人脸识别中 基于非下采样轮廓波变换的光照不变量提取外文翻译资料

 2022-12-26 07:12

Robust face recognition based on illumination invariant in nonsubsampled contourlet transform domain

abstract:In order to alleviate the effect of illumination variations on face recognition, a novel face recognition algorithm based on illumination invariant in nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) domain is proposed. The algorithm first performs logarithm transform on original face images under various illumination conditions, which changes multiplicative illumination model into an additive one. Then NSCT is used to decompose the logarithm transformed images. After that, adaptive NormalShrink is applied to each directional subband of NSCT for illumination invariant extraction. Experimental results on the Yale B, the extended Yale and the CMU PIE face databases show that the proposed algorithm can effectively alleviate the effect of illumination on face recognition.

Keywords:Face recognition; Illumination invariant; Nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCT); Normalshrink Image denoising


Face recognition has become a very active research field in pattern recognition and computer vision due to its wide applications in human computer interaction, security, law enforcement and entertainment [1,2]. It has been proved that illumination variations are more significant than the inherent differences between individuals for face recognition [3,4]. Although various methods for face recognition have been proposed, such as PCA [5], LDA [6], LFA [7], EBGM [8], Probabilistic and Bayesian Matching [9] and SVM [10], the performance of most existing algorithms is highly sensitive to illumination variations. In order to solve the problem, a number of methods have been proposed. They fall into three groups. The first is to preprocess face images by using some techniques normalizing the images, such as logarithm transform and histogram equalization (HE), which is robust under different illumination conditions and often used for illumination normalization [11,21]. However, it is still difficult to deal with complicated illumination variations by the above global processing techniques. Lately, block-based histogram equalization (BHE) and adaptive histogram equaliza- tion (AHE) were proposed to cope with illumination variations[24,25]. Their performances are still not satisfactory, even though the recognition rates can be improved a little compared with HE. The second is to construct a generative 3-D face model for rendering face images with different poses and varying illumina- tion conditions[13,14]. A generative appearance-based model was presented for face recognition under variations in illumina- tion conditions [13]. Its main idea is that face images under various illumination conditions can be represented by using an illumination convex cone, and the corresponding cone can be approximated in a low-dimensional linear subspace. Basri and Jacobs approximated the set of convex Lambertian images under a variety of illumination conditions by a 9D linear subspace. The drawbacks of the 3D model-based methods are that many training samples under varying illumination conditions are needed and there is an assumption that the human face is a convex object, which makes this method inapplicable for practical applications. The third is to deal with illumination variations based on the Lambertian model, such as Multiscale Retinex (MSR) [28], Self Quotient Image (SQI) [15,16], logarithmic total variation (LTV) [17], Gross and Brajovie (GB) [29], wavelet-based illumina- tion normalization (WIN) [26], wavelet-based illumination invariant preprocessing (WIIP) [27], Multiscale facial structure representation (MFSR) [32] and illumination normalization by a series of processing (INPS) [30]. MSR deals with illumination variations by the difference between an original image and its smoothed version in logarithm domain, which is obtained by combining several low-pass filters with different cut-off frequencies. But the halo effect of MSR is serious. GB introduced by Gross and Brajovie can reduce halo effect to some extent by using an anisotropic filter. In SQL model, the illumination effect is normalized by division over a smoothed version of the image itself. This model is very simple and can be applied to a single image, but its use of the weighted Gaussian filter makes it difficult to keep sharp edges in low frequency illumination fields. LTV improves SQI by using logarithmic total variation, which can only process images under certain scale and has quite high computational expense. WIN, WIIP and MFSR attempt to normalize varying illumination by modifying wavelet coefficients. But illumination effect cannot be completely removed and Gibbs phenomena are serious. INPS is proposed to cope with illumination effect by a combination of gamma correction, difference of Gaussian filtering and contrast equaliza- tion in [30]. However, its parameter selection is usually empirical and complicated, and the number of parameters is no less than five.

To cope with the illumination variations in face recognition, we proposed a novel method employing NormalShrink filter in NSCT domain to extract illumination invariant. Compared with the existing methods, our method has the following advantages: (1) it can better preserve edges due to the




摘要:为了减弱光照变化对人脸识别的影响,提出了一种基于非下采样轮廓波变换(NSCT)的光照不变量人脸识别算法。该算法首先对在各种光照情况下的原始人脸图像进行对数变换,将乘性光照模型转化为加性模型。然后使用NSCT分解对数变换后的图像。接着对分离出的每个方向子带进行自适应NormalShrink 滤波。根据Yale B, Extended Yale and CMU PIE人脸库的实验结果表明,该算法可以有效地减弱光照对人脸识别的影响。


简介:由于人脸识别在人机交互、安全执法和娱乐方面的广泛应用,目前已经成为模式识别、计算机视觉领域的研究热点。可以证明光照变化带来的对人脸识别的影响比个体之间本身的差异更为显著。虽然各种各样的人脸识别方法涌现,如PCA, LDA, LFA, EBGM, PBM和SVM,但大多数现有的算法对光照变化非常敏感。为了解决这一问题,提出了很多方法。它们分为三组。一是通过一些规整化技术对人脸图像进行预处理,如对数变换和直方图均衡化,它在一定程度的光照条件下具有鲁棒性,称为光照标准化。然而,它仍然很应对复杂的光照变化。最近一种基于块的直方图均衡化和自适应直方图均衡化应对光照变化的方法被提出。他们的识别率虽然提高了一些,但结果仍然不能令人满意。第二种方法是生成一个3D人脸模型对图像进行拟合来面对不同姿态和光照变化的情况。光照变化建模方法的主要思想是可以通过使用照明凸锥来表示各种照明条件下的面部图像,并且相应的锥体可以在低维线性子空间中近似。Baris和Jacobs提出一种了在任意光照条件下朗伯凸表面的图像的9D 线性子空间法。

基于3D模型的方法的缺点是需要需要在不同照明条件下的训练样本,并且假设人脸是一个凸对象,这使得该方法不适用于实际应用。第三个是应对基于光照变化的朗伯模型,例如MSR,SQI,LTV,GB,WIIP,MFSR,INPS。MSR处理光照变化是通过变换原始图像至对数域生成它的平滑版本,这是通过结合一些具有不同截止频率的低通滤波器实现的。但MSR的光晕效应很严重。GB可以通过使用各向异性滤波器在一定程度上降低光晕效应。在SQL模型中,通过对图像本身的平滑版本进行划分来对照明效果进行归一化。这个模型非常简单,可以应用到单个图像上,但其使用加权的高斯滤波器很难在低频率照明领域保持锐利的边缘。LTV通过使用对数总变差,提高SQI只处理一定规模的图像 ,并具有相当高的计算开销。WIIP和MFSR通过修改小波系数试图标准化不同光照情况。但照明效果不能完全消除且Gibbs现象严重。INPS是通过伽马校正,经过高斯滤波从而改变对比度和灰度。然而,它的参数的选择通常非常复杂,参数的数目少于五个。

为了应对人脸识别中的光照变化,我们提出了一种基于NSCT结合NormalShrink滤波器提取光照不变量的新方法。与现有方法相比,我们的方法具有以下优点:(1)由于轮廓波变换的多尺度、多方向以及平移不变性,它可以更好的保留图像边缘;(2)它可以直接检测经对数变换后图像的多尺度轮廓结构;(3)3D 人脸模型需要先提前录入信息(如光源的假设和大量的训练样本),但我们的方法是不必需要的。Yale B, 和CMU PIE人脸库的实验结果表明,该人脸识别方法在不同的光照条件下具有鲁棒性。本文的其余部分组织如下:第2节描述了基于NSCT的光照不变量提取方法。实验结果见第3节。最后,我们在第4节给出结论与展望。

2. 方法

2.1 光照模型与对数变换

根据朗伯光照模型,受光照影响的人脸图像灰度图像F 符合下面的模型:





图1. 原始图像(a)及对数变换后图像(b)

2.2 非下采样轮廓波变换




图2 非下采样轮廓波变换示意图

2.3 用于提取光照不变量的基于NSCT的去噪模型





其中是对对数变换后图像进行NSCT得到的非线性系数。首先,通过NSCT分解图像,然后NSCT 后的高频子带进入去噪模型,最后我们通过逆NSCT得到重建后的光照不变量Irsquo;。



其中是分解尺度,是分解方向,是低频系数,为分解尺度为,方向为的高频子带。在我们的模型中,= 3,= {2, 4, 8} 。即分解尺度为3,每个尺度上各自的分解方向为2,4,8.











在我们的去噪模型中,我们只通过使用软阈值滤波器来去除子带的噪声信号,同时保持低频系数不变。因此,可以保持低频照明区域保持良好的轮廓信息。在去噪过程之后,光照图像可以通过逆NSCT 获得重建。然后我们可以通过式4提取光照不变量。不同的提取到的光照不变量如图3所示。


第一步 对原始人脸图像进行对数变换;

第二步 对对数变换后图像进行NSCT多尺度轮廓分解;

第三步 通过式(6)—(9)计算每个子带的阈值;

第四步 通过式(10)对每个子带进行软阈值滤波;

第五步 通过逆NSCT改变NSCT系数,重建光照成分;

第六步 通过式(4)获得光照不变量。

图3 图像光照不变量: (a) 原始图像, (b) 时的光照不变量,(c)时的光照不变量


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