 1 元的规则,让一辆单车的回收成本并获得盈利的时间大大拉长。当然,鉴于 Uber一贯的风格,在创新产品和商业模式时,短期内可能并不在乎何时能赚钱这个问题。

2 英美共享单车

2013 年 5 月,花旗银行投资 4100 万美元赞助了美国纽约市的一项共享自行车项目,万事达承诺投资 650 万美元,成为支付系统赞助商。高盛银行也提供了部分资金。该项目首批投放 10000 辆公共自行车,建设 600 个站点。Citi bike 还推出了专门的手机应用,帮助用户找到附近的站点,并能显示每个站点可用的单车卡槽和单车数量,也能根据目的地设计最佳路线。“花旗单车”项目最大的收入来源是购买了 24 小时单车使用的游客,每人每天使用 Citi bike 的费用为 9.95 美元,而每年的使用费用为 95 美元。不过,2012 年的桑迪飓风袭击纽约,让单车和站点受损严重。而且 Citi bike 的软件经常出错,无法支付费用。多重打击之下,项目运营公司会员数量 减少,收入下跌。2014 年 10 月,Citi bike 项目得到新的融资,运营公司改名为 Motivate。今年,福特公司也携手 Motivate 在美国三藩市展开合作,将于明年推出福特 Go Bike 自行车,目标是在 2018 年底前将三藩市湾区的自行车增加至 7000 辆,并增加服务据点,届时用户可以通过福特 Pass 平台进行使用。

伦敦在 2010 年推出了公共自行车 Boris bikes (以时任伦敦市长 Boris Johnson 的名字命名),当时的赞助商是巴克莱银行(Barclays),超过 1 万辆公共自行车分布于全市 700 个租赁点,全天 24 小时出租。由于伦敦的公共自行车经营状况欠佳,使用人数逐渐减少,涉及自行车的交通事故也频发,巴克莱银行于 2015 年停止续约,西班牙桑坦德银行(Santander)接手,自行车的标识也从巴克莱的蓝色品牌标识变成了桑坦德的红色。公司总部位于美国波特兰的耐克,将联手当地交通部门打造公共自行车项目 Biketown,目标是让人们动起来。耐克为这个项目投入 1000 万美元,使波特兰现有的公共自行车数量从 600 辆增加至 1000 辆。此外,耐克还负责自行车的外观设计,从 Air Max 95、Air Safari 以及 Air Trainer 1 的设计中汲取灵感,自行车的前面将装上形似耐克鞋盒的篮子以及耐克标志(Nike Swoosh),自行车内置通信和上锁系统。波特兰城市自行车租赁系统允许用户支付一小笔费用后,可以在市区内超过 3000 个自行车点取车。

3 摩拜和 OFO

其实共享自行车并不是什么新鲜事。在美国在线房屋租赁网站 Airbnb 大获成功之后,各个行业都借助共享经济掀起了短租潮。主打自行车点对点短租服务的 Spinlister 就位列其中,Spinlister 鼓励人们把自己的自行车租赁信息放在网上,并承诺为每辆自行车上保险,最高额度可达 5000 美元,以防被让渡使用权的闲置资源遭到盗窃和损坏。

4 年前,自行车有桩化使用开始在北京等大城市得到施行,只要通过公交卡,便可在固定的停车桩位骑走、使用一辆自行车。不过还车却不方便,临时停靠还有丢失的风险。最为关键的是,无论是起初的申请,还是自行车本身存在的故障查修,整体用户体验欠佳。如今,就内核来看,ofo 和摩拜单车并无本质不同,甚至在解决方案上,双方都致力于在三方面下功夫。首先是技术上,实现了车联网的问题,通过手机打通了整套使用闭环,并确定了使用者身份;其次是硬件上,通过分布车身的传感器和智能硬件,甚至自主设计的方式,并依此实现了随用随停;最后是借助互联网移动支付,让商业闭环成为可能。它们共同面临的一个问题是频频出现的车辆使用故障。

摩拜单车提供的两种解决方案:一种通过软件检测,另一种则是通过用户故障举报来维护。两种保修都仅靠运营人员会根据不同的故障代码进行检修。这样成本高、效率却很低,急待更好的解决方案。最早的纸质二维码、塑料玻璃二维码之后,目前摩拜团队正在研发金属二维码,并试图在二维码上面覆盖特殊涂层。加装了 GPS、 SIM卡与感应器的智能单车也可以更有效地记录数据。

相比摩拜的“重”,出身于校园的 ofo 则要“轻”了许多。ofo 的 车辆来源于二手收购和部分学生捐助,车辆的成本 200 元左右,相当于一辆摩拜单车成本的十五分之一。“小黄车”与普通自行车在骑行体验上并没什么不同,对于解决高校内出行刚需的学生来说,不存在太多用户体验的反感。不过,“小黄车”同样面临频繁维修的困扰。由于起步早,ofo 已经相继推进建立完善维修队伍、智能硬件开发、用户认证(区分游人和师生、采取不同收费标准)等工作。

4 未来发展趋势

无论是摩拜还是 ofo,从更长远的视角来看,他们的意义不在于个案的成败,而在于透过他们可以预见未来出行的轮廓。未来出行的趋势不仅限于共享化,还将着眼于环保化、智能化。无论是特斯拉带动的电动化风潮,还是单车文化hellip;hellip;在空气质量急速下降的大城市,电动化、新能源、环保化的意识越来越强烈,供应端围绕环保化推出的交通产品及解决方案也就应运而生。摩拜和ofo想站在下一个风口,智能化也许成为更关键的因素。进一步提升效率,并且标准化、数据化,才是最后决战的方向。此前,市场多有揣测,滴滴会收购摩拜单车。不料,却来了个“反转”。的确,科技型的企业从研发投入到成长为成熟型企业阶段,一方面在技术和产品研发过程中存在着技术失败导致的技术风险,另一方面新产品在市场接受上也存在着不确定性带来的市场风险,加之所面临的行业竞争、经营管理等挑战,使得其在初创期存活率很低,要原因可能还是 ofo 和滴滴在未来愿景等方面高度契合。

严格意义上来说,摩拜和 ofo 并不算是真正意义上的共享单车。 摩拜单车制造成本和运营成本都相当的高,是彻底的 B2C 租赁经济。而起家于校园市场的 ofo,其车辆中的大多数也是自营,C 端用户也可以将自己的单车共享给 ofo 经营,从而获得所有单车的免费使用权,以 1 换 N。从模式上来看,ofo 更接近滴滴的共享概念。自行车共享市场具有庞大的潜在客户群体,人们的“最后三公里”需求极其庞大。滴滴和 ofo 两家公司在战略上具有高度的互补性——滴滴目前已经在出行市场拥有巨大的用户量,积累了非常丰富的运营经验,这两项特质都能帮助到 ofo 这家年轻的公司;同时,ofo 极好地补充完善了滴滴的“最后三公里”解决方案,高效又环保。总之,共享单车已入局,成为未来城市出行中必不可少的一环。具体场景也显而易见——补充“最后三公里”的短距离出行。

文献出处 Darl Hord. The research of shared bike development [J]. Bicycle Lanes, 2017, 1(3):31-41.

原文 The research of shared bike development

Darl Hord


In the current era of mobile Internet, people have more choice of travel, travel when Shared areas after swept by drops, Uber, recently and is famous for its 'smart sharing' in the two bikes became active in the streets. Orange wheel hub, silver V frame, which many people called 'little orange car' is the recently popular 'Mobike'

Key words: Mobile Internet, Mobile phone app, Sharing bike.

1 Introduction

On September 19 to 20 in the evening, in the morning worship the bike up to seven hours of downtime, but thats not it 'strike' for the first time. This company with 'Uber' gene opens the more complex and difficult to control the social market exploration. Intelligent lock, no fixed pile and open to the whole society of free riding become Mobike innovation, at the same time more free storage and access, heavy capital, user viscosity of unpredictability is also bother management continuously. According to the technology, because I hope to build a four-year undergraduate degree of smart bike, mo worship goes a self-design, production bike route. In order to avoid the 'chain', the bicycle used shaft rotation, simple pendulum arm technology, solid tyros, wheel hub, the design of the seat height fixed. Bicycle to weigh up to 25 kg. Many users reflect the bike was too heavy, are to the body, weighing 25 kg do not adjust the seat, no vehicle navigation, these in order to 'maintenance free' unique design, can actually make the bike user experience widely criticized. It seems that in the short term, 4 years of maintenance free vision with good riding experience dont seem to be satisfactory. Fast scale expansion, large flexibility, high efficiency, low barriers to entry are Shared economic model, the characteristics of the design and production to replace outsourcing or recovery mode, while increased flexibility and autonomy, 'worship the bike increases competition threshold, but also creates assets and drag to make profits out of the problem. Though after product iterations, now its cost has from the beginning of 6000 Yuan to 3000 Yuan, 299 Yuan d


文献出处 Darl Hord. The research of shared bike development [J]. Bicycle Lanes, 2017, 1(3):31-41.

原文 The research of shared bike development

Darl Hord


In the current era of mobile Internet, people have more choice of travel, travel when Shared areas after swept by drops, Uber, recently and is famous for its 'smart sharing' in the two bikes became active in the streets. Orange wheel hub, silver V frame, which many people called 'little orange car' is the recently popular 'Mobike'

Key words: Mobile Internet, Mobile phone app, Sharing bike.

1 Introduction

On September 19 to 20 in the evening, in the morning worship the bike up to seven hours of downtime, but thats not it 'strike' for the first time. This company with 'Uber' gene opens the more complex and difficult to control the social market exploration. Intelligent lock, no fixed pile and open to the whole society of free riding become Mobike innovation, at the same time more free storage and access, heavy capital, user viscosity of unpredictability is also bother management continuously. According to the technology, because I hope to build a four-year undergraduate degree of smart bike, mo worship goes a self-design, production bike route. In order to avoid the 'chain', the bicycle used shaft rotation, simple pendulum arm technology, solid tyros, wheel hub, the design of the seat height fixed. Bicycle to weigh up to 25 kg. Many users reflect the bike was too heavy, are to the body, weighing 25 kg do not adjust the seat, no vehicle navigation, these in order to 'maintenance free' unique design, can actually make the bike user experience widely criticized. It seems that in the short term, 4 years of maintenance free vision with good riding experience dont seem to be satisfactory. Fast scale expansion, large flexibility, high efficiency, low barriers to entry are Shared economic model, the characteristics of the design and production to replace outsourcing or recovery mode, while increased flexibility and autonomy, 'worship the bike increases competition threshold, but also creates assets and drag to make profits out of the problem. Though after product iterations, now its cost has from the beginning of 6000 Yuan to 3000 Yuan, 299 Yuan deposit, the rules of every half hour is 1 Yuan, get a bike cost recovery and profitable time greatly elongated. Given Uber consistent style, of course, when innovative products and business models, when can make money in the short term may not care about this problem.

2 British and American Shared cycling

In May 2013, the bank invested $41 million in sponsored by the United States a share in New York City bicycle project, pledged $6.5 million MasterCard, become sponsors pay system. Goldman sacs also provide some of the money. The project, the first batch of 10000 public bicycle building 600 sites. Citi bike also launched a special mobile application, to help users find near the site, and can show each site available bike card slot and cycling number, also can design the best route according to the destination. Citi bike' project is the biggest source of income to buy a bike with tourists, 24 hours per day for using the Citi bike at $9.95, and the use cost is $95 a year. Sandy hurricane attacks on New York in 2012, however, let the bike and site severely damaged. And Citi bike software often wrong, unable to pay. Multiple project operating company way under the decrease in the number of members, revenue declines. In October 2014, Citi bike get new financing project, operating company changed its name to Motivate. This year, ford has to Motivate in San Francisco, the United States, will be launched next year ford Go Bike bicycle, target is by the end of 2018 the San Francisco bay area to increase to 7000 bikes, and increase the service points, the user can be used through the ford Pass platform.

London in 2010 launched a public bicycle Boris bikes (named after the then London mayor Boris Johnson), at that time, is sponsored by Barclays bank (Barclays), more than 10000 public bicycle distributed in the citys 700 rental points, 24 hours a day for rent. Due to the London public bicycle poor operating conditions, the use of gradually reduce the number of traffic accidents involving bicycles also frequent, Barclays bank in 2015 to stop the contract, Spains banco Santander (Santander), identification of bicycle was transformed from Barclays blue logo Santanders red. Headquartered in Portland, Nike, a public bicycle project Bike town is teaming up to the local traffic department. The goal is to let people move. Nike to spend $10 million for this project, make the Portland existing public bicycle quantity increased from 600 to 1000.In addition, Nike is also responsible for the design of the bicycle, Air Max 95, Air Safari and inspiration in the design of Air Trainer 1, in the front of the bike will be loaded on the basket like Nike shoes and Nike logo (Nike Swoosh), bicycle lock and internal communication system. Portland city bike rental system allows users to pay a small fee, you can pick it up more than 3000 points in the urban area.

3 Mobike and OFO

Actually Shared the bike is nothing new. Online rental sites in the United States an after success, every industry with the aid of Shared economy caused a short rent. Main point to point short rent bikes services among Spinlister, Spinlister encourage people to leave their bike rental information in Internet, and commitment for each bike on insurance, maximum limit to $5000, to prevent burglary and damage delivered right to the use of idle resources.

Four years ago, bicycles have pile is obtained using began in big cities such as Beijing, as long as through the bus card, can be in a fixed parking pile location to ride, using a bicycle. But also the car is not convenient, temporary dock and the risk of loss. The most important thing is



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