
 2022-08-07 03:08

2020年 2 月10 日Tourists perceived value and satisfaction in a community-based homestay in the Lenggong Valley World Heritage Site

S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh a*, Norziani Dahalan b, Mastura Jaafar a

a School of Housing, Building, and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
b School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Abstract: This paper attempts to examine the effects of perceived value on the satisfaction of tourists staying at a community-based homestay. The setting for this study was the Kampung Beng homestay, located in the newly recognized Lenggong Valley World Heritage Site (WHS) in Malaysia. Perceived value was assessed formatively by way of a multi-dimensional scale which was inclusive of functional, emotional, and social value dimensions. The findings show a strong positive effect for perceived value on the satisfaction of homestay guests. In addition, the results demonstrate the acceptability of perceived value as an integrated construct formed by the dimensions identified. This study makes a significant theoretical and methodological contribution to both the homestay and perceived value literature by assessing perceived value as an integrated formative construct and by examining the overall perceived value of homestay guests on their satisfaction.

Keywords: Integrated perceived value, Homestay program, Satisfaction, High order formative construct, Lenggong Valley WHS

  1. Introduction

Growing at a rate in excess of 4% annually, tourism is expected to account for approximately 9.4% of Gross World Product over the course of the next ten years (World Travel and Tourism Council, 2010). Consequently, new tourism destinations have been established to capitalize on this growing demand for tourism products. In turn, the development of these destinations has the potential to stimulate economic progress in less developed destinations. Therefore, according to Mirbabayev and Shagazatova (2006), tourism is potentially one of the largest and most dynamic industries owing to the opportunities it represents in terms of revenue from external economic sources.

Lenggong Valley, in Malaysia, was awarded WHS status by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in June 2012 due to its rich archeological heritage. Lenggongs fossil records indicate the presence of relatively largescale human settlements as far back as the Paleolithic era. The further discovery of an undisturbed Paleolithic stone tool workshop from this period, the unearthing of the australomelanesoid Perak Man in 1991, and several prehistoric burial sites make Lenggong unique for its sheer wealth of archeological heritage. But such recognition comes with its own pros and cons (Jimura, 2011) as the surrounding communities must now play host to an increasing number of local and international tourists.

Perceived value describes a consumers opinion or mental assessment of the value of a product or service rendered unto them. Several recent studies have elucidated the importance of tourists perceived values regarding their satisfaction with tourism destinations (Bajs, 2015; Cronin, Brady, amp; Hult, 2000; Iglesias amp; Guillen, 2004; Oh, 1999; Ryu, Lee, amp; Kim, 2012; Williams amp; Soutar, 2009). How tourists perceive the value of a tourism destination influences their satisfaction, their decision to revisit the destination, their recommendations to their friends, and leads to more sustainable future development (Bajs, 2015; Moliner, Sanchez, Rodriacute;guez, amp; Callarisa, 2007; Petrick, 2004). Various authors have attempted to understand the origins of tourists perceived values regarding a destination. According to Jamal, Othman, and Muhammad (2011), perceived value is a function of the feelings and attitudes of a tourist in regard to a product or service purchased. Perceived value considers the price of a product or service, and psychological factors, such as the perceived quality and emotional response (Chen amp; Hu, 2010; Petrick, 2002).

Previous studies have assumed tourist perceived value to be a multi-dimensional construct (Bajs, 2015; Lee, Yoon, amp; Lee, 2007; Moliner et al., 2007; Oh, 1999; Petrick, 2004; Petrick amp; Backman, 2001; Ryu et al., 2012). Few studies, however, have considered the reflective or formative nature of these dimensions in establishing overall perceived value (Sanchez-Fernandez amp; Iniesta-Bonillo, 2007). A reflective construct assumes that the items used for measurement are similar and interchangeable, that the items share a common theme and meaning, and the direction of causality is from construct to item (Coltman, Devinney, Midgley, amp; Venaik, 2008). Conversely, in a formative construct, it is the accumulation of indicators that defines the construct. Therefore, the exclusion or inclusion of one or more indicators affects the meaning and content validity of the construct (Coltman et al., 2008). The measurement items in a formative construct are not interchangeable with one another as each indicator represents a distinct aspect of the construct (Fassott amp; Henseler, 2015).

When attempting to assess the effects of multi-dimensional perceived value on post-purchase, satisfaction or behavioral intention, previous studies have tended to examine the direct effect of various dimensions, such as the price of a product or service and psychological factors, on these dependent factors (Bajs, 2015; Lee et al., 2007; Ryu et al., 2012; Williams amp; Soutar, 2009). Moreover, few studies have examined the effects of overall integrated perceived value on these dependent factors. In this study, we developed a multi-dimensional formative scale to measure perceived value as a single integrated construct. Using this scale, we asse



S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh a*, Norziani Dahalan b, Mastura Jaafar a

a马来西亚大学, 住房, 建筑和规划学院, 11800槟城, 马来西亚

b马来西亚大学, 远程教育学院, 11800槟城, 马来西亚




旅游业以每年超过4%的速度增长,预计在未来十年将占世界生产总值的约9.4%(世界旅游和旅游理事会,2010年)。因此,建立了新的旅游目的地,以利用对旅游产品日益增长的需求。反过来,这些目的地的发展有可能刺激较不发达目的地的经济进步。因此,根据Mirbabayev和Shagazatova (2006)的研究,旅游业可能是最大和最具活力的行业之一,因为它代表了从外部经济来源获得收入的机会。

2012年6月,马来西亚冷宫谷因其丰富的考古遗产被联合国教科文组织授予WHS称号。冷贡的化石记录表明,早在旧石器时代就有相对大规模的人类定居点存在。此外,还发现了一处未受干扰的旧石器时代石制工具作坊,1991年发现了澳大利亚霹雳人,以及几个史前遗址,这些都使冷宫因其丰富的考古遗产而显得独一无二。但这种认可也有其利弊(Jimura, 2011),因为周围的社区现在必须接待越来越多的本地和国际游客。

感知价值描述消费者对提供给他们的产品或服务的价值的看法或心理评估。最近的几项研究阐明了游客感知价值对旅游目的地满意度的重要性(Bajs, 2015; Cronin, Brady, amp;Hult, 2000; Iglesias amp; Guillen, 2004; Oh, 1999; Ryu, Lee, amp;Kim, 2012; Williams amp; Soutar, 2009)。游客如何感知旅游目的地的价值,影响他们的满意度,他们重新访问目的地的决定,他们对朋友的建议,并导致更可持续的未来发展(Bajs, 2015; Moliner, Sanchez, Rodriacute;guez, amp; Callarisa, 2007; Petrick , 2004)。许多作者试图了解游客对目的地的感知价值的来源。根据Jamal, Othman, and Muhammad (2011),感知价值是游客对所购买的产品或服务的感受和态度的函数。感知价值考虑产品或服务的价格和心理因素,如感知质量和情绪反应(Chen amp;Hu, 2010; Petrick, 2002)。

以往的研究假设游客感知价值是一个多维度的构念(Bajs, 2015; Lee, Yoon, amp;Lee, 2007; Moliner et al., 2007; Oh, 1999; Petrick, 2004; Petrick amp; Backman, 2001; Ryu et al., 2012)。然而,很少有研究在确定总体感知价值时考虑到这些维度的反射性或形成性(Sanchez-Fernandez amp; Iniesta-Bonillo, 2007)。反思性结构假设用于测量的项目是相似的和可互换的,项目有共同的主题和意义,因果关系的方向是从结构到项目(Coltman, Devinney, Midgley, amp; Venaik, 2008)。相反,在形成性构念中,是指标的累积定义了构念。因此,排除或包含一个或多个指标会影响结构的意义和内容有效性(Coltman et al., 2008)。形成性构念中的测量项目不能相互替换,因为每个指标代表了构念的一个不同方面(Fassott amp;amp; hensel, 2015)。

在试图评估多维感知价值对购后、满意度或行为意向的影响时,以往的研究往往考察产品或服务的价格、心理因素等多个维度对这些依赖因素的直接影响(Bajs, 2015; Lee et al., 2007; Ryu et al, 2012; Williams amp; Soutar, 2009)。此外,很少有研究考察整体综合感知价值对这些依赖因素的影响。在这项研究中,我们开发了一个多维的形成性量表来衡量感知价值作为一个单一的整体结构。利用该量表,我们评估了综合感知价值对游客目的地满意度的影响。我们在马来西亚冷宫谷的民宿中实地测试了这个综合多维度量表。

2. 文献综述


感知价值的概念植根于消费者行为理论,它考虑消费者的感受和态度,以了解他们在竞争环境中对某些产品的购买倾向(Jamal et al., 2011)。感知价值代表了消费者对产品效用的总体评估,它基于消费者对所接受和所给予的感知(Zeithaml, 1988,p.14)。因此,感知价值不仅考虑产品的价格,还考虑影响消费者决定购买特定产品的各种心理因素(Zeithaml, 1988)。

感知价值因产品或服务的类型而异,并在不同的领域以不同的方式衡量(Lee et al., 2007)。传统上,感知价值被认为是产品价格的函数,但近年来,货币价值被认为是感知价值的主要指标(Gallarza amp; Saura, 2006)。物有所值承认消费者行为的价值来识别感知价值(Duman, 2002)。然而,其他心理因素,如质量、情绪反应和声誉,也会影响购买特定产品或服务的决定(Petrick, 2002)。

虽然感知价值在市场营销文献中已经被详细地讨论过,但是这个概念直到最近才进入旅游研究文献(Sanchez, Callarisa, Rodriguez, amp; Molner, 2006)。许多研究考察了感知价值对游客行为的不同方面的影响;如满意度(Bajs, 2015; Iglesias amp; Guillen, 2004; Lee et al., 2007; Petrick amp; Backman, 2001; Ryu, Han, amp; Kim, 2008),购后行为(Moliner et al., 2007; Petrick, 2004);行为意图(Bajs, 2015; Chen amp; Chen, 2010; Ryu et al., 2012; Williams amp; Soutar, 2009),和忠诚 (Gallarza amp; Saura, 2006)。这些研究依赖于多维尺度来衡量不同旅游产品和服务的感知价值。Petrick (2002)开发了一个测量感知价值五个维度的量表;即货币价格、行为价格、情绪反应、质量和声誉。Sweeney和Soutar (2001)开发了一个多维尺度,包括功能(即经济和质量),情感和社会维度。Jamal et al. (2011)也使用多维度量表来考察使用民宿的游客的感知价值。Jamal et al. (2011)开发的量表包括功能维度(即价格和建立),经验(即活动、文化、知识和主客互动),以及情感价值。Sanchez等人(2006)开发了一个类似的量表来评估旅游产品和服务的感知价值。该量表还包括功能维度(即机构、人员、产品/服务和价格)、情感和社会价值。虽然Sanchez et al.(2006)在旅行社的背景下研究了这些维度,但他们也开创了一种形成性的高阶结构来衡量消费者的整体感知价值。这种整合的感知价值建构是形式化地建立起来的,每个维度都代表了感知价值的一个独特特征。这些维度包括功能性(即机构、人员、产品/服务和价格)、情感和社会价值。尽管如此,整个感知价值文献都强调了这一点,即消费者对产品或服务的整体评价是实现的利益和成本之间的权衡(Bajs, 2015; Chen amp; Dubinsky, 2003; Chen amp; Hu, 2010; Lapierre, 2000; Lee et al. 2007; McDougall amp; Levesque, 2000; Zeithaml, 1988)。


本研究旨在探讨游客感知价值对住家满意度的影响。借鉴前人关于游客感知价值影响的研究(Bajs, 2015; Gallarza amp; Saura, 2006; Lee et al., 2007; Oh, 1999; Petrick amp; Backman, 2001),为本研究提出了以下假设:

H1. 住客感知价值对住客满意度有正向影响。

如前所述,感知价值包括收益和成本两部分,正是这两部分之间的相互作用影响了游客对产品或服务的态度和行为。为了表示感知到的利益和成本之间的这种交换,必须将感知到的价值统一为一个集成的单一结构(Sanchez et al., 2006)。因此,本研究在Jamal et al.(2011)和Sanchez et al.(2006)研究的基础上,开发了一个包含功能、情感和社会价值的完整的形成构念。我们将建立、服务、主机提供商(即和价格作为功能价值维度。这些维度是用反映维度质量的指标来评估的,从而使这些一阶反射结构。一阶构念是那些由观察指标(即观察指标为问卷中的问题)(Hair, Hult, Ringle, amp; Sarstedt, 2014)。这些维度的目的是将功能价值作为一种反映性的二阶结构来创造。高阶构念,如二阶、三阶等,其相关指标为低阶构念而非观测指标(Hair et al., 2014)。此外,我们测量了基于两个维度的情感构念,即享乐主义和新颖性,每个维度都包含一个反思的一阶构念(Duman amp; Mattila, 2005)。因此,这两个维度将情感价值确立为二级构念。然而研究表明,这两个维度高度相关,可以互换 (Duman amp; Mattila, 2005)。因此,我们将情感价值发展为一种反思性、反思性的二阶结构。因此,感知价值构成了包括功能价值、情感价值和社会价值在内的第三阶构念。图1为本研究的概念框架。


以社区为基础的民宿是另一种住宿形式,允许游客与选定的家庭呆在一起,与他们互动,体验民宿文化中的日常生活(Jamal et al., 2011)。大多数民宿位于农村或半农村地区,那里对住宿服务的需求可能不值得建造和维修专门的旅馆。但即使在城市地区,民宿也是越来越受欢迎的住宿选择,因为他们提供了一个可行的住宿选择,而不是更昂贵和非个性化的酒店(Agyeiwaah, Akyeampong, amp; Amenumey, 2013)。

在马来西亚,为了增加农村社区对旅游业的参与并促进接待社区的经济发展,开始了民宿计划(Ahmad, Jabeen, amp; Khan, 2014)。目前,全国有159个农村社区参与了民宿计划(Ahmad et al., 2014)。民宿计划在马来西亚第九计划(2006 - 2010年)中通过乡村居民旅游计划和民宿旅游计划(经济计划单位,2006年)强调,使游客能够体验马来西亚乡村的传统生活。

冷公谷位于霹雳州,距离吉隆坡以北约50公里,距离首府怡保90公里。2012年6月30日,联合国教科文组织宣布冷宫谷为西隧。甘榜崩民宿是霹雳州议会注册的八个民宿项目之一,2009年被公认为该州最好的民宿。Kampung Beng占地约9797公顷,由六个小村庄组成:Durian Lubuk、Dusun、Beng Daam、Sekolah、Durau和Batu Ring (Abdul Aziz, Hassan, amp; .)(图2)

甘榜崩位于马来传统村落Mukim Durian Pipit



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