.NET Compact Framework 2.0中的新事物外文翻译资料

 2022-08-06 10:08

《DBA Survivor: Become a Rock Star DBA》by Thomas LaRock,Published By Apress.2010

You know that a database is a collection of logically related data elements that may be structured in various ways lo meet the multiple processing and retrieval needs of organizations and individuals. Therersquo;s nothing new about databases—early ones were chiseled in stone, penned on scrolls, and written on index cards. But now databases are commonly recorded on magnetizable media, and computer programs are required to perform the necessary storage and retrieval operations.

Yoursquo;ll see in the following pages that complex data relationships and linkages may be found in all but the simplest databases. The system software package that handles the difficult tasks associated with creating, accessing, and maintaining database records is called a database management system (DBMS) .The programs in a DBMS package establish an interface between the database itself and the users of the database. (These users may be applications programmers, managers and others with information needs, and various OS programs.)

A DBMS can organize, process, and present selected data elements from the database. This capability enables decision makers to search, probe, and query database contents in order to extract answers to nonrecurring and unplanned questions (hat arent available in regular reports. These questions might initially be vague and / or poorly defined, but people can 'browse” through the database until they have the needed information. In short, the DBMS will “manage”the stored data items and assemble the needed items from the common database in response to the queries of those who arenrsquo;t

programmers. In a file-oriented system, users needing special information may communicate their needs to a programmer, who, when time permits, will write one or more programs to extract the data and prepare the information[4].The availability of a DBMS, however, offers users a much faster alternative communications path.

If the DBMS provides a way to interactively and update the database, as well as interrogate it capability allows for managing personal data-Aces however, it does not automatically leave an audit trail of actions and docs not provide the kinds of control a necessary in a multiuser organization. These-controls arc only available when a set of application programs arc customized for each data entry and updating function.

Software for personal computers which perform me of the DBMS functions have been very popular. Personal computers were intended for use by individuals for personal information storage and process- These machines have also been used extensively small enterprises, professionals like doctors, acrylics, engineers, lasers and so on .By the nature of intended usage, database systems on these machines except from several of the requirements of full doge database systems. Since data sharing is not tended, concurrent operations even less so. the fewer can be less complex. Security and integrity maintenance arc de-emphasized or absent. As data limes will be small, performance efficiency is also important. In fact, the only aspect of a database system that is important is data Independence. Data-dependence, as stated earlier, means that applicant programs and user queries need not recognizant physical organization of data on secondary storage. The importance of this aspect, particularly for the personal computer user, is that this greatly simplifies database usage. The user can store, access and manipulate data a( a high level (close to (he application) and be totally shielded from the low level (close to the machine) details of data organization. We will not discuss details of specific PC DBMS software packages here. Let us summarize in the following the strengths and weaknesses of personal computer data-base software systems:

The most obvious positive factor is the user friendliness of the software. A user with no prior computer background would be able to use the system to store personal and professional data, retrieve and perform relayed processing. The user should, of course, satiety himself about the quality of software and the freedom from errors (bugs) so that invest-merits in data arc protected.

For the programmer implementing applications with them, the advantage lies in the support for applications development in terms of input screen generations, output report generation etc. offered by theses stems.

The main negative point concerns absence of data protection features. Unless encrypted, data cane accessed by whoever has access to the machine Data can be destroyed through mistakes or malicious intent. The second weakness of many of the PC-based systems is that of performance. If data volumes grow up to a few thousands of records, performance could be a bottleneck.

For organization where growth in data volumes is expected, availability of. the same or compatible software on large machines should be considered.

This is one of the most common misconceptions about database management systems that are used in personal computers. Thoroughly comprehensive and sophisticated business systems can be developed in dBASE, Paradox and other DBMSs. However, they are created by experienced programmers using the DBMSs own programming language. Thai is not the same as users who create and manage personal files that are not part of the mainstream company system.

Transaction Management of Database

The objective of long-duration transactions is to model long-duration, interactive Database access sessions in application environments. The fundamental assumption about short-duration of transactions that underlies the traditional model of transactions is inappropriate for long-duration transactions. The implementation of the traditional model of transactions may cause intolerably long waits when transactions aleph to acquire locks before accessing data, an


.NET Compact Framework 2.0中的新事物


.NET Compact Framework 2.0版在以前版本——.NET Compact Framework1.0版——上提供许多改善。虽然普遍改善,但他们都集中在共同的目标——改进开发商生产力、以完整的.NET Framwork提供更强的兼容性,以及加大对设备特性的支持。这篇文章提供一个.NET Compact Framework2.0的变动和改进的高水平的概要。


相关的灵活的设备显示器的小尺寸要求:应用程序高效率地使用可用空间。这在过去是要求开发商花费很多时间来设计和实施应用的用户界面。最近的在灵活的显示能力方面的进步,譬如高分辨率和多方位支持,使得用户界面发展的工作更具挑战性。为了简化创造应用用户界面的任务,.NET Compact Framework2.0提供许多关于这方面描述的新特性。

  1. 窗口形式控制

存在于用户界面中心的是控制;.NET Compact Framework2.0提供了很多新的控制。这些新控制由除了特别针对设备之外的控制组成。这种控制是.NET Compact Framework有的与.NET Framework一样充分的控制。

  1. MonthCalendar


  1. DateTimePicker

DateTimePicker控制是为显示和允许用户进入日期和时间信息的可定制的控制。由于它的一个紧凑显示和图解日期选择格式的组合,它特别适用于灵活的设备应用程序。当显示信息时,DateTimePicker控制与正文框相似;但是,当用户选择了一个日期, 可能显示一个类似于MonthCalendar控制的弹出日历。

  1. WebBrowser


  1. Notification


  1. DocumentList

DocumentList控制为显示和处理文件提供一个标准的机制,譬如当打开Excel Mobile and Word Mobile中的使用的文件。DocumentList控制提供给用户操纵文件系统以及删除、复制、行动和重命名的能力。用户也可以用DocumentList控制通过红外线发送电子邮件和发送文件到其它设备。

  1. Smartphone中的DataGrid

Smartphone现在支持DataGrid 控制。就像袖珍个人电脑,Smartphone中的DataGrid控制支持构形的大小、多种显示形式、数据捆绑、空值处理和跟踪用户单元选择的事件。

  1. LinkLabel


  1. Splitter


  1. ToolBar


  1. 用户控制

.NET Compact Framework2.0现在支持用户控制。增加用户控制的同时,.NET Compact Framework 2.0应用程序现在可以用Visual Studio 2005图像化地创建控制,并且,就如完整的.NET Framework一样,.NET Compact Framework2.0的用户控制自动在控制工具箱出现,而且可以用拖放安置在窗体上。

  1. 显示和布局管理

现在可用的Windows Mobile窗体因素的广泛多样性,要求应用程序开发者开发应用程序用户界面比以前更动态化。为了简化创造动态用户界面的任务,.NET Compact Framework2.0提供许多新布局和管理特性。

  1. 控制相接

.NET Compact Framework2.0控制现在支持相接。相接一个控制设置它与双亲控制的边缘相反,即填充边缘。因为双亲控制调整尺寸,相接控制自动调整尺寸来填充双亲控制指定的边缘。控制也可以相接填装整个双亲。

  1. 控制停滞

.NET Compact Framework2.0控制也支持停滞。停滞控制识别,即控制的一边或多边应该依然是与对应的边缘或双亲控制的边缘保持的一个固定距离。因为双亲控制调整尺寸,控制自动地调整尺寸,因此控制的停滞的一边依然是与双亲控制的对应的边缘保持的适当的距离。

  1. 自动卷曲

Form and Panel控制——除了继承于ScrollableControl控制的其他控制——现在提供AutoScroll属性。当设置为真,控制自动地提供一个卷曲栏来允许用户卷曲到任一个在控制可视范围之外的孩子控制。

  1. 自动缩放比例


  1. SuspendLayout和ResumeLayout

.NET Compact Framework2.0 Control类现在支持SuspendLayout和ResumeLayout 方法。就像在完整的.NETFramework中一样,这些方法在与一个异于聚集布局事件关联,譬如改变一系列的孩子控制的位置或调整它们的尺寸。

  1. Graphics DpiX和DpiY属性

现在,Graphics类提供关于当前设备显示的决议的信息。DpiX 属性显示水平的每英寸像素的数量, 而且DpiY属性显示垂直的每英寸像素的数量。

  1. 自定义图画

为了简化丰富的用户界面的创作,.NET Compact Framework2.0增加了很多特性。这些特性允许应用程序更加容易运用自定义图画。

  1. 可旋转的字体

LogFont类添加到.NET Compact Framework2.0为在为在一个角度显示文本提供支持,以及为合并其他文本作用提供支持。

  1. 自定义笔


  1. 位图

.NET Compact Framework2.0为用位图工作提供改进。这种改进包括:当创建位图和有能力将一个位图保存到一个文件或流时,提供更多的选择。


  1. DirectX

Windows Mobile 5.0软件通过执行DirectX应用程序设计界面(APIs)包含二维和三维的图画特性。因为.NET Compact Framework 2.0的开发商——瞄准Windows Mobile 5.0基础设备的人,DirectX特性集有能力贯穿包含在“Microsoft.Windows.DirectX”命名域中的类和对应的汇编。

  1. 键盘管理

现在,灵活的设备的一个增长数字包括键盘。为了允许管理开发商利用可利用的键盘,.NET Compact Framework2.0为键盘提供改进的支持。

注:在这部分提及的一些特性被作为一部分加到.NET Compact Framework1.0服务包,但在这里提它们,大家就肯定知道它们也是可用的。

  1. 制表符支持


  1. Keyboard Events和Form.KeyPreview

现在,控制接受KeyUp、KeyDown和KeyPress事件。此外,现在,Form控制提供KeyPreview属性。当设置为假, keyboard事件就会被直接发到控制。当KeyPreview被设置为真,所有keyboard事件就会被发到Form实例以等待被发送到当前聚焦的控制。通过在Form实例的对应的事件处理设置KeyPressEventArgs属性为真,Form实例可以防止事件以焦点被送到控制。


当然,数据是任一个应用程序的重要部份。不管有无关系,针对数据的类在必需访问和运作以数据编程的努力上的水平有直接效应。.NET CompactFramework2.0 除了为现存的类提供新特性,还提供很多新数据类。

  1. Updatable, Scrollable Access to SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition

.NET Compact Framework2.0为进入SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition (SQL Mobile)数据库——SqlCeResultSet提供新类。新的SqlCeResultSet类提供卷曲和可更新的直接存取SQL Mobile数据库。这个存取为存取SQL Mobile数据提供一种比DatasSet类更加快速和更加资源高效率的解决方案。和DataSet类一样,SqlCeResultSet可以作为数据绑定资源使用。

  1. DataSet

DataSet类和相关的类提供很多新特性。这些特性不仅提供改进的功能而且带来.NET Compact Framework的 DataSet类与整个.NET Framework更多协调。

  1. GetChanges和Merge Methods

.NET Compact Framework2.0 将GetChanges和Merge方法增加到DataSet类。 GetChanges方法返回一个包含所有自从最后访问AcceptChanges之后的所有变动的DataSet的副本。返回的DataSet优化为合并。


  1. Copy方法

现在,. NET Compact Framework 的DataSet类提供Copy方法。Copy方法返回包含与原物相同的结构和数据的新DataSet。

  1. DataTables Serialization


  1. XML

.NET Compact Framework2.0对于与XML相关类提供了很多改进。这些改进不仅简化运用XML数据运作的进程,而且给.NET Compact Framework中XML相关类带来更多与那些在整个.NET Framework中可用的资源的协调。

  1. XPath支持


  1. XML连载

.NET Compact Framework2.0与相关属性类一起增加XmlSerializer类,譬如XmlElement和XmlAttribute。用XmlSerializer,你可以从XML保存和恢复类,以及保存和恢复类到XML。

新的XmlSerializer类也通过.NET Compact Framework2.0的Web代理基本类在内部使用。新的XmlSerializer类充分提供通过.NET Compact Framework1.0在使用的机制上极大地改善以连载和非连载Web服务器论点,因此提供改进的Web服务器访问性能。

  1. XML 图解

现在,.NET Compact Framework2.0为用XML图解文档工作提供XmlSchema类。这些类也



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