
 2022-05-03 10:05


The Flipped Classroom: A Course Redesign to Foster Learning and Engagement in a Health Professions School

Jacqueline E. McLaughlin, PhD, MS, Mary T. Roth, PharmD, MHS, Dylan M. Glatt, Nastaran Gharkholonarehe, PharmD, Christopher A. Davidson, ME, LaToya M. Griffin, PhD, Denise A. Esserman, PhD, and Russell J. Mumper, PhD


Recent calls for educational reform highlight ongoing concerns about the ability of current curricula to equip aspiring health care professionals with the skills for success. Whereas a wide range of proposed solutions attempt to address apparent deficiencies in current educational models, a growing body of literature consistently points to the need to rethink the traditional in-class, lecture-based course model. One such proposal is the flipped classroom, in which content is offloaded for students to learn on their own, and class time is dedicated to engaging students in student-centered

learning activities, like problem-based learning and inquiry-oriented strategies.

In 2012, the authors flipped a required first-year pharmaceutics course at the University of North Carolina Eshelman School of Pharmacy. They offloaded all lectures to self-paced online videos and used class time to engage students in active learning exercises. In this article, the authors describe the philosophy and methodology used to redesign the Basic Pharmaceutics II course and outline the research they conducted to investigate the resulting outcomes. This article is

intended to serve as a guide to instructors and educational programs seeking

to develop, implement, and evaluate innovative and practical strategies to transform studentsrsquo; learning experience.

As class attendance, studentsrsquo; learning, and the perceived value of this model all increased following participation

in the flipped classroom, the authors conclude that this approach warrants careful consideration as educators aim to enhance learning, improve outcomes, and fully equip students to address 21st-century health care needs.

In recent years, colleges and universities in the United States have faced considerable scrutiny for their apparent failure to adequately educate students. Studies suggest that a significant portion of students are not learning the critical thinking, written communication, and complex reasoning skills thought to

be at the core of higher education.1 In addition, college graduates with smaller gains in critical thinking skills have higher unemployment rates, report lower lifestyle satisfaction, and amass higher credit card debt than their more accomplished peers.2 Ongoing concerns about the quality of higher education have prompted numerous calls for reform,1,3,4 drawing attention to the need to transform traditional curricula

Please see the end of this article for information about the authors.

Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Mumper, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CB 7355, 100G Beard Hall, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7355; telephone: (919) 966-1271; e-mail: mumper@email.unc.edu.

Acad Med. 2014;89:236–243.

First published online November 21, 2013 doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000086

Supplemental digital content for this article is available at http://links.lww.com/ACADMED/A177.

to better prepare students for success in todayrsquo;s global economy.

Medical, nursing, and pharmacy schools all have been challenged to better prepare their students to meet the evolving health care needs of society.5–8 Since the 1910 Flexner report,9 the amount of information about health and medicine has grown significantly, the health care system has become increasingly complex, patients have become more engaged in their care, and educational innovations in technology and pedagogy have grown rapidly. Yet, little has changed in the way that education

is structured and delivered to aspiring health professionals, and in-class lectures continue to prevail in the vast majority of classrooms across the country.10

A growing body of literature consistently points to the need to rethink what is taking place in the classroom. Research shows that studentsrsquo; attention declines substantially and steadily after the first 10 minutes of class11,12 and that the average attention span of a medical student is 15 to 20 minutes at the beginning of class.13 Although studentsrsquo; attention returns in the last few minutes of class,14 they remember only 20% of the material presented during

that time.15 Furthermore, passive learning in hourlong lectures often bores students and can deprive them of rich educational experiences.16 Students can read and learn information on their own, but they need instructors to act as coaches and mentors to stimulate and challenge their thinking, guide them in solving problems, and encourage their learning and application of the material.17

Active learning exercises, such as teamwork, debates, self-reflection, and case studies, that prompt studentsrsquo; engagement and reflection encourage them to explore attitudes and values, while fostering their motivation to acquire knowledge and enhance skills.18 Evidence shows that engaging students in active learning enhances their learning outcomes and improves their motivation and attitudes.19–21 Moreover, active learning stimulates higher-order thinking, problem solving, and critical analysis while providing feedback to both the student and instructor.21,22

Developments in active learning pedagogy, coupled with advancements in instructional technology, have prompted some



Jacqueline E. McLaughlin,PhD,MS,Mary T. Roth,PharmD,MHS,Dylan M. Glatt,Nastaran Gharkholonarehe,PharmD,Christopher A. Davidson,ME,LaToya M. Griffin博士,Denise A. Esserman博士和Russell J. Mumper博士




医学,护理和药学学校都面临着更好的准备,以更好地为学生做好准备,以满足社会不断变化的医疗保健需求.5-8自1910年Flexner报告9以来,有关健康和医学的信息量显着增加,健康 护理系统变得越来越复杂,患者越来越多地参与他们的护理工作,技术和教育学方面的教育创新迅速增长。 然而,教育结构和提供给有抱负的卫生专业人员的方式几乎没有改变,并且全国绝大多数教室中的课堂讲座仍然占上风.10

越来越多的文献一致指出需要重新思考课堂上发生的事情。研究表明,在上课前10分钟后,学生的注意力大幅度下降,平均注意力跨度为15到20分钟.13尽管学生的注意力在最后几天 他们只记得在那段时间内提交的材料的20%.15此外,长时间讲座中的被动学习经常会让学生感到厌烦,并且可能剥夺他们丰富的教育经验.16学生可以自己阅读和学习信息,但是 他们需要教师担任教练和导师来激发和挑战他们的思想,引导他们解决问题,并鼓励他们学习和应用这些资料.17

主动学习教学法的发展,加上教学技术的进步,促使一些教育者实施了一种激进而直观的教育模式,称为翻转教室.17,23在翻转的教室中(也被称为反转,反转或倒退 教师预先记录讲座并在线发布,供学生自己观看,这样上课时间可以专注于以学生为中心的学习活动,如基于问题的学习和面向探究的策略.17,23-25此方法提供 教师有机会参与广泛的学习方式,并实施鼓励在专业课时间解决问题的教学法。此外,翻转课堂使教师能够为每个学生开发适合的不同学习体验。

最重要的是,翻转的教室模型是以学生为中心的。每个学生都有责任上课并对材料有基本的了解,以便他或她能充分参与课堂讨论。内容获取然后是自我调节和自我引导,使学生能够控制他们观看的内容的时间和量。 为了方便学习,导师指导学生阅读内容,组织互动体验,挑战学生进行创造性思考,并提供专家的见解和反馈。 课堂内丰富而开放的体验让学生通过促进批判性认知发展和通过合作促进创新而获得成功。

2012年春季,在高度协作的Project 4-1-1 Flip项目中,我们翻了一年制药学学生所需的制药学毕业生水平的健康职业课程。本文的目的是描述课程重新设计中使用的理念和方法,并概述我们为调查此项目的结果所进行的研究。本文旨在为教师和教育项目提供指导,帮助他们开发,实施和评估创新和实用的策略,以改变大批学生在健康职业学习环境及以后的学习经历。

课程重新设计:我们的课程重新设计的灵感来自于希望改变我们学生的教育体验,并满足学生对加强课堂主动学习练习的要求。26,27当时,越来越多的课堂创新渗透到北大 卡罗来纳州(UNC)埃斯尔曼药学院是集体意识到我们的教室采用的方法主要由传统讲座组成,几十年来基本保持不变。我们课程重新设计的目标是:(1)提高学生的学习能力,培养学生成为关键思考者,问题解决者和团队成员;(2)在整个学习过程中充分吸引学生和教师;(3)通过创造性技术和应用学习来激发高阶思维。

课程描述:UNC Eshelman药学院四年制专业课程需要六个学期的课堂教学和10个月的体验练习。 大约120名全职教师和620名药学学生医生分布在三个校区(联合国教科文组织的主要校园和伊丽莎白城和阿什维尔的卫星校区)。

基础药剂学II(PHCY 411)是为一年级专业学生开设的第二年课程。 鉴于基础药剂I(PHCY 410)涵盖了药物的基本理化原理,PHCY 411涉及通过各种途径通过复杂的,专门的和新颖的剂型将药物输送到人体的科学和工程学 的管理。

在本课程重新设计之前的九年中,课程协调员(RJM)使用传统的讲座格式(参见补充数字图1,http://links.lww.com/ ACADMED/A177)提供了PHCY 411,其中包括 75分钟的演讲和偶尔的15分钟的主动学习活动(测验或配对和分享活动).28,29为了评估学生的知识,教师使用了考试 - 大约75%的问题是多项选择题,而其余的是 简答题和散文问题。

新课程格式:如图1所示,在PHCY 411翻转教室中,我们将所有课堂讲座分流到自定进度的在线视频,并通过四次主动学习练习填补了预定的课程时间。 翻转课堂中的评估包括丰富的仪器组合,旨在涵盖更多的批判性思维和解决问题的练习。 目标是在课前向学生提供基本概念,为他们创造机会让他们通过课程活动应用这些概念,评估他们对课程概念的理解和应用,并向他们灌输更多学习的愿望。


在与教育技术和教育学专家进行广泛的文献审查和咨询后,我们将重点放在PHCY 411翻转教室的三个基本要素:卸载内容,以学生为中心的学习以及适当的评估。

卸载的内容。 在UNC Eshelman药学院,我们将卸载的课程内容称为综合学习加速器模块(iLAM).26,27我们使用Echo360 Classroom Capture30预先记录了25个以内容为中心的iLAM,并将它们卸载到嵌入Sakai的网站31 一个基于网络的学习管理系统,学生可以随时通过任何计算机或互联网设备访问.31学生能够暂停,倒带和快速转发视频,并允许多次查看每个iLAM, 学生按自己的节奏学习。 我们调整了2011年用于提供PHCY 411的PowerPoint幻灯片中的iLAM,并将其设计为只强调重要的概念,信息和插图。



活动#1(听众反应和未解决的问题).28,29我们使用答疑者(或观众反应)问题和开放性问题,评估了学生对分配的iLAM中提出的基本概念的理解以及课堂开始时的阅读。 UNC Eshelman药学院要求所有学生购买一个点击者接受该计划。 在课堂上,老师给学生大约30秒钟回答7到10个问题。教师然后分析了答案并提供了即时反馈和观点。在点击者问题之后,教师邀请学生解决iLAM中提供的内容,阅读材料或其他相关来源的问题。


活动#3(学生介绍和讨论)。 在这个活动中,一组四到五名学生负责提供指定阅读材料的摘要和解释,并回答其他学生关于与该课程主题相关的材料的问题。 对于每个班级,要求最多三个小组准备并提交演示材料。 通过掷骰子,教练随机选择三个小组中的一个进行演讲并领导课堂讨论。 所有小组都在他们的演讲材料上进行了评分,无论他们是否被选中出席,每个小组的所有学生都获得了相同的评分。 在学期期间,团队需要准备两次演示材料,每个准备工作的每个学生的平均工作时间为三到五个小时。 大多数团体曾经参加过一次; 只有两组被选择出席两次。

活动#4(个人或配对测验)。 在每节课结束时,教师在纸上进行了10道题的多项选择题测验; 然后,他根据学生的总体工作量和考试时间安排,从八个班级中选择测验进行评分。 在进行测验时,老师通知学生是否会对他们的最终成绩做出贡献。 每个测验仅涵盖该课程的材料,并且在某些情况下,学生可以成对工作并公开讨论问题。 此活动鼓励学生随时掌握课程内容并相互学习,并随着课程的进展向教师提供有价值的反馈。



2011 (n = 153)

2012 (n = 162)

Incoming GPA, mean (SD)dagger;

3.45 (0.33)

3.46 (0.32)

PCAT, mean (SD)dagger;

82.31 (11.23)

79.94 (10.78)

Gender, %







Ethnicity, %








2011 (n = 153)

2012 (n = 162)


Course evaluation response




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