
 2023-01-11 09:01


摘 要




关键词:城市太阳能规划; 太阳能潜力; 可持续发展的城市; 太阳能工程计划; 智能基础设施


城镇人口的增加,化石燃料的使用,能源价格,能源消耗和公众对环境的污染破坏、不可再生的能源资源的关注,导致不同的专家,包括楼宇及建造有关的专家寻求能源供应的替代方法。建筑专业人士不再单纯的追求设计的美观而是尝试在设计建筑时,更注重减少使用化石燃料和避免能源浪费。霍格曼(2005)说,自20年前在建筑物上使用太阳能技术就有使用效率方面的突破。他说,有远见的客户以及虽然人数不多,但非常活跃,有创新意识的建筑师、设计师和工程师已经开始在城市规划和建筑中使用和发展太阳能技术和战略(霍格曼,2005年)。他还引用Bernhard Rudofsky在20世纪60年代中期,于纽约现代艺术博物馆举办展览的“没有建筑师的建筑”文化运动。在展览呈现的有关建筑的例子有效地吸引了建筑师的注意力到多样的设计和结构的解决方案上,这些方案融入当地景观,独家使用当地自然的建筑材料,达到了建筑结构的一致性,很好的使用传统的和经得起时间检验的建筑技术。














- 建筑和城市空间

- 城镇土地使用

- 基础设施(能源提供和改造电网)










Solar Urban Planning and Design


In recent decades, urban population growth, the acceleration of energy consumption and energy price, the increase of public concerns about environmental pollution and the demolition of nonrenewable energies, have adverted the attention of different groups to the use of sustainable, available and clean solar energy as a sustainable energy.

Specialists like architects and engineers have considered solar energy in designing systems, buildings and equipments. Straggle success achieved in the case, cause the progress of replacing solar systems in buildings and equipments instead of systems consuming unsustainable resources like fossil fuel to be accelerated. But they have not applied coherently yet. In other words, before the enforcement of solar projects in cities, it is necessary to note all the dimensions related to their execution in order to reach their optimum efficiency. The goal that could be attained by long-time and multi dimensional planning.

This paper guides the focus of urban and town planning and design on the application of solar energy. That urban planners should consider three aspects of environment, economy and society in three related elements of cities consisting buildings and urban spaces, urban infrastructures and urban land uses to achieve sustainable goals is discussed in this paper. So, after the review of few experiences, the issues and guidelines whose consideration lead to the more efficient solar urban planning and design are outlined.

Key words: Solar Urban Planning- Solar Potential- Sustainable City- Solar Master Plan- Smart Infrastructure

1. Introduction: the increase of attention to solar energy

The increase of urban population, activities and technologies using fossil fuels, energy price, energy consumption and the increase of public concerns about environmental pollution and the destroy of non-renewable energy resources, are causing different experts including specialists related to building and construction to look for alternative ways of energy provision. Building professionals have not considered the aim of good design aesthetically more and try to design the buildingrsquo;s characteristics and requirements in depend on the decrease of using fossil fuels and avoidance of wasting energy. Hagman(2005) says that great improvements in energy efficiency of buildings or the utilization of solar technologies on buildings have been made since 20 years ago. He says that visionary clients as well as a small but very active and innovativw community of architects, designers and engineers took the risk to use and to develop further solar technologies and strategies for urban plans and buildings (Hagman, 2005). He also addresses to the cultural movement of Bernhard Rudofsky in the middle of 1960rsquo;s in holding an exhibition “ Architecture without Architects” in the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Building examples presented in the exhibition are effective in the attraction of architectrsquo;s attention to the variety of design and structural solutions, Integration in the local landscape, exclusive use of locally available, natural construction materials, uniformity of the construction structures, application of traditional and time-tested construction techniques.

In Germany, at the end of the 1960rsquo;s a group of architects, designers, engineers and sociologist, called LOG ID, were aiming at a life within a green environment. The life and work in a greenhouse got tested and promoted. Home designs, similar energy gaining and a heat storage. The idealistic goal was the dream of the self-supply(Hagemann,2005). Then, straggle efforts have been done and various concepts such as “ Biological design”, “Natural Design”, “AlternateBuilding Design”, “Sustainable Architecture”, “Ecological Architecture”, “Solar Architecture”, “Organic Architecture”, “Vernacular Architecture”, “Climate Architecture”, “Green Architecture” and “Natural Architecture” have been created in order to create a healthy and environmentally friendly environment. Today these single approaches of the various directions are adopted under the umbrella of an “ecological and solar building design” which aims at a holistic design approach(Hagemann,2005).

“Ecological and Solar Building Design” can be described as any form of design that minimizes environmentally destructive impacts by integrating itself with the living processes(Hagemann,2005). Some of the targets Hagman (2005) presented as the targets of ecological and solar design in its paper are lowest possible pollutant delivery at the environment,lowest possible power consumption from fossil energy resources, maximum use of renewable energy sources including the use of active and passive solar systems, exclusive use of renewable, recyclable and environmentally harmless construction materials, exclusion of all building materials with unhealthy out gassing, in particular if they are used inside the building, lowest possible interference of the environment including the use of land, improvement of the natural conditions for a diverse local-oriented animal and plant world, lowest possible consumption of drinking water, reduction and avoidance of the settlement waste to be deposited, optimal lifehygienic conditions and socially beneficial living conditions, cost effective building construction, creation of a long-term use-value, i.e. the building must be easily adjustable, alterable and repairable.

Although the effort, the limited information and knowledge of architects about new technologies and various designs of solar technologies and its strategies, the scarce of limitations of architectural plan, low knowledge of urban planners on consideration of prerequisites of buildingdevelopment and urban authoritiesrsquo; inadequate attention in financial and educational programs to sample projects, prohibit the vast development of using th



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