
 2023-03-27 04:03

Scaling of urban economic outputs: insights both from urban population size and population mobility


Urban scaling laws assume that the performance of a city largely relies on its urban population size. However, two cities with the same population size may have vastly different economic outputs, which reveals that factors apart from urban size (a measurement of intra-urban interactions) determine their economic outputs. Economic production is essentially the product of social interactions. Urban population size and interurban interactions reflected by population mobility were both considered to evaluate the scaling of urban economic outputs in this paper. We quantified the scaling relationship between urban economic outputs and interurban interactions, and compared it with the paradigm derived from urban size. Results showed that urban economic outputs scale with urban interactions across cities and present the same super-linear scaling regimes but with a greater scaling exponent. A deeper looking showed that interurban interactions definitely bring a more obvious super-linearity than population size but the scaling relationship between urban size and economic outputs is more robust. Urban population size has a greater impact on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), secondary and tertiary industries output products, total retail sales of consumer goods and total wage with 60– 65% relative contribution. For exports, interurban interactions and urban population size are almost equally important. We also proved that interactions between cities are significantly positively correlated with urban extra growth. These findings provide convictive evidence that in addition to population size, interurban interaction is also crucial for exploring the scaling of urban growth. Our results are enlightening to the study of mechanisms and evolutions of urban scaling that interurban interaction besides urban population size should both be a vital consideration to urban economic outputs.


Urban scaling

Population mobility

Urban economic outputs

Social interactions

Agglomeration effects

1. Introduction

Cities are concentrations not only of population but rather of socio-economic interactions (Jacobs, 1969). As one of the cornerstones to explore the new science of cities (Rybski, Arcaute, amp; Batty, 2018), urban scaling shows how urban attributes vary with size and the relationship between them (Batty, 2013b; West, 2017). Numerous urban indicators referring to material resource or measure of social activity, Y(t), scale with urban size N(t) across cities, obeying the power law form Y(t) = Y0N(t)beta;, where Y0 is a normalized constant and beta; is the scaling exponent (L. M. Bettencourt, Lobo, Helbing, Kuhnert, amp; West, 2007). This paradigm emphasizes the basic function of urban population size in the growth of socio-economic activities and infrastructure (Joseacute; Lobo, Bettencourt, Strumsky, amp; West, 2013). It also expresses that urban economic outputs brought by urban population size is nonlinear, which also determines the agglomeration effects or economies of scale characteristics of urban indicators in the process of urban development (L. M. Bettencourt, Lobo, Strumsky, amp; West, 2010; Florida, 2005). Socio-economic related properties of a city grow faster than population, called super-linear scaling regimes, characterized by a scaling exponent greater than one, while infrastructure presents sub-linear scaling regimes because of economies of scale (L. M. Bettencourt et al., 2007).

Recent theoretical models have been proposed to explain the positive agglomeration effects shown by super-linear scaling regimes generated by human social networks embedded in space (Arbesman, Kleinberg, amp; Strogatz, 2009; L. M. A. Bettencourt, 2013; L. M. A. Bettencourt et al., 2020; Jose Lobo, Bettencourt, Smith, amp; Ortman, 2019; Pan, Ghoshal, Krumme, Cebrian, amp; Pentland, 2013;



城市不仅是人口的聚集地,也是社会经济互动的聚集地(Jacobs,1969 年)。作为探索城市新科学的基石之一(Rybski、Arcaute 和 Batty,2018 年),城市尺度显示了城市属性如何随规模变化以及它们之间的关系(Batty,2013b;West,2017 年)。许多城市指标指的是物质资源或社会活动的衡量标准,Y ( t ),城市规模N ( t ) 跨城市的尺度,遵循幂律形式Y ( t ) = Y 0 N (t ) beta;,其中Y 0是归一化常数,beta;是缩放指数(LM Bettencourt, Lobo, Helbing, Kuhnert, amp; West, 2007 )。该范式强调城市人口规模在社会经济活动和基础设施增长中的基本功能(Joseacute; Lobo、Bettencourt、Strumsky 和 ​​West,2013 年)。它还表示城市人口规模带来的城市经济产出是非线性的,这也决定了城市发展过程中城市指标的集聚效应或规模经济特征(LM Bettencourt, Lobo, Strumsky, amp; West, 2010; 佛罗里达州,2005 年)。城市的社会经济相关属性增长速度快于人口,称为超线性缩放机制,其特征是缩放指数大于 1,而基础设施由于规模经济而呈现亚线性缩放机制(LM Bettencourt et al., 2007)。

然而,上述解释只关注城市内部的个体互动,以城市人口规模表示。可以普遍观察到,两个人口规模相同的城市,其经济产出可能存在很大差异,说明城市人口规模以外的因素决定了它们的经济产出。城市经济学和地理学中成熟而成熟的城市理论强调空间相互作用和网络结构在促进经济增长和城市系统复杂性方面发挥着关键作用( Glaeser amp; Scheinkman, 2001 ; Jacobs, 1969)。引用是相互关联的。例如,中国东南沿海城市义乌和西北内陆城市天水的城市规模相近,约 13 亿城市居民,但经济产出表现不同。前者(约 12000 亿元)的产量约为后者(6000 亿元)的两倍。义乌素有最大的小商品批发市场的美誉,快递业务总量位居世界第一,城际联系和联系更加频繁,这也可能是其产生更多财富的原因之一。

要了解城市间互动对城市经济产出的影响,我们必须全面准确地衡量社会互动及其与城市经济产出的关系。网络数据日益成为代表居民社会活动和互动的重要载体,利用社会迁移、社交网络、移动通信等地理行为大数据研究城市间互动成为重要趋势。除了地理时空大数据(LMA Bettencourt,2014 年),例如手机数据(Buuml;chel amp; Ehrlich,2020 年;Deville 等人,2014 年;Schlapfer 等人,2014 年;Sotomayor-Goacute;mez amp; Samaniego,2020 年)、 Twitter 等社交媒体数据(Jurdak 等人,2015 年;Tizzoni 等人,2015 年;Yin、Soliman、Yin 和 Wang,2017 年)和媒体签到数据(Liu, Sui ,康和高,2014 年)。在这项研究中,我们考虑以人口流动性来代表城市之间的人际互动。城市人口流动构建了位置网络,代表了旅行活动的相互作用,例如从一个地方移动到另一个地方(Li, Feng, Li, amp; You, 2017 ; Xia, Zhang, Wang, Zhang, amp; Zhang, 2019)。百度搜索引擎被称为中国的谷歌,2019 年分别占据和覆盖了中国 70% 以上的搜索和 30% 的地图市场。基于位置服务(LBS)技术的百度迁移数据(Lu amp; Liu,2012;Wan et al., 2018 ; Zheng amp; Zhou, 2017 ; Zhou, Fang, Thill, Li, amp; Li, 2015) 以动态、即时、直观的方式全过程展示全国人口迁移的轨迹和特征。这样一来,百度迁移数据就有了很强的权威性和覆盖面。该数据集能够更准确地反映个体迁移的轨迹,更适合于日常人口流动分析。在本文中,我们从百度迁移平台收集了中国一周内 367 个城市的迁移数据,以衡量城际互动的强度。

2 . 材料和方法


2.2 . 人口流动网络分析中的测量

为了分析互动与城市经济产出之间的关系,需要对城际互动进行测量。百度迁移平台提供了一个指数,称为规模迁移指数,根据人口流动规模的绝对值计算得出。规模迁移指数是根据人口数量的绝对值计算的,可以反映城市迁移的规模和人口流动性,对城市之间进行横向比较,反映城市之间的人口流动趋势。我们必须强调,本研究中的人口流动性是指每日前 100 名连接中的代表性连接。现有研究表明,迁移数据前100名样本数据的排名与总数据非常接近,涵盖并代表了绝大多数城市迁移行为。因此,样本数据具有代表性,对城市网络具有较高的解释度。而选择优势流法可以充分利用数据优势来解释问题,避免弱连接的缺失。



同样,加权度中心度C W是基于C D,使用交互强度作为边缘权重,来衡量城市中心度:

接近中心性衡量节点之间的距离,可以通过从一个节点到其他节点的最短路径之和的倒数来表示。城市的接近中心度越大,越难被其他节点城市控制。节点城市的接近中心度C c ( c i ) 定义为:

中介中心性(CB )


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