
 2023-03-16 11:03:07


作者:Boris Korsunsky and Clara Li


出处:The Physics Teacher, 2017, Vol.55 (3),pp.146-148


随着过去十年在线教育的爆炸式增长,与物理和物理有关的大规模开放在线课程(或MOOCs ,用行话来说)的数量也大幅增长。1有几门这样的课程针对高中生,特别是那些参与AP2物理课程的学生。我们中的一名(Boris Korsunsky)参与了这两门课程的创建,这两门课程都使用了edX3平台:MechCx,一个完整的AP物理课程,4作为由David Pritchard在MIT5领导的小组的一部分;一个小规模的MechC101x,6其中Boris Korsunsky是唯一的作者和开发者。7 Clara Li,2016 - 17年在威斯顿中学就读的一名高中生,在2015年夏天,,在2015 - 16年加入的AP物理C班之前,在MechC101x的首次运行阶段,使用了MechC101x 。本文的目的是呈现MechC101x的首段时间获得的数据,分析MOOC相对于面授课程的优缺点,为MOOCs在物理教育中的有效运用定下一些原则。



该课程于2016年夏天再次开课,旨在为已进入中学物理水平的学生提供暑期复习课,为更高级的力学课程做准备。特别的是,MechC101x针对的是打算在秋季参加AP物理C ( Mechanical )课程的学生。Boris Korsunsky自己的AP物理课程学生完成了课程作为暑期作业,在学年节省了大约一周半的时间,使得在AP考试前有更多的复习时间,并在考试中取得了最好的成绩。正如大多数edX课程的情况一样,MechC101x是免费提供的,尽管名义上收费有“验证证书”。该课程预计每年夏季运行,仍免费。8


MechC101x的入学率和完成率反映了大多数免费MOOCs的入学率和完成率。它们可以这样概括:每个人都喜欢免费的体验,但很少有参与的。课程的范围看起来相当令人印象深刻:3636名注册学生9 ,代表129个国家。正如所料,大多数学生10代表美国( 47 % ),其次是印度( 9 % )、加拿大( 3 % )、英国和中国(各约2 % )和巴基斯坦,澳大利亚和埃及(各约1.5 % )。自我报告的学生年龄中位数为22岁,最常见的年龄为17岁( 517名学生)和18岁( 301名学生)。在报告性别的学生中(约占全部学生的80% ),约71%为男性,约28%为女性(约1%报告“其他”)。


在招生期间,Boris Korsunsky不遗余力地向同事们宣传课程(在产品免费的时候,向同事们兜售一个人的产品,感觉就不那么尴尬了! ),鼓励他们把检查课程,并使之成为即将到来的二年级物理学生的暑期作业,最好是强制作业。这种努力有些收获,因为有278名学生11(约占招收学生的8 % ),获得了及格分数。在任何一门面对面的物理课程中,这样的通过率肯定会引起一些严重的计算,甚至可能是令人不愉快的人事决策---但在MOOC世界中,这是很好的。考虑:著名的哈佛大学《计算机科学导论》CS50x的edX版本的第一轮运行,全世界约有15万名学生注册---但实际通过的不到1% !




整个课程的任务(问题)多样性反映了在线环境相对于纸质任务的优势。提问的主要类型是多重选择(学生必须从呈现的几个选项中选择一个或多个正确答案)和开放式回答(正确答案要么是一个数字,要么是学生必须输入的代数表达式)。根据问题的难度和目的,允许不同数量的提交。edX 平台还允许基于学生的数字数据随机化以及嵌入“后续评论”,一旦学生正确解决问题或放弃并要求正确答案,这些评论就会变得可见。在线环境还允许以预定的顺序提出十几个左右学生可能会有的问题,帮助学生全面掌握一个概念(如运动图),或教会如何合理地处理特定类型的任务(如牛顿定律问题)。由于时间的限制,Boris Korsunsky没有充分利用平台的一些其他特性,例如“强制排序”,当问题的一部分只在前一部分完成或嵌入按需提示和/或引用外部资源时才可见。这些特点,加上即时交互性和可移植性,使得在线学习可能比与静态的、基于纸张的文本,甚至与教员互动更有效率和有效,正如最近一些研究中所讨论的那样。12


我们对MechC101x结果的经验也对网络教育的承诺提出了一些重要的限制。最重要的是这一点:总的来说,只是自我激励不适合耗时的智力任务。要走远,似乎需要人的互动---与同伴群体、与领导者(指导者)。正如我们前面提到的,只有8 %左右的学生获得过及格分。大部分学生似乎只是窗口购物:大约80 %的学生获得了实实在在的0.00 %,显然甚至不费心去尝试。其实,这对于网络课程来说是相当正常的:你注册,你检查,你意识到这不是为了你,你继续。


总体而言,约46 %的学生陈述了参加该课程的理由,男女生回答的可能性几乎相当。有点令人惊讶的是,那些没有留下评论的人(因此,可以认为他们对课程的投入较少)的通过率高于那些有回复的人,分别为9%和6%,可能解释了这一点,有相当多的教师13,他们很快读完了这门课程,以决定是否向学生推荐这门课程。

学生参加课程的理由,除少数例外,大致可归结为两类:“想学/刷新知识”(简称“想”)和“需要/必须做,为即将到来的物理课程/计划做准备”,或者干脆“必须”。下表比较了“想要”和“必须”学生---的成绩,分别约占全部参与者的28 %和6 %。针对广义模式,我们确定了五个绩效水平:“进步”(分数超过80% )、“通过”(分数超过65 % )、“尝试”(分数为65%-20% )、“打鼾”(分数低于20 %但高于零)和“忽视” (分数为0% )。

表I .学生成绩作为他们选课动机的函数。


















显然,外部动机比内部动机的作用要好得多:“必须”的学生在“进步”和“通过”的类别中轻易击败“想要”的学生,而“想要”的学生则更容易不去尝试。注意,在分析学生的反应时,往往很难确定MechC101x是要求的作业还是仅仅是推荐的作业---以及为完成该课程提供了哪些激励。对于那些明确表示这是必要的任务的学生(当然,只有约1.4 %的参与者),“及格率”飙升至50%,而“打鼾”和“忽视”的数字分别只有4%和14%。


我们第一次体验迷你MOOC既令人兴奋又令人沮丧---正如许多第一次体验往往那样。一方面,Boris Korsunsky真的很喜欢从零开始创建一门课程,15并且很高兴能给来自世界各地的成千上万的学生提供一个“淡季”学习的机会,创造自己独创的内容,利用在线学习的形式,并且有一个简单的方式记录和分析学生与课程的互动。另一方面,世界范围内的荣耀受到学生承诺水平极低的影响,或者说被误导的大量入学学生的影响。MOOC创作者应该非常谨慎地炫耀自己的招生数字---所以说,毕竟大多数橱窗购物者并没有装换成实际的顾客,即使我们免费赠送产品。在MechC101x中,学生参与度较低在讨论帖子总数中也是明显的(只有大约40人——来自3600多名学生,对他们而言,讨论论坛是提问或发表评论的唯一途径),对Boris Korsunsky直接电子邮件请求反馈的应答率(约0.1 % ),以及对课程的学生评论数量(确切地说为零,尽管这并不少见)。



我们感谢edX首席执行官Anant Agarwal和威斯顿公立学校( Weston Public School )前总监 Cheryl Maloney的远见卓识和支持。我们要感谢这两个组织的许多工作人员帮助使这个项目成为现实。我们还感谢劳拉和约翰·阿诺德基金会、韦瑟默基金会和法里博茨·马赛/马西亚基金会。


By Hook or by MOOC: Lessons Learned and the Road Ahead

Boris Korsunsky and Clara Li, Weston High School, Weston, MA

As online education has exploded in the past decade, the number of physics and physics-related massive open online courses (or MOOCs, to use the industry lingo) has grown substantially as well.1 Several such courses aim at high school students, especially those involved in the AP2 Physics program. One of us (BK) was involved in creating two such courses, both of which use the edX3 platform: MechCx, a full AP Physics course,4 as part of the group led by David Pritchard at MIT5 and a smaller-scale MechC101x,6 where BK was the sole author and developer.7 CL, a senior at Weston High School in 2016-17, took MechC101x during its first run in the sum



作者:Boris Korsunsky and Clara Li


出处:The Physics Teacher, 2017, Vol.55 (3),pp.146-148

By Hook or by MOOC: Lessons Learned and the Road Ahead

Boris Korsunsky and Clara Li, Weston High School, Weston, MA

As online education has exploded in the past decade, the number of physics and physics-related massive open online courses (or MOOCs, to use the industry lingo) has grown substantially as well.1 Several such courses aim at high school students, especially those involved in the AP2 Physics program. One of us (BK) was involved in creating two such courses, both of which use the edX3 platform: MechCx, a full AP Physics course,4 as part of the group led by David Pritchard at MIT5 and a smaller-scale MechC101x,6 where BK was the sole author and developer.7 CL, a senior at Weston High School in 2016-17, took MechC101x during its first run in the summer of 2015 before taking BKrsquo;s AP Physics C class in 2015-16. The purpose of this article is to present the data obtained from the maiden run of MechC101x, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of MOOCs compared to face-to-face courses, and to lay out some principles for the effective use of MOOCs in physics education.

MechC101x: Basic facts

bull;The purpose

The course, which ran again in the summer of 2016, is intended as a summer refresher course for the students who have taken intro-level high school physics and want to get ready for a more advanced course in mechanics. In particular, MechC101x targets the students who intend to take AP Physics C (Mechanics) in the fall. BKrsquo;s own AP Physics students completed the course as a summer assignment, which saved about a week and a half during the school year, allowing for more review time before the AP exam and leading to the best-ever performance on that exam. As is the case with most edX courses, MechC101x was offered free of charge, although a “verified certificate” was available for a nominal fee. The course is expected to run every summer, still free of charge.8

bull;The reach

The enrollment and the completion figures for MechC101x reflect those for most free MOOCs. They can be summarized thus: everyone likes free samples but very few commit. The reach of the course looked quite impressive: the 3636 enrolled students9 represented 129 countries. Most students,10 as expected, represented the United States (47%), followed by India (9%), Canada (3%), Britain and China (about 2% each) and Pakistan, and Australia and Egypt (about 1.5% each). The median self-reported student age was 22, the most common ages being 17 (517 students) and 18 (301 students). Of those who reported their gender (about 80% of all students did), about 71% were male and about 28% female (about 1% reported “other”).

bull;Going the distancehellip; or not

During the enrollment period, BK made a persistent effort to advertise the course to his fellow teachers (hawking onersquo;s product to onersquo;s colleagues feels a lot less awkward when the product is free!), encouraging them to check out the course and to make it a summer assignment, preferably a mandatory one, for the incoming second-year physics students. That effort paid off somewhat since 278 students, or about 8% of the enrolled students,11 received a passing score. In any face- to-face physics course, such passing rate is sure to cause some serious reckoning and, maybe, even unpleasant personnel decisions—but in the MOOC world, itrsquo;s pretty good. Consider: the first run of the edX version of the famous Harvard “Introduction to Computer Science,” CS50x, enrolled about 150,000 students worldwide—but less than 1% actually passed!

Maybe, 8% wasnrsquo;t so bad after allhellip;.

The structure of the course and the glorious promise of online education

MechC101x contains five units: Introduction, Kinematics, Forces and Motion, Laws of Conservation, and Final Exam and is meant to take up about 15-20 hours of a studentrsquo;s time. During the summer of 2015, the course was run as “self- paced”—that is, the deadlines for all assignments coincided with the closing date of the course—which seemed the most obvious thing to do for a summer course, giving the students maximum flexibility. While each unit does contain some instructional text, the bulk of the course is a series of tasks that guide the students through various concepts and skills, followed by the final exam based on the material reviewed in the course. The passing score, leading to an edX-issued certificate, was set at 65%.

The diversity of the tasks (questions) throughout the course reflects the advantages offered by the online environment in comparison with paper-based tasks. The main types of questions were multiple choice (where the students must choose either one or multiple correct answers out of several options presented) and open response (where the correct answer is either a number or an algebraic expression that the student must enter). Depending on the difficulty and the purpose of a question, different numbers of submissions were allowed. The edX platform also allowed for student-based randomization of the numeric data and for embedded “follow-up comments” that became visible once the student either solved the problem correctly or gave up and requested the correct answer. The online environment also allowed for multi-part problems where the student may be asked, in a predeterm



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