
 2021-11-06 07:11


Jean D. Wineman,密歇根大学

John Peponis,佐治亚理工学院






循环模式和观看顺序是至关重要的,博物馆的文化功能在文学中并不新鲜(吉尔曼,1923;莱文,1983;Montaner amp; Oliveras, 1986)。博物馆的功能是在其他随机分布的模式建立一种社区意识(希利尔,佩珀尼斯,amp;辛普森,1982;Peponis amp; Hedin, 1982)。希利尔、汉森和佩珀尼斯(1987)称这种形式为虚拟社区,人们可能不会产生积极的互动。但在某种意义上,它是公共的,人们会被带入到他人的系统意识模式。当游客穿过博物馆和展览空间时,体验是基于展览的内容和顺序展开的展览元素。从这次调查中可以看到,还有一个本身就存在的,就是基于访问和可见性模式的空间话语。


以往研究空间效应的局限性之一,是对访客移动的布局一直缺乏严谨的工具来评价空间构型特征。采用系统的方法对本文进行了综述,报道博物馆环境的整体配置。这些方法主要从空间句法的理论和方法发展而来伦敦大学的希利尔等人(希利尔,1996;Hillier amp; Hanson, 1984;Peponis amp; Wineman, 2002)。



句法分析的空间单位也可以基于可见性多边形或等值线(Benedikt, 1979)。这里使用的术语是可见多边形,从数学意义上说:可见多边形涵盖了所有可能的点通过不被任何中断的可见性线连接到给定的根点边界。当可见多边形,或等值线,绘制在眼睛的水平,他们捕获由可视性构成的视野的客观属性环境问题(吉布森,1979)。当他们在地板上画的时候,它们捕捉环境影响运动的客观特性。在空间句法中,根据交叉点的形式来研究空间布局的可见多边形,使每个位置的描述不仅根据以其自身的属性可见多边形,也可根据多边形的与它与所有其他位置的关系相关的可见阈值在布局。

之前的研究表明,空间组织影响生成以及运动模式在空间中的分布和游客在空间中遇到其他人(计划外的相遇;Grajewski,1993;Hillier amp; Penn, 1991;Peatross amp; Peponis, 1995;佩恩,Desyllas amp;沃恩,1999;Peponis, 1985;Serrato amp; Wineman, 1999)。进入空间也意味着获得信息和思想。空间属性影响我们的培养认知理解的能力,并找到我们内在的道路空间系统(Haq amp; Zimring, 2003;潘,2003;Peponis、Zimring amp;崔,1990;Zimring amp; Dalton, 2003)。


英国自然历史博物馆(British Natural History Museum)的新旧展览表明了:展览布局影响着展示、传播和社会组织。在19世纪80年代,博物馆的设计中,对事物的分类体现了科学的理解。到20世纪80年代,人类生物学厅的设计,知识转移到概念上的理解。显示对象本身并不重要,重要的是它们如何表示抽象概念。学习理论提倡主动的、自我导向的学习,而不是被动的观察者。转换成空间布局,意味着在空间中产生互动的、独立的知识单元,从而允许在展览元素之间选择多种路线和意识。此外,建议这种空间布局影响知识的社会化,而不是“如何”“什么”的参观学习。在人类生物学厅,它代表了20世纪70年代末出现的新原则:路线的多样性选择将游客分成更小的群体,人们通过展品构建自己的路线,而交互式机器则鼓励个人学习。



一些研究强调了空间配置的优势。泰特美术馆的游客运动研究英国(Hillier等,1996;特纳等,2001;特纳amp;以及对美国8个复杂艺术博物馆的研究(Choi, 1999)报告了空间布局对两个游客运动的影响。此外,Choi(1999)指出,在博物馆空间较多的情况下(不论空间大小)和有更多的路线选择,游客的行程更有选择性,个体空间就不那么均匀被参观了。Choi还发现,游客的观看路径多样化具有高度整合的空间布局,易于访问其他空间的作用。总体而言,访客有机会建立自己的行程,但总体上是可访问和可预测的,它们独特的参观路径将覆盖整个博物馆空间。








临时展区本身与相对紧凑的展区有所不同,如大湖科学中心的形状与卡耐基中心的细长形状。少数几个大型的、独立的展览元素,如ZAP cam仿真舱在ZAP展会上展出(标签S,图1a和1c),或者机器人中的篮球机器人手臂展览(标签A1、图1b和图1d)的位置倾向于划分空间同时又作为视觉注意的焦点。在那里个别展品之间有充分的交叉可视性。这种安排允许探索路径的最大选择,因为有相对的移动几乎没有障碍。


图1 两项科学展览在不同环境下的图解图


(1C)卡耐基ZAP科学中心 (1d)智能机器人


ZAP大湖科学中心 大湖科学机器人中心 ZAP科学中心 智能机器人

跟踪的访客数 96 97 103 102

每位访客平均总时间(分钟) 22.7 15.9 21.1 16.6

每位访客平均总停留时间(分钟) 18.8 12.5 17.4 12.8

每位访客平均联系人数 28.26 23.80 32.10 23.11

每个展品的平均接触人数 48.74 44.44 57.71 60.60

每个单独展品的参观者百分比 51% 46% 56% 59%

每位访客的平均参观个数 10.38 6.03 12.51 9.82

同一展品的重复展出次数 31.78 17.63 38.55 36.88


Constructing Spatial Meaning

Spatial Affordances in Museum Design

Jean D. Wineman University of Michigan

John Peponis Georgia Institute of Technology

Informal education in museums is structured through movement in space. This article summarizes a range of research that examines the role of spatial layout in shaping the ways in which visitors explore, engage, and understand museums and museum exhibitions. It is demonstrated that behavior patterns are systematically linked to spatial characteristics of access and visibility. Furthermore, it is suggested that these patterns of access and visibility construct a spatial discourse that flows in its own right, although not entirely separate from the curatorial message.

Keywords: museums; informal education; spatial layout; movement patterns

The unique characteristic of informal education in museums is that the educational message is constructed through movement in space. The ways in which visitors are encouraged to move through an exhibition, whether along a clearly defined path or more freely weaving a self-directed path, will structure the overall impression of the exhibition. Patterns of accessibility through the space of the exhibition, connections or separations among spaces or exhibition elements, sequencing and grouping of elements, form our perceptions and shape our understanding. In contrast to museum environments whose spatial structure clearly constrains and channels movement choices and movement sequences in particular ways, this article focuses on settings that offer visitor choice. In such exhibition space, it is intuitively less clear that layout will have significant effects on the way in which visitors explore and engage exhibition contents. The theoretical and methodological challenge is to examine how exhibition space works when it seemingly imposes few restrictions on behavior. We argue that the form of space, whether in the building layout, the positioning of exhibit elements within that layout, or the structure of the remaining available space, affects exploratory movement, visual contact, and active engagement with exhibit elements. These effects may be much more subtle than the influence of the content or design of the exhibition elements themselves; however, this “probabilistic” pattern of movement in space forms the basis of understanding how visitors perceive exhibitions. Furthermore, it is suggested that these effects can be deliberately controlled and elaborated through a closer examination of the influence of the visual and perceptual properties of an exhibition so that exhibition design is based on a more complete understanding of the effects of space on visitor experience.

In a nutshell, we argue, based on our studies, that patterns of visitorsrsquo; movement do not fall in two polarized categories, either highly constrained and uniformly sequenced, or entirely free and randomly sequenced. There is a third category of movement, involving choices within a spatial structure. We call this spatially guided movement, for want of a better term, and we distinguish it from spatially dictated movement and spatially random movement. We seek to understand how the structure of layouts that present visitors with multiple movement choices makes it more likely that certain spaces, or exhibits, will be visited more than others, or that certain spaces, or exhibits, will be viewed in relatively close succession, irrespective of the particular sequence. This understanding is important because it allows the construction of a hierarchy of messages. Within a context that provides visitors with multiple choices, exhibition designers can convey a larger idea, one that is more primary and more likely to be received, and some set of secondary ideas aimed at elaboration or enhancement of primary messages, whose reception will depend to a larger extent on the interests and paths followed by particular visitors. The tools of analysis that we bring to bear on our project may be useful to museum and exhibition designers because they help us to understand with precision how layout works to encourage spatially guided movement.

The idea that the circulation pattern and viewing sequence are vital to the cultural function of museums is not new in the literature (Gilman, 1923; Levin, 1983; Montaner amp; Oliveras, 1986). In addition to viewing the content of the exhibition, an essential part of the museum visit is coming together with other people (Stephens, 1986). As a by-product of the exploration of museum content, visitors are seeing and being seen by others. Thus, museums function to construct a sense of community arising according to patterns of otherwise random copresence (Hillier, Peponis, amp; Simpson, 1982; Peponis amp; Hedin, 1982). Hillier, Hanson, and Peponis (1987) called this form of community virtual in that the copresence of people may not engender active interaction, yet it is communal in the sense that people are brought into systematic patterns of awareness of others. The awareness of the presence of others as structured through space generates the social character of the museum visit. In the museum, architectural space and the objects and boundaries of space define a field of coawareness and copresence among museum visitors and exhibition elements.

As visitors move through the museum and through its exhibition spaces, experience unfolds based on the content and sequencing of exhibitions and exhibition elements. What becomes clear from this investigation is that there is also a spatial discourse based on patterns of access and visibility that flows in its own right, although not entirely separate from the curatorial message.

Space Syntax Analysis

One of the limitations of previous research exploring the effects of spatial layout on visitor movement patterns has been the lack of rigorous tools for assessing the characteristics of spatial configuration. The st

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