
 2022-02-16 09:02

Selection of college textbooks


Textbook service center of southwest university for nationalities

Abstract:Textbooks work directly related to the teaching quality, serves for the teaching is the basic principle of the teaching material selection, set up department level 1 subject core materials showroom and choose mechanism, increase the proportion of excellent teaching material use, will greatly to guide the general higher education workers to participate in the 2 1 century teaching content and course system reform content, more use of truly accords with the practice of teaching is good teaching material.

Key words:Selection of teaching materials; Basic principles; Appropriate mechanisms;

Gao Jiaosi the ministry of education in the 'about' 15 'during the opinions of the higher education teaching material construction and reform, further defined in the' 15 'during the ordinary higher education teaching construction and reform policy, objectives and tasks, one of the very important work is to vigorously promote the selection of high quality materials, requires universities to establish the appraisal system of teaching materials and teaching materials choose management system, guarantee the high quality teaching material entering the classroom, the provincial-level outstanding teaching material and focus on teaching material to give priority to choose, to improve efficiency in the use of high-quality materials. This paper intends to make a preliminary study on the selection of teaching materials in colleges and universities.

1. Problems existing in textbook selection

For a long time, teaching material selection in the higher education teaching activity failed to get enough attention, due to the influence of some subjective and objective factors, colleges and universities teaching material 'make up', 'selected' have not been good to carry out the principle of paying equal attention to, heavy 'make up' light 'optional', some teachers teaching materials for use, the quality level how seriously enough; Some teachers like to use a fixed version of teaching materials for a long time, forming the characteristics of using 'inertia teaching materials'; Some teachers use self-compiled teaching materials for a long time, and are unwilling to use excellent unified textbooks; Some teachers are completely separated from the teaching material in the teaching activities, making the students#39; classroom notes increase in content, and the teaching material in hand seems to have become a decoration; Some teachers use low level of teaching materials, affecting the enthusiasm of students; Some teachers choose teaching material price is exorbitant, increased the economic burden of the student to a certain extent. These problems in the selection of textbooks by teachers can be traced back to the following aspects:

  1. teachers have limited choice of teaching materials. Teachers usually choose textbooks in two ways. One is according to the selection of the catalogue of the collection of relevant teaching materials, because only some basic information can be understood, the lack of a rational understanding of the material, therefore, this way has certain limitations; Another kind is to have according to already had or the teaching material material after reading kind will subscribe, although have overall sex understanding, but also exist certain one-sided or contingency.
  2. teachers, especially low title title stress exist in the teachers, teaching and colleges tend to result, as a teacher in the title appraisal results, this leads to this part of the teachers#39; positive write teaching materials, and using the self-made teaching material in teaching, and of excellent teaching material is excluded, the school personnel training quality are affected.
  3. some teachers are busy with improving their academic qualifications or other affairs, and they do not want to spend more time preparing for teaching. Therefore, they use familiar teaching materials, save effort in preparing for classes by drawing lessons, and have a relaxed class. As time goes by, teaching forms a habit of thinking and thus restricts the way for students to accept new knowledge and content.
  4. In order to show their knowledge level, some teachers deliberately do not follow the ideas of teaching materials to impart knowledge, forcing students to make a large number of classroom notes, resulting in the basic useless situation of teaching materials in the hands of students.

Of course, as far as the teaching material itself is concerned, it also lags behind the practice of teaching reform. For example, there are many outdated contents in the current teaching material, which cannot meet the needs of the revised teaching plan and curriculum setting according to the new professional catalogue. Some courses have too few materials to choose from; Although the teaching material of a few basic course is much, but low level repeats badly; Some teaching material content is numerous and miscellaneous, the book compiles thicker more, specialized course teaching material, teaching auxiliary teaching material and teaching reference book shortage, go against the student own ability enhancement and the comprehensive quality training.

2 .The basic principles of textbook selection

(1) principles of system management

A system is a complex of interrelated and interacting elements, and any managed object has a specific system. Textbook selection of this particular system, including the selection of teaching materials planning management, research management, personnel management and other subsystems. These subsystems are interrelated and interact with each other, and have various relations with other teaching material construction systems and teaching material work management systems. In order to optimize the selection of teaching materials, systematic theory and systematic me


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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 98 (2014) 1148 – 1155

International Conference on Current Trends in ELT

Textbook Evaluation: A Case Study

Mohammad Mohammadia, Heidar Abdib, *

a, b Urmia University, Urmia, Iran


Textbooks provide novice teachers with guidance in course and activity design; it assures a measure of structure, consistency, and logical progression in a class. This paper reports on a study that investigated one of the textbooks (Top Notch) which is used in some of the Iranian English language institutions. The purpose of this research project was to determine the overall pedagogical value and suitability of the book towards studentsrsquo; needs. For this purpose, 105 students and 32 teachers were selected and data were gathered by two questionnaires which were prepared by Litz (2001). The teacher questionnaire consisted of 40 items and the student version consisted of 25 items. An additional component of the study consisted of a student “needs analysis” that was conducted at the same time as the textbook evaluation survey. After analyzing data, it was shown that although the textbook had some shortcomings, it had met studentsrsquo; needs and it could be a good book in the hand of a good teacher.

copy; 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Urmia University, Iran.

copy; 2014 Mohammadi and Abdi. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Urmia University, Iran.

Keywords: textbook evaluation; students#39; needs


English language instruction has many important components but the essential constituents to many ESL/EFL classrooms and programs are the textbooks and instruction materials that are often used by language instructors. As Hutchinson and Torres (1994) suggest:

The textbook is an almost universal element of teaching. Millions of copies are sold

  • Corresponding author. Tel.: 09181731165

E-mail address: h_abdi62@yahoo.com

1877-0428 copy; 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Urmia University, Iran. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.03.528

every year, and numerous aid projects have been set up to produce them in countrieshellip;

No teaching-learning situation, it seems, is complete until it has its relevant textbook (p. 315).

Textbooks are commodities, political objects, and cultural representations and, therefore, are the site and result of struggles and compromise in order to determine how and by whom they will be produced, how and by whom their contents will be selected, how and to whom they will be distributed, and how teachers and students will make use of them(Shannon, 2010).

The role of the textbook in the language classroom is a difficult one to be defined perfectly and exactly. Using only textbooks, from cover to cover, without any supplemental material is not the most satisfactory method for meeting studentsrsquo; needs. However, both teachers and students need a framework on which to build and textbooks definitely provide this. It is important that instructors strike a balance between being a slave to their texts and providing organized, objective-based instruction. (Garinger, 2002).

There appears to be very little research, however, on the exact role of textbooks in the language classroom. Allwright (1981) suggests that there are two key positions. The first – the deficiency view – sees the role of textbooks or published materials as being to compensate for teachersrsquo; deficiencies and ensure that the syllabus is covered well thought out exercises. Underlying this view is the assumption that good teachers always know what material to use with a given class and have access to, or can create, them. They thus neither want, nor need, published materials. The difference view, on the other hand, sees materials as the carriers of decisions best made by someone other than the teacher because of differences in expertise. This view was mentioned by several of the teachers participating in the TESL-L debate, who argued for the use of published materials on the grounds that these are better – and cheaper in terms of cost and effort (McDonough and Shaw, 1993) – that what teachers can produce consistently in the time available to them.

Crawford cited in Richards amp; Renandya (2002) discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the use of commercial textbooks in teaching. Among the principal advantages are the following:

    • They provide structure and a syllabus for a program
    • They help standardize instruction
    • They maintain quality
    • They provide a variety of learning resources
    • They are efficient
    • They can provide effective language model and input
    • They can train teachers
    • They are visually appealing

However, there are also potential negative effects of commercial textbooks, such as the following:

  • They may contain inauthentic language
  • they may distort content
  • They may not meet studentsrsquo; needs
  • They can deskill teachers
  • They are expensive

Whether one believes that textbooks are too inflexible and biased to be used directly as instructional material or that they actually help teaching and learning, there can be no denying the fact that textbooks still maintain enormous popularity and are mos



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