
 2022-11-29 03:11

Research on the PH value neutralization control strategy of sewage treatment based on the expert PID algorithm

Authors:Xiaotong Liu,Qingfeng Ma,Weibo Yu

With the development of social economy, which make the peoples living standards improvement. So that a large number of industrial pollution and domestic sewage has constantly impact on peoples quality of life. On the current situation, our citys water resources are more scarce, and the degree of water pollution is also serious. So the effectiveness of sewage treatment control has become one of the most concerned issues to people. The sewage treatment process is a complex control system, and the process has acid and alkali in the sewage treatment, which has the characteristics of non-linearity and hysteresis. So the PH value of the process in the sewage treatment which is one of the most important control factors [1]. Regardless of the PH value shows acidic or alkaline, it also has a correspond impact on the sewage discharge. Not only can meet the sewage discharge requirements, but also can cause secondary pollution to the environment. Domestic and foreign scholars for the PH value control method are study in a depth way. Which Gustafsson T.K. applied a non-linear adaptive control strategy to the PH neutralization process [4]. Wang Xin used the classical PID control theory, and combined with gray prediction, sliding mode control to achieve the PH value adjustment [2]. Song Taolue used Elman neural network to establish the predictor controller, which can control the PH value of acid-base reagent, so that the PH value could meet the accuracy requirements [3].

At present, sewage treatment process of the PH value control, which mostly use the method is the traditional PID control strategy. The traditional PID controller has a simple structure, the control process can be optimized and easy to be operated. So it has been more widely used in the industry. But the PH value neutralization process control has many characteristics, such as nonlinear, random interference and so on. So that the traditional PID control strategy can not meet the requirements with high efficiency. The expert PID control strategy can be use the expert rules, making the PID control parameters are adjusted online, which can be done without depending on the exact mathematical model to optimize the PH value neutralization process control, reducing the environmental pollution, and improving the efficiency of sewage treatment.

Analysis of the PH Value Control Process in Aeration Tank

Aeration tank treatment is one of the key processes, which affects the effectiveness of water treatment, the concentration of dissolved oxygen and the PH in the aeration tank are the most important influencing factors. There is a linear relationship between the PH value neutralization and the dissolved oxygen concentration. Only the water quality of the PH value in the effective range, the dissolved oxygen concentration control can be achieved accurate, and reducing the environmental pollution. So the PH value control in the sewage treatment process occupies a very important position. The PH value of reactions essence is that the acidic substances in the separation of hydrogen ions [H ] and the alkaline substances in water separated from the hydroxide ions [OHminus;] to be combined with each other and generate water [1], which making the water PH value of seven. Experiment shows that, after treatment the PH value of sewage should be between 6–8, which belongs to the normal water quality of situation. The PH value neutralization process flow chart is showninFig.1.

Because of the sewage treatment is a non-linear process, and it has a large hysteresis reaction. While the PH value in the sewage is also a complex process. Therefore, based on the law of material conservation and chemical reaction balance, the PH value neutralization process can be approximated as a CSTR system process model [1], [5]. This paper sets the acidity in the sewage, by controlling the alkaline flow, to ensure the PH value in the sewage can be achieved stable state. The CSTR system process model is shown in Fig. 2.

By setting the acidity of the effluent, in the CSTR system process model, G1 is the acid flow in the sewage. G2 represents the alkali flow rate of the acid-base neutralizer, which is the amount of control u(t).N1 is the acid concentration in the sewage. N2 shows the alkali concentration of acid and alkali neutralizer. ma is the total concentration of the sewage acid discharge. mb shows the total concentration of the sewage alkali discharge. V is the total volume of the pool in the wastewater treatment process. As the composition of sewage has more complex, which is uncertainty and more influential factors. So in the sewage treatment control process can ignore some of the smaller factors. Therefore, improving the efficiency and time in the sewage treatment, and ensure the efficiency. So that the PH value of water can take a stable state.

From the CSTR system, the acidity of the sewage can be shown as formula (1).

G1(t)N1minus;[G1(t) G2(t)]ma=Vdma/dt

The alkaline of the sewage can be shown as formula (2).

G2(t)N2minus;[G1(t) G2(t)]mb=Vdmb/dt

According to the formula (1) and 基于专家PID算法的污水处理PH值中和控制策略研究

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作者:Xiaotong Liu,Qingfeng Ma,Weibo Yu

随着社会经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高。使大量的工业污染和生活污水不断影响人们的生活质量。就目前情况来看,我市水资源较为稀缺,水污染程度也较严重。所以污水处理控制的有效性已成为人们最关心的问题之一。污水处理工艺是一个复杂的控制系统,污水处理过程中有酸碱,具有非线性和滞后的特点。所以污水处理过程中PH值是最重要的控制因素之一[1]。不管PH值是酸性还是碱性,它对污水排放都有相应的影响。不仅可以满足污水排放要求,还可以对环境造成二次污染。国内外学者对PH值控制方法进行了深入研究。其中Gustafsson T.K.将非线性自适应控制策略应用于PH中和过程[4]。王鑫采用了经典的PID控制理论,并结合灰色预测,滑模控制实现了PH值调整[2]。宋道留利用Elman神经网络建立预测控制器,可以控制酸碱试剂的PH值,​​使PH值达到精度要求[3]。



曝气池处理是影响水处理效果的关键过程之一,曝气池中溶解氧浓度和PH值是影响因素最重要的因素。 PH值中和与溶解氧浓度之间存在线性关系。只有水质PH值在有效范围内,溶氧浓度控制才能达到准确,并减少环境污染。所以污水处理过程中PH值的控制占有非常重要的位置。反应本质的PH值是酸性物质在分离氢离子[H ]和与氢氧根离子分离的水中的碱性物质[OH-]之间相互结合并产生水[1],这使得水的PH值为7。实验表明,处理后的污水PH值应在6-8之间,属于正常水质状况。 PH值中和工艺流程图如图1所示。

由于污水处理是一个非线性过程,并且具有很大的滞后响应。 而污水中的PH值也是一个复杂的过程。 因此,根据物质守恒和化学反应平衡的规律,PH值中和过程可以近似为CSTR系统过程模型[1],[5]。 本文通过控制污水中的酸碱度来控制碱性流量,确保污水中的PH值达到稳定状态。 CSTR系统过程模型如图2所示。

通过设定流出物的酸度,在CSTR系统过程模型中,G1是污水中的酸流。 G2表示酸碱中和剂的碱流速,即控制量u(t).N1是污水中的酸浓度。 N2显示酸和碱中和剂的碱浓度。 ma是污水酸排放的总浓度。 mb表示污水碱排放的总浓度。 V是废水处理过程中池的总体积。由于污水的成分比较复杂,这是不确定性和较多影响因素。所以在污水处理控制过程中可以忽略一些较小的因素。因此,提高污水处理的效率和时间,保证效率。这样水的PH值就可以保持稳定状态。


G1(t)的N1- [G1(T) G2(t)的] MA = VDMA / dt的


G2(t)的N 2 - [G1(T) G2(t)的] MB = Vdmb / dt的


G1(t)的N1-VDMA / DT = [G1(T) U(t)的]毫安

G2(t)N2-Vdmb / dt = [G1(t) u(t)] mb(3)

使y = ma mb,PH值中和控制模型可以简化为公式(4)。

Vdy / dt =(N1-y)G1(t) (N2 y)G2(t)(4)

由于污水处理过程的PH值控制受到很多因素的影响,在控制过程中存在非线性,滞后等特点。所以PH值中和控制模型可以近似为一阶惯性环节。 PH值中和控制过程在曝气池中进行,而污水处理过程中的曝气池可以在后期处理阶段。控制过程的PH值受很多因素的影响,具有滞后性。所以传输延迟时间用tau;表示。通过在线调整参数使系统保持稳定状态,所以PH值中和控制的数学模型可以近似为公式(5)。

G(S)=(K / TS 1)^ E-tau;S

A. PH值控制系统的设计

根据可以分析的PH值中和过程的建立,传统的PID控制器结构简单,参数调整和操作更容易。 但对于复杂的控制系统,控制效果并不好。 PH值中和过程具有非线性,滞后时间等特点。 专家PID控制基于传统的PID控制器,即将PID控制算法与专家系统进行组合,并通过专家系统对复杂系统进行控制,利用专家控制规则调整PID参数 在线价值。 这样可以保证系统的稳定性。 其中,PH值偏差可以表示为e(n)= PH!-PH(n);PH! 表示为PH值检测平均值。 专家PID控制器结构如图3所示





2.当e(n)Delta;e(n)gt; 0时,此时偏差向偏差的绝对值增加方向变化,或者偏差为常数值,则表示偏差没有变化。因此,控制输出的PH值中和可以表示为u(k)= u(k-1) k1 {kp [e(k)-e(k-1)] kie(k) kd [e (K)-2E(K-1) E(K-2)]}。

当PH值e(n)的绝对值大于或等于阈值M1时,使k1gt; 1,以改变PH值偏差的绝对值,k1是增益放大因子。当PH值偏差e(n)的绝对值小于阈值时,使k1 = 0。在这种情况下,PH值偏差的绝对值可以忽略不计。通过调整PID控制参数,使系统处于稳定状态。

  1. 当e(n)Delta;e(n)lt;0时,Delta;e(n)Delta;e(n-1)gt; 0或e(n)= 0时,此时偏差的绝对值逐渐减小,是零。为了使系统处于平衡状态,控制器的输出可以保持不变。


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